Skönlitteratur – Japan – Rekommenderade podcasts

  • The Town Whispers is a narrative horror podcast, that will tell the many stories hidden behind the fog and the trees and the rain of a town called The Fort - Where Eldritch Terror and Folk Horrors meet. If you’ve found yourself here, you should have taken a left, instead of a right, or looked up, when shadows crept from wells that stretch deep down into the underground of our town. For business inquiries please email: [email protected]

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • FMaiai→現在NFRSラジオにて放送中「ティニウィニのラジドラ!」のオリジナルラジオドラマシリーズ「帰ってきたアマガサキ探偵」を配信。

    This channel broadcast radio drama in Japanese(Kansai dialect).

  • When a far-future commercial spaceflight ends in disaster, the survivors are left floating in escape pods with nothing but the radio for company. What happened to their flight...and, where are they going now? This sci-fi whodunnit mystery features escape pods, intercepted fast-food commercials, and things that should never be found.

  • Season One Synopsis
    An annoying teen spy is sent on a mission to east Asia with his boss. When they get tossed into the ocean by their colleague and get hauled out by ACTUAL EXTRATERRESTRIALS, they have to work with some shady people, utensils, and aliens-and each other- to get back home safely.

  • Old Time Radio Network Thrillers, thrilling mystery, espionage, and political intrigue. Step into the world of action and Psychological twist that will keep you on the edge of your chair.

  • 中学の同窓会のために帰郷したマコト(21)

    滝澤諒 / 木津つばさ / 花岡久子 / kainatsu

    うその音/滝澤諒(RYO TAKIZAWA)

    原案:滝澤 諒
    企画 演出 音楽 プロデュース :鈴木ヒロト

    制作 deemade inc.

  • 北海道で活動している太田プロ所属のお笑いコンビ

  • 仕事終わりにビールを飲みながらドラマを見る時間が幸せ…


  • 日本語オリジナル短編オーディオドラマ集「¡Cuentos!(クエントス)」
    #ラジオドラマ #オーディオドラマ #ボイスドラマ #劇団 #物語 #宮川賢 #ビタミン大使 #ラジオコント #サウンドストーリー #ショートショート #短編

  • 『演劇は人を繋ぐ』演劇を主体に新しいコミュニティづくりを目指す集団アヴァンギャルド×コンプレックス公式HP

  • 毎週木曜昼12時ごろ更新。太田プロ6年目のピン芸人サノライブとその友達宮本モリーの雑談ラジオ。いつか西京極中学伝説の家庭科教師 梶先生に届くまで。あなただけのほっこりタイム。

  • Tales of Horror takes you back to the early days of radio when alone with your imagination the story tellers on the radio would take you into the world of ghosts,macabre,demons,and tales of the supernatural. Turn down the lights and enter the world of Tales of Horror.

  • 読みたいものを読んでいます。



  • La maison d'édition Reconnaissance sort sa première collection de podcasts intitulée Rédemptions, consacrée aux addictions.

    Chaque podcast explore une addiction (à un produit ou à un comportement) sous l'angle original d'un dialogue intime entre une personne ayant traversé des périodes de dépendance et un.e membre de son entourage - ami.e, parent, partenaire - présent.e tout au long de son cheminement.

    Dans ce dialogue mené par le journaliste François Chagnaud, la personne addict et un.e proche partagent leurs vécus et leurs ressentis, de la plongée dans l'enfer de l'addiction au retour à la "vraie" vie. Avec eux, les ( exploreront comment l'addiction met à mal le lien, et comment ce lien peut participer à la guérison.
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • 古典の名作を現代に蘇らせるラジオドラマプログラム。 「声」と「音楽」で東京の風景を描いてきた FMラジオ局J-WAVE と、古典を「いま、息をしている言葉」で現代人に届ける光文社が協力。聴く人の想像力を刺激する新しいエンターテインメントの世界へいざないます。

  • あなたの心を動かしたい。







  • Tempalayの小原綾斗と放送作家の宇野コーヘーがうだうだしゃべります。

  • 2023.7~JR品川駅構内のサイネージ広告にナナワとクラハが登場!




    取り上げてほしい質問やメッセージはmail:[email protected]へお送りくださいっ!

  • Undertow is Realm’s premier showcase of original audio horror. Hosted by audio horror pioneer and creator Fred Greenhalgh, each season presents a spooky standalone story, so you can dive in anytime... if you dare!
    Current Season: Trio of Nightmares
    Three novellas from Maine-based creators of horror: Chris Bernier, Katherine Silva, and Morgan Sylvia. Brought to life by naturalistic performances and immersive sound design, this season will bring you to a funeral for the magical dead, an estate in Northern England haunted by an accursed art collection, and a world ravaged by unearthly beings after genetic experiments go wildly wrong.

    Craving More Frights? Explore Past Seasons:
    Season 1: Simpson Falls - A reporter awakens malevolent forces in his haunted hometown.
    Season 2: Blood Forest - Every 20 years, werewolves descend for a night of horror. Starring Jack Falahee.
    Season 3: Dark Tome - A teen unleashes a terrifying story from a spooky bookshop.
    Season 4: The Well - Family secrets resurface, setting loose horror from an old well.
    Season 5: The Pulse - A meteorite awakens animalistic instincts in a group of treasure hunters.
    Season 6: The Sisters - True events inspire a chilling tale of occult & possession. Starring Mae Whitman.
    Season 7: Last Call - A hustler gambles for his life against the Grim Reaper.
    Season 8: Narcosis - A rescue dive turns deadly beneath the waves.
    Season 9: The Harrowing - A barbaric crime heralds the rise of an ancient evil.
    Season 10: Hovering - A police officer is pulled into unimaginable circumstances when he starts investigating calls about an object in the sky.

    Binge Ad-Free & Early! Subscribe at