Nyheter – Belgien – Nya podcasts

  • Reel Unfocused is a bi-weekly podcast where hosts Byron, Adam, Shaun and Ryan dive into news, reviews and discussions focused (and occasionally unfocused) around movies, television, Hollywood, streaming and gaming. Join us every other week for the latest buzz, the binge-worthy, and the awful VoD added to streaming.

  • Leuke gezellige afleveringen waarin ik het over van alles en nog wat ga hebben.

  • Le mouvement Présence et Action Culturelles vous propose un nouveau rendez-vous bi-mensuel : Les Jours Heureux.

    ๐Ÿ‘ฅ Des débats, des échanges,
    ๐ŸŒฑ Des alternatives pour construire demain,
    ๐Ÿ“ฃ Des idées pour converger,
    โœŠ Pour lutter ensemble,
    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Vers des Jours Heureux !
    Rendez-vous tous les 15 jours, les jeudi, à 19h !

  • Uw dagelijkse portie Duits-Belgische voetbalcultuur tijdens het Europees kampioenschap voetbal. Een podcast met Thomas Ernst van de Universiteit Antwerpen, professor Duitse letterkunde.

    Meer weten over de opleiding Taal- en Letterkunde aan de Universiteit Antwerpen? Je vindt alle info hier: https://www.uantwerpen.be/nl/studeren/aanbod/alle-opleidingen/taalkunde-letterkunde-studeren/

  • Welcome to BICS Tech in 20, the podcast that brings you the latest transformative news and trends in the world of technology. Presented by BICS, a leading tech company at the forefront of innovation, this podcast will be your new favourite source of technological insights. Whether youโ€™re a tech enthusiast, industry professional, or simply curious about the evolving tech landscape, this podcast is for you. In each episode, we unpack the complexities of current and future technological advancement to share with you how theyโ€™ll impact the future of work.

  • Jack Tech Tips passionate about technology, YouTuber, Geek, Tech Head, Internet Personality!

  • Voyager 1: The Farthest Human-Made Object in Space
    Voyager 1 is a remarkable spacecraft that has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike for over four decades. Launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, as part of the ambitious Voyager program, this robotic explorer has not only revolutionized our understanding of the outer solar system but has also become the first human-made object to venture into interstellar space. Its incredible journey continues to this day, providing valuable scientific data and inspiring future generations of space explorers.
    Mission Objectives and Achievements
    The primary mission of Voyager 1 was to conduct detailed studies of Jupiter and Saturn, their moons, and Saturn's rings. The spacecraft was equipped with a suite of scientific instruments, including cameras, spectrometers, and magnetometers, designed to gather data on the composition, structure, and dynamics of these distant worlds.
    On March 5, 1979, Voyager 1 made its closest approach to Jupiter, coming within 349,000 kilometers (217,000 miles) of the gas giant's cloud tops. During this flyby, the spacecraft captured stunning images of the planet's turbulent atmosphere, including the first detailed observations of the Great Red Spot, a massive, centuries-old storm system. Voyager 1's data revealed the complex structure and dynamics of this iconic feature, providing new insights into Jupiter's atmospheric processes.
    Perhaps one of the most significant discoveries made by Voyager 1 during its Jupiter encounter was the detection of active volcanoes on the moon Io. This finding marked the first time that ongoing geological activity had been observed on another celestial body, challenging prevailing theories about the formation and evolution of planetary systems. The spacecraft also captured images of Jupiter's other large moons, including Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, revealing their diverse surfaces and hinting at the potential for subsurface oceans.
    After its successful Jupiter flyby, Voyager 1 set its sights on Saturn, making its closest approach to the ringed planet on November 12, 1980. During this encounter, the spacecraft uncovered intricate details in Saturn's ring system, identifying new ringlets and gaps, and even observing the effects of gravitational interactions between the rings and nearby moons. Voyager 1 also discovered several new moons orbiting Saturn, adding to the growing list of known satellites in the outer solar system.
    In addition to its planetary science objectives, Voyager 1 also carried out important studies of the interplanetary medium, the space between the planets filled with charged particles and magnetic fields. The spacecraft's measurements of solar wind properties and cosmic ray intensities provided valuable data for understanding the structure and dynamics of the heliosphere, the bubble-like region of space dominated by the Sun's influence.
    Interstellar Journey
    Following its successful encounters with Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 1 began its long journey towards the outer reaches of the solar system. On February 14, 1990, as the spacecraft was departing the planetary realm, it captured one of the most iconic images in the history of space exploration: the "Pale Blue Dot" photograph. This image, taken from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles), shows Earth as a tiny, barely visible speck against the vastness of space, serving as a poignant reminder of our planet's fragility and the immense scale of the universe.
    As Voyager 1 continued its outward journey, it began to encounter the outer boundaries of the heliosphere. On August 25, 2012, the spacecraft officially entered interstellar space, becoming the first human-made object to do so. This milestone was determined by the detection of a sharp increase in plasma density, indicating that Voyager 1 had crossed the heliopause, the boundary where the solar wind gives way to the interstellar medium.
    Since entering interstellar space, Voyager 1 has been providing unprecedented data about the conditions in this uncharted realm. Its instruments have detected the presence of a strong magnetic field, believed to be generated by the interstellar medium itself, as well as a higher density of cosmic rays compared to the heliosphere. These measurements are crucial for understanding the structure and properties of the local interstellar environment and how it interacts with the solar wind.
    Latest News: Voyager 1 Returns NASA's Calls
    In recent months, NASA had been experiencing communication issues with Voyager 1, raising concerns about the spacecraft's health. The problem stemmed from the attitude articulation and control system (AACS), which is responsible for keeping Voyager 1's antenna pointed towards Earth. The AACS had been sending garbled data, making it difficult for mission controllers to determine the spacecraft's orientation and status.
    However, after months of silence, Voyager 1 has finally returned NASA's calls. On August 23, 2023, the spacecraft resumed communication with Earth, much to the relief of the mission team. The cause of the communication anomaly is still under investigation, but engineers suspect it may be related to a degradation in the AACS's electronic components, which have been exposed to the harsh conditions of space for over 45 years.
    Despite the communication issues, Voyager 1 continues to operate and collect scientific data. As of August 2023, the spacecraft is approximately 23.3 billion kilometers (14.5 billion miles) from Earth, making it the most distant human-made object in space. At this incredible distance, radio signals from Voyager 1 take around 21 hours to reach Earth, and commands sent from mission control take just as long to reach the spacecraft.
    Scientific Instruments and Discoveries
    Voyager 1 carries a suite of scientific instruments that have been crucial to its mission success and ongoing exploration of the outer solar system and interstellar space. These instruments include:
    1. Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS): A dual-camera system used to capture high-resolution images of planets, moons, and other celestial objects. 2. Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS): An instrument designed to study the composition and thermal properties of planetary atmospheres and surfaces. 3. Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS): Used to analyze the composition and structure of planetary atmospheres and the interplanetary medium. 4. Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG): Measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields encountered by the spacecraft. 5. Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS): Detects and analyzes plasma waves and low-frequency radio waves in the interplanetary medium and interstellar space. 6. Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS): Studies the composition and energy spectrum of cosmic rays, high-energy particles originating from the Sun and beyond. 7. Plasma Subsystem (PLS): Measures the properties of charged particles, such as density, temperature, and velocity, in the solar wind and interstellar medium.
    These instruments have been used to make numerous groundbreaking discoveries throughout Voyager 1's journey. For example, the IRIS and UVS instruments provided the first evidence of a thin atmosphere around Ganymede, one of Jupiter's largest moons. The MAG and PWS instruments detected intense radio emissions from Jupiter's magnetosphere, revealing the complex interactions between the planet's magnetic field and its moons.
    In the interstellar medium, Voyager 1's instruments have been providing valuable data on the properties of this previously unexplored region. The PWS has detected the presence of electron plasma oscillations, which have been used to determine the density of the interstellar medium. The CRS has measured a significant increase in the flux of high-energy cosmic rays, indicating that Voyager 1 is indeed in a new region of space beyond the influence of the solar wind.
    Golden Record: A Message from Earth
    In addition to its scientific payload, Voyager 1 carries a unique and symbolic item: the Golden Record. This gold-plated copper disc contains a collection of sounds, images, and messages from Earth, carefully selected to represent the diversity of human cultures and the natural world. The contents of the Golden Record include greetings in 55 languages, music from various cultures, photos of people and places on Earth, and even diagrams explaining human biology and the location of our planet in the galaxy.
    The Golden Record serves as a time capsule and a message to any potential extraterrestrial civilizations that may encounter Voyager 1 in the distant future. It is a testament to the human spirit of exploration and our desire to reach out and connect with the cosmos. The inclusion of the Golden Record on Voyager 1 adds a profound cultural and philosophical dimension to the mission, reminding us that space exploration is not just about scientific discovery but also about our place in the universe and our relationship with the unknown.
    Legacy and Future
    Voyager 1's legacy extends far beyond its impressive scientific achievements. The spacecraft has become an icon of human exploration, a symbol of our curiosity and determination to push the boundaries of our knowledge. Its journey has captured the public imagination, inspiring countless books, documentaries, and works of art that celebrate the spirit of adventure and the wonders of the universe.
    As Voyager 1 continues its interstellar trek, it carries with it the hopes and dreams of generations of scientists, engineers, and space enthusiasts. The spacecraft's ongoing mission is a testament to the robustness and durability of its design, as well as the dedication and ingenuity of the team behind it. Even as Voyager 1's power supply gradually diminishes, its scientific instruments are exp

  • In ’Het Verhaal Van’ neemt Summ’it je mee op een boeiende reis door de levens van opmerkelijke figuren uit de Belgische geschiedenis. Deze mensen hebben met hun gedurfde keuzes en onwankelbare vastberadenheid een blijvende stempel gedrukt op onze tijd. Of ze nu triomfeerden of faalden, hun verhalen inspireren en laten zien hoe individuele daden de loop van de geschiedenis kunnen veranderen.

    In het eerste seizoen van ’Het Verhaal Van’ duiken we in het leven van Jo Lernout, die samen met zijn vriend Paul Hauspie het bedrijf L&H oprichtte. We nemen je mee terug in de tijd naar de beginjaren, het succes en het uiteindelijke falen. Wat als L&H wél een blijvend succes was geworden? Hoe zou de wereld er dan hebben uitgezien en, belangrijker nog, wat zou dat betekend hebben voor Vlaanderen?

  • On 7 August 2023, the fatal injury of Michalis Katsouris brought football violence back to the spotlight. On the occasion of this tragic event, we traveled both in space (visiting Zagreb and interviewing the notorious Bad Blue Boys) and time (from the 80s and onwards) talking to lawyers, academics, police officers, football fans and relatives of victims.

    We tried to shed light on the unknown world of ultras in Greece and Europe in general and also to identify focal points and events that have changed a phenomenon that emerged in the 80s, but has become increasingly severe as the years go by.

    Στις 7 Αυγοฯστου 2023, ο θανฮฌσιμος τραυματισμฯŒς του Μιχฮฌλη Κατσοฯρη ฮญφερε το ζฮฎτημα της οπαδικฮฎς βฮฏας και πฮฌλι στο προσκฮฎνιο. Με αφορμฮฎ αυτฯŒ το τραγικฯŒ γεγονฯŒς, ταξιδฮญψαμε τฯŒσο στον χฯŽρο ฯŒσο και στον χρฯŒνο συνομιλฯŽντας με νομικοฯς, ακαδημαฯŠκοฯς, αστυνομικοฯς, οπαδοฯς και συγγενεฮฏς θυμฮฌτων οπαδικฮฎς βฮฏας. Προσπαθฮฎσαμε να φωτฮฏσουμε τον ฮฌγνωστο κฯŒσμο των ultras σε Ελλฮฌδα και ΕυρฯŽπη κι επฮฏσης να εντοπฮฏσουμε κομβικฮฌ σημεฮฏα και γεγονฯŒτα που ฮญχουν αλλฮฌξει ฮญνα φαινฯŒμενο που εμφανฮฏστηκε στα 80s, ฯŒμως ฯŒσο περνοฯν τα χρฯŒνια γฮฏνεται ฯŒλο και βιαιฯŒτερο.

  • Welcome to Corner Three, Fanbyte's basketball podcast. Hosts Kahlief Adams (Spawn on Me), John Warren, and Nicholas Grayson will be in your ears every Friday to talk about the biggest stories, highlights, and conversations around the NBA.

  • In Vandaag Inside Oranje geven Johan Derksen, Wilfred Genee en Renรฉ van der Gijp elke dag hun kijk op het nieuws en het EK. Met wisselende gasten bespreekt het trio de voortgang van Oranje op het EK en de actuele zaken die Nederland die dag bezighouden.

  • Um podcast onde nosso elenco maravilhoso, criado no Amazonas, passará seu ponto de vista sobre temas e assuntos contemporâneos. Talvez seja engraçado pra você.

  • Nicolas Faith Notes (Business Insider)
    Production TCC Enterprises All

  • Inside Legal ESG is a series of podcast interviews and webinars highlighting opportunities, individuals, and the important and challenging work being done in the ESG space today.

    For more information on Inside Legal ESG please email: [email protected]

  • Esiste una grande contraddizione italiana: ci raccontiamo come divisi in tanti campanili, ma siamo molto piรน omogenei di quanto crediamo. Tante storie, una sola Italia. Ogni venerdรฌ, una newsletter e un podcast, con Laura Cappon e Francesco Maselli. Produzione a cura di NightReview. Iscriviti alla newsletter su Campanili.net

  • Join the Irish Examiner politics team for in-depth analysis and thought-provoking discussions on the political landscape, at home and abroad. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Een gezellige podcast over samenleving en politiek, met een radicale insteek. Hoe draait de wereld en kan het ook anders? Wat moeten we daarvoor zeker begrijpen? Elke aflevering zitten Dimitri Neyt en Joeri Van der Sype samen voor een scherp gesprek waar links iets aan heeft. Altijd met een theetje en een koekje, als het kan met een boeiende gast. Input van luisteraars is het hoogste goed. Samen denken we na over een radicaal andere toekomst.

  • À l'approche des élections fédérales du 9 juin 2024, "Promesses tenues ?" vous invite à un examen critique de la scène politique belge.

    Au fil des épisodes, Himad MESSOUDI dresse un bilan des partis francophones aux différents niveaux de pouvoir (fédéral, Wallonie, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles).

    Accords de gouvernement, priorités affichées : il analyse minutieusement les engagements pris et leur concrétisation sur le terrain.

    L’objectif ? Vous offrir un éclairage équilibré et complet, tout en restant conscients des limites inhérentes à l'exercice.

    Quelles promesses se sont confrontées aux réalités des gouvernements des entités fédérées de la Vivaldi ?

    Existe-t-il des nuances au sein d'une même formation politique ? Les ministres et secrétaires d’État ont-ils tenu leurs promesses ?

    Himad fait le bilan des mandats ministériels de Georges Gilkinet, Zakia Khattabi, Sarah Schlitz, Tinne Vander Straeten, Willy Borsus, Valérie De Bue, Adrien Dolimont, Frédéric Daerden, Caroline Désir, Bernard Clerfayt, David Clarinval, Hadja Lahbib, Sophie Wilmès, Mathieu Michel, Bénédicte Linard, Elio Di Rupo, Christie Morreale, Christophe Colignon, Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Rudi Vervoort, Nawal Ben Hamou, Philippe Henry, Céline Tellier, Pierre-Yves Jeholet, Françoise Bertiaux, Alain Maron, Barbara Trachte, Elke Van Den Brandt, Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Karine Lalieux, Thomas Dermine et Alexander De Croo.

  • Bienvenue dans le podcast “Bientôt le Neuf”, une initiative citoyenne belge portée par Maxime, Emilie et Thomas, trois amis engagés vivant en Flandres, à Bruxelles et en Wallonie.

    À l’approche des élections fédérales, régionales et européennes en Belgique, nous souhaitons encourager le dialogue et la réflexion sur des thèmes essentiels : l’amour, l’équité, la paix, la vie et l’espoir.

    Nous avons interviewé six femmes politiques des principaux partis francophones, leur accordant trois minutes par thème pour exposer leurs idées. Découvrez les perspectives de Delphine Chabbert (PS), Joelle Maison (DéFI), Rajae Maouane (Ecolo), Valérie Glatigny (MR), Françoise de Smedt (PTB) et Marie Jacqmin (Les Engagés).

    Avec l’expertise d’Audrey Vandeleene, politologue à l’ULB, nous apportons une perspective éclairée aux discussions. Ce podcast citoyen vise à vous faire réfléchir, agir et réagir avant les élections du 9 juin en Belgique.

    Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions authentiques et transparentes qui donnent la parole aux citoyens et enrichissent le débat démocratique.

    #élections #élections2024 #belgique #démocratie #citoyen #amour #équité #paix #vie #espoir
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.