Teknologi – Lettland – Populära podcasts
Regulārs tehnoloģiju podkāsts par aktuālajām tēmām brīvā un nepiespiestā formā kopā ar Kursors.lv autoriem.
Esi sveicināts Tele2 podkāstā “Bez Limita”. Šis ir podkāsts, kurā ar ekspertiem runāsim par mums svarīgām tēmām. Jēgpilnu interneta lietošanu jeb to, kā modernās tehnoloģijas ietekmē mūsu ikdienu – attiecības, darbu, ģimenes dzīvi un veselību. Kā arī interesantiem uzņēmējiem par personības lomu biznesā, jo kā nekā - bizness sākas ar cilvēku! Podkāstu vada Kristīne Virsnīte.
QAGuild — подкаст про тестування, автоматизацію в тестуванні та просто теревені за життя.
Tehnoloģijas, nākotne, attīstība, un tam visam pa vidu cilvēks. Aktuālie zinātnes jaunumi, informācijas tehnoloģijas, zaļā enerģija, datu drošība, veselība, mākslīgais intelekts, nākotnes profesijas. Šie un citi jautājumi kopā ar Artūru Bernovski.
Military news and defence podcast hosted by @DefenceGeek, @Osinttechnical, @AnAustinThing2 and @geoallison in collaboration with the UK Defence Journal.
Лучший бесполезный подкаст про ИТ.
Журналист Артем Малышев и программист Фил Ранжин ищут смысл в индустрии информационных технологий -
PAC (Petroleum Analyzer Company) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lab and process analyzers. Listen to learn about our state-of-the-art instruments such as the OptiMVD, the latest technology, and much more.
This podcast series is hosted by SIJ Technical Editor, Eric Bogatin and includes fireside chats with members from the Signal Integrity Journal community who are experts in their field and have a commitment to providing training and education in SI, PI, and EMC/EMI issues for other engineers. Podcast sponsored by: Rohde & Schwarz.
Шоу «Как мы попали в айти» — самое полезнейшее для всех, кто только начинает и хочет попасть в индустрию.
Крутые, опытные и известные разрабы будут вспоминать свои самые-самые первые шаги и абсолютно откровенно выкладывать свой опыт.
Без воды, без разговоров на отвлеченное — только конкретика про путь в IT.
Информационная безопасность компаний и органов власти
Welcome to the weekly OriGensXYZ show on Rug Radio where we discuss web3 Origin Stories with European Accent. Hosted by Nikita Cikaluk every Tue at 2pm GMT (9am EST), the show invites creators, founders and investors who have facilitated web3 mass adoption. The goal of the show is to create an intimate space to reveal the origins of who they are as people and what drives them and create connections and a steering show within the European hemisphere. The European web3 community is still young but already growing at an enormous pace and we want to get you connected with its OGs.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kas agrāk bija tāls, tagad ir tuvs. Kas agrāk bija neiespējams, tagad ir digitāls.
Digitālās transformācijas temps, ko piedzīvojam, ir bijis iespējams tikai pateicoties tam, ka Latvija mērķtiecīgi gan tehnoloģiski, gan tiesiski, gan praktiski gatavojusies un soli pa solim iedzīvinājusi digitālo Latviju.
Uzzini, kā tehnoloģijas var palīdzēt tev strādāt efektīvāk, atpūsties- kvalitatīvāk un mācīties – mūsdienīgāk! Digitāli?! NĒ! digiTuvi! -
Podcast by Enefit Latvia
The basics of sales never change, but the selling environment and the resources around them do. Stay up to date with the latest sales, marketing and customer service tools and learn from other business leaders to optimize your workflow and differentiate yourself from the crowd.
ibf.lv Podkāsts - šeit publicējam ibf.lv tiešraižu un ierakstu audio celiņus ibf.lv sekotājiem, kuriem patīk uztvert saturu audio formātā.
A weekly show that uses fact and fiction to discuss issues that affect you and your family that have happened, are happening and that will happen. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/augmentedreality/support
Two gambling enthusiasts, with a passion for all things gambling. Whether pressing our luck in the high limit room, testing the money line in the sports book, or just making friendly wagers on the back nine... we love to gamble! Our careers in the gaming industry have shown us that this industry is filled with some amazing people, with even more amazing stories. Our goal is to help provide a platform for those stories to be shared, while also helping everyone look good in the process.
A technology-focused podcast for C-suite leaders who are tackling digital transformation projects for the world's biggest companies.
The CEO.digital Show brings you in-depth explorations of markets, technology, trends, ideas and strategies – all with the aim of helping you deliver better results with what you do.
Our hosts Craig McCartney & Todd Jordan sit down with industry leaders to discuss pressing business and technology issues, including: digital transformation, cloud, cybersecurity, data and analytics, project management, leadership, diversity, customer experience, and much more. -
Join Shoreline Maritime Answers as we explore the dark side of life at sea, from cyber attacks and drug smuggling to geopolitical risk and migration. On each episode we’ll deep dive into the issues facing shipowners and crew at sea, with specialists in cyber, risk and humanitarian issues.
Product:able was born back in January 2020, when the global COVID-19 pandemic was just starting its inevitable widespread, with one simple idea— to create an accessible platform for people who are willing to take a new career path in IT, specifically in Product Management.
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