• Proto Pemza pasirodo ten, kur susitinka tikri nusikaltimai, siaubą keliantys įvykiai ir ekscentriški kuriozai. Keturiese pasakojame apie smalsumą keliančius nutikimus, nepelnytai dūlančius saugyklose užrakintų laikraščių puslapiuose. /// Esame radikalūs mėgėjai, tačiau kiekvienai laidai ruošiamės atsakingiau nei savo senatvei. Todėl ką nors naujo išgirsite kiekvienas. Mažų mažiausiai garantuojame ledlaužį vėsiam pokalbiui praskaidrinti. /// Siekiame gerai praleisti laiką, pakeliui jums atskleisdami netikėčiausius gyvenimo atspalvius. Užsukite, čia jūsų laukia istorijos įdomybės, susidūrimai su antgamtiniu pasauliu bei pasakojimai apie reiškinius, geriau suprantamus tiktai šiek tiek pašveitus smegenis.

  • Populiariausia krepšinio tinklalaidė Lietuvoje.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

  • "Idėjos ateina ir išeina, o istorijos lieka". Nassimas Nicholas Talebas


  • Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0

  • emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

  • Daiktai mums gali papasakoti viską. Mūsų praeitį, dabartį ir ateitį. Žinoma, ne tik vien daiktai. Galbūt ir dalykai. Bet kokiu atveju, nėra tokio visai šalimais mūsų tūnančio ir nepastebimo namų apyvokos padargo, maisto produkto, aprangos detalės, su kuria nesisietu liepsnojanti aktualija arba įdomi istorija. Pabaigoje – knygų rekomendacijos pagal laidos temą.
    Ved. Aidas Puklevičius. LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Sport, basketball, football, formula 1, talk show, live broadcast

  • Nors, regis, gyvename geriausiais žmonijos laikais – mums vis kas nors negerai. Skundai, kritika, erzulys, nusivylimas, keliami aukšti standartai ir negebėjimas patiems jų laikytis – apie tai laida „Viskas blogai“, kurioje maži ir dideli gyvenimo objektai ar reiškiniai aptariami per labiausiai trikdančią jų pusę. Kartu bandoma suprasti, ką tai sako apie mus ir visuomenę, kurioje gyvename. Ar tikrai viskas taip blogai? Laidos vedėjai Karolina Bieliauskaitė ir Mantas Velykis ne tik ieško mūsų nepasitenkinimo priežasčių, bet ir bando atpažinti „blogybių“ įtaką populiariajai kultūrai ir patogaus gyvenimo įvaizdžiui.

  • We're Dropouts! We're basically friends you can put in your ears and take anywhere, so come hang out with your favorite degenerates!
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  

  • A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

  • Kas vakarą po pasaką – mažiems ir dideliems. Gražiausios pasaulio tautų pasakos, klasikų kūriniai, šiuolaikinių užsienio ir lietuvių rašytojų knygos vaikams. Skaito žinomi šalies aktoriai – nuo pirmadienio iki sekmadienio 20.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Nuoširdus pokalbis su iškiliomis bei įkvepiančiomis Lietuvos ir ne tik asmenybės, jų atsinešti mėgstami muzikos kūriniai, bei pasakojimas apie patirtis, lydinčias šiame gyvenime. Kiekvieną trečiadienį 14.00 val. per LRT OPUS.

  • Hysterical investigates a mysterious illness that spreads among a group of high school girls in upstate New York. What is causing their sudden, often violent symptoms? Is there something in the water or inside the school? Or is it “all in their head?” The series examines the outbreak in LeRoy, NY, believed by some to be the most severe case of mass hysteria since the Salem Witch Trials. In his search for answers, Dan Taberski (9/12, Missing Richard Simmons, Running from Cops) explores other seemingly inexplicable events of the last few years – CIA officers being crippled with nausea and vertigo; cops OD'ing from exposure to fentanyl – and discovers they’re far more connected than we realize.

    From Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, this 7-part series forces us to grapple with the mysteries of our own minds, and reckon with a contagion that we thought was long dead, but may be the defining disorder of our time.

    Listen to Hysterical on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/hysterical/ now. 

  • VU istorijos fakulteto Naujosios istorijos katedros tinklalaidė

  • „Penktas kėlinys“ – krepšinio aktualijų laida, kurioje aptariami svarbiausi krepšinio įvykiai. Įdomios įžvalgos, negirdėti faktai ir aštrūs pasisakymai – viskas nevyniojant į vatą kiekvieną savaitę portale Krepsinis.net.

  • Tom Heap and Helen Czerski tackle a major story about our environment, work out how we got here and meet the brave, clever people with fresh ideas to help us - and nature - thrive. They won’t shy away from the big stuff - temperatures rising while wildlife declines - but this won’t be a weekly dose of doom-laden predictions and tortured hand-wringing. Rare Earth is here to celebrate the wonder of nature and meet the people determined to keep it wonderful.

  • Pokalbiai tylia tema - apie psichinę mūsų sveikatą. Apie tas būsenas, kai atsakome "ai, viskas gerai...", nors gerai nebūna. Kalbėsime su srities ekspertais, sunkumus patyrusiais ir jų artimaisiais. Tam, kad pažintume save ir padėtume sau.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • "Negyvas Eteris" - lietuviško kūrinio platforma, įkurta Manto Katlerio, Rolando Mackevičiaus ir Manto Stonkaus.

  • The You Should Know Podcast is hosted by Peyton Hardin and co hosted by Cameron Kennedy. These two best friends don't shy away from sharing their most revealing secrets and making fun of each-other in a way only the closest of friends can do.

  • Hey I’m Anna and I’m here to help you grow into the best version of yourself. Physically, mentally and in all areas of life. Growth is powerful because it makes us feel stronger, more confident, healthier, and happier. I want to find out all the tips, tricks, habits, and routines - everything we need to know to GROW. I want to do this together with you in this podcast. 

    New episodes the first Tuesday of each month. 

  • EXTRA! EXTRA! CANCELLED is coming back better than ever with your favorite co-host besties Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield. After years of growing up under the constant scrutiny of public opinion, social media juggernaut, Tana Mongeau, is officially taking back the mic (again!). Acting as a natural evolution of her acclaimed “storytime” videos, this show offers an intimate look at Mongeau, her meteoric rise to superstardom, and the unavoidable moments of vulnerability that make this cyber-personality all the more human. CANCELLED will continue to seek to shed a new light, not only on its hosts, but on the enigmatic world of “the influencer,” featuring lively celeb tell-alls, current event commentary, and Tana and Brooke’s unfiltered take on the drama that relentlessly follows them both.

  • Tinklalaidė „Kas ten dedasi?“ kiekvieną savaitę sieks padėti klausytojui suprasti, kas ir kodėl dedasi pasaulyje. Naujienų sraute aktualiausias temas nušvies trys užsienio naujienų redaktoriai, Lukas Kivita, Aurimas Piečiukaitis ir Vykintas Pugačiauskas. Kitaip nei įprasta, klausytojas išgirs ne reportažą ar interviu, bet pačių žurnalistų diskusijas apie tai, kas ten dedasi.

  • Svarbiausios šios savaitės technologijų naujienos

  • Nauja laida apie senus Lietuvos klubus. Autentiški pasakojimai, kertinių Lietuvos klubų istorijos, jų įtakos ir reikšmės analizė su tais, kurie juos kūrė ir lankė, juose grojo ir apie juos kalbėjo. Ved. Kotryna Lingienė.

  • My mission is to help young women everywhere become their BEST SELVES and create their dream life. Self-improvement and self-love transformed my life. It took me from being the shy, insecure, unmotivated girl who was always hurt by men... to being the woman who prioritises herself everyday, achieves the goals on her vision board, takes herself on dates, feels fulfilled when alone, has a newfound confidence AND has power over her dating life. I found my purpose in life after working on myself and I want to help and inspire YOU to do the same.My links: stan.store/tamkaur

  • #ŽalgirisOnAir podkastas, atveriantis duris į Kauno „Žalgirio“ komandos gyvenimą.

  • «Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • 4 - 8 metų vaikams su tėvais, seneliais, auklėmis, ugdytojais.
    Kristina Savickytė kviečia ne tik klausytis įvairių šalių pasakų, bet ir gaudyti pasakos uodegą. O tiksliau - kalbėtis su vaikais pasakos temomis, užsiimti pasakos įkvėptais darbeliais ir ieškoti retai vartojamų pasakos žodžių.

  • On Mondays, Jon Stewart hosts The Daily Show, but on Thursdays he hosts The Weekly Show — A podcast featuring in- depth conversations with special guests that explores the biggest threats to our democracy. Also hear from producers and friends of the show who discuss the latest headlines, what’s on their minds, and more!

  • DJ Krupnov - российский музыкант, автор многочисленных ремиксов на отечественных и зарубежных исполнителей и собственных треков, которые играют многие диджеи на современных танцполах.
    Опытный диджей и музыкант, с 2007 года разрывает танцполы ночных заведений по всей России и ближнему зарубежью, профессионально миксует в своём сэте множество популярных танцевальных направлений.
    Его авторские треки, ремиксы и сэты звучали на радиостанциях:

  • Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.

  • The Words Matter Podcast brings you insights, reflections and conversations focused on the latest evidence, theory, philosophy and practice of communication-focused healthcare.

    Find out about the more tacit, 'softer' and personal side of clinical practice such as the role of philosophy, beliefs, behaviours, developing therapeutic relationships or the purposeful use of language with people experiencing pain from expert academics, clinicians and researchers from across the world and spanning the musculoskeletal disciplines. This podcast will help you reflect on your own current practice and inform and stimulate you to consider new ways of approaching your practice and patients, to create a better clinical experience and outcomes in people with musculoskeletal pain.

    Hosted by Dr Oliver Thomson PhD, an osteopath and Associate Professor who is passionate about researching and educating clinicians on a revised narrative, communication and biopsychosocial approach to musculoskeletal therapy. If you like the podcast, subscribe and check out the online learning and resources at www.wordsmatter-education.com.

    Support the show and become a patron https://www.patreon.com/thewordsmatterpodcast

  • Out of Character is a podcast where handsome men confab about whatever their gracious hearts desire. This podcast is for insolently simple people, visionaries, masochists, and everything in between. Listen at your own risk...

  • These are stories you were never meant to hear. The invisible but vital work of the world’s intelligence services: secret operatives playing to very different rules. The Spy Who, hosted by Indira Varma and Raza Jaffrey, takes you deep inside that shadow world to meet spies who risked everything in the national interest – or, sometimes, their own.

    Listen to The Spy Who on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/the-spy-who now. 

  • Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Your Gateway to French Language Immersion in just 10 to 15 minutes

    Try our 'BEDTIME' version to effortlessly improve French comprehension. Press play, relax, and let soothing French accompany your slumber.
    We offer 'daytime' for focused learning and a 'conversation version' for diverse practice.
    Remember: the more you listen, the better you'll be !

    The Complete conversational course for beginners here : https://www.udemy.com/course/conversational-french-course-for-beginners-by-fun-french/?referralCode=9DC1998057EB25D765E3

    Playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4N1hnakIPiS41EdftuT8l3

  • Download the Tomorrowland App for live sets and radio shows on demand: https://Tomorrowland.lnk.to/TomorrowlandApp.

    One World Radio is the official radio station of Tomorrowland. Here you can experience the incredible sound of Tomorrowland, and relive exclusive shows.

    Note that some shows, including the 'Tomorrowland Top 30 with NERVO,’ ‘Armin's Weekend Kick-Off,’ 'Relive The Madness with MC Stretch,' and ‘Best of One World Radio with AdamK,’ are only accessible through the Tomorrowland App.

  • The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting root-cause healing with an elimination Carnivore Diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her thousand clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and wellness, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutrition and wellness for all, and passionately advocates for the people. Judy got a second chance at life with a meat-only elimination diet and is now driven to help people live the life they are meant to live, nearly symptom-free. 

  • View the Episode Archive »
    Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes | RSS.
    #smartbinge Radiolab podcasts

  • One thing about Trisha Paytas, she’s going to speak her mind. The viral megastar has made a career out of unabashedly spilling her heart out to millions of viewers. While she’s been both praised and canceled for it, Trisha has never been afraid of stirring the pot. 

    Now, the meme queen is taking back the mic and truly telling it how she sees it–from the latest Internet drama to the hottest celebrity gossip. In this weekly podcast, Trisha gives her hilariously unfiltered take on the biggest headlines and trends currently taking social media by storm. Alongside her friend and co-host–Emmy-award winning entertainment news journalist Oscar Gracey–she provides her brutally honest, and sometimes highly controversial commentary on pop culture. It’s not personal, it’s ‘Just Trish’. 

    Subscribe to ‘Just Trish’ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@justtrishpodcast

  • Comedian Jeff Wittek sits down to talk about what's on his mind, whether its about current events, investments, his criminal past, or martial arts.

  • Hear the latest financial news in a fun and digestible format. A must-listen for anyone interested in trading, investing, markets, crypto and finance. Brought to you by global multi-asset investment platform eToro.

  • The Big Three is Donut's new podcast that examines the latest car news, racing headlines, and anything noteworthy in the automotive landscape. A perfect weekly update for anyone even slightly interested in cars, The Big Three is an entertaining glimpse into an inclusive yet opinionated world.  Join hosts James Pumphrey, Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber as they provide their lighthearted perspective on the hottest and weirdest automotive trends. The only car podcast you’ll ever need, aside from our other podcast, Past Gas. New episodes every Wednesday.
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • 'Creepypastas' are the urban legends of the internet. A new age of horror told through digital word of mouth.


    UNCUT AND UNCENSORED WITH CAROLINE STANBURY follows Caroline's ever evolving journey

    of living her best life after 40!

    Caroline is the star of Bravo TV hit series Real Housewives Of Dubai, an entrepreneur, wife, mother

    of 3, podcast host, philanthropist and style icon with a passion for business, fashion and interior design.

    Once divorced and now remarried to a younger man, the love of her life, she's living life unapologetically

    and to its fullest potential.

    Known for her witty humor and never afraid to speak her truth, on the show Caroline talks to celebrities, experts and guests from all walks of life. She shares their insights, lessons and experiences to empower you to thrive in every area of your life.

    Topics covered include everything from relationships, health, wellness, business, parenting, friendships,

    travel and taking control of your personal finances to facing fears and finding the courage to have those

    hard conversations we sometimes struggle with.

    Caroline is here to let you know that not only is there life after divorce but that you have the power to make

    it your best one yet, just like she did.

  • Prenumeruok „Spotify“: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kalba-mamos/subscribeKALBA MAMOS tinklalaidė – ieškančioms tikrų, nuoširdžių pokalbių apie motinystę ir moters pasaulį. Tapk KALBA MAMOS bendruomenės dalimi ir klausyk pilnų pokalbių, dalyvauk mamų rytmečiuose, Discord'o pokalbiuose, Knygų klube bei kitose, tik bendruomenei skirtose veiklose. Visą informaciją rasi ⁠⁠⁠www.kalbamamos.lt⁠.

  • In Ascension’s The Catechism in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 episodes, providing explanation, insight, and encouragement along the way.
    Unlike any other Catechism podcast, The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) podcast follows a reading plan inspired by Ascension’s Foundations of Faith approach, a color-coded approach that reveals the structure of the Catechism, making it easier to read and understand. With this podcast, you’ll finally understand what it means to be Catholic and how the beliefs of the Catholic Faith come together.
    Listen and…
    Read the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days
    Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter
    Understand how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
    Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
    Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness for your life
    Each 15-20 minute episode includes:
    A guided prayer to help you enter into each episode
    A reading from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
    An explanation from Fr. Mike Schmitz about the reading
    The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

  • Alix Steel and Paul Sweeney harness the power of Bloomberg Intelligence to analyze market news and provide in-depth company and industry research. Watch us LIVE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF.

  • Pain Science Education discusses the treatment of persistent pain. Learn how to use the brain, body, mind, and behavior to reduce pain and improve physical and mental well-being. This podcast offers free training for physical therapists, healthcare professionals, and people with pain.

    Dr. Joe Tatta is a physical therapist, educator, author, and pain researcher. He is known for his contribution to integrative pain care and for championing the safe and effective treatment of chronic pain. With over 20 years of clinical expertise, Dr. Joe is dedicated to converting cutting-edge pain science into actionable therapeutic practices. An advocate for a biopsychosocial approach, Dr. Joe developed PRISM: Pain Recovery and Integrative Systems Model, a cognitive-behavioral approach that promotes resilience, growth, and recovery.

    Pain Science Education invites listeners to explore a wide array of subjects including pain education, pain neuroscience, physical therapy, physiotherapy, pain psychology, wellness, and continuing education. Episodes feature interviews with leading experts, offering a deep dive into the pivotal topics shaping the field of pain management.

    The insights shared here aim to propel the practice of physical therapy to the forefront of primary pain management. Dr. Joe Tatta is committed to guiding therapists and healthcare providers through the complexities of pain, equipping them with the knowledge to deliver non-pharmacologic and non-invasive approaches to chronic pain.

    With Dr. Joe's guidance, listeners will uncover the potential of physical therapists as pivotal figures in pain management, understand the importance of health behavior change, and learn how to use integrative and lifestyle medicine in practice.

    Join the Pain Science Education podcast to transform your clinical approach, enrich your professional toolkit, and participate in the revolution of pain management. Each episode promises to take you one step closer to learning about pain, becoming a leader in delivering exceptional, innovative care to those suffering with pain, and ultimately improving lives across the globe.

  • TOUR TICKETS HERE💕💕💕💕 https://www.tegeurope.com/events/the-girls-bathroom-planet-tour/ Cant wait to see you guys there wooohoooo🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🪩🪩🪩🪩✨✨

    Join us on Patreon for an extra ep every week!! https://www.patreon.com/TheGirlsBathroom

    Welcome to The Girls Bathroom! We’re Sophia & Cinzia, life-long besties who share a YouTube channel. The Girls Bathroom is a place we all know to be full of girl chat and gossip, and the place we often confide in girls we’ve never even met before! In this podcast we want to help you with your dilemmas, by trying to make sense of these boys wasting our time, the girls trying to make our lives difficult and all the things in between. So come join us for a fun but real chat in the girls bathroom! Disclaimer: we can’t promise we’ll stay on topic!! Follow us on Instagram: @thegirlsbathroom

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya features a pair of grizzled gay ghouls sitting on chairs, holding microphones, and discussing their fabulous lives in Tinseltown. (featuring occasional forays into movies, television shows, and air-conditioning) The New York Times called them models, moguls, actors, influencers, drag queens, RuPaul's Drag Race contestants, and even humanoids. If one thing can be said about these two preternaturally gorgeous queens' podcast, it's that Trixie and Katya find the sheer, unadulterated beauty of pure insanity. Tune in every week to experience the auditory pleasure that is The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya.
    Subscribe to the ad-free version: https://thebaldandthebeautiful.supercast.com/
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • Naujienos, kritika, analizės ir pasakojimai iš GPB.LT. Čia rasite politinės kairės požiūrį į įvykius ir procesus.

  • The Coaching Business Podcast with Max Tornow is a podcast for online coaches, consultants or service providers either seeking to start or scale their existing online business. If you want to learn how to increase your revenue while at the same time decrease the amount of work you have to put into your business then you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll experience exciting interviews with well-known personalities & coaches, successful clients of Max Tornow and real experts who will teach you how to become the number 1 expert in your niche and charge prices from $2,000 upwards for your offer. In this Podcast, Max Tornow shows you strategies and tactics you can use to start your business from scratch and scale it up to 6 figures a month. Do you want to know how to get more affluent clients for your business, how to sell your offer strategically or how you can use the power of online marketing? After listening to this podcast you will know how to break free as a coach, consultant or service provider.

  • „Šventinis Bankuchenas LRT OPUS“ – tai Luko Šidlausko-Šventinio Bankucheno trupiniai – trumpi humoristiniai eskizai ir muzikinės improvizacijos, skambančios LRT OPUS eteryje. Šventinis bankuchenas LRT OPUS gali prabilti ir net uždainuoti bet kurią dieną ir bet kurią valandą. Šventinio bankucheno trupinius barsto Lukas Šidlauskas.

  • The Leadership Pod is the podcast for emerging leaders who want to build their visibility and influence so they can unlock their leadership potential. Each month, your host Kara Ronin shares with you strategies, insights or Q&A episodes around leadership development, building your leadership brand, communication skills, and workplace interactions so you can excel into leadership. Keeping your head down and doing a good job at work is no longer enough to get you noticed and promoted. Success in leadership requires a different set of skills; ones you didn’t learn in business school, but you will in this podcast.

  • On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. Many episodes will be long form discussions. Some guests will be well known, others obscure, but all of them chosen because they have demonstrated unusual insight. Other episodes of the Dark Horse Podcast will be solo-missions in which Bret dives into issues alone, using an evolutionary lens to reveal patterns in nature--including human-nature. The state and future of civilization will be recurring theme, so buckle up!

  • Learn Real Polish Language - Your Polish Learning Online Resource, here you can find lots of great stuff for Polish learners, free online podcast - all with Polish audio and text

  • Mindset hacks for a badass life, hosted by cognitive neuroscientist Alexis Fernandez.

    On Mondays my episodes are a combo of neuroscience and psychology. I deep dive into everything from habit formation and how to live a carefree life, to friendships and heartbreak.

    And on Thursdays we've got Head Noise - where I answer your questions! Email [email protected] to submit your questions.

    Plus I've got a new book coming out in September. Pre order your copy of How to Chase Change - exclusively an audiobook - at https://bit.ly/44xwszR .

  • A weekly analysis of the complex policy issues driving the news.

  • If time is tight, what's the one thing that you should be doing to improve your health and wellbeing? Michael Mosley reveals surprisingly simple top tips that are scientifically proven to change your life.

  • The world's greatest, most thought-provoking, mentally stimulating podcast in the history of mankind... hosted by a bunch of idiots.

  • The Data Skeptic Podcast features interviews and discussion of topics related to data science, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the like, all from the perspective of applying critical thinking and the scientific method to evaluate the veracity of claims and efficacy of approaches.

  • “Lær Norsk Nå!” is a podcast for the intermediate Norwegian learner (B1-B2) who wants to listen to authentic Norwegian spoken in a clear and slow manner. Transcriptions for the episodes are easily available at the website for the podcast, providing textual support for the spoken material. The podcast deals with many different topics including history, culture, science, literature, the Norwegian language and more; this provides the learner with a range of different topics in Norwegian, leading to ample opportunity to improve one’s Norwegian. It is also a fun and engaging way of learning!

  • A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you!

  • 1 Host, 1 Gast, 1 Interview

    Weitere Infos zu meiner Arbeit findet ihr auf www.gaebler.blog

  • Hosted by three crazy guys with a combined social media following over 700k:

    Tyler “The Fittest Flat Earther” Hansen: Former 20 year Illinois High School teacher and coach turned soldier of truth. Notable UnEarthed Truths= -Finding Dogs in stars -Revealing Jim Carrey is playing Joe Biden -Revealing Brad Pitt is playing Benicio Del Toro -Revealing that Drsgons existed, could Breathe Fire, and are at the root of volcanos -Revealing that The Statue of Liberty is really a Statue of Lucifer.

    Josh Stone Truth

    Ben, The Unchained Brain

  • Successful products don’t happen in a vacuum. Hosted by Hannah Clark, Editor of The Product Manager, this show takes a 360º view of product through the perspectives of those in the inner circle, outer perimeter, and fringes of the product management process. If you manage, design, develop, or market products, expect candid and actionable insights that can guide you through every stage of the product life cycle.

  • The ReadME Podcast is your portal into the open source community. We'll introduce you to the people building the projects you use every day, answer your questions about tech, and guide you through the ever-changing open source landscape. We take deep dives into the trends shaping the future of technology, the culture and craft of software development, look back at the milestones that made open source what it is today, and learn from community experts. No matter where you are in your developer journey, there’s something here for you.

    Check-out The ReadME Project for more episodes, stories and features: https://github.com/readme

  • Intrygujące historie w narracji Konrada Szymańskiego i Marcina Myszki.

    współpraca komercyjna: [email protected]

  • Join us on Good Call - a podcast in which Pastor Andrew Farley answers theological questions from live callers, helping them break free from lifeless religion and rest freely in God’s grace. For more content like this, visit andrewfarley.org.

    You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: https://andrewfarley.org/donate/

    Connect with Dr. Andrew Farley here:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAndrewFarley
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drandrewfarley
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAndrewFarley
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drandrewfarley
    Website: https://www.andrewfarley.org/

  • Mroczna podróż śladami największych polskich zabójców.

  • The Thoughtful Travel Podcast with Amanda Kendle is a show for travel lovers. Each episode is packed with travel stories from fellow travel addicts on topics like using foreign languages, meeting the locals, getting lost and what we learn from our travels.

  • Roger Peng and Hilary Parker talk about the latest in data science and data analysis in academia and industry.

  • Pralaužk Vieną Šaltą - jau ketvirtus metus skaičiuojantis ir sustoti nesiruošiantis podkastas. Kalbėti vis dar neišmokom, bet jau ir nebežadam, kad išmoksim. Bet prižadėti, kad ir toliau išvysite daugybę įdomių, mažiau ar daugiau žinomų pašnekovų, mes galime. Neįpareigojantys pokalbiai, atskleistos paslaptys, daug nejuokingų ir juokingų bajerių visada lauks jūsų mūsų laidose! Vedėjai @AiridasJankus, @MantasGrimalis ir AnthonyKisliak

  • Tuesdays are always better when you start your day with the "Hot Girl Energy" podcast. Every episode is to remind you that you have the energy to become the best version of yourself and to live the healthy & balanced lifestyle you have always strived for. Your go-to podcast for hot girl tips, advice, girl chats, healthy habits and so much more. Hosted by your favourite wellness & lifestyle influencer, Kaylie Stewart.

  • Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

  • “Koučingo podcast'as” sukurtas siekiant padėti entuziastingoms ir drąsioms asmenybėms atrasti ir geriau pažinti koučingą bei jo kuriamą vertę.

    Jame dalinsimės patirtimi ir praktiškomis idėjomis, kurios padės daug pasiekusiems žmonėms tapti geriausiais koučingo specialistais, kurie prisideda prie sąmoningos visuomenės kūrimo.

    Mes esame Coaching.lt komanda ir mūsų Vizija - Sąmoninga visuomenė, kurianti vertę bendradarbiaujant, dalijantis žiniomis ir patirtimi.

    Būtent koučingo pagalba jos mes siekiam.

    Koučingo podkasto įrašuose išgirsite, ką iš tikrųjų reiškia būti vertę dialogo partneriui kuriančiu koučingo specialistu ir kaip Jūs galite tokiu tapti.

    Dalinsimės savo patirtimi tokia, kokia ji buvo ir yra iš tikrųjų: su visais parklupimais, noru viską mesti ir atsitiesimu bei darymu ne tai, kas pavyksta, o tai kas reikalinga drąsiems ir ambicingiems tikslams pasiekti.

    Čia kalbinsime ir kitus savo srities ekspertus, kurie žino koučingo kuriamą vertę ir taiko koučingo pasaulėžiūrą savo kasdienėje veikloje.

    Jei tik pradedate domėtis koučingu - čia rasit daug vertingos informacijos be pagražinimų;

    Jei jau esate koučingo profesijos kelyje - tai bus papildomas resursas Jums ir Jūsų klientams;

    O jei esate komandos dalis ar komanda seka paskui Jus - čia surasit būdų, kaip koučingo taikymas Jūsų veikloje padės tapti dar geresne asmenybe.

    Leiskitės kartu su mumis į šią įkvepiančią kelionę geriau pažįstant ir labiau praktikuojant koučingą.

    Pasauliui reikia daugiau šviesių lyderių, užsidegusių aistra kurti pokyčius. 
Ir mes raginame tais lyderiais būti Jus.

  • Donatas Urbonas hosts a basketball podcast, centered around Euroleague and European basketball events.

  • Мари Новосад говорит о сексе, отношениях и жизненных историях, которые делают их веселее.18+
    Для вопросов недели: [email protected]
    Инстаграм: @marienovosad

  • In What’s Left of Philosophy Gil Morejón (@gdmorejon), Lillian Cicerchia (@lilcicerch), Owen Glyn-Williams (@oglynwil), and William Paris (@williammparis) discuss philosophy’s radical histories and contemporary political theory. Philosophy isn't dead, but what's left? Support us at patreon.com/leftofphilosophy

  • The O'Reilly Data Show Podcast explores the opportunities and techniques driving big data, data science, and AI.

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • F1 stars slow down and open up, sharing untold stories and unrivalled insight. Tom Clarkson brings you revealing, feature-length interviews and amazing anecdotes from superstar drivers, team bosses, tech geniuses and racing legends.

    Hit the follow button for the fastest way to get new episodes. Watch episodes exclusively on the F1 YouTube channel.

    For race reviews + previews, listen to F1 Nation. To learn more about how F1 works, listen to F1 Explains

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • Расследование о том, как прийти к финансовому успеху.
    Шеф-редактор Т—Ж Мария Долгополова вместе со своим давним другом и сообщником по экселькам Ильей Иноземцевым ищут беспроигрышный путь к богатству, учатся тратить деньги и ищут страну для жизни. Наш телеграм-канал: https://t.me/+Z2YwJbXP4UpkMDgy

  • Подкаст о технологиях, меняющих нашу жизнь. Самат Галимов – человек, который решает проблемы. Он работает техническим директором и все время должен находить общий язык с людьми самых разных профессий и помогать им понять друг друга. Хакеры рассказывают ему про безопасность, дата-сайентисты – про машинное обучение и системы распознавания лиц, разработчики – про то, как сделать сервис, которым будут пользоваться миллионы, и не облажаться. Слушайте их разговоры в подкасте студии Либо/Либо.

    Подписывайтесь на соц. сети студии «Либо/Либо».

    Instagram: @libolibostudio
    YouTube канал: ЛибоЛибо
    Facebook: fb.com/libolibostudio
    Вконтакте: vk.com/libolibostudio

  • Freakonomics co-author Stephen J. Dubner uncovers the hidden side of everything. Why is it safer to fly in an airplane than drive a car? How do we decide whom to marry? Why is the media so full of bad news? Also: things you never knew you wanted to know about wolves, bananas, pollution, search engines, and the quirks of human behavior.

    Join the Freakonomics Radio Plus membership program for weekly member-only episodes of Freakonomics Radio. You’ll also get every show in our network without ads. To sign up, visit our show page on Apple Podcasts or go to freakonomics.com/plus.

  • Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves.

    How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human.

    From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.

  • Detectives Don't Sleep is the new whodunnit podcast. Step beyond the police tape, as we shadow the real detectives who worked history's most intriguing cases.

    Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Hosted by Mark Dodson.

    New episodes Tuesdays.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or, if you're on Spotify or Android, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Thanks to our sponsors Hello Fresh. Go to hellofresh.com/50detectives and use the code 50detectives for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.

  • Feeling lonely in your 20’s is to be expected... but, Madeline Argy feels it’s better to be alone, together. From her bed, car or wherever she’s alone that week, Madeline explores the unspoken conversations we all have with ourselves, but are too afraid to speak out loud. She discusses a wide range of topics, including navigating anxiety, imposter syndrome, the intricacies of sexuality and mental health, as well as the complexities of relationships, boundaries, break-ups, and friendships. As someone in her early 20’s, Madeline offers a witty and unpredictable commentary on the highs and lows of everyday life making you feel like you’re on Facetime with your best friend. Pretty Lonesome with Madeline Argy invites you to join her every Monday in embracing the beautifully chaotic adventure of being human.

  • Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

  • Psychopedia is a true crime podcast infused with comedy….making it a crimedy. Each week, Investigator Slater presents a horrific true crime case to Tank Sinatra for the first time, whose reaction to each gruesome detail prompts thought provoking conversation and hilarious dialogue. The episodes contain several pop quizzes to keep Tank on his jacked toes, while causing listeners to question Investigator Slater’s mental health. Tank Sinatra has been called the most prolific original meme creator in the world and one of the most talented content curators. Investigator Slater is a highly regarded leader in the field of investigative law. But above all else, Tank and Slater bring to the table 20 years of friendship and A LOT of hysterical memories. When they come together to discuss true crime each week, you can count on enjoying a well-researched, entertaining new volume of Psychopedia.
    Instagram + TikTok: @psychopediapod @tank.sinatra @investigatorslater

  • Welcome to The Wellness Cafe Podcast. Your go to Hot Girl Walk podcast. Your host Trinity Tondeleir who you may know from TikTok, Instagram, or Youtube is serving all things wellness, lifestyle, girl-talk and everything in between. Come hangout every Wednesday!

    For sponsorship inquiries, please email [email protected]

  • Lithuanian Out Loud is a podcast series designed for students of the Lithuanian language. Come along with native Lithuanian speaker and author Raminta and her North-American husband Jack. They'll teach you Lithuanian in beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons along with tidbits about the history and culture of Raminta's homeland - Lietuva!

  • Mokslo populiarinimo laida, grįsta fantazija ir vaizduote. Laidose Ignas Klėjus su skirtingos srities mokslininkais iškelia hipotetinę situaciją, aptaria galimas jos pasekmes, apžvelgia realius procesus ir tyrimus. Nauji epizodai – antradieniais nuo 16.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Where history and epic collide--"History on Fire" is a podcast by author and university professor Daniele Bolelli.

  • The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit a16z.com for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well!

  • Биолог и журналист Илья Колмановский рассказывает о научных открытиях, говорит с людьми, которые их совершают, и отвечает на вопросы слушателей всех возрастов. Подкаст выходит по средам, раз в две недели.

    Послушать бонусные эпизоды подкаста «Голый землекоп» можно по подписке ЛибоЛибо+ в Apple Podcasts https://cutt.ly/gol03epap или в закрытом телеграм-канале https://cutt.ly/gol03eptg Подписка — лучший способ поддержать нашу студию.

    Подписаться на Патреон или Бусти Ильи Колмановского: https://patreon.com/ilyakolmanovsky/ и https://boosty.to/zemlekop/

    Телеграм-канал «Голый землекоп»: https://t.me/kolm_zemlekop

    Редактор: Андрей Борзенко

    Продюсеры: Настя Медведева, Данил Астапов

    Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Воробьев

    Композитор: Кира Вайнштейн

  • Подкаст банка «Точка» и студии Либо/Либо о самых захватывающих историях из мира корпоративных противостояний. Что делали компании, чтобы выиграть в конкурентной борьбе? Какие стратегии полетели, а какие привели к падению? Что было гениальной находкой, а что обернулось полным провалом?

    Взрослому бизнесу нужны не маленькие лайфхаки, а большие истории. В этом подкасте мы ищем реальные факты и делаем из них полезные предпринимателям выводы.

  • Pėsčiomis per šalia esančias, bet neatrastas Lietuvos vietas. Eidami vidutiniu 5 km/h greičiu vedėjai aptaria keliavimo pėsčiomis privalumus, ieško netikėtų maršrutų ir pasikvietę pakeleivį kalba apie kelionių psichologiją, istoriją bei kitomis temomis.

  • Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.

  • Привет, на связи Настя Кириченко, и это подкаст «Коротко и по телу». Здесь мы говорим о здоровых (и не только) отношениях с телом и как к ним прийти.

    Среди гостей подкаста:

    Специалисты помогающих профессий. С ними мы обсуждаем как улучшать качество жизни через действительно рабочие инструменты. Популярные в своих нишах люди — актеры, танцоры, продюсеры, блогеры, предприниматели. Все те, чьи истории и мнения, на мой взгляд, важно услышать, чтобы почувствовать поддержку на пути к здоровым отношениям с телом.

    Коротко и по телу — это мощные герои, юмор, открытый диалог и прикладная информация. А ещё, ответ на важный вопрос в конце каждого выпуска😜

    ‌Подписывайтесь на подкаст, чтобы не пропускать новые эпизоды, ставьте оценки на платформе, на которой слушаете, и помните, тело красивое, когда здоровое и любимое!

    Кстати, вот мой блог:


    А вот, почта для предложений о сотрудничестве:
    [email protected]

  • Педагог Дима Зицер отвечает на вопросы родителей, учителей, детей — всех, кому важны и интересны детско-взрослые отношения.

    О том, как получать от этих отношений настоящее удовольствие, как сделать совместную жизнь с детьми комфортной, яркой, тёплой, счастливой для всех, как не мучать их и самих себя, как вести себя в самых разных ситуациях.

    «Любить нельзя воспитывать»: где будет стоять запятая, зависит от нас.

  • Food For Thought is brought to you by Rhiannon Lambert, the UK's leading Nutritionist, founder of private Harley Street clinic Rhitrition and her evidence-based supplements Rhitrition+, and Sunday Times Bestselling author of The Science Of Nutrition. On a mission to simplify wellness, Rhiannon’s Food For Thought podcast will equip you with all the evidence-based advice you need to live and breathe a healthy lifestyle. She is joined by special guests, all of whom can be considered experts in the world of wellbeing, so that together we can learn fact from fiction and empower the healthiest versions of ourselves with trusted, expert advice. For more information, please visit http://Rhitrition.com and follow @Rhitrition.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Гиковский контент про айтишку, технологии и науку. Без цензуры и лишнего пафоса.
    Слава Україні. Жыве Беларусь. Погнали!

  • In December 2022, offices at the European parliament were raided and lawmakers and their relatives were arrested. They were accused of being part of a corruption ring that was taking bribes from Qatar. Never before had there been anything like this at the parliament. But within four months, all the suspects were released, and the case is still pending. Why were members of parliament accused of taking bribes from Qatar? Is the European parliament rotten? Valentina Pop and a team of FT correspondents set out to investigate.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Free Belarus Radio - Радыё для Беларусі ад 2006 г. Музыка СHR Top 40/Alternative Rock + навіны пра краіну і свет, дыскусіі, гісторыі, інтэрв'ю.

  • The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show promotes a healthy world, and in order to have a healthy world, we must have transparent conversations. This show is dedicated to such conversations as the listener; your education, understanding, strength, and health are the primary focus. The goal of this show is to provide you with a framework for navigating the health and wellness space and, most importantly, being the champion of your own life. Guests include highly trustworthy professionals that bring both the art and science of wellness aspects that are both physical and mental. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician who serves the innovators, mavericks, and leaders in their fields, as well as working closely with the Special Operations Military. She is the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine® and serves patients worldwide.

  • Real Dictators is the award-winning podcast that explores the hidden lives of history's tyrants. Hosted by Paul McGann, with contributions from eyewitnesses and expert historians.

    New episodes available one week early for Noiser+ subscribers. You'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. To find out more about Noiser+, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Production: Joel Duddell, Ed Baranski, Miriam Baines, Tom Pink, George Tapp, Dorry Macaulay, Cian Ryan-Morgan, Joseph McGann. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

    We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/real for £100 sponsored credit.

  • Pull up a chair to the happy hour you wish your friends were having. Mix two money experts with some hot takes and a splash of nostalgia, and you get Rachel Cruze and George Kamel talking unfiltered about what’s going on in the world, pop culture, and how to afford a life you love.

  • Apologetika.lt misija susideda iš 5 dalių:

    Pristatyti artikuliuotą ir intelektualų pagrindimą biblinei krikščionybei viešajame diskurse bei jį apginti;
    Kviesti netikinčiuosius pažvelgti į krikščioniškosios tiesos teiginius, juos ištirti bei suprasti, kokias implikacijas Evangelija turi jiems asmeniškai;
    Padėti krikščionims įsišaknyti tikėjime;
    Įgalinti tikinčiuosius įtikinamai ir pagrįstai artikuliuoti krikščionybės tiesas bei pagarbiai atsakyti tiems, kurie turi klausimų/prieštarauja/neigia krikščioniškąjį tikėjimą;
    Praktiniu patarnavimu liudyti Kristaus meilę ir Evangelijos jėgą.

  • It's not about how much advice you go through; it's about how much advice goes through YOU.

    Wonder why self-development is so difficult, even though you know the actions that successful people take? Because it's about time you focused on how people THINK, not what they do.

    💌 Join my free newsletter for bonus wisdom: https://wamy.ck.page/newsletter

  • Self care is so much more than a hot bath when you're stressed or splurging on your fav beauty product. Tune in every Monday to Self Care Szn with Caitlin DeChiara where she dives into building confidence, becoming the best version of you and so much more! (@selfcaresznpodcast @caitlindechiara @thatwellnessgurl)

  • Each weekday, Dana Bash and a panel of well-sourced reporters bring you the most important political stories of the day. On the weekend, Manu Raju kicks off CNN's Sunday morning political programming with Inside Politics Sunday. Dana and Manu get answers from the people making headlines, explain the political that stories matter, and report on how the news will impact you.

  • Making artificial intelligence practical, productive & accessible to everyone. Practical AI is a show in which technology professionals, business people, students, enthusiasts, and expert guests engage in lively discussions about Artificial Intelligence and related topics (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, GANs, MLOps, AIOps, LLMs & more).

    The focus is on productive implementations and real-world scenarios that are accessible to everyone. If you want to keep up with the latest advances in AI, while keeping one foot in the real world, then this is the show for you!

  • Learn Dutch with SBS Dutch! Joyce Diebels, who is based in Melbourne, will teach you every week a new Dutch word, expression or grammar rule. The lessons are in English. - Leer Nederlands met SBS Dutch! Joyce Diebels uit Melbourne leert je iedere week een nieuw Nederlands woord, uitdrukking of grammaticaregel. De uitleg is in het Engels.

  • New episodes every WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY!Become a VIP Subscriber! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thelolpodcast/subscribe

  • Projectified[R] is your guide to the future of project management. Created by Project Management Institute, this podcast is for people who lead strategic initiatives and collaborate on teams to deliver value to their organizations. It features dynamic thought leaders and practitioners who share their real-world experiences and expertise to inform, inspire and prepare you for success.

  • Glad We Had This Chat is your one-stop shop for all things beauty, skincare and beyond – hosted by the award-winning skincare expert, Caroline Hirons.

    Described as “arguably the most important figure in British beauty”, Caroline is a Number 1 bestselling author, founder of Skin Rocks and has amassed a huge loyal following with over 160million views to her eponymous blog.

    Each week Caroline delves into her contacts book and brings you brilliant chats with brilliant guests, from A-listers to the most sought-after industry experts.

    You’ll hear the interview each Monday, and every Wednesday, Caroline and her guests will be answering YOUR questions! You can send them to us at [email protected]

    Frank, honest and funny, you’ll be left thinking I'm Glad They Had That Chat.

    https://www.youtube.com/@CarolineHirons01 (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyzKg_t3tPv8Aa_7JL2xXZA)

  • Hosted by Melissa Lee and a roundtable of top traders, “Fast Money” breaks through the noise of the day, to deliver the actionable news that matters most to investors. Fast Money airs weeknights at 5p ET on CNBC. Visit http://fastmoney.cnbc.com for additional information.

  • Best-selling author Matthew Syed explores the ideas that shape our lives with stories of seeing the world differently.

  • CBS Sports’ official college basketball podcast is the most entertaining and informative of its kind. Gary Parrish and Matt Norlander bring the sport into your ears at least three times per week with commentary, reporting, insider information and statistical analysis throughout college basketball all year long.

  • Zapraszam Cię na wyjątkowe lekcje polskiego po godzinach. Z dorosłej perspektywy.
    Dla tych, którzy chcą dowiedzieć się, czy Słowacki rzeczywiście wielkim poetą był i jak zachwyca, skoro nie zachwyca? Dla tych, którzy są ciekawi innej niż szkolna perspektywy na klasykę polskiej literatury i język polski.
    Mam na imię Agnieszka i jestem historyczką literatury.
    Zapraszam Cię do świata pełnego pięknych, mądrych, zabawnych, a czasem nawet bulwersujących słów. Chcę Ci pokazać, jak ciekawa jest historia naszej literatury i naszego języka. Tak byś poczuł się i poczuła w języku swobodnie jak na łące.

  • Amazing Business Radio features customer service expert and New York Times bestselling author Shep Hyken who interviews leading business professionals and other customer experience experts. Each guest shares tips and insights on how to succeed in business. The bright business minds featured on Amazing Business Radio come from all over the world and include viral video stars, corporate CEOs, bestselling authors, thought leaders, and many other inspiring personalities. The show covers a variety of topics related to customer service and customer experience and will provide answers that listeners need to know in order to take their success to the next level. Amazing Business Radio airs every week on, itunes, Soundcloud, and other platforms and channels.

  • We believe you should laugh and learn! 'The Intuitive Customer' podcast achieves this. Hosted by Colin Shaw, recognized as one of the top 150 business influencers by LinkedIn, where he has over 283,000 followers, and Prof. Ryan Hamilton, Emory University, discusses how you can improve your Customer Experience and gain growth.

    This review sums up:

    "The dynamic between the two hosts makes this podcast. Each brings a unique take on the topic and their own perspective and plays off each other sense of humor. I come away after each episode with a feeling of joy and feeling a bit smarter".

    Visit www.BeyondPhilosophy.com

  • In the beautiful mountain town of Idyllwild, a wealthy widow named Dia Abrams suddenly vanishes from her home. She leaves behind her idyllic ranch, estranged children and a messy legal battle. Two men in her life, her son and a man who claims to be her fiance, launch public campaigns to find her. But soon, their efforts – and stories – begin to unravel. Hosted by Lucy Sherriff and co-produced with iHeartPodcasts.

  • We live in a world where our civilization and daily lives depend upon institutions, infrastructure, and technological substrates that are _complicated_ but not _unknowable_. Join Patrick McKenzie (patio11) as he discusses how decisions, technology, culture, and incentives shape our finance, technology, government, and more, with the people who built (and build) those Complex Systems.

  • ESPN college football analyst Greg McElroy takes a deep dive into the sport with the biggest names on and off the field. With off-seasons being a thing of the past, McElroy goes year-round with analysis, opinions and insight on top teams and under-the-radar stories from coast to coast.

  • Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Tuesday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.

  • Is there a science to being happy? Does our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we feel about our lives? Can we learn to become even happier? While happiness may look different for everyone, and can at times feel impossible to achieve, we know it’s an emotion that can be crucial to both your physical and mental health. So in this season of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is setting out to better understand happiness and what the science tells us about the best ways to achieve it.  

  • The ultimate self transformation and self development podcast.

  • Welcome! Maybe you're already learning Greek with us on YouTube? On our podcast, we talk about Greek culture, living in Greece today, we answer your questions, highlight expressions and keep you company in casual Greek. Members get full transcripts for each episode. ||| Καλωσήρθατε! Ίσως μαθαίνετε ελληνικά μαζί μας στο Youtube. Στο podcast μας μιλάμε για την ελληνική κουλτούρα, τη ζωή στην Ελλάδα σήμερα, απαντάμε στις ερωτήσεις σας, επισημαίνουμε εκφράσεις και σας κρατάμε παρέα σε χαλαρά ελληνικά. Τα μέλη μας αποκτούν πλήρεις απομαγνητοφωνήσεις για κάθε επεισόδιο.

  • Great customer service is the key to unlocking unparalleled sales growth. Customer Service Academy Radio features customer experience expert and award winning speaker Tony Johnson. Tony will share how to deliver the very best service to your customers and grow your business. Tony will interview leaders from best-in-class organizations and share his common sense approach to business success. Tony has led large and diverse teams in the restaurant, retail, and corporate spaces for decades and will share strategies and tactics that work in the real world on the front lines of service. Who's ready to IGNITE YOUR SERVICE!

    Learn more today at https://www.igniteyourservice.com/comeback. You can also email me at [email protected] or call/text 606-356-7447.

  • Меня зовут Оля Микитась, я автор и ведущая подкаста, преподаватель, журналист, мама.

    Мой подкаст- это исследование себя и окружающего мира через разговоры с людьми, которые разделяют мои ценности.

    Я приглашаю в гости психологов, врачей, других подкастеров, моих друзей и экспертов из самых разных областей, чтобы поговорить на важные для меня темы: психотерапия, саморазвитие, отношения, воспитание детей.



    Бонусный контент: https://boosty.to/mikitas

    Сотрудничество: [email protected]

    Наш сайт: http://keepcalmandlisten.tilda.ws

  • Tinklalaidė rusų kalba, kurioje siekiame pateikti tik patikimas naujienas. Su ekspertais aptariame skirtingas nuomones, argumentus ir faktus tam, kad išsklaidytume vyraujančius mitus. Mūsų svečiai – įvykių liudininkai, atskleidžiantys nežinomus faktus. Tinklalaidės klausytojams, susipažinus su visapusiška ir išsamia informacija, bus paprasčiau suprasti įvykių prasmę // Подкаст на русском языке, в котором мы проверяем достоверность новостей. Вместе с экспертами мы обсуждаем разные взгляды, аргументы и факты, чтобы вместе развенчать популярные мифы. Нашими гостями будут также свидетели событий, которые предадут гласности неизвестные ранее подробности. Владение информацией в полном объёме позволит слушателям лучше понять происходящие события.

  • Те самые душевные разговоры на кухне обо всём подряд.

    «Интроверт на кухне» — подкаст от «Правого полушария Интроверта» — сервиса, где поощряют саморазвитие.

  • Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at: https://themodernmanager.com/

    Solo episodes are like mini-courses, providing actionable tips based on experience and research. Guest episodes are engaging conversations that elicit insights and suggestions for how to apply the ideas.

    Learn more about effective meeting practices, communication skills, managing conflict, team building, time management, group dynamics, goal setting and accountability, team competencies, productivity and collaboration technologies, organizational culture, and more.

    Be sure to follow the podcast on your favorite platform so you never miss a new episode!

  • The all-new home of the Football Clichés podcast.
    Adam Hurrey explores the glorious and unique language of football: the words, the phrases, the mannerisms and, above all, the clichés.

  • Babbage is our weekly podcast on science and technology, named after Charles Babbage—a 19th-century polymath and grandfather of computing. Host Alok Jha talks to our correspondents about the innovations, discoveries and gadgetry shaping the world. Published every Wednesday.

    If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription.

    For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page here https://myaccount.economist.com/s/article/What-is-Economist-Podcasts

  • Emily Morris uses 9/11 to fake her own death and run away to start a new life in California as Connie Prynne. Fourteen years later, now with a teenage daughter by her side, Connie is diagnosed with breast cancer. She will be forced to confront her past so that her daughter will not be left on her own if she does not survive. She must decide how to explain her lies, her secrets, her selfish decisions - and ultimately her 'widowed' husband. Everything she thought she had fled from when she pretended to die in New York.

    Starring Rosamund Pike and Hugh Laurie, Kyle Soller, Isabella Sermon and Alfred Enoch. The first audio drama from the makers of Bad Sisters, People Who Knew Me is a 10-part series, written and directed by Daniella Isaacs, adapted from the book by Kim Hooper.

    Written and Directed by Daniella IsaacsAdapted from the original novel and Consulting Produced by Kim HooperProduced by Joshua Buckingham

    A Merman / Mermade production for BBC Radio 5 Live & BBC Sounds

  • В этом подкасте мы обсуждаем самые важные тексты, вышедшие на «Медузе». Тут можно услышать голоса героев, разговор с автором, а также узнать подробности, не вошедшие в материал.

  • Laidos ištakos – vakarietiška diskusijų tradicija ir įsitikinimas, jog debatuose lygiai svarbu ne tik įtikinti, bet ir išgirsti oponento argumentus. Tad čia kiekvienas susitikimas – tai disputas, kuriame į filosofinę, socialinę ar politinę problemą bandoma pažvelgti bent iš dviejų pusių. Pirmadieniais 11.05 – per LRT KLASIKĄ. Ved. Viktoras Bachmetjevas ir Paulius Gritėnas

  • Вакол Беларусі ідзе вайна гісторыяў. Расея страляе ня толькі ракетамі і снарадамі, але і гістарычнымі аргумэнтамі. Мінулае Беларусі вачыма беларусаў — асноўная тэма падкасту «Гісторыя на Свабодзе».

  • A podcast where you can hang out with your pal Stav

    Every week Stavros Halkias and his friends will help you solve all your problems. Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV, leave a voicemail and get some advice!

  • A weekly podcast where Sam Sanders, Saeed Jones, and Zach Stafford make sense of what’s going on in news and culture – and how it all feels. Vibe Check is your favorite group chat, come to life.

  • The award-winning Story Pirates Podcast takes stories written by kids and turns them into sketch comedy and songs. Made up of talented comedians, songwriters, and frequent celebrity guests, the Story Pirates inspire kids to create, bringing laughter to kids and grownups of all ages with hilarious sketches, catchy original songs from all genres, and interviews with the creative geniuses behind the stories… kids! 

  • Interviewing a diverse group of friends, peers, and experts, multi-hyphenate storyteller and comedian Max Amini brings his unique brand of observational comedy and innate curiosity to open up, dig deep, and engage in hilariously thought-provoking conversations. The goal?-- To illuminate the specific elements of our guests' character, and the moments of strength/perseverance that lead to their ultimate success and growth. Get ready for the twists and turns, the ups and downs, and the Wild Truths that go along with them. 

    Email questions or inquiries to [email protected]
    Full video episodes available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@maxamini

  • A podcast about the inflection points that shaped some of the most important companies of our time. Crucible moments are pivotal decisions that determine your trajectory. Hear from founders like Jack Dorsey of Block, Jensen Huang of Nvidia, and Anne Wojcicki of 23andMe about how they navigated the challenges and opportunities that defined their stories. Hosted by Roelof Botha of Sequoia Capital.

    The content of this podcast does not constitute investment advice, an offer to provide investment advisory services, or an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy an interest in any investment fund.

  • Welcome to the ”You, Me, & the Dog” podcast, where we explore the wonderful world of pet ownership from different perspectives. Join me and my guests as we stroll with our dogs, sharing our personal stories, insights, and experiences. Through our conversations, we aim to educate and raise awareness about important issues related to pet ownership. With each episode, we delve into our pets’ profound impact on our lives and shed light on ideas that often go unnoticed. Authentic and enlightening, our podcast celebrates the special bond between humans and their beloved animal companions. Prepare to embark on a journey filled with heartfelt stories, valuable insights, and a shared passion for dogs. Tune in to ”You, Me, & the Dog” every Wednesday, and let’s explore the world of dog ownership together.

    Image by Haute Dog Pet Photography, Dallas, TX. This podcast is proudly shot with Insta360.

  • Filed Under is a podcast about everything and nothing by me, Jade- a girl from everywhere and nowhere.

    I don't know where my creativity and inspiration will take me, so this is a ride for me and you.

    But if you're curious about multifaceted things in life- this podcast could be for you.

  • Welcome to Decoded by Threado where we chat with founders, support and community leaders.

    We talk about how to do great customer/community support at the intersection of AI, unpack unconventional methods to do support and community building. Together, we dissect, decode, and dive deeper into how they had successfully built stellar teams before and/or building them now.

    We are building an exclusive community for founders, support and community leaders. Join - https://www.threado.com/community

  • Non sempre capiamo davvero e in profondità ciò che leggiamo.
    Anzi, il più delle volte prendiamo tutto come assodato, così com’è, senza domandarci il perchè delle cose. Ad esempio, sappiamo che gli stipendi in Italia sono bassi o che Xi Jinping e Putin sono alleati, o che il il 2022 è stato un anno nero per le criptovalute. Bene, ma perché?
    Ogni giorno Marco Maisano assieme ad un esperto proveniente dal mondo della politica o dell’economia, della scienza o della cultura, riparte dalle basi, facendo una semplice domanda. Anzi la domanda più semplice del mondo: ma perché?

  • Welcome to the Wired To Crush It Podcast, I’m so glad you’re here with me.

    I’m Tanya Aliza, retired Finance Specialist and past corporate girl turned home business owner of a multi-7-figure influencer brand.

    I’m also a wife, dog mom, vacation home host, lover of life, business, marketing and success.

    I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing a business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

    I created this Podcast to share actionable roadmaps so you can Crush It in business and in life.

    So if you’re an ambitious Entrepreneur, Wired To Crush It, is your weekly dose of profitable steps that will help and inspire you to create the impact, income and life you deserve.

    You’re in the right place friend, let’s crush it.

  • Lee Wingate and Paul Watson explore the weird and wonderful world of football across FIFA’s 211 member states – and sometimes beyond.

    Join us once a week as round up the global football headlines with a touch of geography, politics, history, culture and food, plus a healthy dose of humour.

  • The Conversations with Leaders podcast, brought to you by AWS (Amazon Web Services), features peer-to-peer conversations between business executives on innovating for growth, building resiliency, and shaping the future of their organizations.

    Learn more at AWS Executive Insights and follow us on LinkedIn. For video versions of these and other conversations, subscribe to our YouTube playlist.

  • PM Happy Hour is the place for frank and honest discussion about real world issues in project management. We do it in a way that’s not too dry, though it may get a bit salty from time to time.
    Each episode, your hosts Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson we will cover a problem faced in project management today, and share practical advice, real-life examples and the occasional project horror story.
    Not only that, but every podcast is also an online class! Our host is a PMI Registered Education Provider, who has structured each podcast as an easy-to-listen-to lesson. To get credit, go to our web site at PMHappyHour.com, purchase your class, take the test (based on the content from our podcast) and you get your PDU certificate instantly!

  • We are three men passionate about all things college basketball. And we all have weaves.

  • Go behind the scenes with customer experience leader Blake Morgan to explore the secrets of the world’s most customer-centric companies.

    Blake is one of the world’s top keynote speakers, authority on customer experience and the bestselling author of “The Customer Of The Future” The Modern Customer reaches thousands of people each week conveying a message of how we make people feel - in business and in life - matters. Her weekly show explores how businesses can make customers’ lives easier and better, featuring experts that provide simple, tangible advice you can immediately apply at your own organization.

    Today’s customers have the luxury of choice. The answer is simple; choose customer experience and customers will choose you. Learn how to put a stake in the ground on customer experience by tuning into The Modern Customer Podcast each week with Blake Morgan.

  • Prof G Markets breaks down the news that’s moving the capital markets, helping you build financial literacy and security. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for no mercy, no malice insight from Scott Galloway and Ed Elson on high flying stocks, booming sectors, and master of the universe CEOs. Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society. The key to navigating it? Talk about money. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Artur Lebedenko-Swan pasineria į gilius ir prasmingus pokalbius su savo srities profesionalais bei žinomais žmonėmis. Pokalbiai, kurie ugdo, reabilituoja pašnekovus, apie gyvenimo esmę, be skandalų, paskalų ir intrigų. Kiekvienas pašnekovas pasineria į tai, kas yra jo viduje ir jaukioje aplinkoje atsiskleidžia bei suteikia vertingų patarimų ir minčių. Laida yra gyvenimo pamokų, klaidų ir laimėjimų rinkinys kiekvienam žiūrovui.

    Prisidėkite prie kūrybos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18wxTZHiS7W6lIDTU6A0tQ/join

  • Простыми словами о тайнах нашего мозга и эффективном саморазвитии. https://t.me/anna_art_piano - Телеграм-канал с ежедневной пользой.

    Записаться на коучинговое сопровождение, узнать детали работы, связаться лично по всем вопросам: https://t.me/anna_ivannikova_ICF
    Приобрести мерч подкаста (мотивационный стикерпак): https://www.ozon.ru/product/stikery-1-sht-listov-1-1562842704/
    Поддержать на Бусти: https://boosty.to/anna_art_piano

    Автор подкаста: Анна Иванникова @anna_ivannikova во всех соцсетях

    Официальный сайт: https://annaivannikova.ru/
    Звукорежиссер Лиза: https://t.me/penseravoixhaute
    Художник Александра Almist: https://vk.com/almist_art

    Благодарю за ваши отзывы, подписки и обратную связь. Это очень важно и ценно!

  • Оповіді, романи, містичні та любовні історії на українській мові.

  • MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.

    VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • Psichologinės žinios, emocinis raštingumas žmonėms reikalingas kiekviename žingsnyje.
    Kaip bendrauti? Visų pirma - su savimi, su artimaisiais, kolegomis ir nepažįstamaisiais? Kokias klaidas čia darome, kodėl nesusikalbame? Kaip sau pagelbėti ir išmokti reguliuoti emocijas, užklupus nerimui ar stresui? Kodėl mūsų visuomenėje tiek daug į kitus ar į save pačius nukreiptos agresijos? Kodėl svarbu pažinti save ir ką daryti, jei atradimai nedžiugina? Viso to mūsų mokykloje ar universitete niekas nemoko. Psichologinis raštingumas paliekamas savieigai. Todėl apie viską būtina kalbėti, ir to niekada nebus per daug.
    Laidoje „Čia ir dabar“ – pokalbiai su psichologijos profesionalais apie tai, kaip gyventi prasmingiau, neatidedant gyvenimo rytdienai ar neužstrigus praeities prisiminimuose, bet čia ir dabar – kaip psichologijai skirta radijo laida ir pavadinta.

  • Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso is a weekly series of intimate conversations with artists, activists, and politicians. Where people sound like people. Hosted by Sam Fragoso. New episodes every Sunday.

  • Welcome to Pretty Basic, a weekly podcast hosted by multi-hyphenate creators and best friends, Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz. From TMI conversations about dating to big sister chats on how to feel more confident to the dark reality of influencing; each week you'll be left wanting more "content, baby, content." New episodes every Wednesday!

  • Who decides which snacks are in your office’s vending machine? How much is a suburban elm tree worth, and to whom? How did Girl Scout Cookies become a billion-dollar business? In bite-sized episodes, journalist Zachary Crockett looks at quotidian things and finds amazing stories.

    Join the Freakonomics Radio Plus membership program for weekly member-only episodes of Freakonomics Radio. You’ll also get every show in our network without ads. To sign up, visit our show page on Apple Podcasts or go to freakonomics.com/plus.

  • Ear Hustle is prison slang for eavesdropping, and that’s what listening to the show feels like: a raw, often funny, and always surprising peek into the reality of life inside prison.

    Hosts Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods co-created the show that launched in 2017 while Earlonne was incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison, where Nigel was a volunteer teaching photography. Since Earlonne’s release in 2018, the show has expanded to include stories from prisons across the state, including the California Institution for Women, as well as stories about getting out of prison and starting over, post-incarceration.

    From finding romance, to grappling with a life sentence, to trying to parent via 15-minute phone calls, Ear Hustle stories deliver what This American Life host Ira Glass calls a “"very real” and “untragic” take on prison life.

    Ear Hustle is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm and learn more about Ear Hustle at earhustlesq.com.

  • Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes available NOW through Friends of the Pod subscription. Head to crooked.com/friends to join today!

    For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email [email protected] (edited)

  • Podcast by Живой Гвоздь

    Наш проект создает для вас уникальный продукт - мы собираем в одном месте мнения политологов, экономистов, социологов и других экспертов. О политике, экономике, событиях в мире и стране. Как поступить с финансами и что нас ждет в будущем? Ответят гости наших эфиров.

    Также смотрите нас на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWAIvx2yYLK_xTYD4F2mUNw

  • Радио Свободная Европа/Радио Свобода - это частная некоммерческая информационная служба, финансируемая Конгрессом США, осуществляющая вещание на страны Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европы, Кавказа, Центральной Азии и Ближнего Востока и на Россию.

  • The Daily Boost Podcast is the most popular and longest-running personal growth podcast in the world - for a good reason.
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  • Sakoma, jog lietuvių galima sutikti visur. Tad ir ieškosime jų įvairiausiuose pasaulio kampeliuose. Kuo jie gyvena? Kokiomis gatvelėmis vaikšto? Ką veikia laisvalaikiu? Kokius klubus ar parodas lanko? Ir kokios muzikos klauso? Įsijunkime radiją, užsimerkime ir bastykimės drauge.
    Ved. Richardas Jonaitis.

  • Lauryn Evarts Bosstick & Michael Bosstick, the entrepreneurial duo behind Dear Media & The Skinny Confidential have been interviewing the world’s most accomplished individuals for close to a decade. Think world class leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors, celebrities, athletes, executives, bestselling authors, experts, & more. Every episode offers unfiltered conversations with tangible takeaways, advice, & actionable practices the listener or viewer can apply immediately to enhance their own lives. Tune in every week as the couple explore some of the most impressive minds this world has to offer while asking the questions you care about. New episodes every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

  • NBA analytics pioneer and front office insider John Hollinger joins Dunc'd On podcast host Nate Duncan to bring you the smartest weekly NBA podcast available. The Hollinger & Duncan NBA Show brings fans next-level analysis of the league, its teams, and its players. John and Nate take you behind the curtain for an unmatched insider look at every aspect of the NBA. From scouting reports to game breakdowns to salary cap analysis, there’s no better way for true basketball fans to follow the NBA.

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  • There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

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  • Join your favorite hot mess, Alix Earle, as she invites you to listen in on a weekly recap of her life revealing all the in-depth, exclusive details that has everyone watching, talking, and wanting more. For the first time ever, Alix will be letting you in on what is actually happening, beyond her trending TikToks. From friendships to family, relationship updates to rumors, traveling and navigating life after college, get ready for all the behind-the-scenes details that you've been waiting for. Let's be honest, life is messy, and Alix is here to remind you that we're all on this journey together. So welcome, you are now officially invited to the debrief.

  • The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

  • Мы были вместе пять лет, а теперь обсуждаем отношения через призму личного опыта, психотерапии и черного юмора 🌝
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  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • You might think you know what it takes to lead a happier life… more money, a better job, or Instagram-worthy vacations. You’re dead wrong. Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos has studied the science of happiness and found that many of us do the exact opposite of what will truly make our lives better. Based on the psychology course she teaches at Yale -- the most popular class in the university’s 300-year history -- Laurie will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will change the way you think about happiness.

  • Welcome to the RealLife English podcast! For over 10 years, RealLife English has helped millions of learners just like you from virtually every country to go beyond the classroom and live, speak and master English in the Real World. We’ve been able to do this through our unique method: The RealLife Way, which consists of three simple, but powerful components:

    Mindset: How to think like a successful English speaker
    Method: How to live, speak and master English in the Real World
    Mastery: How to become a confident Global Citizen

    In this podcast, you will listen to fun and dynamic English conversations with me and other experienced fluency coaches. These lessons are designed to help you become a confident, natural English speaker AND Global Citizen.

    You will learn:

    - The vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms, and slang that you ACTUALLY need to know
    - How to understand fast-spoken English from various native and advanced non-native fluency coaches
    - Native pronunciation and Connected Speech (How natives reduce, cut and connect the sounds)

    And so much more!

    By the way, to get the best experience with our podcast, we highly recommend you listen to it on the RealLife English App. With every episode you get a full, interactive transcript and vocabulary definitions. That way, you won’t miss a single thing! Just search for RealLife English in your favorite app store.

    Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss a single new episode. Aww yeah!

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  • «Никакого правильно» — это депрессивный стендап о ментальном здоровье, родительстве и правах женщин. Ксения Красильникова и Маша Карнович-Валуа разговаривают о том, что каждый и каждая имеет право на сложные чувства, на поиск способов обходиться с ними, а еще на личные убеждения и свободу.

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