Barn & Familj – Nederländerna – Rekommenderade podcasts

  • Biz 2 arkadaş haftada bir kaldigimjz yerden tefsir okuyup sohbet ediyoruz. Hatice Özdemir Tülün & Merve Safa Erbaş Likoğlu

  • A fairy tale podcast for kids about real life extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests. 

  • ألف ليلة وليلة هو برنامج يتضمّن مجموعة من القصص التي جُمِعت وتُرجمت عبر التاريخ.

  • The Big Fib is a weekly game show for kids and families where kids use their brains to tell what’s true from what’s false. 

    Each week, a kid interviews two experts in a particular topic, one of which is a genuine, credentialed expert, the other a liar. Hilarious and fast-paced, the show teaches kids to ask insightful questions, weigh the evidence before them, and trust their guts.

    In the era of fake news, kids need to learn to be able to tell what’s true from what’s false. And what better way to do that than a game show that puts kids in the driver’s seat, adults in the hot seat, and a sound-effects robot strapped to the roof?

    For more great shows for kids and families visit To hear all episodes of The Big Fib ad-free subscribe now.

  • De gezelligste podcast over opvoeden, ouderschap en al het moois en lelijks dat daarbij komt kijken! Met opvoedtips en sterke 'Ik ken iemand die...'-verhalen van Nynke de Jong, Alex van der Hulst, Hanneke Hendrix en Anne Janssens.

    Ben je een nieuwe luisteraar? Welkom bij de club! Wat gezellig! Begin hier >

  • Kluun en Yvanka pakken door! Inmiddels heeft Kluun’s boek ‘Help, Ik Heb Een Puber!’ een geel zusje gekregen: ‘Hoera, Ik Heb Een Puber!’. En wat blijkt? Net zoals in de puberteit zijn nog lang niet alle problemen opgelost. Daarom trekken ze in dit nieuwe seizoen alles uit de kast om opnieuw de meest grappige, ingewikkelde, gênante en confronterende vragen te beantwoorden over de puber(s) in jouw leven.

    Hiervoor schakelen schrijvers Kluun en Yvanka van der Zwaan opnieuw de hulp in van een hele lading experts en bekende puberouders, maar zetten ze nog wat extra kracht bij door ook toekomstige puberouders en puberopa’s en -oma’s uit te nodigen. Komen zij er toch niet uit? Dan is daar gelukkig altijd nog de (uitgebreide!) puberpoule voor goudeerlijk, ongezouten commentaar.

    Wil je zelf een onderwerp aandragen of heb je een andere tip? Volg ons via @helpikhebeenpuber en stuur ons een berichtje!

  • In 'Made By Mammas: The Podcast', TV Presenter & Radio Broadcaster Zoe Hardman combined with Georgia Dayton bring their mummy blog to life as they discuss the brands they love, the products they swear by, and the experiences they've been through during the first years of motherhood.

    Each episode sees Zoe and Georgia chat to a famous face or an expert in their field on a host of topics ranging from pregnancy to sleep to activities to do with little ones, and so much more! 

    Your go-to for non-judgemental advice, support and a bit of love.

    To get in touch about featuring on the podcast, please e-mail [email protected]

    Made By Mammas®, this has been an Insanity Studios production.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dog training experts and best-selling authors Robert and Michele Forto (A Musher's Dream) take the listener into the scruffy, curious, and sometimes heroic world of dogs.

    What does it mean to "own" a dog? Can dogs teach us compassion? How do dogs learn? What are your breed's origins and what were they bred to do?

    Dog Works Radio is an award-winning podcast that is a delightful and surprising look at the relationship we have with our K9 buddies.

  • Children are full of curiosity and questions about the world.

    Each Friday, join Molly Oldfield, write of the weekly kids quiz in the Guardian each Saturday, the original QI elf and author and host of Everything Under The Sun (both the book and podcast) as she answers questions sent in by children around the world with the help of experts including Neil Gaiman, Heston Blumenthal, Grayson Perry, Lauren Child, Richard Branson and Sophie Dahl to the fish curators at the Natural History Museum.

    If you're a kid - big or small - with questions you want answered or if you want to learn interesting facts about life on earth, this is the award winning podcast for you.

    Do check out Everything Under The Sun - a curious question for every day of the year, published by Ladybird books now!

  • This is for the parents of estranged adult Children. How to move beyond the pain of Estrangement.

    Please feel free to email me here: [email protected]


    Memories in Love (ID 1144) - Lobo Loco

    Creative Commons License (by-nc-nd)

  • Look... every couple struggles. You fight too much; you're bored; sex is either okay (or rare); maybe you're even considering divorce. OR... maybe your marriage is actually pretty good, but you want to go deeper. In this podcast, straight-talking marriage therapist Zach Brittle tackle the most common complaints virtually every marriage experience. Along the way, they reveal the science behind strong relationships and talk about what's really going on for couples. Topics include conflict, communication, compatibility, money, sex, in-laws, infidelity, time-management, future dreams, and more. If you want relief? A deeper connection? A new way forward...? Then you've got to find out what's REALLY going on in your marriage. That's what this podcast is about. You can learn more about Zach, and his alternatives to traditional therapy at

  • In Sara’s Mysteries ontrafelt Sara de Monchy samen met jonge mensen mysteries die hen niet meer loslaten. Elke aflevering schakelt één kind de hulp van Sara in om een raadsel uit te zoeken. Lukt het hen om met vreemde inbraakpogingen, spionage en graaf- en speurwerk de mysteries op te lossen? Dit is een true crime kinderpodcast voor de hele familie! 

  • Welcome to ”,” a podcast dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of dog behavior and training. Hosted by Certified Dog Behavioral Consultant Christi Kirby-Baron, each episode features insightful discussions on various topics related to canine psychology and communication, along with practical tips and expert advice to help you strengthen your bond with your furry friend. Join us as we discover new insights into the hearts and minds of our canine companions.

  • שבת בבוקר יום יפה ואתם נוסעים לים, לטיול, או סתם נשארים בבית לרבוץ בנעימים? ירדן בר-כוכבא הלפרין ודידי שחר יפתחו לכם את היום עם תכנית לכל המשפחה, ובמיוחד לילדים שבה. בכל תכנית תוכלו לשמוע סיפורים, שירים, המלצות לבילויים ועוד כל מיני הפתעות.

  • Curhat Babu adalah Curhat BApak & iBU.Kami mengerti bahwa menjadi orang tua itu .. well,.. "seru".Kadang membahagiakan, kadang menantang.Kadang lucu, kadang mau marah. Sehingga, curhat itu penting. Dan selain itu, kadang kita pun layaknya "babu" anak kita.Oleh karena itu, kami di sini hadir untuk mendengar curhat para BaBu lain di luar sana.Bukan untuk menghakimi,Bukan untuk menasihati,Cuma sekedar berbagi.It's okay to complain, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to cry, it's okay not to be okay.Kami tunggu emailnya di [email protected] IG kami, @curhatbapakibu

  • This is a podcast where I speak straight into the heart and mind of kids with ADHD. Helping them learn and understand the way their brain is wired differently and come up with tools and strategies that work best for them! This is a great conversation tool for trusted adults to use as you navigate this diagnosis alongside your child. I have many wonderful guests who are full of knowledge and great resources too!

  • Helpful, fun, and effective strategies to support everyone's executive function! Learn how to coach yourself, your teen, or your child to manage attention, organize, and plan. We share inspiration for families and individuals with neurodivergence, ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and more. We love what we do and are passionate about helping you thrive!

  • Dé podcast over verhalen, meningen en de wetenschap achter opvoeden

  • “Wat gaat er goed? Wat kan er beter? En wat móet er beter?” Misschien is dat wel de kortste samenvatting van de manier waarop de inspectie toezicht op het onderwijs houdt. Leerlingen, studenten en ouders moeten erop kunnen vertrouwen dat het onderwijs op een school goed is. De inspectie houdt daar toezicht op. We doen onderzoek bij besturen en scholen/instellingen en we stimuleren hen om voortdurend hun kwaliteit te verbeteren.

    Via deze podcast bespreken we actuele ontwikkelingen in het onderwijs en het toezicht.