Religion & Andlighet – Polen – Nya podcasts
The complete collection of Torah reading recordings from Rabbi Michael Slavin
שיחות קודש
Wierzymy, że ten podcast pomoże Ci odkryć, że Bóg nie jest daleko, lecz blisko Ciebie. On nie jest nudny, a fascynujący! Życie z nim staje się wielką przygodą, którą gdy odkryjesz nie będziesz chciał zastąpić niczym innym. Dasz szansę takiemu doświadczeniu?
In this podcast series, we delve into the grandeur and magnificence of the Kumbh Mela, one of the largest religious gatherings on the planet. Join us as we explore the significance and importance of this extraordinary event in the context of Indian culture and heritage.
A l'école de la vie...
J'ai vu, entendu, goûté, senti et ressenti...
A l'école de la vie, j'ai appris de petites et de grandes choses que j'aimerais partager... -
The Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Auburn, Alabama, is a faith community with shared values: love, equity, justice, pluralism, interdependence, generosity, and transformation. We believe each person has the right to seek spiritual truth and develop a personal theology. Our members come from all religious and non-religious beliefs. Our podcast features homilies and programs from our Sunday services and conversations we think you'll find interesting.
This episode is of the Story of Noah (PBUH). It is a brief story and is described in simple words. This episode is family-friendly and everyone can listen and enjoy it.
الموسوعة الحديثة لتلاوات الشيخ المنشاوى-التلاوات الاذاعية المتفرقة
يمكنكم التواصل على هذة الصفحة للاقتراحات
يمكنكم التواصل على هذا الايميل للاقتراحات
[email protected] -
Darlene Van de Grift and K. Melissa Waterman discuss the dynamics of being multidimensional. How to gain access to Multidimensional parts of ourselves and in the cosmos. The relativity to us in the present time. Managing our lives by understanding multidimensionality. Come explore and expand with us!
My name is Josh King and I am your host! Each episode of The Grave seeks to give listeners a different perspective of the paranormal. We begin each installment discussing the experiences a guest of mine has had over the course of their lives. And from there, we delve into how their spiritual outlook has shaped not only those experiences but their current views on the paranormal.
Journaling the Experience of Meditation. On my 30th year in this planet, I realized that all my life is just a practice. I see that I can only practice ever so more than the performance, which is again, a practice in disguise.
Keywords: Out of Body Exploration, Out Of Body Experience, OBE, Astral Projection, Meditation, Phenomenon of Mind, Tantra. -
A space where we get real.
Your host, Alicìa, shares personal insight and experiences to encourage others to fully embrace all aspects of themselves.
✨This is a guide for self-love, self-discovery, healing, growth, spirituality, and even sexuality.
🤍Connect on IG @a_chesser3 -
Enter a realm of gentle whispers with "ASMR Dreamland - Gentle Whispering for Sleep." This podcast is designed to help you relax and fall asleep with softly spoken words and delicate sounds. Perfect for ASMR enthusiasts, the gentle whispering will guide you into a serene dreamland, ensuring a night of restful sleep.
Dobrystan to miejsce odnajdywania radości, szczęścia i spokoju. To przestrzeń, w której uczymy się, jak dobrze żyć budując bliską relację ze sobą. Poszukuję tej wewnętrznej jakości w ciele i duchu, rozmawiam z mądrymi ludźmi i odkrywam inspirujące historie kobiet w cyklu Kobiety Rakiety. Każdy odcinek to dawka motywacji i pokrzepienia – dla serca, umysłu i duszy.
W moim podcaście znajdziesz połączenie psychologii, życiowych wskazówek oraz tematów związanych ze zdrowiem psychicznym i fizycznym. Dzielę się swoimi doświadczeniami i odkryciami, by wspólnie odnaleźć to, co w życiu najcenniejsze. -
A podcast about the rejected, repressed, wounds, fears, death and darkness. Hosted by Nicole Burron
We all have a story to tell and share. And with every story told. Someone within this universe will be able to relate based on similarities. Finding my purpose and living a (SPIRITUAL LIFE) is what I’ve been thriving for regarding my own self. And as a (CHOSEN) lightworker. I have a spiritual contract that I must fulfill on behalf of God! But let’s keep it 100! There’s been some trying times regarding reaching that goal of spirituality. And drug addiction, prostitution, now knowing oneself, insecurities, fear and low vibrations, all played a HUGE role in regard to (BLOCKAGE), when it really comes down to why I haven’t accomplished my spiritual goals. And, many may or may not agree, that human influences also play a huge role in regard to a person’s spiritual quest. And I’ve been on this earth forty seven years now. And I’ve definitely had my fair share of relationships regarding humans enough to know that. I really don’t want those types of relationships in my life anymore! No and yes, I do and don’t have a problem with humans. But I’ve learned over the years. When I put humans on the back burner, ”FOR WHATEVER REASON THAT I DO!” My life tends to align alongside with the universe, and I find myself to be much more happier when it’s just myself and the spiritual realm together. And yes, this can become a very lonely life, ”ONLY IF YOU ALLOW IT TO BE”, for most. But with so many failed human experiences. I’m over learning about humans and desperately seek to learn about my spiritual team! So in a nutshell. This podcast is for we (BELIEVERS), and those whom think alike! Believers in what? Popping shrooms and conversing with nature and animals! Connecting with the ancestors and spiritual guides. Believers in fairies, dragons, unicorns, angels, God and the devil! Believers in magic. ”AS I TYPE THIS. THE TIME IS 11:11 PM! SEE!” Believers in spirit animals and other dimensions! You’re my people and we need to connect! Believers whom trust their intuition and suspensions. Believers whom believe in the dead and that they still exist on other levels! I want to hear your near death experiences! I want all of this for my podcast and more! I have all sorts of ideas for my platform. But if I foreshadow too much. They’ll be no surprises in the end and it’ll give others the chance to take my ideas. And I definitely don’t want that! So join, stick around and help me raise the vibrations of this world in hopes for a better place!
Spirytyzm, okultyzm, jasnowidzenie i inne zjawiska nadprzyrodzone w ujęciu historycznym. Opowieści z dreszczykiem, ale całkiem na serio.
This is our weekly sermon series at Gloucester Presbyterian. Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm.
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Zapraszamy na codzienny komentarz Piotra Setkowicza.
„Całe Pismo przez Boga jest natchnione i pożyteczne do nauki, do wykrywania błędów, do poprawy, do wychowywania w sprawiedliwości, Aby człowiek Boży był doskonały, do wszelkiego dobrego dzieła przygotowany.” - 2Tym. 3:16-17 - Visa fler