TV & Film – Litauen – Rekommenderade podcasts
Psyop Cinema is a podcast about the film industry and its intimate connections to mass manipulation, conspiracy, and the occult. Hosts Thomas Millary and Brett Carollo explore film from a deep politics perspective, demonstrating how the artistry of cinema combines with psychological and technological knowledge to engineer culture in subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways— making each of us the subject of the greatest mind control experiment in history.
Go check original content creator: .Thank you for waiting so patiently! ! WE HIT 1 MILLION PLAYS! New episode out now! Thank you guys so much for listening to this podcast! :D
Jessica Bravura
Tomoyo Ichijouji
Jason Bravura
Sebastian Todd
Michaela Laws
Lizzy Hofe
Alejandro Saab
Kimberley Anne Campbell
Andy Cowley
Calvin Manning
P.M. Seymour -
A Dragon Ball rewatch podcast, exploring every nook and cranny of the Saiyan Saga all the way to the Buu Saga (and beyond!)
Lori Adelman and Leila Darabi invite expert friends to binge watch TV and talk about sex.
Esu jaunuolis, kurio aistra – kinas. Filmai man tai galimybė pabėgti nuo kasdienybės ir patirti istorijas visiškai kitomis akimis. Kino salėje pamirštu aplinką – atrodo, kad nebėra pasaulio už ekrano ribų, esu visiškai įsitraukęs į filmą. Jei kinas jums taip pat įdomus, kviečiu pasiklausyti mano tinklalaidės „Pezuliai apie kiną“, kurioje dalinuosi mintimis apie filmus, jų kūrimo užkulisius ir dar daugiau!
Nesse podcast os nossos anfitriões Rodrigo e Henrique, baterão um papo sobre cultura pop em geral, toda sexta no seu serviço de streaming favorito
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Long ago in the now distant year of 2009, two relatively earnest Christian siblings started a small group to talk about movies and try to have better conversations about complex stories than it seemed like were currently happening. The group ran for a couple years, 100 movies.
Now, older, wiser, and much more atheist, Bethany Sparkle and Joel Krahn revisit the movies and discuss why they chose them then, what they think of them now, and how their views have changed.
Follow the podcast @SSCinemaPod -
На этом подкасте молодой и перспективный представитель семейства слоновьих Владимир говорит о кино и всем прочем, что связано с популярной культурой или нет.
Заходи, дорогой, гостем будешь.
A podcast about anything in life that most definitely will be entertaining to share with friends and family !
Podcase de film Petit Prince
Podkasts "Ačiū už pamainą"- kuriame kalbamės su kino industrijoj dirbančiais žmonėm.
Welcome to Ric’s Horror Network, where horror meets humor and science! Join Ric and his South Texan co-host, Billy the AI, as they dive into horror with witty reviews, improvisations, and spine-chilling tales. Explore our Paranormal Corner for eerie legends, get the latest scoop with Ric’s Horror News, and witness our Horror Labs experiments, where guests face their fears. Subscribe for a unique blend of frights and fun—your ultimate horror experience awaits!Follow us on Instagram and TikTok @ricshorror! Support this podcast:
The podcast thats a lot about nothing and a little about everything.
Двойной подкаст, как двойной показ. Обсуждаем актуальное и тематическое кино и сериалы. Как в старые добрые.
Ведущие подкаста:
Сергей Карандеев — искусствовед, автор статей, актер. Максим Живов — сценарист.Подкаст является резидентом студии гиК_Код
Join us as we revisit one of our favorite shows, Mad Men. We’ll watch each episode and analyze our favorite moments and characters. Come get toasted with us and watch these rich people shenanigans in the 60s
Hi hello in this podcast me and my brother talk about Lego Ninjago and the cool stuff in it.
Two friends take a light hearted deep dive in to film in an attempt to learn 100 things from a different movie each week. Expect trivia to impress your friends and nonsense from the start.
Host Jeff Rottschafer introduces his Iranian-born friend, Ali Tabibnejad, to movies that were popular during his childhood. They discuss the films in their zany, goofy, campy and often problematic glory. Tweet your movie requests at @ChildhoodYou, or get at us via email at [email protected]! Support this podcast:
A podcast to explore and examine queer representation in our visual media - past, present and future.
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