• "Negyvas Eteris" - lietuviško kūrinio platforma, įkurta Manto Katlerio, Rolando Mackevičiaus ir Manto Stonkaus.

  • Proto Pemza pasirodo ten, kur susitinka tikri nusikaltimai, siaubą keliantys įvykiai ir ekscentriški kuriozai. Keturiese pasakojame apie smalsumą keliančius nutikimus, nepelnytai dūlančius saugyklose užrakintų laikraščių puslapiuose. /// Esame radikalūs mėgėjai, tačiau kiekvienai laidai ruošiamės atsakingiau nei savo senatvei. Todėl ką nors naujo išgirsite kiekvienas. Mažų mažiausiai garantuojame ledlaužį vėsiam pokalbiui praskaidrinti. /// Siekiame gerai praleisti laiką, pakeliui jums atskleisdami netikėčiausius gyvenimo atspalvius. Užsukite, čia jūsų laukia istorijos įdomybės, susidūrimai su antgamtiniu pasauliu bei pasakojimai apie reiškinius, geriau suprantamus tiktai šiek tiek pašveitus smegenis.

  • Laisvės TV podcast'ai!

    2016 metais žurnalistas Andrius Tapinas įkūrė nepriklausomą, žiūrovų išlaikomą televiziją.

    Per šešerius gyvavimo metus jau ne kartą parodėme, kad esame ne tik televizija. Vienydami aktyvius, pilietiškus ir laisvus keisti žmones įgaliname vieni kitus kurti nepriklausomą ir kokybišką turinį, kelti visuomenei opias problemas ir aktyviai reaguojant į aktualijas inicijuoti visuomeninius projektus. Tokios mūsų iniciatyvos, kaip Laisvės kelias ar Bayraktaras, garsina Lietuvos vardą visame pasaulyje.

  • Populiariausia krepšinio tinklalaidė Lietuvoje.

  • Laida skirta papasakoti įdomiems, bet dažnai primirštiems ar tiesiog nepastebėtiems istoriniams reiškiniams ar įvykiams, kurie visuomenėje ilgainiui virto tarsi savaime suprantami ir todėl pranyko kasdienybės aktualijose.
    Ved. Rimas Bružas

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Short podcasts to improve your English at work.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Svarbiausios šios savaitės technologijų naujienos

  • Pabandei ir nepavyko? Susimovei? Nerandi ką nori veikti gyvenime? Nekenti savo darbo? Įstojai „ne ten“? Nepaėjo verslas? Kam nepasitaiko. 🤷‍♂️ Tiesiog susiimk ir... pradėk iš naujo. Antrą kartą pavyks geriau. Karjera, santykiai, verslas, finansai, sveikata — pasikalbėkim su žmonėmis, kurie suteikė sau antrą šansą.

  • Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0

  • Historian Dan Snow investigates the 'how' and 'why' of history's defining moments.

    From the Colosseum of Ancient Rome and the battlefields of Waterloo to the tomb of Tutankhamun, Dan journeys across the globe to share the greatest stories from the past that help us understand the present.

    New episodes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

    You can get in touch with us at [email protected]

    A podcast by History Hit, the world's best history channel and creators of award-winning podcasts The Ancients, Gone Medieval, and Betwixt the Sheets.

    Subscribe here to get early access, AD-FREE and bonus episodes.

  • Kas vakarą po pasaką – mažiems ir dideliems. Gražiausios pasaulio tautų pasakos, klasikų kūriniai, šiuolaikinių užsienio ir lietuvių rašytojų knygos vaikams. Skaito žinomi šalies aktoriai – nuo pirmadienio iki sekmadienio 20.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

  • Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.

  • Nors, regis, gyvename geriausiais žmonijos laikais – mums vis kas nors negerai. Skundai, kritika, erzulys, nusivylimas, keliami aukšti standartai ir negebėjimas patiems jų laikytis – apie tai laida „Viskas blogai“, kurioje maži ir dideli gyvenimo objektai ar reiškiniai aptariami per labiausiai trikdančią jų pusę. Kartu bandoma suprasti, ką tai sako apie mus ir visuomenę, kurioje gyvename. Ar tikrai viskas taip blogai? Laidos vedėjai Karolina Bieliauskaitė ir Mantas Velykis ne tik ieško mūsų nepasitenkinimo priežasčių, bet ir bando atpažinti „blogybių“ įtaką populiariajai kultūrai ir patogaus gyvenimo įvaizdžiui.

  • Laida apie ilgą, o kartais labai trumpą laiką šioje Žemėje. Kada sulaukti 100 metų bus taip pat įprasta kaip pilnametystės. Kam už tai dėkosime: vaistams ar harmoningam gyvenimo būdui? Laida skirta pokalbiams apie ilgaamžiškumą, mitybą ir santykį su sveiku kūnu. Laidos autoriai gyvensenos medicinos pradininkas Lietuvoje Tomas Vaičiūnas ir šeimos medicinos gydytojas Ignas Klėjus.

  • Trumpai, bet įdomiai, netikėtu kampu papasakoti apie tą dieną prieš n metų nutikusį svarbų įvykį, reikšmingą atradimą, kurį verta paminėti, atsižvelgiant į šių dienų kontekstą.

  • Sport, basketball, football, formula 1, talk show, live broadcast

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • EU Confidential is a weekly European news and politics podcast published every Friday by POLITICO Europe. Each 30-minute episode features POLITICO’s analysis of the top stories driving EU politics, as well as notable guests shaping European policy and deep-dive stories from around the Continent. It’s hosted by Sarah Wheaton, POLITICO’s chief policy correspondent, who is joined by reporters from around Europe. Discover our show notes for EU Confidential here: https://www.politico.eu/eu-confidential-podcast/

  • The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

  • Artur Lebedenko-Swan pasineria į gilius ir prasmingus pokalbius su savo srities profesionalais bei žinomais žmonėmis. Pokalbiai, kurie ugdo, reabilituoja pašnekovus, apie gyvenimo esmę, be skandalų, paskalų ir intrigų. Kiekvienas pašnekovas pasineria į tai, kas yra jo viduje ir jaukioje aplinkoje atsiskleidžia bei suteikia vertingų patarimų ir minčių. Laida yra gyvenimo pamokų, klaidų ir laimėjimų rinkinys kiekvienam žiūrovui.

    Prisidėkite prie kūrybos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18wxTZHiS7W6lIDTU6A0tQ/join

  • Psichologinės žinios, emocinis raštingumas žmonėms reikalingas kiekviename žingsnyje.
    Kaip bendrauti? Visų pirma - su savimi, su artimaisiais, kolegomis ir nepažįstamaisiais? Kokias klaidas čia darome, kodėl nesusikalbame? Kaip sau pagelbėti ir išmokti reguliuoti emocijas, užklupus nerimui ar stresui? Kodėl mūsų visuomenėje tiek daug į kitus ar į save pačius nukreiptos agresijos? Kodėl svarbu pažinti save ir ką daryti, jei atradimai nedžiugina? Viso to mūsų mokykloje ar universitete niekas nemoko. Psichologinis raštingumas paliekamas savieigai. Todėl apie viską būtina kalbėti, ir to niekada nebus per daug.
    Laidoje „Čia ir dabar“ – pokalbiai su psichologijos profesionalais apie tai, kaip gyventi prasmingiau, neatidedant gyvenimo rytdienai ar neužstrigus praeities prisiminimuose, bet čia ir dabar – kaip psichologijai skirta radijo laida ir pavadinta.

  • The Twenty Minute VC (20VC) interviews the world's greatest venture capitalists with prior guests including Sequoia's Doug Leone and Benchmark's Bill Gurley. Once per week, 20VC Host, Harry Stebbings is also joined by one of the great founders of our time with prior founder episodes from Spotify's Daniel Ek, Linkedin's Reid Hoffman, and Snowflake's Frank Slootman.

    If you would like to see more of The Twenty Minute VC (20VC), head to www.20vc.com for more information on the podcast, show notes, resources and more.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Tinklalaidėje pateikiame pažintinę ir mokomąją, praktiškai pritaikomą medžiagą, skirtą ir specialistams, ir visuomenei. Daug dėmesio yra skiriama pagrindinėms šiuolaikinės psichologijos ir moksliniais tyrimais grįstos psichoterapijos sritims - Kognityvinė elgesio terapija, Įsisąmoninimu grįsta terapija, Schemų terapija, Dialektinė ir elgesio terapija, Priėmimo ir įsipareigojimo terapija ir kitos. Didelė dalis medžiagų skirta praktiniam įgūdžių lavinimui, t.y. mindfulness metodikos, įvairūs relaksacijos, psichologinio atsparumo didinimo ir kitų psichologinių kompetencijų stiprinimo pratimai.

  • Hosted by James Thayer, the podcast is a practical, step-by-step manual on how to craft a novel. It presents a set of tools for large issues such as story development and scene construction (Kirkus Reviews said Thayer's novels are "superbly crafted') and it also examines techniques that will make your sentence-by-sentence writing shine. The New York Times Book Review has said Thayer's "writing is smooth and clear. it wastes no words, and it has a rhythm only confident stylists achieve.

  • Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world.

    Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at http://www.economist.com/podcastsplus-intelligence.

    If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription.

    For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page at https://myaccount.economist.com/s/article/What-is-Economist-Podcasts

  • We interview and study famous financial billionaires, including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Howard Marks, and teach you what we learn and how you can apply their investment strategies in the stock market.
    We Study Billionaires is the largest stock investing podcast show in the world with 150,000,000+ downloads and is hosted by Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh, William Green, Clay Finck, and Kyle Grieve.
    This podcast also includes the Richer Wiser Happier series hosted by best-selling author William Green. William regularly interviews legendary investors such as Mohnish Pabrai and Guy Spier, exploring what they can teach us about how to succeed in markets and life.
    And finally, our Bitcoin Fundamentals series is hosted by Preston Pysh, where he interviews prominent figures in the Bitcoin and macroeconomic space. To learn more about TIP, you can visit theinvestorspodcast.com or subscribe to our free daily newsletter here.
    Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

  • The Mindset Mentor™ podcast is designed for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Rob Dial has amassed a passionate following of over 3 million social media followers, including business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with his expertise and passion for helping motivate people to become the best version of themselves.
    In this podcast, Rob blends neurology, neurobiology, psychology, early childhood development, cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can understand the way your brain and body work together, because when you understand yourself, it makes it much easier to make a plan to change and succeed. When you master your mindset, you master your life.
    Over the past 15 years, he has studied with some of the greatest thought leaders of our time like Tony Robbins, Ram Dass, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman and many more.
    If you're ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose or you just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The Mindset Mentor Podcast.
    Follow Rob on Instagram @RobDialJr https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/

    Past guests include Tony Robbins, Matthew McConaughey, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman, Lewis Howes, Gregg Braden, and Dr Steven Gundry.

  • Daiktai mums gali papasakoti viską. Mūsų praeitį, dabartį ir ateitį. Žinoma, ne tik vien daiktai. Galbūt ir dalykai. Bet kokiu atveju, nėra tokio visai šalimais mūsų tūnančio ir nepastebimo namų apyvokos padargo, maisto produkto, aprangos detalės, su kuria nesisietu liepsnojanti aktualija arba įdomi istorija. Pabaigoje – knygų rekomendacijos pagal laidos temą.
    Ved. Aidas Puklevičius. LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • The daily cybersecurity news and analysis industry leaders depend on. Published each weekday, the program also includes interviews with a wide spectrum of experts from industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world.

  • emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

  • Hear our take on the news and enjoy sharp reporting on the big stories every weekday. Tune in as our guest panel reviews the day’s events in Europe, follows developing stories in the Americas and welcomes early risers in Asia and Australasia. Plus: reports and analysis from Monocle’s correspondents and bureaux around the world. Nominated for ‘Best Daily Podcast’ in the 2022 British Podcast Awards.

  • Strange tales of hacking, tech, internet grifters, AI, and security with Jordan & Scott. Are internet hitmen really a thing? What does someone do with a crypto wallet full of millions and a lost password? Did a Minecraft scammer really hack the president? Hacked is a technology show about people hacking things together and apart, with your old pals Jordan Bloemen and Scott Francis Winder. Get at us via [email protected].

  • View the Episode Archive »
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    #smartbinge Radiolab podcasts

  • Luke is a professional frontend engineer building a portfolio of indie apps and developer tools. Casey is an ex Google/Firebase backend engineer breaking into indie app development with the viral sports trivia app "Dribble Game Trivia".
    Each episode we bring on a new guest from the Build In Public community to learn from their bootstrap journey! We cover everything from TikTok content strategies to ASO to building an algorithmic newsfeed on serverless SAAS.
    Join us on our journey and learn along with us as we bootstrap and ship our way to financial freedom with Flutter and friends!

    Бесспорно, является профессионалом с большой буквы, абсолютным мастером своего дела, желанным гостем вечеринок.
    Его игра сразу отличается безупречным сведением музыки, тончайшим чувством ритма, собственным стилем и техникой игры.
    Его музыкальные стили очень разнообразны, а их звучание неповторимо: красивое Electro, качественное Techno, потрясающий по красоте и чарующий House просто сводят с ума!
    Все ритмы и звуки с легкостью и, присущей ему, неповторимой стилистикой сливаются в сэты, которые делают их просто незабываемыми, а его энергетика будоражит каждого человека на танцполе.

  • Prof G Markets breaks down the news that’s moving the capital markets, helping you build financial literacy and security. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for no mercy, no malice insight from Scott Galloway and Ed Elson on high flying stocks, booming sectors, and master of the universe CEOs. Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society. The key to navigating it? Talk about money. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Improve your English with these short dramas and stories.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • Everyday expressions and real English conversations to help make your everyday conversations easier.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • E.T. meets The Princess Diaries with a Freaky Friday twist is this new series from award-winning writer Stephanie Elie.
    Alpha 8 is a sci-fi adventure fiction podcast that explores what happens when a desperate alien from another planet swaps places with a struggling mom to understand the meaning of family so she can save her own kind from extinction.
    This award-winning eight-episode series sheds light on the inequalities and struggles working moms face daily, all wrapped up in a fun, heartfelt sci-fi adventure that evaluates the question - what does it mean to be a good parent?
    Alpha 8 features the voices of RICHARD LEACOCK as Michael, JASMINE ASHANTI as Larson and Alpha 8, JESSI MECHLER as SAMANTHA, TODD GAJDUSEK as Dr. Stevens, and other voices, CAMERON ELIE as Daniel, MALACHI JOSIAH WHITE as Jackson, SYDNEY THOMAS as Taryn, SAM GIPSON as Ramirez and other voices, JAKE FARRAGO as Willis, STEPHANIE MAURA SANCHEZ as Summer, NAOMI CHAN as Delta Leader and other voices, OMARI WILLIAMS as Brady and other voices. ​​Additional performances by Jessica McKay, Gabe Brown, Stephanie Elie, Chris Power, John Comerford, Myla Elie, Joe Bratcher, Jaime Sutor, Wendy Pierce, Stuart Pankin and Craig Elie.
    Alpha 8 was created by Stephanie Elie and is a production of Bizzie Media Group. Sound design by Xperience J. Original music composed by Steven Bias. Story editing by Jake Farrago. Alpha 8 is Executive Produced by Haywood L. Brown, Craig Elie, and June Bayha. Other Music by Epidemic Sound.
    Alpha 8 was recorded at Dave & Dave Recording Studio. Show Art created by Tal Minear. Special thanks to Joe Bratcher and Twin Bridges.
    Loved what you heard? Hit subscribe and tell your friends about us! Your ratings and reviews on Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify mean the world to us. For the full credits, transcripts, and more, head over to alpha8audio.com ( http://alpha8audio.com/ ). If you have questions feel free to reach out to [email protected].
    Find and support our sponsors at: fableandfolly.com/partners

  • In this official A State of Trance Podcast Ruben de Ronde discusses recent ASOT projects, developments & events and they interview special guest DJs and producers from the ASOT radio show. Enjoy!

  • Psichologijos mokslo nagrinėjimas gali stipriai pagerinti gyvenimo kokybę! 🤍 Tiesa, žodis „mokslas” gali skambėti pernelyg rimtai. Dėl to labai noriu tave su psichologija supažindinti per itin paprastą prizmę, kai aš ir mano pašnekovai paprastai suprantamais žodžiais kalbėsim apie itin aktualias temas. Įdomu, kas bus toliau? Sek „Ramybė chaose”: Instagram: https://instagram.com/ramybechaose?igshid=MmIzYWVlNDQ5Yg== Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550244840837 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@RamybeChaose O jeigu turi klausimų specialistams, rašyk į [email protected] 📩

  • Paul Rose aka the musician, DJ, and A&R known as Scuba talks to people of significance from the world of electronic music about their experiences, observations, and attempts to cultivate a life for themselves in the murky and sometimes treacherous waters of the music industry.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing ViviTalks, a podcast hosted by Dutch New York-based musician Vivienne Aerts. Join us as we celebrate 100 talented female musicians from Vivienne's latest album "Typuhthâng," with a mission to empower female cacao farmers in the Virunga State Park of Congo and contribute to rainforest restoration. We delve into the musical journeys, creative processes, and unique perspectives of these talented women, seeking to bring greater balance to the music industry. Let's amplify the voices of remarkable women in music and stay tuned for inspiring stories and meaningful dialogues on ViviTalks.

  • An Official Selection of the Tribeca Festival 2021. A brilliant neuroscientist on the brink of a galaxy-changing discovery that will save millions of lives has her work cut short when she’s kidnapped by a renegade miner. Follow Dr. Alexine Prometh as she works to outwit Nico Dunn and complete the Abacus Project, her life's work. Set in the distant future, this immersive audio series explores what it means to live in a utopian society, and the great lengths a person must go to preserve humanity.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

  • Культурный обозреватель ТАСС Наташа Крючкова рассказывает о художниках то, о чем вы еще не слышали, и выясняет у искусствоведов, что из этого правда, а что — миф. Почему ученики Шагала выгнали его из собственного училища? Как Поленов защищал женщин? И зачем Куинджи гулял по крышам и лечил птиц?

  • A series about how the Supreme Court got so supreme.

  • Įdomiausių, populiariausių romanų fragmentai, novelės ar esė kas vakarą 21.00 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Red. Vida Morkevičienė.

  • Pėsčiomis per šalia esančias, bet neatrastas Lietuvos vietas. Eidami vidutiniu 5 km/h greičiu vedėjai aptaria keliavimo pėsčiomis privalumus, ieško netikėtų maršrutų ir pasikvietę pakeleivį kalba apie kelionių psichologiją, istoriją bei kitomis temomis.

  • The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • На политической кухне США жара – все кипит в ожидании выборов президента. Именно здесь Лиза Фохт вместе с американскими экспатами ищет идеальный рецепт президентской кампании.

  • A rundown of the most important global business stories you need to know for the coming day, from the newsroom of the Financial Times. Available every weekday morning.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sveiki visi, pakliuvę į Love Streams Running eterį. Esame bėgimo ir triatlono klubas, o šios mūsų laidos yra skirtos tokiems kaip mes - gyvenantiems sportu, besidomintiems sveikata, mityba, treniruočių metodikomis ir panašiais reikalais. Čia dalinamės savo žiniomis, treniruočių ištraukomis, kalbiname sportininkus, trenerius, mokslininkus ir kitus įdomius sporto pasaulio žmones. Kviečiame sportuoti, nuotykiauti ir pažinti kartu. Love Streams Running.

  • „LRT OPUS muzikos žinios“ – tai koncentruotai pateiktos svarbiausios tos savaitės alternatyviosios muzikos naujienos, parengtos LRT OPUS muzikos ekspertų. Kiekvieną penktadienį, 8, 11 ir 16 val., per LRT OPUS. Ved. Unė Liandzbergytė ir Ramūnas Zilnys.

  • Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, every Tuesday as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world challenges.
    How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I write emails to get my point across? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life.
    Think Fast, Talk Smart provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.
    Learn more & sign up for our eNewsletter: https://fastersmarter.io

  • LRT KLASIKOS tinklalaidė „Mąstymo žemėlapis“ siekia supažindinti, tyrinėti ir atskleisti smegenų veiklą, mąstymo procesus, psichologinius reiškinius, hormonų įtaką žmogaus savijautai, nervinius impulsus, nerimą, stresą ir juos aktualizuoti praktiniais pavyzdžiais. Neuromokslas, smegenų veikla ir psichologija yra nuolat besivystančios ir besikeičiančios sritys, jos svarbios visuomenės gerovei ir sveikatai, padeda geriau suprasti save ir nusibraižyti asmeninį mąstymo žemėlapį. Tinklalaidė kuriama bendradarbiaujant su Lietuvos neuromokslų asociacija. Vedėjas – Ignas Andriukevičius.

  • „Penktas kėlinys“ – krepšinio aktualijų laida, kurioje aptariami svarbiausi krepšinio įvykiai. Įdomios įžvalgos, negirdėti faktai ir aštrūs pasisakymai – viskas nevyniojant į vatą kiekvieną savaitę portale Krepsinis.net.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Soon, you’ll need a subscription to keep full access to this show, and to other New York Times podcasts, on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don’t miss out on exploring all of our shows, featuring everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at nytimes.com/podcasts.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • NEW season: Al Fayed, Predator at Harrods. Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Al Fayed – then owner of one of the most famous shops in the world – is accused of rape and attempted rape by women who worked for him. Now they refuse to be silenced any longer.

    This is a story of power and control at the very top of British society. At the time of many of the alleged attacks, Mohamed Al Fayed was the owner of London’s luxury department store Harrods, and also the iconic Ritz Paris hotel and English football club Fulham FC.

    The BBC has heard testimony of over 20 women.

    Harrods has condemned Al Fayed’s actions “in the strongest terms” and has told the BBC that “as a business we failed our employees who were his victims and for this we sincerely apologise.” Harrods says the organisation is different today to the one owned by Al Fayed, and it “seeks to put the welfare of our employees at the heart of everything we do.”

    The story begins in the 1980s in Knightsbridge, an affluent, exclusive district of London. It continues through the 90s, following the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, Mohamed Al Fayed’s son, and into the late 2000s.

    The billionaire was portrayed in the popular television series The Crown, a drama about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Mohamed Al Fayed died in 2023.

    This season is about sexual abuse, and includes descriptions which some listeners might find distressing.

    World of Secrets is the home of major BBC global investigations and gripping storytelling. Holding the powerful to account and exposing scandals around the world.

    These are the previous seasons of World of Secrets:

    Season 1: The Abercrombie Guys. An investigation into claims of sexual exploitation made against the former CEO of fashion giant Abercrombie & Fitch. He and his British partner were accused by several men, recruited for sex events they hosted around the world.

    Season 2: The Disciples. The cult of Nigerian prophet TB Joshua. A story of miracles, faith and manipulation, told by people from around the world, who gave up everything for one of the most powerful religious figures of the century. Lured by TB Joshua’s claimed healing powers, and the promise that one day they could be like him, they live as disciples in a guarded Lagos compound, cut off from family and friends.

    Season 3: The Apartheid Killer. All the victims were black and the youngest was just 12 years old. Some relatives are still searching for the graves. They were killed during a three-year bloodbath in the 1980s, in the South African city of East London – by one person. He killed so many, he lost count. In piecing together this story, the new season of World of Secrets exposes the disturbed past and racial injustices of South Africa itself.


  • Profesionalios LRT RADIJO Naujienų tarnybos parengtos žinios iš Lietuvos ir pasaulio atnaujinamos kas valandą visą parą. Išsamiausios žinių laidos – kasdien 12 val., 18 val. ir 22 val.

  • Bite-sized interviews with top social scientists

  • „Lėto maisto kultūra” - tai kelionė per skanaus, sezoniško, kokybiško ir sveiko maisto labirintus. Visi žinome, jog turėtume mėgautis tik ekologišku, pilnaverčiu, vitaminais ir mineralais praturtintu maistu. Tačiau, ar mokame atpažinti kokybiškus produktus? Kas lemia skonį ir gerasias savybes? Ar tiesa, jog sveikas maistas yra nuobodus, neskanus ir brangus? Kaip savo valgymo patirtį praturtinti skaniais, gurmaniškais, o svarbiausia, sveikais produktais? Ar gera pica blogiau, už beskones prekybos centro salotas, o brangus parmezanas - geresnis, už šviežią varškės sūrį, spaustą su meile? Ar sunku tikro maisto rasti Lietuvoje ir kas jį užaugina? Į šiuos klausimus atsakymų ieškos laidos vedėjai Paulius ir Simona, lankydami nedidelius ūkius, maisto gamintojus, kalbindami mokslininkus, dietologus, mitybos ir žemdirbystės ekspertus.

  • Čia Gyvena Pyktis

    Nebūkit dūchai ir remkit Armėno Radiją!


    Visas Armėnas čia:

  • If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

  • Global DJ Broadcast is the weekly dance music radio show hosted by international DJ and producer Markus Schulz. Receiving multiple IDMA nominations since its inception, Markus’ unique fusion of trance, progressive and multiple additional genres has contributed to becoming one of the most popular radio shows on FM, satellite and online.

  • „Verslo tribūnoje” – lyderių pokalbiai lyderiams.

  • Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

  • Tinklalaidė „Kas ten dedasi?“ kiekvieną savaitę sieks padėti klausytojui suprasti, kas ir kodėl dedasi pasaulyje. Naujienų sraute aktualiausias temas nušvies trys užsienio naujienų redaktoriai, Lukas Kivita, Aurimas Piečiukaitis ir Vykintas Pugačiauskas. Kitaip nei įprasta, klausytojas išgirs ne reportažą ar interviu, bet pačių žurnalistų diskusijas apie tai, kas ten dedasi.

  • Dvylika. Šis skaičius siejamas su erdvės ir laiko idėja, apskritimu bei ratu: dvylika Zodiako ženklų, mėnesių, valandų. Tai kosminės tvarkos, tobulumo ir sėkmės simbolis. Dvylika Graikijos panteono dievų, dvylika Biblijos mokinių ir apaštalų, dvylika Jokūbo sūnų, dvylika žvaigždžių Apokalipsės karūnoje, dvylikos pentagramų ratas Europos Sąjungos vėliavoje.

    Į kokius 12 miestų būtina nuvažiuoti prieš numirštant, kokias 12 knygų į negyvenamą salą rekomenduotų pasiimti įdomus svečias, kokius 12 mitų paneigs gydytojas, 12 priežasčių neišvažiuoti iš Lietuvos?

    (Michael Skok / Unsplash nuotr.)

  • Welcome to the anti-agony aunt podcast, So Wrong It's Right - with host Olivia Attwood. Olivia has lived many lives in the public eye: made friends, foes, plenty of mistakes and had amazing experiences, but through it all, she's always stayed true to herself.

    Which is why, this podcast series is all about being honest, squashing shame and fessing up to some of our most guilty pleasures. Olivia chats to guests from all walks of life about some of the most relatable moments of when they were so wrong, it felt right - as they get behind trends, tabloids and a whole load of WhatsApps.

    Expect everything from life lessons to downright hilarious insights and confessions that we can all relate to but might not want to admit.

    Olivia and her guests have been there and got the T-shirt so you don't have to.

    Any advice taken from this series is at your own risk.

    Get involved by sending in your questions to Olivia by following the podcast over on @SoWrongItsRightPod on socials.

    And watch all the episodes on You Tube at @SoWrongItsRightPod

    So Wrong It's Right is brought to you with @foxybingo - Put your paws on fab FREE games with Foxy Bingo. https://promo.foxybingo.com/en/promo/p/Olivia-Attwood-Sponsorship-Free-Bingo

    T&Cs apply. 18+. begambleaware.org 

    A Bauer and Listen production

    For commercial opportunities please contact: [email protected]

  • Decades after Ted Kaczynski was caught, society is still asking some of the same questions about him: Is Ted a genius who went astray? Or simply a madman who murdered three people in cold blood? Project Unabom takes an in-depth look back at the Unabomber saga and Ted Kaczynski's legacy from the perspective of FBI agents who worked to solve the case, his brother who turned him in, and Ted’s very own writings. 

    New episodes out every Monday. 

    Project Unabom is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Pineapple Street Studios. Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts.


  • Мослекторий - просветительский проект для тех, кто любит думать. Наши лекции о последних трендах в науке, искусстве, литературе, культуре, музыке и не только.

  • „Potekstės“ - tinklalaidė apie medijas ir jų triukšme gyvenantį žmogų.

    Veda Adomas Šimkus.

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical journalist who had a panic attack on live national television, which led him to try something he otherwise never would have considered: meditation. He went on to write the bestselling book, 10% Happier. On this show, Dan talks with eminent meditation teachers, top scientists, and even the odd celebrity. Guests include everyone from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Brené Brown to Karamo from Queer Eye. On some episodes, Dan ventures into the deep end of the pool, covering subjects such as enlightenment and psychedelics. On other episodes, it’s science-based techniques for issues such as anxiety, productivity, and relationships. Dan's approach is seemingly modest, but secretly radical: happiness is a skill you can train, just like working your bicep in the gym. Your progress may be incremental at first, but like any good investment, it compounds over time.

    New episodes come out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Listen to 10% Happier on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/links/ten-percent-happier-with-dan-harris now.

  • A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

  • Get a rare glimpse into the minds and methods of sadistic murderers. From notorious names like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy to lesser-known killers like “Death House Landlady” Dorothea Puente, what turns a regular person into a predator? Serial Killers is a Spotify Original. New episodes Mondays.

  • We tell our children unsettling fairy tales to teach them valuable lessons, but these Cautionary Tales are for the education of the grown ups – and they are all true. Tim Harford (Financial Times, BBC, author of “The Data Detective”) brings you stories of awful human error, tragic catastrophes, and hilarious fiascos. They'll delight you, scare you, but also make you wiser. New episodes every other Friday.

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Hosts Nic and the Captain invite you to grab a chair, grab a beer and join them as they talk some true crime. This is no ordinary garage: it’s a rabbit hole of true crime, with a generous supply of alcohol and banter to lighten the load. From international atrocities to heinous stories on (US) home turf, dive head-first into a different case each week, and enjoy a cold one whilst your there. 

    If you consider yourself an armchair detective, you’re in the right place, and you’re amongst friends. For the mystery-seeker, True Crime Garage presents an archive of missing persons, unsolved and cold cases, plus accounts of infamous serial killers and chilling solved cases. 

    True Crime Garage has just one rule: don’t litter. Remember to not take yourself too seriously because if you do, nobody else will. 

    Missing persons (including):

    Maura Murray 

    Brandon Lawson 

    Asha Degree

    Wiliam Tyrell

    Emma Fillipoff

    Brian Shaffer

    Jaliek Rainwalker 

    Madeleine McCann

    Jennifer Kesse

    Unsolved cases (including):

    Mitrice Richardson 

    Kendrick Johnson

    JonBenet Ramsey

    The Delphi murders

    OJ Simpson

    The Tylenol Murders 

    Elisa Lam

    The Photo: Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon 

    The West Memphis 3 

    Amy Mihaljevic

    Serial killers (including):

    The Long Island Serial Killer (LISK)


    Ted Bundy

    The Backpacker: Ivan Milat 

    BTK: Dennis Rader

    John Wayne Gacy 

    Jeffrey Dahmer 

    Edmund Kemper

    Ed Gein

    Solved cases (including):

    Chris Watts

    The Unabomber 

    John Lennon 

    Scott Peterson

    Son of Sam


    Room 309: Sidney Teerhuis-Moar

    Kenneka Jenkins

    Rae Carruth

  • SciShow Tangents is the lightly competitive knowledge showcase from the geniuses behind the YouTube series SciShow. Every other Tuesday, join Hank Green, Ceri Riley, and Sam Schultz as they try to one-up and amaze each other with weird and funny scientific research... while not getting distracted. There will be tangents about video games, music, weird smells, surprisingly deep insights about life, and of course, poop, but it always comes back to the science.

  • For centuries, all sorts of people—generals and politicians, athletes and coaches, writers and leaders—have looked to the teachings of Stoicism to help guide their lives. Each day, author and speaker Ryan Holiday brings you a new lesson about life, inspired by the thoughts and writings of great Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca the Younger. Daily Stoic Podcast also features Q+As with listeners and interviews with notable figures from sports, academia, politics, and more. Learn more at DailyStoic.com.

    Listen to The Daily Stoic on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/the-daily-stoic/ now. 

  • Gaono kodas, pasak legendų, leidžia atskleisti praeities paslaptis, sužinoti, kaip elgtis šiandien ir pažvelgti į ateitį. Tą patį daro laidos autoriai – bestselerių „Gaono kodas“ ir „Drakono uodega“ autorius Rytis Sabas ir litvakų palikuonis, žurnalistas Ernestas Alesinas – kalbindami įvairias asmenybes apie dabar beveik išnykusią žydų bendruomenę, šimtus metų drauge kūrusią Lietuvos valstybę. Apie paslaptis ir mitus, apie mokslą ir istoriją, apie bendras pergales ir tragedijas. Apie reikšmę ne tik Lietuvos, tačiau ir viso pasaulio gyvenimui.
    Gaono kodo ieškoma skirtingose srityse – nuo karybos, iki švietimo ir maisto – kiekvieną penktadienį LRT radiotekoje.
    Vedėjai Rytis Sabas, Ernestas Alesinas.

  • The Basement Yard is a podcast ran by me, Joe Santagato. I would write a long description about what this podcast will be about but I'm not even sure.. Enjoy!

  • Yra klausimų, kurie svarbūs mums kaip bendruomenei ir kaip valstybei. Laisvame krašte jų nedera palikti tik valdžiai. Juos svarstyti ir atsakymų ieškoti turime visi kartu. Pirmadieniais–penktadieniais 11.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Išskyrus išimtį, jei esate skaitantis šuo, turbūt jūs žmogus. Kaip sekasi juo būti? Su visomis žmogiškomis emocijomis, iššūkiais ir ydomis. Vedėjos Elžbieta ir Tautė kalbina pašnekovus įvairiomis painiomis temomis: emocinis gyvenimas, susikalbėjimas, lgbtqia+, intymumas, gėdos. Gilius pokalbius lydi vedėjų juokeliai, improvizacijos ir žaismingos rubrikos. Nes rimti dalykai yra komiškiausi, ir atvirkščiai. „Žaidžiam žmogų“ veda draugės nuo paauglystės – žurnalistė Tautė Bernotaitė ir aktorė Elžbieta Latėnaitė. Klausykite antradieniais, 14.00 val.

  • A podcast by 37signals about the better way to work and run your business. The REWORK podcast features the co-founders of 37signals (the makers of Basecamp and HEY), Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson sharing their unique perspective on business and entrepreneurship along with host Kimberly Rhodes.

  • Сериал о людях, которые в борьбе за власть, славу и деньги устроили игру престолов в древнем Риме. Пошаговое руководство к разрушению республики.

    Два консула, два цензора, шесть преторов, несколько квесторов, четыре эдила и целая куча различных трибунов. А еще губернаторы провинций и избранники прошлых лет. Единственные о ком мы не упомянули - это диктаторы, и, хотя их не избирали уже больше ста лет, рано или поздно дело дойдет и до них.

    Вся эта система сдержек и противовесов, отстраивалась столетиями и ее единственная задача - не дать одному человеку власть над всеми. Сможет ли устоять республика перед личными амбициями?

    Добро пожаловать в подкаст ROMA. Падение Республики!

  • Подкаст врача из Австралии, который очень не хочет стареть и умирать. В каждом выпуске Денис Симулякин вместе с учёными, экспертами и биохакерами разбирается, как современная наука и медицина могут помочь нам продлить жизнь. Просто, доказательно, с юмором.

    Телеграм-канал про долголетие:

    Сотрудничество и реклама:
    [email protected]

  • Жизнь меняется, и смерть меняется вместе с ней. Журналистка Лена Чеснокова планирует собственные похороны и поминки, а по пути разбирается, как большие трансформации в медицине, культуре, экономике и политике влияют на наше отношение к смерти, умиранию, памяти и мертвым телам. Новые выпуски — по средам раз в две недели.

  • How To Fail with Elizabeth Day is a podcast that celebrates the things in life that haven’t gone right and what we might learn from them along the way. Every week, Elizabeth’s guest explores three failures, and what these failures have taught them about how to grow and succeed, better. We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with Elizabeth to share your failures, problems or questions - anonymously or otherwise. She'll go through these each week with the help of her very special guests. And remember: a fail shared is a fail halved. https://forms.sonymusicfans.com/campaign/how-to-fail-uk-2023/ An Elizabeth Day and Sony Music Entertainment Original Production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow @sonypodcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email [email protected]

  • Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • From Ramit Sethi, host of Netflix’s ‘How to Get Rich’ and author of NYT bestselling book, ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich,’ and upcoming book ‘Money for Couples’…
    Imagine listening in on raw, unfiltered conversations with real couples, to explore how money psychology affects their everyday lives. Ramit talks with couples from all walks of life, helping them to get past guilt, resentment, & fighting over purchases, to help them create a shared vision for their Rich Life.
    Ramit asks the questions we wish we all could ask, presenting a new philosophy on money: spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.

  • Through interesting conversations (or at least I hope so!), I want to help you improve your French listening skills or maybe just get you familiar with the French language. If you like my podcast and you wish for some more content, you can help me by contributing on : https://www.patreon.com/talkslowfrench For some questions, you can contact me on my instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/nagisa_morimoto/?hl=fr Music composed by Corrodile : http://hyperurl.co/Clumsy

  • A murder case has many layers: the victim, the crime, and the investigation. To truly understand it, you need to dissect each piece of a tragic puzzle. Join Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi and Scott Weinberger every Tuesday for an insider’s perspective, as they reveal to you the Anatomy of Murder.

  • Tai pažintinė-muzikinė radijo laida, kurioje vedėja Eglė Naujokaitytė dalinasi savo ilgametės melomanės, muzikos tyrėjos, analitikės bei istorikės sukauptomis žiniomis apie alternatyviąją XX a. antrosios pusės bei XXI a. muziką iš skirtingų pasaulio kraštų. Laidos pavadinimas – nuoroda į žaismingą knygų apie meną, mokslą ir istoriją seriją. Ved. Eglė Naujokaitytė

  • TSK is the podcast dedicated to exploring the serial killer phenomenon. Who the killers were, what they did and how. The show makes a significant effort into exploring the serial killers' background, especially their childhood and youth. It goes into detail in the killers' development, and describes the murders in graphic detail to give the listener a truthful understanding of who these killers really were and the extent of their criminal behavior. The show is produced and hosted by Thomas Wiborg-Thune. He is a 37 year old Norwegian living in the Norwegian capital city of Oslo. The show airs every week and currently has in excess of 17 million downloads.

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/the-serial-killer-podcast.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Contact me for a private session, visit www.robertjamescoaching.com/contact
    This podcast is all about OCD and anxiety and how we can have a better relationship with it. If you struggle with OCD or another anxiety disorder and want to learn how to manage it better, then this podcast is for you.

  • Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back.

    Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about.

    Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.

  • Perskaitymai - pokalbiai apie knygas su jų autoriais, vertėjais ir kitais knygų pasaulio žmonėmis. Šių pokalbių šeimininkai – Audrius Ožalas ir Jūratė Čerškutė

  • On October 12, 1990, Oaktree Co-Chairman Howard Marks published his first memo to clients. In the decades since, he has periodically released memos reflecting his viewpoint on the investment landscape, as well as more general business insights. On this podcast we'll hear the latest memos by Howard, released in tandem with or shortly after their publication.

  • Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health. 

  • The hottest mixes on the planet. Unlimited vibes from the versatile JESTER. It's Not A Joke.

  • The daily news podcast from the BBC, Newscast dives into the day's big stories so you're never out of your depth. Newscast picks the brains of BBC News experts so you're ready if someone picks yours, covering the latest developments in politics in Westminster and beyond.

    Follow the new Labour government led by Sir Keir Starmer. Who will win the race to lead the Conservative Party? Newscast will give you all the best insights from BBC News so you're across all the day's top stories. Newscast is hosted by trusted journalists including Adam Fleming, BBC Political Editor Chris Mason, Laura Kuenssberg and Paddy O'Connell.

    You can now listen to Newscast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, just say "Ask BBC Sounds to play Newscast”. It works on most smart speakers.

    Catch Newscast seven-days a week and watch on BBC One at 23:40 on Thursday night or later on BBC iPlayer. GET IN TOUCH:You can join our Newscast online community here: https://tinyurl.com/newscastcommunityhereSend us a message or voicenote via WhatsApp to 03301239480Email [email protected] us #Newscast

    Newscast is part of the BBC News Podcasts family of podcasts. The team that makes Newscast also makes lots of other podcasts, including The Global Story, The Today Podcast, and of course Americast and Ukrainecast. If you enjoy Newscast (and if you're reading this then you hopefully do), then we think that you will enjoy some of our other pods too. See links below.

    The Global Story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/w13xtvsdThe Today Podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p0gg4k6rAmericast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p07h19zzUkrainecast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p0bqztzm

  • All your favourite classic audiobooks for you to enjoy.

  • Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.

  • Tai LRT KLASIKA laida apie literatūrą. Pirmas literatūros kūrinio sakinys – prozos eilutė, dialogas dramoje, remarka filmo scenarijuje – kaip atspirtis konkrečiai temai, apie kurią ir bus kalbama laidoje. „Pirmas sakinys“ – ne tiek knygų naujienos, kiek knygose atsiveriančios temos.
    Laidą veda Mindaugas Nastaravičius ir Tomas Vaiseta. Ketvirtadieniais 11:05 val.

  • Embark on a transformative journey with "The One You Feed" podcast, hosted by Eric Zimmer. Drawing wisdom from the old parable of the two wolves within us, this show explores growth and well-being. Through insightful interviews with thought leaders and experts in development, Eric delves into topics like mindfulness, resilience, and positive habits. Gain practical advice and reflective insights to navigate life's challenges and nurture your inner strength. "The One You Feed" is a valuable resource, offering inspiration and actionable strategies for a more fulfilling existence. Join Eric as he shares wisdom, fostering the growth of the positive wolf within you. Feed your curiosity and embark on a transformative path with "The One You Feed"!

  • Lätt svenska med Oskar är en podcast för alla som vill lära sig svenska. Lyssna varje dag och lär dig svenska tillsammans med mig!

    Listen everyday and learn how to speak Swedish naturally!

    My website where you can buy my book: https://www.lattsvenskamedoskar.com/

    Support the show?

    Become a Patreon to access transcripts, the Discord Server and more: https://www.patreon.com/lattsvenskamedoskar

    Buy me a coffee on https://ko-fi.com/lattsvenskamedoskar

  • Явления природы и законы науки. Психологические архетипы и механизмы социального взаимодействия. Сюжеты литературы, кино и видеоигр. Все это подарили нам великие культуры и цивилизации древности.

    Подкаст «Мифы» излагает многовековые представления человечества об устройстве мира, о жизни и смерти, о добре и зле. Здесь оживают основные мифологические сюжеты и говорят культовые персонажи языческих времен — боги и герои. Каждый сезон посвящен разным народам, регионам и культурам.

    Новый сезон подкаста «Мифы» от студии «Терменвокс» продолжит рассказ о Древней Греции — но теперь сосредоточится не на богах Олимпа, а на героях Эллады. Раз в неделю, по понедельникам — все так же в исполнении ведущего Дмитрия Лебедева.

    Третий сезон выходит эксклюзивно в VK Музыке. Подписывайтесь на официальное сообщество проекта «ВКонтакте» https://vk.com/myths_podcast и слушайте подкаст в приложении или веб-версии.

    Проект создан при поддержке Государственного Эрмитажа — https://vk.com/hermitage_museum

  • 🗿 卄丨丂ㄒㄖ尺ㄚ’丂 爪ㄚ丂ㄒ乇尺丨乇丂
    🎙️ 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭
    ✈️ jσín mє σn α tσur

  • Queens, Kings, and Dastardly Things is the Daily Mail's unmissable podcast that promises listeners a weekly dose of royal history and intrigue by unpacking a different royal scandal each week.
    Hosted by Daily Mail columnist Robert Hardman and historian Professor Kate Williams, this series delves into royal history's juiciest moments from eras past, and present... but mainly past.
    New episodes out every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts.
    Presenters: Robert Hardman and Professor Kate Williams
    Producer: Rich Jarman
    Production Manager: Victoria Cecchini
    Executive Producer: Bella Soames
    Thanks to Dr. Fern Riddell

    Looking for episodes of The Crown: Fact or Fiction? Just scroll down.

  • Ett program om hur språk används och förändras. Här kan du som lyssnare ställa dina språkfrågor. Programledare Emmy Rasper. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.Ansvarig utgivare: Sabina Schatzl

  • The Gabby Reece Show talks to top experts with the goal of extracting the best information you will need to navigate the universe of health, fitness, relationships, parenting, and business. Gabby keeps it simple but gets to the heart of the conversation with the hopes of providing you with realistic takeaways.

  • This timeless novel highlights the abuse and neglect that the orphaned Jane Eyre faced while growing up.

    This story opens with Jane Eyre being shipped off to be cared for by her uncle Mr. Reed who lived at the Gateshead Hall. Her uncle was always kind to her but his wife, Sarah Reed was anything but. Sarah’s son John and Sarah’s two daughters also contributed to Jane’s torment. Jane was excluded from all family activities and found solace only in her books and dolls.

    One day John knocked her down and she tried to defend herself. This earned her a traumatic lock up in the room where her uncle died. At one point, she thought that she could see his ghost and this so terrified the poor child that an apothecary had to be called in. The kind man advised Sarah Reed to send Jane off to boarding school and she was subsequently sent to Lowood.

    Seen through Jane’s eyes, Lowood was only marginally better than Gateshead but at least she had friends there. The book will take you way back to the days of bumpy carriage rides and class discrimination. It is also a glimpse into some historical aspects of England centuries ago and the antiquated notions that were held at the time.

    Charlotte Bronte tells an amazing story about a woman who faces issues of respect in an era when women were not permitted to stand up to society. Eventually Jane finds an employer that supports her but the shadowy and ominous Mr. Rochester, hides a dreadful secret that threatens Jane’s happiness.

  • Start speaking Swedish today with free and fun videos and audio lessons produced by real Swedes – at home or on the go whenever you choose.

  • Join Emily Tisch Sussman as she sits down with a diverse group of women to explore how their personal experiences led to their pivot and eventually their success. She Pivots challenges the typical definitions of success and explores the role our personal stories play in our professional journeys. The series will celebrate those who have made bold moves with a view towards inspiring others to pursue their own non-linear paths. Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @ShePivotsThePodcast.

  • Tape Notes is a podcast about the art and craft of music production. Hosted by John Kennedy, each episode reunites an artist and producer to talk about the highlights of their collaboration in the studio. Their conversations lift the lid on every stage of the creative process, from kindling the first spark of a song idea, through decisions on style and instrumentation, to finessing the final product. Full of fascinating anecdotes, the conversations also feature early demo versions and stems from the original session recordings. The result is a unique insight into the working methods of some of the most innovative and exciting talents in music.

  • Being a Chicago Bulls fan can be frustrating, but the CHGO Bulls Podcast makes following the team fun.  Join Matt Peck, Big Dave and Will “The Goat” Gottlieb as they break down the action from the United Center with daily podcasts and postgames for each game of the season. The CHGO Bulls community spans the globe and is THE place to gather when the only color that you see is red.

  • Introducing... Hoaxed, the new series from Alexi Mostrous and Tortoise, who brought you Sweet Bobby.

    In 2014, two children told police a shocking story: that they were being abused by a Satanic cult; a cult headed by their father and by parents and teachers at their school in the wealthy London suburb of Hampstead. The story was a lie. But on the internet, that didn't matter. 

    Hoaxed is an investigation into one of Britain's most serious-ever conspiracy theories. A story about a modern-day Satanic panic; about the victims whose lives were destroyed and about the conspiracists who spread the lie around the world. Oh, and it's about our hunt for the perpetrators - the people who forced the kids to lie - the ones who started it all. 

    All 6 episodes are available now to listen for free. You can listen to the full series ad-free and get access to exclusive bonus content by downloading the Tortoise audio app or subscribing to Tortoise+ on Apple podcasts. Or join Tortoise as a member, where you can access more of our reporting, live events and support our work. Just visit the Tortoise website and use the code Alexi50 for half price membership.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • By the end of this year, countries making up half the world’s population will have held elections. But not all of them will have been free and fair. In ‘What’s Wrong with Democracy?’ Professor Ben Ansell of Oxford University will, with the help of academics, journalists, activists and writers, figure out whether democracy is working and how best to preserve democratic freedoms, equality and rights. 

    What’s Wrong with Democracy? is produced by Tortoise Media and supported by The Open Society Foundations. 

    To find out more about Tortoise:

    Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists

    Subscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and ad-free content

    Become a member and get access to all of Tortoise's premium audio offerings and more

    If you want to get in touch with us directly about a story, or tell us more about the stories you want to hear about contact [email protected]

    Host: Professor Ben Ansell

    Producers: Katie Gunning and Ada Barume

    Editor: Jasper Corbett

    Original artwork: Jon Hill | Emma O’Neil

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • “Learn how acclaimed writers keep the ink flowing, the cursor moving, and avoid writer’s block.”
    Each week, host Kelton Reid chats with guests like Nobel Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah, on life after becoming a laureate; #1 New York Times bestselling author, Emily Henry on her past life as a YA mid-lister; Celebrated author, Walter Mosley, on his conflicted feelings after winning a National Book Award; NY Times bestselling author, Lisa Scottoline, on what she learned from literary lion Philip Roth; #1 NY Times bestselling author Dennis Lehane on what he borrowed from Clint Eastwood; and bestselling author, Matt Haig, on the process behind his novel, The Midnight Library, and serial guest hosts: neuroscientist Michael Grybko, journalist Adam Skolnick, and short story writer Robert Bruce.

  • Dive into a side-splitting collection of wild and wacky tales from the tradies of the world!
    Inspired by the real-life misadventures of the average joe, Cautionary Tales is packed with larger-than-life characters and situations almost too ridiculous to be true! Stupidly shameless, sometimes disgusting, and always side-splittingly funny, these tales raise awareness for men’s mental health as they leave you thinking “these can’t possibly be real”.
    Join the crew and take your seat around the proverbial campfire as you discover tales of revenge, pranks, accidents, and toilet humor.

  • Behind every infamous news story is a journalist trying to hold power to account. Join reporters Vanessa Grigoriadis, Gabriel Sherman, and Natalie Robehmed as they take an in-depth look at the most explosive scandals of this century. From high-profile divorces to sex cults to the lies that started a war, they’ll guide you through the juiciest, most outrageous, celeb-filled stories of the last two decades, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to shine an unflattering light on the world’s most powerful people.

    A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production.

    Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts

    To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email: [email protected]

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visitmegaphone.fm/adchoices

  • With 25+ years in theatre, media, and coaching, I’ve honed the art of storytelling. Now, I’m thrilled to share that expertise with you on “Master Fiction Writing.” Whether you’re crafting memorable characters or building gripping plots, each episode is backed by examples from literary pros. Recognised as a top book coach, my mission is to help your stories shine. Ready to master the craft? Subscribe today!

  • Locked On Bulls podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Chicago Bulls and the NBA. Hosts Cordaro ‘Haize’ Johnson and Pat the Designer Morenzoni provide expert, local analysis with a daily dose of Bulls news, recaps, fan reactions and some of the best Bulls’ guests 5 days a week. Locked On Bulls takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Bulls locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On Bulls podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

  • deep dive into Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) businesses.  World of DaaS is a podcast for data enthusiasts, by data enthusiasts, where Auren Hoffman talks to business and technology leaders about all things data - building it, acquiring it, analyzing it, and everything in between. 

  • Go behind the scenes with Suzy Menkes, fashion's leading authority, for in-depth interviews with the fashion industry’s most influential designers, thinkers and executives.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Journalist Hattie Crisell visits the studies of writers of all kinds – novelists, screenwriters, poets, journalists and more – to find out how they write, why they write, and what they can teach us about doing it better.

  • How can we live sustainably in an unsustainable world? Second Nature is a podcast by Commons exploring how our sustainable choices impact our lives and the planet. Every week hear how listeners are taking public transit, composting food waste, eating more plant-based meals and practicing deconsumption to create the kind of world they want to live in. We'll calculate the carbon impact of collective action and get expert answers to your burning climate questions.Everyone’s sustainable life is unique. Tell us about yours. thecommons.earth/podcast🌎 Join a community of tens of thousands of people using the Commons app to track their emissions and get rewarded for sustainable living: https://www.thecommons.earth/get-the-app-second-natureFollow us on Instagram to get behind-the-scenes footage and more stories from Commons' climate community:https://instagram.com/secondnatureearth

  • Step into the captivating world of Ernest Hemingway's 'Men Without Women,' a timeless collection of stories that delves deep into the complexities of masculinity, love, and loss. With his signature spare prose and profound insights, Hemingway paints vivid portraits of men grappling with the void left by the absence of women in their lives. From the smoky bars of Paris to the bullrings of Spain, these stories will transport you to a realm of raw emotions and introspection. Join Hemingway's unforgettable characters as they navigate the unpredictable terrain of desire, heartache, and the eternal longing for connection. Prepare to be captivated, moved, and forever changed by the haunting pages of 'Men Without Women' – a literary masterpiece that resonates with the universal yearning for love and the complexities of the human experience.

    https://www.solgood.org - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website

    Ernest Hemingway, Men Without Women, Short stories, American literature, Lost Generation, Love and relationships, Masculinity, Loneliness, Male protagonists, Women in Hemingway's works, Themes in Hemingway's stories, Hemingway's writing style, Character studies, Emotional detachment, Post-war disillusionment, Existentialism, Hemingway's narrative technique, Hemingway's influences, Literary analysis, Hemingway's impact on the short story genre

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Swedish listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Swedish, is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Swedish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Swedish and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners. It's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their Swedish roots. Are you planning a trip to Stockholm, Gothenburg, or Malmö? Maybe you want to speak Swedish with your Swedish relatives? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Sweden.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Swedish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity. Give Fluent Fiction - Swedish a try and see the results for yourself.

    Förbättra din svenska lyssningsförmåga med våra berättelser idag!

  • Every piece of academic research starts with a question to answer or puzzle to solve. Listen in as London Business School faculty describe how they set about making new discoveries on a subject they’re curious about, what their findings suggest, and discuss the current and potential future impact of their research for you and your business. A Think at London Business School podcast.

  • Caroline Criado Perez has spent years investigating the gender data gap – and how women are simply forgotten in a world designed for men. Her best-selling book, Invisible Women, was published to critical acclaim, and Caroline was inundated with readers sharing their own stories of the “default male”.

    In her new podcast Caroline investigates what happens next: how can we close the gender data gap and design a world that works for everyone? Caroline will hunt for missing data, get in fights with manufacturing companies, and find the people who are working to close the gender data gap. You'll hear expert guests, gripping stories, and plenty of inspiration.

    Follow Visible Women wherever you get your podcasts.

    Bonus episodes featuring behind the scenes chats, rants, and stories from Caroline’s community of generic female pals will be released every Friday for Tortoise members and Tortoise+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts.

    Just subscribe to Tortoise on Apple Podcasts, or join Tortoise as a member to get this, plus even more content and invites to exclusive newsroom events with the code Caroline30 for membership for £30 for six months which includes a ticket to an exclusive event about the podcast in the London newsroom. Visit tortoisemedia.com/Caroline

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • На працягу 2 гадзін аўтар распавядае пра нашую зямлю ад з’яўлення славян у 5-6 ст. да абвяшчэння незалежнасці Рэспублікі Беларусь у 1991 г.

    Глыбінныя працэсы, найважнейшыя з’явы і падзеі беларускай гісторыі пераказаныя літаратурнай мовай і багата ілюстраваныя. Асобныя з’явы, падзеі, героі і антыгероі існуюць самыя па сабе, адасоблена, адарваныя ад агульнага гістарычнага кантэксту. Гэтая аўдыякніга якраз прэзентуе гісторыю краіны ў лагічнай сістэмнай і храналагічнай паслядоўнасці.

    Аб аўтары:

    Алесь Краўцэвіч нарадзіўся ў 1958 годзе ў вёсцы Лупачы на Гарадзеншчыне. Скончыў гістарычны факультэт БДУ. Доктар гістарычных навук, прафесар. Лаўрэат Прэміі імя Францішка Багушэвіча. Працаваў ў Інстытуце гісторыі Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі, намеснікам старшыні Дзяржаўнай інспекцыі аховы гістарычна-культурнай спадчыны, першым прарэктарам Гарадзенскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта.

    Як гісторык і літаратар, выдаў больш за 15 навуковых і навукова-папулярных кніг.

    Чытае Уладзімір Лісоўскі.

  • ✨ Gagnant du grand prix du podcast santé francophone 2023. Libérons la parole sur la santé mentale et ses troubles ! Portons un message d'espoir pour le rétablissement.

    🗣 La rencontre, qu'elle soit directe ou indirecte, est efficace pour lutter contre l'image négative associée aux maladies mentales. Le témoignage a montré un impact positif sur les croyances et attitudes envers les personnes souffrant d'un trouble de santé mentale. Il permet également dans une certaine mesure d'aider les personnes en souffrance à retrouver l'espoir du rétablissement ainsi que la croyance en elles-mêmes.

    👨‍👩‍👦 Retrouvez-nous sur Instagram (@lesmauxbleuspodcast), Twitter (@MauxBleus_PDS), Facebook (Les Maux Bleus - Podcast), et sur notre site internet avec des ressources d’aide et des informations complémentaires ainsi que les retranscriptions des épisodes pour les personnes sourdes et malentendantes (https://placedessciences.fr).

    💌 Vous pouvez aussi nous écrire à : [email protected]

    Bonne écoute ! 💙

    Si vous souffrez ou avez souffert de dépression, vous pouvez faire avancer la recherche vous inscrire sur https://compare.aphp.fr/je-participe/.

    Thèmes : schizophrénie, troubles bipolaires, stigmatisation, rétablissement, réhabilitation, dépression, anxiété, syndrome de l'imposteur, troubles du comportement alimentaire (anorexie, boulimie, hyperphagie), pair-aidance, psychologie, psychiatrie, addiction, alcoolodépendance, projets de vie, espoir, stress post-traumatique, électrochocs, psychothérapie, etc.

    En coulisses : Dr. Mickael Worms-Ehrminger, chercheur en santé publique, pour le contenu ; Manon Combe et Alex Rocher, directeurs artistiques, pour les illustrations et le travail sonore respectivement ; Unt' Margaria, sociologue, pour les retranscriptions pour les personnes sourdes et malentendantes.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • In this series we tell the shocking stories of women whose possible homicides go unrecognised, and uncounted, by police. In the UK, we’re told that two women a week are killed by a current or former partner – but these are just the killings we know about. The true toll could be much, much higher. In Hidden Homicides, investigative reporter Louise Tickle uncovers harrowing cases of killers missed, of grieving families ignored by police, of a body left to decay in a hospital morgue, and of systemic police failings. It is produced by Tortoise Studios. To learn more, go to tortoisemedia.com/hiddenhomicides

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hopelessly dedicated to both your business and your children? So is Amrit Santhirasenan, host of Startup Dads.

    As the CEO of a rapidly growing fin-tech startup and the father of a young daughter, Amrit is regularly taking lessons from one to apply to the other.

    Every week, he'll discuss these observations with business leaders and devoted parents, discovering their techniques to scale up both their business and children successfully.

  • Welcome to this monthly podcast in which Clare Norman and Steve Ridgley ‘lift the lid’ on coaching supervision.

    We are both experienced coaches and coach supervisors, passionate about the value that comes from supervision. We will share our experiences, knowledge, wisdom and insight as we set out in this podcast series to explore what supervision is, what it isn’t, what it’s like, how you might show up, what you might bring and how to get the most out of supervision.

    We will share stories on this journey. Sometimes our personal stories, both as a coach and as a supervisor, but also examples of what coaches have brought to some of our supervision sessions.

    It’s basically just Clare and Steve having a chat, swapping anecdotes and lifting the lid on key questions that might exist for coaches who are yet to explore supervision or who don’t feel they get value from being in supervision. Questions such as…

    How is supervision different to coaching?
    Group supervision, mentor coaching, 1-2-1, peer supervision - which do I choose?
    What should I take to supervision?
    Am I resourced enough to coach?
    Can I talk about my business with my supervisor?
    Am I in a rut as a coach?
    How do I move my client forward?
    Am I leading my client?
    Is the goal everything?

    … and much much more.

    Join us on our monthly exploration of coaching supervision as we set out to tell some truths and lift the lid on supervision.

    You can reach us directly at:

    Clare Norman - [email protected]
    Steve Ridgley - [email protected]

    If you would like to know more, or for us to explore a specific topic, send us your question.

    This podcast is supported by:

    The Trusted Coach Directory www.trustedcoachdirectory.com

    The Association of Coaching Supervisors

    McGraw Hill Publishing

  • Crawling Mondays is the YouTube and Podcast from Aleyda Solis, International SEO Consultant and Founder of Orainti, where she shares SEO reviews, interviews and news covering the different activities of the SEO process.

    Aleyda Solis is an International SEO Consultant and founder of Orainti -a highly specialized, boutique SEO consultancy-, blogger, speaker, author, awarded as the European Search Personality of the Year in 2018. She's the wrapper of #SEOFOMO (a weekly free SEO Newsletter to keep updated with the latest in the industry) and LearningSEO.io (a free roadmap to learn SEO).

  • بودكاست بيركز على اختبار الايلتس بحلقات يومية لتطوير الاستماع بمواضيع شبيهة بالاختبار🎙

  • A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now.

    For business enquires please email [email protected]

    New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/

  • MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.

    VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • Подкаст банка «Точка» и студии Либо/Либо о самых захватывающих историях из мира корпоративных противостояний. Что делали компании, чтобы выиграть в конкурентной борьбе? Какие стратегии полетели, а какие привели к падению? Что было гениальной находкой, а что обернулось полным провалом?

    Взрослому бизнесу нужны не маленькие лайфхаки, а большие истории. В этом подкасте мы ищем реальные факты и делаем из них полезные предпринимателям выводы.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • Pralaužk Vieną Šaltą - jau ketvirtus metus skaičiuojantis ir sustoti nesiruošiantis podkastas. Kalbėti vis dar neišmokom, bet jau ir nebežadam, kad išmoksim. Bet prižadėti, kad ir toliau išvysite daugybę įdomių, mažiau ar daugiau žinomų pašnekovų, mes galime. Neįpareigojantys pokalbiai, atskleistos paslaptys, daug nejuokingų ir juokingų bajerių visada lauks jūsų mūsų laidose! Vedėjai @AiridasJankus, @MantasGrimalis ir AnthonyKisliak

  • After 25 years at the Late Night desk, Conan realized that the only people at his holiday party are the men and women who work for him. Over the years and despite thousands of interviews, Conan has never made a real and lasting friendship with any of his celebrity guests. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Deeper, unboundedly playful, and free from FCC regulations, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is a weekly opportunity for Conan to hang out with the people he enjoys most and perhaps find some real friendship along the way.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.


  • Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

  • „Mokslo sriuba" yra planeta, kurios branduolį sudaro apie dešimt, o mantiją – apie penkiasdešimt žmonių. Tai viena iš vietų Visatoje, kur neegzistuoja pseudomokslas.

    „Mokslo sriuba" kuria ir podkastą, kuriame kalbiname įvairius žmones mokslo arba su juo susijusiomis temomis.

  • Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura are comedians who are also married. They are the Mommies and they welcome you to join them. Dental updates! Dudes! Stories! Wiping!

  • Software engineering at Big Tech and startups, from the inside. Deepdives with experienced engineers and tech professionals who share their hard-earned lessons, interesting stories and advice they have on building software. Especially relevant for software engineers and engineering leaders: useful for those working in tech.


  • Lėtuose ir giliuose pokalbiuose Urtė Karalaitė kartu su įvairiais pašnekovais per skirtingas jų patirtis tyrinėja vidinį žmogų, kad geriau jį supratę, galėtume sklandžiau naviguoti save.

  • "Idėjos ateina ir išeina, o istorijos lieka". Nassimas Nicholas Talebas


  • Well Beyond 40 with JJ Virgin is the podcast for women who want to age powerfully and enjoy the best chapter of their lives.

    It’s YOUR turn now to focus on nutrition, wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and beauty.

    Refuel your body. Reignite your wellness. Renew your passion. Fall (back) in love with your life, and discover what it means to age powerfully.

    Every information-packed episode combines cutting-edge science, pearls of wisdom from JJ’s four decades as a health and wellness leader and the world’s leading experts on weight loss, metabolism, menopause, life transitions and much more. We dive deep into topics like cultivating mindfulness, building strong relationships and setting boundaries, and choosing health…in a nutshell, how we can AGE POWERFULLY into this second half of our lives.

    At Well Beyond 40, we empower women in their 40s, 50s, 60, 70s (and beyond!) to defy stereotypes and say, “It's my time now. It's my turn now. It’s my opportunity to step into my best life!”

    For four decades, JJ Virgin has helped people lose weight and stop weight regain by eliminating hidden food intolerances and lowering their sugar impact. As a triple-board certified nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer, JJ helps you stay fired up and focused on being your healthiest rockstar self.

    In addition to hosting Well Beyond 40, JJ is a prominent TV and media personality. She was co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters and the on-camera nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil.

    Over the years, JJ has made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show. She also speaks regularly and has shared the stage with notables including Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mark Hyman, Dan Buettner, and Mary Morrissey.

    JJ is the author of 4 New York Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, The Sugar Impact Diet, and The Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook.

    JJ is also the author of Warrior Mom: 7 Secrets to Bold, Brave Resilience. She regularly writes for major blogs and other publications including mindbodygreen and Medium.

    Visit jjvirgin.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus state-of-the-art programs, products, and plenty of support to help you rev up your metabolism, reignite your wellness, and step powerfully into the second half of your life.

  • Redakcija – vieta, kurioje norime kurti kokybišką žurnalistiką taip, kaip mes, o tikimės, kad ir jūs, ją įsivaizduojate. Redakciją įkūrė Rita Miliūtė, Birutė Davidonytė, Ignas Kinčinas ir Gediminas Vaitiekūnas. Mūsų kuriamą turinį galite rasti Redakcijos Patreon ir Youtube kanaluose, o podcastas „Šiandien redakcijoje...“ jus pasiekia, kai du kartus per mėnesį į Redakciją pasikviečiame svečią, su kuriuo norime pasikalbėti.

  • On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

  • Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.

  • The essential point of Practical Neurology is that it is practical in the sense of being useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up to date, and safe, in managing them. In other words this is a journal for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out.
    Practical Neurology is included as part of a subscription to JNNP and provided in print to all members of the Association of British Neurologists.
    * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

  • Žaidimų naujienos iš viso pasaulio. Tikrų "Geimerių" kanalas.

  • It takes more than great code to be a great engineer. Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly advice podcast for software developers about the non-technical stuff that goes into being a great software developer.

  • Naujausi Lietuvos ir pasaulio įvykiai bei jų komentarai. Kasdien 13.00 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Business strategy isn’t a plan, it’s a framework for success.

    Whether you’re building, innovating, or executing, HBR On Strategy is your destination for insights and inspiration from the world’s top experts on business strategy and innovation.

    Every Wednesday, the editors at the Harvard Business Review hand-picked case studies and conversations from across HBR podcasts, videos, articles, and beyond to unlock new ways of doing business.

  • Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4

  • This podcast is for English learners who want to practice their listening comprehension in a natural way. In each episode, an American speaker talks about different topics without reading a script. He speaks in a natural way, with native words and phrases, but he speaks a little more slowly and clearly than other native speakers. Each episode includes the transcript, which you can use to help you understand the speaker. If you want my advanced podcast episodes and my specialized training, then join my membership on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/listeningtime

  • In a pivotal year for the United States, democracy and global affairs, Britain's biggest podcast, The Rest Is Politics, launches stateside with Katty Kay and Anthony Scaramucci.

    The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers the secrets from inside the Biden and Trump inner circles, as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy.

    New episodes released every Friday. The Rest Is Politics: UK, with Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, is released twice-weekly.

  • Nepaprastos istorijos apie nepaprastus žmones. Jie vaikšto tarp mūsų, svajoja, dirba, myli, kartais verkia. Žmonės, kurie gyvena kitaip, kurie nebijo eiti autentišku savo keliu, kurių vidinė koordinačių sistema ypatinga, o žingsniai drąsūs.
    Laidos vedėja Viktorija Urbonaitė.

  • The Fast Talk podcast offers the best guides to cycling performance and endurance sports training from world-class experts.
    Cohosted by cycling coaches and sport scientists Trevor Connor and Rob Pickels, Fast Talk episodes feature fascinating conversations with world-class experts discussing the endurance sports topics they know best: the best ways to train, effective workouts, questions on polarized and interval training, sports nutrition, physiology and recovery, and sport psychology.
    Fast Talk guests and regular contributors include Dr. Stephen Seiler, Joe Friel, Dr. Asker Jeukendrup, Sebastian Weber, Jim Miller, Dr. Andy Pruitt, Dr. Timothy Noakes, and elite professional athletes like Kristin Armstrong, Sepp Kuss, Brent Bookwalter, Kate Courtney, and many more.
    Fast Talk is part of Fast Talk Laboratories, a new endurance sports knowledgebase for endurance racers and adventurers.

  • The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit a16z.com for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well!

  • Подкаст с самыми невероятными фактами из истории культуры. Зачем говорить о погоде, если можно обсудить древнерусскую астрологию или японских драконов? Сотрудники просветительского проекта Arzamas делятся своими находками, которые заполнят любую неловкую паузу в разговоре.

    Новые выпуски подкаста выходят раз в неделю, по средам.

  • Welcome to "the only investigative journalism podcast about sh*t that may or may not have even happened in the first place"! Brought to you by besties Aly and Nat, Let's Get Haunted is here to bring scary tales of hauntings, aliens, urban legends, and unsolved mysteries to the masses. Enjoy your daily dose of paranormal year-round with LGH!

  • Health. Wellness. Fitness. Getting in shape. We talk about such things based on mental models we evolve from our exposure to information, our limited understanding, and what we think is best. RECONSIDER with Bill Hartman will ask better questions to allow you to filter the good to promote better decisions when it comes to your choices of exercise and type of workout you perform at home, on the field, or in the gym. RECON will explore where some of the false beliefs about what, why, and how which exercise is best for your needs to get away from what often holds you back from making the changes and progress you desire.

  • This is a podcast for all English learners who are seeking for a friend, not just a teacher.  I want to share with you, as if we were having a cup of coffee in the cafe. I hope you enjoy this way of learning English!

  • This season of the Verywell Mind Podcast will be focused on the power of community and hosted by Minaa B, a licensed social worker, mental health educator, and author of "Owning Our Struggles." Minaa is also a community care expert who helps people build healthy relationships. Every Friday, we'll be speaking with experts, wellness advocates, and individuals with lived experiences about community care and its impact on mental health.
    Episodes 1 – 263 were hosted by Amy Morin, psychotherapist and former editor-in-chief of Verywell Mind.

  • The planets hold plenty of clues about how, when, and why events unfold. Astrologer Natasha Weber – a.k.a @AstroTash – is here to help you make sense of it all – she’s your very own Astrology Coach.
     Imagine if you could take a few unknowns out of life, if you knew just when your stars were about to align.
     Is now really the right time to re-download Tinder? Should you go for that exciting new job, or ask your boss for a pay rise? Do you book those flights to Vegas or prioritise that house deposit? Astrology Coach is your timely update on the cosmic climate, with new episodes every Monday and Friday.
     And to help you understand what’s really going on for you right now, every episode ends with a personalised tarot card reading, drawn just for you. It’s a completely unique card, drawn randomly to help you think through the million tiny decisions you make every day – and maybe the big ones too. The Queen of Cups might show up to shed light on a confusing relationship, or you might draw The Wheel of Fortune reminding you that after every low comes a high. Whatever card you draw, there’s a helpful takeaway to get you through the day.
    If you’re looking for answers, Natasha Weber is here to help you find clues in the zodiac. There’s a whole constellation to guide you, there might be more to your star sign than you thought. 
     Astrology Coach: Never miss a forecast.

  • A podcast about architecture, buildings and cities, from the distant past to the present day. Plus detours into technology, film, fiction, comics, drawings, and the dimly imagined future.

    With Luke Jones and George Gingell.

  • Lerne Deutsch mit Sandra und Virpi!
    Willkommen beim Deutsch-Podcast! Mit uns kannst Du Dein Deutsch verbessern, Deine Grammatik festigen und neuen Wortschatz lernen. Wir sind Virpi und Sandra, zwei zertifizierte Dozentinnen, Prüferinnen und unterrichten schon lange Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. In jeder Woche präsentieren wir Euch eine neue Folge, in der wir über ein Thema sprechen und Euch an einigen Beispielen wichtige Inhalte der deutschen Grammatik vermitteln. So kannst Du einfach und nebenbei Dein Deutsch verbessern.

  • Each week Jack Frimston and Zac Thompson who run "We Have A Meeting" sit down with incredible entrepreneurs and dig deep into the skills of sales, mindset, marketing and much much more. If you're looking for insightful conversations and tangible takeaways - who knows... you might just enjoy yourself

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Learn German like a baby would by listening to the language and getting a "feel" for it. We're not only learning German here though: We are passionate about personal development of all kinds. Our motto: Improve your German. Improve your life. Listen to the podcast and let the German language wash over you, like music.
    Lerne Deutsch wie ein Baby, indem du der Sprache zuhörst und ein "Gefühl" für sie bekommst. Wir lernen hier aber nicht nur Deutsch: Persönliche Entwicklung jeder Art ist unsere Leidenschaft. Unser Motto: Verbessere dein Deutsch. Verbessere dein Leben. Höre dir den Podcast an und lass dich von der deutschen Sprache umspülen, wie Musik.

  • Coach Adam Pulford delivers actionable training advice and answers your questions in short weekly episodes for time-crunched cyclists looking to improve their cycling performance. The Time-Crunched Cyclist Podcast (formerly The TrainRight Podcast) is brought to you by the team at CTS - the leading endurance coaching company since 2000. Coach Adam pulls from over a decade of coaching experience and the collective knowledge of over 50+ CTS Coaches to help you cut throught the noise of training information and implement proven training strategies that’ll take your performance to the next level. 

  • A podcast on radical politics, critical theory, and history. Hosted by Alex Doherty.

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/poltheoryother

    Contact: [email protected]

  • Kassavaitinė pusvalandžio trukmės laida, skirta aktualiam, svarbiam, įdomiam savaitės įvykiui aptarti. Tikslas – problemos ar įvykio analizė su ekspertu ar istorijos herojais. Pašnekovais gali tapti tiek politikai, tiek menininkai, tiek sportininkai. Ne tik už sprendimus atsakingi, bet ir šiaip įdomus žmonės, turintys aiškią, tvirtą nuomonę, kuri gali būti svarbi ar tiesiog įdomi visuomenei.
    Ved. Deividas Jursevičius