Vetenskap – Estland – Populära podcasts
Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.
Twitch ve YouTube gibi araçlar üzerinden yaptığımız canlı yayınların podcast kayıtlarıdır. Türkiye'de bilimin geleceği bu yayınlarda!
Interested in human behavior and how people think? The Measure of Everyday Life explores ideas about how we live and why people act as they do. Independent Weekly has called the show "unexpected" and "diverse" and says the show "brings big questions to radio." Join host Dr. Brian Southwell (@BrianSouthwell) as he explores the human condition.
Episodes air each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the Raleigh-Durham broadcast market and a podcast of each show is available online the Wednesday following. The show is made possible by RTI International. -
Portaali tegijad Aivar Pau ja Taavi Minnik intervjueerivad eksperte sellistel teemadel nagu teadus, ajalugu, keskkond, tehnika ja sõjandus.
Eesti Loodusmuuseumi podcast.
1 More Mile is a lifestyle brand devoted to advancing the ideal that every individual can go 1 More Mile. The podcast brings science-based health, nutrition, & fitness advice, as well as compelling guest interviews from sports scientists, athletes, and industry leaders. Support this podcast:
Delfi teadussaade "Innovaatika" hakkab Delfi Tasku kanalis lahkama teadusmaailma põnevamaid tahke ja nüansse. Igas saates on külas üks Eesti tippteadlane, kes seletab saatejuhiga koos lahti ühe kindla teema teaduses. Saatesarja jooksul püüame lükata ümber nii mõnegi populaarteadusliku vale, kinnistada aga tõdesid, mis ei pruugi olla veel inimestele kohale jõudnud.
Translation is the process of turning basic scientific research into therapies that cure disease, new sources of energy that heal the planet, and other things that move the world forward.
The Translation Podcast takes a deep dive into scientific advancements with a massive potential to improve society. We talk directly with the people advancing the science with their own hands and minds, and focus on how we can translate the science from the bench to the benefit of all.
Initially centered on biology and synthetic biology, we’ll talk with the most promising young scientists in the field. We aim to demystify the science for a general audience and to shine a light on how great science turns into great business. We hope these discussions will inspire scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors to help commercialize breakthrough research.
If you’re an author of an upcoming paper in biology or know of any interesting papers dropping soon and want to hear from the authors, drop us an email at [email protected]. -
Violetta and Lena hosting a cadpost about absolutely crazy things and theories that you've most likely never even thought of, for people who think outside of the box and question obvious statements.
Podcast by Delfi Tasku
Tervisemuuseumi podcast SÜNAPS vahendab ja ühendab lugusid inimkehast, tervisest ja kultuuriloost. Sünaps on Eesti Keele Instituudi poolt välja antud auhinna “Selge sõnum 2022” laureaat ja Eesti Teadusagentuuri poolt riiklikult tunnustatud teaduse populariseerija 2023.
Bringing the ideas of Tallinn University to the world - and vice versa. Hosted by Terry McDonald.
The comedy nature podcast for more than just nature nerds. A really wild show for grown ups, each episode looks at stories and science from across the natural world and also pits a host against a listener suggested species of animal to decide how many they could take in a fight.
Insta @howmanygeese
Support the show at -
Putting a spotlight on lesser known endangered and critically endangered species, "Endangered" gives these amazing creatures a little love before it's too late.
Tallinna Ülikooli saatesari "Ekspert eetris" toob ekraani vahendusel teieni põnevaid, silmaringi avardavad ja harivad teemad. Olgu tegu tervise, poliitika, hariduse, kunsti või juriidikaga. Arutame koos valdkonna ekspertidega just täna aktuaalseid küsimusi, mis puudutavad Sind, mind ja paljusid teisi. Ikka selleks, et maailma paremaks muuta. Saatejuhid on BFMi projektijuht Katrin Saks ja lektor Mart Soonik.
Mis siis, kui teadust ei oleks olemas? Mis siis, kui teadlased ei tegeleks teemadega, millega nad tegelevad? Mis siis, kui teadlased ei saa nähtusi uurida piisavalt kähku? Samas aga, mis siis, kui teadlastel oleksid kõikvõimalikud vahendid uurimaks mida vaid hing ihkab.
Taskuhäälingu keel on valitud vastavalt saatekülalisele. Esimesed osad kõlavadki seetõttu inglise keeles.
Saatejuhid on Sandra Saar ja Signe Ivask.
Taskuhäälingu väljaandmist toetas Eesti Teadusagentuur teaduse populariseerimise grandiga. -
I will be discussing the most unusual and interesting topics of science.
Wie sieht unser Leben mit und in der Klimakrise aus? Milena Glimbovski, Unternehmerin, Autorin und ZeroWaste-Aktivistin unterhält sich dazu mit Gäst:innen. Die Redakteur:innen vom enorm Magazin liefern Input für die Gespräche – und das wie immer lösungsorientiert und konstruktiv.
On Translating Aging, we talk with the worldwide community of researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors who are moving longevity science from the lab to the clinic. We bring you a commanding view of the entire field, in the words of the people and companies who are moving it forward today. The podcast is sponsored by BioAge labs, a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing therapies to extend human healthspan by targeting the molecular causes of aging.
Every Thursday morning we dive into new and future Science trends that will change the world. Future medical procedures, to new advanced technologies and out into space. If you love science, technology and facts, then this is the show for you! Support this podcast:
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