Religion & Andlighet – Tjeckien – Nya podcasts
Každou neděli záznam slova z bohoslužby AC Zlín. @aczlin
Shepherd Press Podcast seeks to provide Gospel-driven, heart-focused, life-changing discussions every week. Join us as we explore how the Gospel transforms every area of our lives, our relationship with God, and others. In each episode, our authors will offer a wealth of wisdom and compassion, equipping us to practice and delight in the truths of the Gospel.
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Follow us on Facebook: @ShepherdPress
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We are a Podcast that breaks down The Bible book by book, verse by verse, so everyone can understand and gain knowledge! Whether you're new to the Faith or a seasoned believer! Join us as we level up our Faith together! If you can share this with your friends and family it would help us out a great deal! God Bless!
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Kázání a rozhovory. Věci o kterých věříme, že nám pomáhají být proměňováni Kristem, abychom mohli proměňovat své okolí.
Podcast sboru Církve bratrské v Ostravě Trojka. -
Přinášíme nahrávky kázání P. Vladimíra Slámečky, které vás provedou klíčovými tématy víry, naděje a lásky. P. Vladimír Slámečka, římskokatolický kněz a vysokoškolský pedagog, propojuje bohatství biblických textů s každodenním životem, čímž přináší poselství, která jsou aktuální i dnes.
Záznamy kázání z pravidelných bohoslužeb církve Bratrské Jednoty Baptistů v Olomouci. Více informací naleznete na
Empowering your Mental Health - Faith: Hope: Love with Barry Pearman
Bible má co říct člověku 21. století. Hovoří Emil Hankovský. Podcast tvoří nahrávky nedělních kázaní ve službě kazatele ČCE v Kyjově (na Moravě). Většina podcastu je ve slovenštině. Hezký poslech.
Každotýdenní krátké povzbuzení z Božího slova podepřené svědectvími lidí. Protože jen víra je to vítězství, které přemáhá svět a čím pevnější je naše víra, tím jsme odvážnější a strach nad námi nemá moc. A víra pochází jen ze slyšení Božího slova, tak pojďte poslouchat živé Boží slovo, které má moc změnit naše životy.
Toužím, aby lidé věděli, co pro ně Bůh připravil. Aby duchovně rostli a prohloubili vztah s Bohem.
Living from God's Center" podcast is supporting pastors and ministry leaders weekly to find your God-space so that you to leave behind stress, frustration, fatigue and even burnout to live and serve God and others with confidence, peace, and joy. In these episodes we will look at what this means and looks like as well as how to get there. We will also interview others who are on this journey. In addition, if you want to go deeper in God and know God more, this podcast is for you.
Weekly Sermons from Life Church in Roma Queensland shared here.
Women often live life feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Many experience anxiety, mood swings, hormonal imbalance and infertility as "just a part of life" and don't think that there is much they can do about it. In each episode, I discuss several tactics and frames of mind I think every womxn has to adopt and operate from in order to enhance her journey to soft and develop a life of love, joy, peace, and happiness as a way of life rather than simply a fleeting fantasy.
Jaké je to vyrůstat v sektě? Jak ji opustit? Jak se chovat k lidem, kteří v ní jsou? Na tyto i další otázky odpovídá Jan Dvořák, který vyrůstal v sektě Svědků Jehovových.
Every single one of us have our own mysterious story about the mystery of life.. or is it really a mystery? It remain a mystery if we don't try to dive-in the story and maybe we'll find pearls in the midst of the diverse universe.
A Religiously traumatized Theopoet: a Shaman in Journey offers a series of short meditations that aim to create Between Spaces that invite people to Self discover & reflect. Join us as we explore the intersections of spirituality, trauma, and personal growth through intimate reflections and guided meditations.
a weekly tarot reading done by sign, designed for a quick weekly check in with any advice or messages channeled from Spirit, Source, or whatever you believe in. These are general, intuition based readings
So, you’ve taken your first step into heathenry, spirituality, and/or paganism, now what? Join Jon and Julie, from Nerd:Jive on YouTube, as we explore, learn, and discuss what it is to be a modern Pagan or Heathen. We’ll discuss topics of practices, rituals, and divination, explore things like runes, tarot, and idolatry, and interview friends and family as we explore the depths of our beliefs and theirs. Whether you’re a practicing witch or new to world of mysticism, join us on our journey to further our knowledge and build a community of open-minded and free-thinking practitioners of the ancient and moderns arts of witchcraft.
Hi we are Alex and Sophia Dilola.
With this podcast we hope to support your spiritual growth.
We are two Yoga Teachers, Mothers and here we share our experiences and the tools we use for our spiritual and personal growth.
Always evolving,
coming into alignment,
to embrace who you truly are.
We aspire to inspire you to create a happy, fulfilled and successful life from within.
Share your thoughts and connect to us on Instagram:
@embraceyourweirdness_alex -
R' Moshe Rubin's Wednesday night mussar va'ad.
Please reach out and let me know how you are enjoying the vaadim or just to say hello: Would love to hear from you! Also, PLEASE SHARE with anyone you know who can gain from these!
Feel free to donate to Kollel HaShechuna (the beis medrash where we learn);
Credit to R' Yoram Bogacz whose shiurim have been a huge help along the way.
Have a fabulous day! - Visa fler