Teknologi – Indonesien – Populära podcasts
Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.
Welcome to "Lizza APK Reviews," your go-to destination for insights into the fascinating world of modified apps. Join us as we explore the latest APKs, uncovering hidden features, enhanced functionalities, and potential risks. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, an app aficionado, or simply curious about what's out there beyond the official app stores, Lizza APK Reviews has you covered. Get ready to dive deep into the realm of modified apps with our comprehensive reviews, expert analysis, and practical tips. Subscribe now
Podcast ini berkonten Informasi seputar dunia Pertanian dalam arti luas juga ttg Teknologinya, Ada juga ttg materi penyuluhan Pertanian Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dani-medionovianto/support
Kode Nol adalah serial podcast dari Deep Tech Foundation yang memberikan informasi tentang teknologi rekayasa perangkat lunak.
Yuk belajar bersama para newbie dan junior programmer di grup telegram kami. Klik https://bit.ly/komunitaskodenol untuk bergabung! -
Kartini Teknologi adalah podcast yang menampilkan perempuan Indonesia di dunia Teknologi.
In depth discuss about 9 to 5 hussle
๐(( www.bedahteknologi.com )) Prodcast bergizi, mengulas bagaimana Computer Science & Software Engineering mendukung kesukesan sebuah bisnis termasuk startup. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bedah-teknologi/support
PODcast TEKnologi.. Another @taufiknobo's Podcast. Sesuai namanya ngobrolin tentang update teknologi mulai dari barang, pelaku, perusahaan, rumor, dan apa pun yang berhubungan dengan teknologi.
A podcast series where you hear from the experts on Edge, IoT, Safety and Security, and Computer Vision technologies.
The SEO Rant Podcast, hosted by Mordy Oberstein (Head of SEO Brand) at Wix), gives its guests control of the mic so that they can share their deepest SEO thoughts without any inhibitions!
Hear what search marketers of all backgrounds are saying about SEO both as a craft and as an industry. By giving each guest full rein the SEO Rant gives you the opportunity to get deep into how SEO experts feel and think about what does and does not work for ranking sites on the web! -
Obrolan tentang data dengan tuan rumah Ali Akbar Septiandri (@aliakbars) bersama para pelaku data di Indonesia dari berbagai bidang. Semua pendapat dan sudut pandang yang disampaikan dalam podcast ini adalah milik pribadi.
Podcast yang akan membahas tentang Cryptocurrency, NFT, Metaverse, dan teknologi-teknologi terkini yang berkaitan. Rilis setiap hari Jum'at !
Jangan lupa juga cek sesi Twitter Spaces kita tiap hari rabu di @PodkesmasAsia, dan follow juga instagram & tiktok The Geeks di @thegeekspodcast !For business inquiries : [email protected]
Whether you call it Inclusive Design or Digital Accessibility, whether you're an individual with a passion or an organisation wanting to know more, this podcast explores a range of topics on accessibility. Hosted by Jonathan Hassell, its aim is to share inspiration, expertise, and hints and tips to help speed you on your digital accessibility journey.
For our most up-to-date insights, join us for our free monthly webinar - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-accessibility-experts-live-registration-111949261254?aff=Podcast -
Indonesia's only weekly developer podcast. Yet! Karya @didaid. Membahas apa yang bikin developer produktif, berkembang & peduli lingkungan. Mirip TPI, TV yang sebagian besar acaranya non pendidikan ๐๐คท๐ฝโโ๏ธ Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/devmuslimid/support
nggak tau cuma pengen rekam2 aja
Drama suara yang hanya bisa kamu dengarkan jangan pernah membayangkan.
Dipersembahkan oleh Gaung Kosong -
Awesome topics about design, product design, product management and other stuffs around them. Brought to you by the best practitioners in the industry. Made in ๐ฒ๐จ
Wahai yang mengantuk, sadarlah dan segerakanlah segar. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tendensibunuhdiri/support
we talks about anything. hosted by @icadazh and @benzrizki .
berkenalan lebih lanjut dengan kami di instagram @standarbahagia -
Podcasts of interviews with the presenters of the 'Manufacturing Thursdays' seminar series. Manufacturing Thursdays is a programme of free evening presentations organised by the University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing (IfM). It is open to the local business community and all staff and students of the University of Cambridge. The presentations span all aspects of manufacturing processes, technology and management and provide networking opportunities over refreshments. The seminars take place on Thursdays during university term, between 5.30 and 6.30 pm (refreshments from 5.00) at the Alan Reece Building, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, the IfM's home on the university's West Cambridge Site. Website: www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/thursdays
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