Nyheter – Italien – Nya podcasts

  • AI Chat è il podcast in cui ci immergiamo nel mondo di ChatGPT, notizie all'avanguardia sull'intelligenza artificiale e il suo impatto sulla nostra vita quotidiana. Con discussioni approfondite e interviste con i principali esperti del settore, esploreremo gli ultimi progressi nei modelli linguistici, nell'apprendimento automatico e altro ancora.

    Dalle sue applicazioni pratiche alle considerazioni etiche, AI Chat ti manterrà informato e divertito sugli entusiasmanti sviluppi nel mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale. Sintonizzati per rimanere al passo con l'ultima rivoluzione tecnologica.

  • Notizie ed aggiornamenti nel settore Scambio Termico (FAQ, applicazioni, Tips&Tricks) da una voce indipendente Heat Transfer Specialist nel settore da oltre 25 anni

  • Nel mondo digitale c'è sempre troppo digitale...

    parafrasando una citazione di Debussy iniziamo a intervistare persone, ascoltare pensieri, definire nuove idee e progetti.

    Io sono Cristian Tava e accompagno i miei ospiti in un viaggio di esplorazione per farmi raccontare con che occhi stanno guardando il mondo attuale e quello futuro.

    Paure e sogni, desideri e incertezze di un domani che è già presente.
    Sognamo un mondo digitale e aspettiamo un mondo analogico... in bilico tra questi due pensieri cerco di raccontarvi cosa succede intorno a noi e lo faccio con un po' di cinismo e realismo.

    Questa è Radio Coffee Bytes

  • Benvenuti nel podcast ufficiale di Italtel, dove l’innovazione tecnologica prende vita.
    Qui troverete contenuti esclusivi sui temi più attuali in ambito tecnologico, con approfondimenti e discussioni coinvolgenti.
    Ospiteremo esperti del settore, partner di rilievo e ospiti speciali, per offrirvi una panoramica completa e autorevole sulle ultime tendenze e soluzioni innovative.
    Unitevi a noi su Italtel Tech Talks per rimanere aggiornati e ispirati dalla tecnologia di domani!

  • “Riottoso” è il nuovo podcast di Gianni Riotta, giornalista e direttore della Scuola di giornalismo della Luiss, in collaborazione con il centro di ricerca Data Lab. In questo podcast, Riotta ci porta direttamente negli Stati Uniti per raccontarci tutto ciò che accade in vista delle elezioni presidenziali del 2024.

    Riottoso è un podcast di Gianni Riotta, prodotto dal centro di ricerca Luiss Data Lab.
    Da una idea di Gianni Riotta, supporto redazionale di Michelangelo Gennaro e Laura Pace.
    Sound Design e post produzione di Laura Pace.

  • A stormy evening in January 2022 begins as an innocent night out for drinks with friends for a local couple in Canton, Massachusetts. But by daybreak, Boston police officer John O’Keefe turns up under six feet of snow and his girlfriend, Karen Read, is immediately suspected of striking him with her SUV - leaving him for dead. 

    As the investigation into John’s curious death unfurls, rumors of a police cover-up captivate the town of Canton and beyond. Is Karen Read being framed? This question soon begs answers from onlookers far and wide as Karen’s ten week trial is catapulted into the national spotlight.  

    Law and Crime presents the most in-depth analysis to date of this sensational case – exploring the divisive theories and more by taking you behind the scenes of both the trial of Karen Read and the investigation into John O'Keefe's mysterious death in KAREN.

    Listen to episodes of KAREN exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial today by visiting https://wondery.com/links/karen/

  • Lo “storico da bar” Guido Damini e Gianluca Galimberti, sindaco di Cremona per dieci anni, come fece Niccolò Macchiavelli nel Principe, discutono di quel nobile e difficile mestiere che accompagna l’umanità, della Politica e dei suoi princìpi. Si rivolgono in particolare a giovani idealisti che vogliono fare del servizio alla comunità la loro ragione di vita. Una doccia di realpolitik per appassionati di Cremona e di politica, di cui non sapevate di aver bisogno.
    Prìncipi…o princìpi è un podcast di Gianluca Galimberti, scritto con Guido Damini. Curato da Trace, con art direction and sound design Dueper Studio, produzione e regia Pro Cremona.

    Editor: Gianluca GalimbertiContents: Gianluca Galimberti e Guido Damini
    Concept e comunicazione: Trace
    Ari direction e sound designer: Dueper Studio
    Produzione e regia: Pro Cremona
    Podcast registrato presso La Bottega Drink&Restaurant di Cremona

  • Expat Talks, il podcast di Jacopo Pezzan per condividere le storie, le opinioni e le conoscenze degli italiani che vivono all’estero.
    Non chiamateli “cervelli in fuga” perché la cosiddetta fuga dei cervelli è solo uno slogan giornalistico. I nostri expat sono persone che vivono o che hanno vissuto a lungo in un Paese diverso da quello in cui sono cresciuti, maturando esperienze che devono diventare un patrimonio condiviso.
    Expat Talks è un podcast di LA CASE Books realizzato in collaborazione con TeR - Tolleranza e Rispetto.

  • a podcast interviewer that high-key sucks, but sucks slightly less every episode!

  • Casa Pagani è il nuovo vodcast che ti porta direttamente nel salotto di casa di Ludovica Pagani.

    In ogni episodio, Ludovica accoglie ospiti eclettici provenienti dal mondo dello spettacolo, della musica e dello sport, creando un’atmosfera accogliente e informale.

  • Thomas William Selleck: From Detroit Dreamer to Hollywood Icon Thomas William Selleck, born in Detroit, Michigan in 1945, is an American actor whose career has defied trends and captivated audiences for over five decades. He's best known for his portrayal of the charismatic private investigator Thomas Magnum in the 1980s television series "Magnum, P.I.," a role that cemented him as a pop culture icon and heartthrob. However, Selleck's journey to Hollywood stardom is a fascinating tale that transcends the typical rags-to-riches narrative. It's a story of athletic dreams redirected, unexpected opportunities seized, and unwavering dedication to a craft discovered later in life. Early Life and Basketball Dreams (1945-1967): Selleck's formative years in Detroit were steeped in family and a burgeoning passion for athletics. He excelled in basketball throughout his school years, showcasing a natural talent and a competitive spirit. This dedication to the sport earned him a coveted scholarship to the University of Southern California. With dreams of a professional basketball career dancing in his head, Selleck embarked on his college journey, seemingly destined for the hardwood court. A Model Start and a Shift in Focus (1967-1970s): Fate, however, had other plans for the young athlete. While attending USC, Selleck's striking features and commanding presence caught the eye of a talent agent. Modeling opportunities arose, and Selleck found himself gracing the pages of magazines and appearing in commercials. This foray into the world of modeling planted a seed, sparking an interest in performance and storytelling that would eventually blossom into a full-blown acting career. The Vietnam War draft forced Selleck to confront the uncertainties of life and re-evaluate his path. Choosing service over the pursuit of athletic glory, he joined the California National Guard, serving his country from 1967 to 1973. The experience instilled in him a sense of discipline and responsibility that would translate well into the demanding world of acting. Upon discharge, Selleck returned to Los Angeles, a city brimming with both opportunity and challenge. He made the bold decision to pursue acting full-time, a career shift that required immense dedication and a willingness to learn. He enrolled in acting classes, honing his raw talent and developing the tools necessary to navigate the competitive world of Hollywood. His first television role, a brief appearance on an episode of "The Dating Game" in 1967, marked the beginning of a long and fruitful journey. Small parts followed, including appearances in popular shows like "The Rockford Files" and "Charlie's Angels." These early roles provided valuable experience, allowing Selleck to refine his craft and showcase his versatility. Television Breakthrough and Magnum Mania (1980s): Selleck's career trajectory took a significant leap forward in 1980 when he landed the lead role in "Magnum, P.I." The show, set against the sun-drenched backdrop of Hawaii, became an instant cultural phenomenon. Selleck embodied the character of Thomas Magnum – a charming yet cynical private investigator – with effortless charisma and a touch of comedic timing. His signature mustache and laid-back Hawaiian shirt attire became instantly recognizable, catapulting Selleck to superstardom. "Magnum, P.I." ran for eight successful seasons, captivating audiences worldwide and solidifying Selleck's status as a television icon. His portrayal of Magnum wasn't just about action and adventure; it resonated with viewers because it showcased a complex character with a relatable blend of charm, vulnerability, and a strong sense of justice. Beyond Magnum: Exploring Film and Returning to Television (1990s-Present): While "Magnum, P.I." made Selleck a household name, he never allowed himself to be typecast. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, he actively pursued film roles, demonstrating his desire to explore diverse characters and genres. He starred in movies like "Mr. Baseball," a heartwarming comedy about a washed-up baseball player attempting a comeback, and "Quigley Down Under," a thrilling western adventure set in the Australian outback. These films showcased Selleck's versatility beyond the action-adventure genre, proving his ability to carry a film with both dramatic weight and comedic flair. However, television remained Selleck's forte. He understood the power of the small screen to connect with audiences on a deeper level and tell compelling stories over multiple seasons. In 2005, he returned to television with the successful police drama "Close to Home." The show, which ran for two seasons, allowed Selleck to portray Deputy Chief Jack Killian, a complex character grappling with both personal and ...professional challenges. While "Close to Home" didn't achieve the same level of cultural impact as "Magnum, P.I.," it solidified Selleck's enduring appeal and showcased his ability to connect with a new generation of viewers. Finding Success in "Blue Bloods" and Beyond (2010s-Present): In 2010, Selleck landed the role of Frank Reagan, the patriarch of a multi-generational family of New York City police officers, in the CBS drama "Blue Bloods." The show resonated with audiences, offering a compelling blend of family dynamics, high-stakes police work, and moral dilemmas. Selleck's portrayal of Frank Reagan, a tough-yet-principled police commissioner grappling with the complexities of modern law enforcement, has been widely praised by critics and fans alike. "Blue Bloods" is now in its 14th season, solidifying its place as one of the longest-running network television dramas on air. Selleck's continued success on the show is a testament to his enduring popularity and his ability to portray characters who are both relatable and inspiring. A Legacy of Entertainment and Enduring Appeal: Tom Selleck's career is a masterclass in perseverance and adaptability. He has navigated the ever-changing landscape of Hollywood with grace and professionalism, consistently delivering captivating performances that resonate with audiences. From his early days as a model to his iconic television portrayals, he has captivated audiences with his charm, talent, and undeniable screen presence. Beyond acting, Selleck's down-to-earth personality and strong values have earned him the respect of fans and colleagues alike. He has consciously avoided the Hollywood limelight, choosing instead to prioritize his family life on his California ranch. This balance between career success and personal fulfillment has only added to his appeal. As Tom Selleck continues to work, both on "Blue Bloods" and in potential future projects, his legacy as a Hollywood icon is firmly cemented. He has left behind a lasting body of work that entertains, inspires, and reminds us of the power of perseverance and dedication. His story is an inspiration to aspiring actors and a reminder that success can be found by staying true to oneself and embracing the unexpected turns life throws your way. Thanks for listening -remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts

  • Shark Week, an annual event dedicated to these fascinating apex predators, has become a cultural phenomenon since its inception. Launched by the Discovery Channel in July 1988, Shark Week was designed to demystify sharks and address common misconceptions, showcasing their importance in marine ecosystems. Over the decades, it has grown into one of the most anticipated television events of the summer, combining education with entertainment to captivate audiences worldwide. The inaugural Shark Week in 1988 was a modest affair, featuring just a handful of documentaries and specials. Yet, it struck a chord with viewers, drawing attention to the often misunderstood and vilified creatures of the deep. Early episodes focused on shark behavior, biology, and the conservation efforts necessary to protect them from human threats. The blend of scientific insight and thrilling underwater footage helped lay the foundation for what would become a yearly tradition. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Shark Week's popularity soared. The introduction of high-definition cameras and advances in marine technology allowed for unprecedented footage of sharks in their natural habitats. Shows like "Air Jaws," which captured great white sharks breaching the water's surface in pursuit of prey, became iconic. Celebrities and shark experts began to host specials, adding a layer of star power to the already compelling content. A core mission of Shark Week has always been education. The series has significantly contributed to public awareness about shark conservation. By highlighting the critical role sharks play in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems, Shark Week has helped shift public perception. Instead of viewing sharks solely as fearsome predators, audiences have come to understand their importance in the ocean's food web and the threats they face from overfishing and habitat loss. As technology advanced, so did the ability to study and film sharks. The use of drones, submersibles, and satellite tracking provided new insights into shark behavior and migration patterns. Shark Week specials often feature groundbreaking research and discoveries, from the deep-sea habitats of rare shark species to the social behaviors of known ones. These technological advancements have not only enhanced the viewing experience but also contributed valuable data to the scientific community. This year, Shark Week, starting on July 7, 2024, and hosted by John Cena, promises a thrilling lineup of new content. One of the highlights is the return of "Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier," featuring marine biologist Dr. Austin Gallagher and cameraman Kina Scollay as they create the largest shark feeding frenzy ever recorded. Another anticipated show is "Monster Hammerheads: Species X," which explores the possibility of a new hammerhead shark species. Other exciting specials include "Jaws vs Leviathan," delving into the ancient rivalry between sharks and whales, and "Makozilla," investigating a massive predator terrorizing the California coast. These programs not only provide edge-of-the-seat entertainment but also shed light on the latest research and discoveries in marine science【66†source】.
    Over the years, Shark Week has transcended its origins to become a global phenomenon. It is broadcast in over 70 countries, making it a truly international event. The series has inspired countless shark-related documentaries, books, and even merchandise. Its impact on popular culture is evident, with references appearing in movies, TV shows, and social media.The success of Shark Week has also led to the creation of similar themed weeks, such as National Geographic's SharkFest. These events further amplify the message of shark conservation and education, reaching even wider audiences. Despite the awareness raised by Shark Week, sharks continue to face significant threats. Overfishing, bycatch, and the shark fin trade have led to dramatic declines in shark populations worldwide. Conservation efforts are critical to ensuring the survival of these apex predators. Shark Week has played a pivotal role in supporting these efforts by partnering with marine biologists, conservation organizations, and advocacy groups. Programs often emphasize the importance of marine protected areas, sustainable fishing practices, and international cooperation in shark conservation. By showcasing success stories and ongoing challenges, Shark Week inspires viewers to take action and support conservation initiatives. As Shark Week looks to the future, its mission remains clear: to educate, entertain, and inspire. The integration of new technologies, such as virtual reality and interactive experiences, promises to take the series to new heights. Additionally, expanding collaborations with scientists and conservationists will ensure that Shark Week continues to contribute valuable knowledge to the field of marine biology. In an era of environmental uncertainty, Shark Week serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world. It underscores the need for collective action to protect our planet's oceans and the incredible creatures that inhabit them. One of the driving forces behind the enduring popularity of Shark Week is the continuous incorporation of cutting-edge technology. High-definition cameras, drone footage, and underwater submersibles have revolutionized the way we see and understand sharks. These technologies allow viewers to get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures, witnessing their behavior in ways that were previously impossible. For instance, the use of satellite tagging has provided unprecedented insights into shark migration patterns. By tracking the movements of individual sharks, scientists have discovered previously unknown migration routes and breeding grounds. This information is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies, as it helps identify critical habitats that need protection. Drones have also played a significant role in Shark Week's success. They allow filmmakers to capture aerial footage of sharks in shallow waters, providing a bird's-eye view of their hunting and social behaviors. This perspective has not only enhanced the visual appeal of Shark Week but also contributed to our understanding of shark ecology.
    Shark Week has not only entertained millions but has also significantly contributed to shark research and conservation. The program has funded numerous scientific studies, helping researchers uncover new information about shark behavior, physiology, and ecology. This research is vital for developing effective conservation strategies and ensuring the survival of these apex predators. One of the notable contributions of Shark Week is its role in debunking myths and misconceptions about sharks. For decades, sharks have been portrayed as mindless killing machines, instilling fear and misunderstanding in the public. Shark Week has worked to change this narrative by showcasing the true nature of these animals. Viewers learn about the critical role sharks play in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems and the threats they face from human activities. Shark Week's appeal extends beyond scientific and educational content; it has also become a platform for community and celebrity involvement. Over the years, numerous celebrities have hosted Shark Week specials, bringing their star power to the cause of shark conservation. These celebrity hosts, ranging from actors to athletes, help draw attention to the importance of protecting sharks and their habitats. Additionally, Shark Week has partnered with various organizations and initiatives to promote shark conservation. Events such as beach clean-ups, educational programs, and fundraising campaigns are often organized in conjunction with Shark Week, engaging the community and encouraging active participation in conservation efforts. In the digital age, Shark Week has leveraged social media to engage viewers and expand its reach. Hashtags like #SharkWeek trend globally, with fans sharing their favorite moments, discussing new discoveries, and participating in online challenges. This online presence helps keep the conversation about shark conservation alive year-round, fostering a global community of shark enthusiasts and conservation advocates. Interactive content, such as live Q&A sessions with marine biologists and virtual reality shark dives, has further enhanced viewer engagement. These experiences allow fans to interact with experts, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the subjects presented during Shark Week. This level of interaction helps bridge the gap between scientists and the public, making shark research more accessible and relatable. Shark Week's influence extends beyond the screen, with a wide range of merchandise available for fans. From clothing and accessories to educational toys and books, Shark Week-themed products are popular among viewers of all ages. A portion of the proceeds from these sales often goes towards funding shark research and conservation projects, allowing fans to contribute to the cause while celebrating their love for sharks. Fundraising efforts are also a significant aspect of Shark Week's impact. Partnerships with non-profit organizations and conservation groups help raise money for critical research and protection initiatives. These collaborations ensure that Shark Week's legacy continues to support the conservation of sharks long after the broadcasts end.

    As Shark Week continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and audience interests, its core mission remains unchanged: to educate, entertain, and inspire. The legacy of Shark Week is one of increased awareness, scientific discovery, and a deeper appreciation for one of the ocean's most misunderstood creatures. By combining thrilling footage with educational content, Shark Week has transformed the way we view sharks and underscored

  • “Come una marea” è il podcast di Radio 24 che ricostruisce le 87 ore di TSO di Franco Mastrogiovanni, un maestro elementare di 58 anni ricoverato presso l’ospedale San Luca di Vallo della Lucania, in provincia di Salerno, il 31 luglio 2009. 87 ore in cui è stato legato mani e piedi e non ha potuto muoversi, mangiare o lavarsi. 87 ore che lo hanno portato a una morte lenta e terribile, che lo ha portato via, come una marea.

    “Come una marea” è stato scritto da Francesca Zanni ed Enrico Bergianti. Voce narrante di Francesca Zanni. Musiche originali di Francesco Imbriaco. Montaggio di Carmelo Lauricella, Anna Riva e Carlo Salvatore. Producer Riccardo Poli. Responsabile di produzione Guido Scotti. Coordinamento editoriale Alessandra Scaglioni.

    Intervengono: Grazia Serra, l’avvocato Michele Capano, Caterina Mastrogiovanni, l’avvocata Caterina Mastrogiovanni, Giuseppe Galzerano, Mariema Faye, Riccardo Noury, Valentina Calderone, Costanza Quatriglio, Luca Telese, Giovanna Del Giudice.

    Si ringraziano Grazia Serra, Michele Capano, Caterina Mastrogiovanni e Donato D’Aiuto per il prezioso materiale e la costante e continua disponibilità. Si ringraziano Radio Radicale, Telecolore, DocLab per il documentario 87 ore di Costanza Quatriglio. "L'intervista a Franco Basaglia è tratta dal film "I poveri sono matti" di Maurizio Rotundi conservato all'interno del Fondo Unitelefilm dell'Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico".

  • "Però mi vuole bene" è il programma radiofonico a cura delle Ribellule Isteriche (Pina Cotroneo, Rosaria De Matteis, Titti De Simone, Olga Diasparro, Lea Durante, Annarita Lupoli, Rosy Paparella, Rosanna Santoro)
    Noi Ribellule, volutamente isteriche, principianti nel settore radiofonico e provenienti da diversi ambiti, abbiamo pensato di realizzare un programma, con il vostro contributo, per creare quel ponte di solidarietà, sorellanza e lealtà che fra NOI donne non sempre esiste.
    Vogliamo imparare a costruire il NOI insieme a VOI per ripensare, in modalità collettiva, ad una autentica percezione e rappresentazione di NOI donne.
    Musica, Ironia, Approfondimenti sono gli elementi fondamentali della nostra trasmissione.

  • Cominciamo dai numeri. Il primo da tenere a mente è facile: una su tre. Tante sono le donne che subiscono una qualche forma di violenza. Senza nessuna regione, per il solo fatto di essere nate femmine. Poi ci sono le facce. Quelle che finiscono sul giornale, nelle pagine della cronaca o nei programmi di storie criminali. E infine le storie: tutte diverse ma tutte uguali. Lei che denuncia i soprusi e tenta di ricostruirsi una vita, lui che si sente privato di una cosa che considerava sua, e perde la testa. Piccoli uomini incapaci di gestire donne che non sanno più tacere. Che a un certo punto, dopo aver incassato e sopportato in silenzio mani che frugano, sguardi che trapassano, leggi e consuetudini che incatenano, decidono alla fine di parlare. E lo fanno sulle pagine del nostro magazine e in questi tre podcast che Donna Moderna lancia in occasione della Giornata Internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne.


  • A look at the twists and turns in the case of the presumed murder of Ana Walshe, a mother of three from Cohasset, Massachusetts, allegedly at the hands of her husband. Drawing on NBC10 Boston’s extensive reporting, including jaw-dropping moments that have gone viral and reporters’ recollections, we'll bring you inside the unfolding case and understand what's at stake.

  • Host Natalie Cook, Olympic gold medalist and five-time Olympian, shares the inspiring and untold stories of athletes who face financial obstacles in their pursuit of becoming Olympian's and Paralympian’s. 
    Discover the sacrifices, challenges, and unwavering determination behind their pursuit of greatness. 
    Be inspired by their resilience and determination to turn their dreams into reality.

  • [English audio]

    On June 14, 2023, a fishing trawler carrying 750 people sank near Pylos, marking one of the deadliest shipwrecks in the Mediterranean.

    iMEdD's new audio documentary, Pylos: A Υear Οn, produced in collaboration with the independent investigative journalism organization Solomon and journalist Lydia Emmanouilidou, explores the trial of nine survivors accused of smuggling and tracks key developments and the fates of the survivors a year after the disaster.

    Available in both English and Greek.

    Discover more iMEdD podcasts at podcast.imedd.org.

    [Greek audio]

    Στις 14 Ιουνίου 2023, ένα αλιευτικό σκάφος που μετέφερε 750 άτομα βυθίστηκε κοντά στην Πύλο, σηματοδοτώντας ένα από τα πιο θανατηφόρα ναυάγια στη Μεσόγειο.

    Το νέο ηχητικό ντοκιμαντέρ του iMEdD, Πύλος: Ένας χρόνος μετά, που δημιουργήθηκε σε συνεργασία με τoν ανεξάρτητο ερευνητικό δημοσιογραφικό οργανισμό Solomon και τη δημοσιογράφο Λυδία Εμμανουηλίδου, διερευνά τη δίκη εννέα επιζώντων που κατηγορούνται για διακίνηση και παρακολουθεί τις βασικές εξελίξεις και τις τύχες των επιζώντων ένα χρόνο μετά την καταστροφή.

    Διαθέσιμο στα αγγλικά και στα ελληνικά.

    Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα podcasts του iMEdD στο podcast.imedd.org.

  • Ascolta tutti i podcast del blog WhatsTech. Ogni puntata parla di un'applicazione, una recensione, o di news dal mondo della tecnologia.

  • Первый развлекательный подкаст об архитектуре. Поднимаемся из рабочего проектирования, сжигаем миф о том, что архитектура это серьезно и сложно, переворачиваем все вверх дном.

    Ведущие: Александр Хавов(Архитектор), Константин Путинцев (Архитектор), Василий Горохов (Архитектор).

    Следить за нашими новостями можно тут.

    TG: https://t.me/steklobeton