Historia – Hongkong – Populära podcasts
香港人說香港史,分享香港歷史文化故事冷知識 溫斯頓.邱吉爾說過:「學習歷史,學習歷史。歷史裏典藏著一切的智慧」 港識多史致力以香港歷史、文化為材料,炮製一個個給香港人的專題故事,以輕鬆、簡單的手法讓大家了解香港的故事。曾先後接受多間媒體包括《蘋果日報》、《明報》、《中大通訊》和《南華早報》訪問,並推出多本香港歷史書目,一同用文字發掘搜羅有趣而影響深遠的香港小故事,務求在彈指間略過的News Feed中,令大家停駐一分鐘,重新認識我們的香港。 我們常慨嘆香港新不如舊,那麼,我們何不好好認識一下我們的「舊」? 加入Patreon,支持港識多史恆常運作:https://www.patreon.com/wetoasthk,解鎖所有會員限定內容!
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
英國古諺語說:真相是時間的女兒 Truth is the Daughter of Time.歷史的真相是:全世界的古人原來都多姿多彩!整個中世紀歐洲,貴族都用體垢保養?英國夫妻離個婚,差點搞到全國暴動?埃及法老娶皇后,姊妹女兒都是對象?歐洲國王沒小三,居然破壞國家安全?法國王后生孩子,成了公開表演節目?別笑古人日子悶,其實人家超會玩~原來歷史不無聊,原來歷史超級嗨!歡迎來和Hazel一起聽八卦,聊歷史~請Hazel吃下午茶,讓她繼續說故事(贊助):https://linkgoods.com/historydot商業合作請聯繫:[email protected]臉書看古人:https://www.facebook.com/HazelsDoT--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Dan Hörning och David Oscarsson tar upp olösta mord, försvinnanden och mysterier i en podd som bara ställer frågor utan att ge några svar.
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Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The April 1999 massacre at Columbine High School hurtled the United States into an era of mass shootings. Now, a quarter century later, the horrors of that day have become an almost regular facet of American life, and gun violence a record-smashing epidemic. Clad in both camouflage and Kevlar, 21st-century America is a bastion of freedom where workplaces require active shooter protocols, schools run lockdown drills, and the Second Amendment has become a religion unto itself.
Guns are a uniquely American problem, but the U.S. wasn’t always like this. LONG SHADOW: IN GUNS WE TRUST explores the story of the people — some names you'll know, some you won't — who changed the way America relates to guns, for better or worse. This season, host Garrett Graff, in collaboration with The Trace, chronicles how firearms moved from being an ordinary part of the background of rural life to a menacing element of modern American life.
Crackling with rich archival tape and riveting eyewitness and expert interviews, this narrative podcast examines threads of history that are vitally relevant to our current political climate. In LONG SHADOW’s Signal Award-winning first season, Graff, a Pulitzer-finalist and a best-selling author and historian, examined the lingering questions of 9/11, the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Season two, which won an Edward R. Murrow Award for best podcast, chronicled how bloody tragedies at the hands of federal agents led to the rise of American far-right extremism and ultimately the January 6 insurrection. Season three, winner of three Signal Awards (best history podcast, best documentary podcast, and best activism, public service & social impact podcast) will help listeners understand how simply carrying firearms has become its own act of defiance, and how a very specific, carefully manufactured fear has driven explosive demand for guns across America.
How did we get here? Subscribe and listen to LONG SHADOW to find out.
LONG SHADOW: IN GUNS WE TRUST is produced by Long Lead and Campside Media in collaboration with The Trace, and is distributed by PRX.
In never-before-heard interviews, this gripping new series takes you inside one of New Zealand’s most controversial legal cases, when a kind of madness gripped Christchurch, resulting in a miscarriage of justice that would take 30 years to put right. Peter Ellis, the Creche Case & Me is an 8-part Newsroom Investigates podcast presented by Melanie Reid - or watch the series at Newsroom.co.nz
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
監製: 羅曼穎 -
Autumn 2012 - UCL's Lunch Hour Lecture Series is an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite-size chunks. Speakers are drawn from across UCL and lectures frequently showcase new research and recent academic publications. Lunch Hour Lectures require no pre-booking, are free to attend and are open to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.
This collection discusses how various Native American tribes have influenced different regions of North America. Native American tribe members also share their cultural heritage and love for the Earth.
The Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford is the largest university library system in the United Kingdom. It includes the principal University library - the Bodleian Library - which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 28 other libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 12 million printed items, over 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera. Members of the public can explore the collections via the Bodleian’s online image portal at digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk or by visiting the exhibition galleries in the Bodleian's Weston Library. For more information, visit www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk.
Hi, my name is Hayden. I'm an American with a passion for British History and their Royal Family. Come and join me for discussions on royal history (past and present), current events, protocol, reviews of shows and films pertaining to them, and everything else. Come and stay a while as I share my passion for history and all things British!
Come along as the former aerospace journalist Paul Ring discusses space exploration in history and science fiction with some of the best and brightest in the business.
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The Podcast discusses political, economic, social, cultural and environmental issues affecting the African continent while at the same time delving into particular national and regional concerns.
The podcast presents an opportunity for knowledge sharing and learning, and gives priority to African voices from the continent and the diaspora -
第六十五至一○四集,網羅流傳千古的名篇鉅著,《道德經》、《戰國策》、《世說新語》等,探究我國經典文學著作。 - Visa fler