Fritid – Slovakien – Nya podcasts
Here me and Mason talk about some Minecraft things and give our opinions on
EVE Online is a game rich with history. From hours-long battles involving thousands of players, to the meta-gaming and espionage, as well as drama among the community. This is a podcast about how it all happened... supposedly.
You can catch the live show by following -
Two video game store managers debate everything they can about video games and pop culture, as well as share stories from their stores.
🔥 🎟️ We are live on tour again in fall 2024. The dates: November 7 - Güstrow | November 8 - Flensburg | November 17 - Bamberg-Hallstatt 🎟️ 🔥
Adrian Klie and Christoph Streicher are adventurers through and through. In their multiple award-winning travel podcast, they report entertainingly and informatively on the world's most beautiful places. The special thing: they are neither travel bloggers nor dropouts. They have normal full-time jobs and have to explore the world with their 30 vacation days a year. Together, the childhood friends have already traveled to over 120 countries.
Their adventurous, wildly romantic, and sometimes completely crazy journeys are packaged into bite-sized pieces as they share their best tips and tricks in the travel podcast. If you expect stories from luxury hotels and perfect Instagram spots, you'd better tune into Netflix. In the travel podcast, you'll encounter big and small catastrophes, unique encounters with locals from all countries, quirky modes of transportation, and above all, an incredibly humorous friendship that gets a bit better with every passport stamp.
Checkbox: Is the travel podcast for me?
✅ No lengthy rambling: short episodes with 30 minutes of information
✅ Traveling with a full-time job: tours to replicate
✅ A first look: is the destination exciting for me? Are there insider tips?
✅ Key facts in every episode: the mysterious sound, packing tips, accommodation options, photo spots
✅ Entertainment factor: things often go wrong for us on our travels too
Info: Welttournee - the travel podcast
💻 Official website:
🤳 Instagram: @Welttournee
📬 Mail:
📖 The book to the podcast "Auf Welttournee" - now available in bookstores
🎟️ The live show of the podcast
November 7 – Güstrow
November 8 – Flensburg
November 17 - Bamberg-Hallstatt
🏆 Awards: Podcast of the Month (Süddeutsche), Podcast Show of the Year (Apple Podcast)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vítejte v podcastu „Detailingová terapie“, kde auta nejsou jen stroje, ale vášeň a detailing je cesta k dokonalosti! 🎙️ Přinášíme praktické tipy na mytí a čištění aut, rady pro marketing detailerů, nastavení efektivních procesů, zajímavosti i novinky ze světa detailingu. Ať už právě myjete auto, jedete do práce, nebo si jen chcete odpočinout, Diagnóza Detailing vás provede světem péče o auta s lehkostí, inspirací a konkrétními doporučeními. Detailing není jen práce – je to terapie! 🚗✨
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Immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance of continuous rain for 10 hours. Perfect for relaxation, meditation, sleep, or focus, these uninterrupted rain sounds will help you unwind and destress, creating a calming atmosphere for any activity. Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! -
Join Mike, Chris, and Scott - 3 seasoned Dungeon Masters as they prepare you to DM DnD 5e and discuss all things Dungeons and Dragons.
Come take a seat at our table and we'll serve you a slice of Goodberry Pie! Brought to you from a living room in Pittsburgh, PA, Goodberry Pie is a multi-genre TTRPG podcast where we create and play one-on-one microcampaigns consisting of two to five sessions. If you like your D&D ala mode, or your Honey Heist served with whip cream we got it all in the cooler. Order's up!
Empyrean Decree is a Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the world of Celennial. Joins our adventurers as they navigate the growing war on the southern border, uncover betrayal and fight off the ever expanding night as light begins to set over the Empire of Divine Spiritas for what may be the final time.
"Wayne Gretzky Audio Biography" is a captivating podcast that delves into the remarkable life and career of the legendary hockey player, Wayne Gretzky. Listeners will embark on a journey through the highs and lows of Gretzky's journey, exploring his early beginnings, his rise to stardom, and the impact he had on the sport of hockey. Featuring insightful interviews, historical accounts, and firsthand perspectives, this podcast provides a comprehensive and engaging portrayal of one of the greatest athletes of all time.
For more info go to https://www.quietperiodplease....
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Nový video podcast Motanica vám pravidelne prináša rozhovory s motorkármi, motocestovateľmi a profesionálnymi jazdcami, ktorí žijú pre dve kolesá. Každá epizóda je plná inšpirácie, príbehov z ciest a zaujímavostí zo sveta motoriek.
Či už si zanietený motorkár, vášnivý cestovateľ, alebo len hľadáš motiváciu vyraziť na cesty, Motanica je tu pre teba. Podcastom Motanica vás sprevádza Škorpo.
Vypočuť si nás môžete vo vašej podcastovej aplikácii alebo pozrieť na YouTube FUNRIDE-Skorpo.
Štartujeme, pridaj plyn a nalaď sa na Motanicu! -
Current Gen is a show about the video games that you should care about RIGHT NOW. Subscribe on YouTube ( for let's plays, reactions, and more!
Ľudia, príbehy, emócie, zábava ale aj vážne veci o tom všetkom sa budeme rozprávať v našom podcaste
Tieto podcast budú hlavne o Minecraftových novinkách a veciach ktoré sa vám budú hodiť.
Žiješ autami a témami s nimi spojenými? Zažil si si purpenové prahy, driftíky na parkoviskách alebo elektrické problémy s francúzmi? Poď sa porozprávať s nami. Voľný rozhovor dvoch nie úplne typických autíčkarov veriacich v poctivé autá a tupý humor bez servítok. My ti nebudeme prednášať o premiérach a nudných číslach, nebudeme politizovať, na to tu sú iní. U nás nájdeš debatky o zaujímavých autách, polemizovanie nad budúcnosťou aj minulosťou automobilizmu, dozvieš sa zaujímavosti zo sveta áut o ktorých si netušil a zasmeješ sa nad reálnymi príbehmi ktoré možno poznáš aj ty.
Podcast, ktorý sa venuje elektrickým vozidlám a všetkému čo s tým súvisí. Technické novinky, testy a prezentácie nových elektromobilov nájdete v podcaste Rádio Elektromobil.
hey! here’s my new podcast where I’ll be talking about whatever the heck I want to talk about. I have a lot of random topics to discuss and to state my opinions on and tell stories about. Hopefully this is fun, so ya know, tune in every week and enjoy!! byeee
Na vlne so záhradníkmi je podcast, ktorý vás prevedie fascinujúcim svetom záhrad, rastlín a záhradnej architektúry. Či už snívate o dokonale upravenej záhrade, chcete sledovať aktuálne trendy, alebo hľadáte praktické tipy na pestovanie rastlín, tu ste na správnom mieste. V každej epizóde prinášame inšpirácie a rady, či už od špecialistov, alebo od nás, záhradníkov, aby ste vedeli, ako premeniť vašu záhradu, balkón či obývačku na zelenú oázu.
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