Vetenskap – Populära podcasts

  • Gabriel Rolón llega a Infobae Podcast con doce episodios imperdibles

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • An exiled Northern Irish anthropologist and a hitchhiking Australian psychologist take a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, offering their own brands of unique takes and special insights.

    Leveraging two of the most diverse accents in modern podcasting, Chris and Matt dig deep into the claims, peek behind the psychological curtains, and try to figure out once and for all... What's it all About?

    Join us, as we try to puzzle our way through and talk some smart-sounding smack about the intellectual giants of our age, from Jordan Peterson to Robin DiAngelo. Are they revolutionary thinkers or just grifters with delusions of grandeur?

    Join us and let's find out!

  • There are a lot of opinions on how to master your mind, but then there’s PSYCHOLOGY.
    We’re all stuck with the brain we’re born with, but we aren’t stuck with how we use it. Learn science-backed answers to make the most of your mind.

    Growth Mindset Psychology is the "self-help sceptic" podcast for the curious, dedicated to the true science of self-improvement.
    With over 8 million downloads and 60,000 monthly listeners.
    From improving performance and navigating setbacks to knowing who you are, science has answers.
    Start working with your mind, instead of against it.

    Instead of telling you what to think, we discuss how thinking works.
    Armed with a stack of science journals, textbooks and a boatload of curiosity, we uncover the mechanics of the mind.
    Why? >>> Success is personal!
    Whether you want to make the most of your neurodiverse strengths, start a business or find more reasons to smile.
    Hone your ability for independent thinking and growth with mental models to pursue your definition of success.

    Wishing and believing will not manifest your dreams:
    (1) Leave your inner chakra at the door
    (2) Put down the astrology chart
    (3) Stop waiting for something or someone to fix your life
    Whether you want to build resilience and a Growth Mindset or have a curious appetite for learning - Consider using Science.

    Sam Webster Harris studied Psychology and Biology and has launched several businesses, travelled the world, and nearly died a few times.
    An investor in over 100 businesses he balances his sensible side with curious adventure. Activities completed:

    Visiting 60 countries - Including North Korea

    Hitch-hiking across Kazakhstan

    Himilayas Mountain Guide

    Ran 80km Ultramarathon with a broken leg (not advised...)

    Let his insatiable appetite for learning, self-improvement, and psychology guide your journey.

    Previous guests include Olympians, Scientists, Billionaires, and Sam's Mum.
    Past series:

    Psychology vs Stoicism

    Time Management for busy mortals

    Independence and knowing yourself

    Cognitive biases and rational thinking

    Psychology of connection

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Spora część mojego życia to tzw. seria fortunnych zdarzeń. Chciałem zostać lekarzem, a zostałem fizykiem. Pojechałem zwiedzać Wiedeń, a poznałem żonę. Chciałem robić doktorat i wyjechałem na prawie 4 lata do największego centrum naukowego w Europie. Chcieliśmy powiększyć rodzinę i urodziły się bliźniaki. W końcu wróciliśmy z emigracji, żebym mógł zostać naukowcem, a zostałem dziennikarzem.

    Nazywam się Tomasz Rożek. Z wykształcenia jestem fizykiem a z zawodu dziennikarzem naukowym. Kieruję działem naukowym w tygodniku Gość Niedzielny. Współpracuję lub współpracowałem z wieloma mediami z redakcjami: Pytanie na Śniadanie, Teleexpress, Dzień Dobry TVN; Wiedzą i Życiem, magazynem National Geographic, Gazetą Wyborczą, Rzeczpospolitą, magazynem Focus. Byłem autorem oraz prowadzącym program Sonda2 w TVP2. Wspóltworzyłem programy radiowe: „Pytania z kosmosu” oraz Klub Trójki.

    Piszę nie tylko dla periodyków. Moja pierwsza książka „Nauka – po prostu. Wywiady z wybitnymi” (2011, Demart) została uznana za najlepszą książkę popularno-naukową sezonu 2010-2011. W 2012 roku napisałem „Nauka – to lubię. Od ziarnka piasku do gwiazd” (WAB). W 2014 roku ukazała się moja książka „Kosmos” (WAB). W 2015 roku ukazał się „Człowiek” (WAB). To dwie części pop-naukowej trylogii. W trzeciej części opiszę mikrokosmos.

    Prowadzę pop-naukowego vbloga Nauka. To lubię i facebookowy fanpage Nauka.To lubię. A od teraz także podcast.

    Jestem obecny w dyskusjach na Twiterze oraz Instagramie.

    Jestem szczęśliwym tatą bliźniaków Zuzi i Janka, oraz mężem Ani. Mieszkamy na Śląsku.

  • Биолог и журналист Илья Колмановский рассказывает о научных открытиях, говорит с людьми, которые их совершают, и отвечает на вопросы слушателей всех возрастов. Подкаст выходит по средам, раз в две недели.

    Послушать бонусные эпизоды подкаста «Голый землекоп» можно по подписке ЛибоЛибо+ в Apple Podcasts или в закрытом телеграм-канале Подписка — лучший способ поддержать нашу студию.

    Подписаться на Патреон или Бусти Ильи Колмановского: и

    Телеграм-канал «Голый землекоп»:

    Редактор: Андрей Борзенко

    Продюсеры: Настя Медведева, Данил Астапов

    Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Воробьев

    Композитор: Кира Вайнштейн

  • Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

  • The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

  • İnsanlık tarihini değiştiren bazı keşifler sanki bir rastlantıymış gibi anlatılır. Halbuki hiçbir şey tesadüf değil. İşte biz de bu yüzden buradayız. Cengiz Çalışkan, nam-ı diğer Bebar Bilim ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı ve bu podcast serisinde bizi bugüne getiren tüm bilimsel, kültürel, toplumsal dönüm noktalarından geçeceğimiz büyük bir yolculuğa çıkıyoruz.

  • La tecnología, la ciencia y la vida cotidiana desde la perspectiva de Santiago Bilinkis

  • Pogátsa Zoltán közgazdász-szociológus politikai gazdaságtani podcastja a globális gazdaságról a klímaválság, az automatizáció, a digitális gazdaság, az egyenlőtlenségek és a poszt-demokrácia korszakában.

  • Подкаст про сучасну психологію та психотерапію, про серйозні психологічні дослідження й поширені псевдонаукові міфи.

  • This is Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. 
    I'm Dr. Andy Galpin, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton.
    With this podcast, my goal is to help you better understand and maximize your own physical performance, leveraging my two decades of experience with top-tier performers, including Olympians and world champions across numerous sports. We'll discuss a range of advanced tools, technologies, and strategies, striking a balance between the forefront of scientific research and simple solutions.
    The way we'll do that is by covering what I call the "3 I's". For every topic, we'll explore how to 1) Investigate (i.e., measure), 2) Interpret (i.e., what's good, bad), and 3) Intervene (i.e., change). We'll do this from the lens of high performance, letting you enhance your abilities from good to great.                                  
    In the upcoming episodes of Season 1, we'll explore topics like the science of muscle development, how to build endurance, the role of sleep and recovery in high performance, and how to create training programs for strength, improving VO2 Max and cardiovascular health, growing muscle and much more.  
    I'll share actionable insights ("do's and don'ts") and I'll discuss the effectiveness of various supplements, training equipment, and technology in elevating mental and physical performance.
    While not all of us are elite athletes, myself included, there are many lessons and tools that we can glean from those performing at the highest levels. And remember, as legendary coach Bill Bowerman stated, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you're not already, I hope you'll consider starting to train and recover like an athlete. 

  • Подкаст о медицинских открытиях, которые изменили мир.

    Педиатр Фёдор Катасонов рассказывает, как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.

    Новые эпизоды — по средам раз в две недели.

    Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».

    Instagram студии: @libolibostudio

    YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо

  • 'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
    Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
    Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
    Benvenuti a bordo!

  • A világ megváltása tudománnyal, művészettel, pszichológiával, szociológiával, Varga Tóth Róbert újságíróval, Pázmándi Gergely zenésszel és vendégeikkel.

  • Kann Wasser schlecht werden? Wie verändern TikTok und Co unser Gehirn? Und warum fällt uns das Nichtstun eigentlich so schwer?
    Mit "Aha! Zehn Minuten Alltags-Wissen", dem Wissenspodcast von WELT, gehen wir genau solchen Fragen auf den Grund. Dafür sprechen wir mit Expertinnen und Experten, die uns helfen, die Welt noch besser zu verstehen.
    Außerdem erklären wir Mythen aus der Gesundheit, spannende psychologische Phänomene oder Alltagsfragen, die ihr euch schon immer gestellt habt. Und das alles in nur 10 Minuten.
    "Aha! Zehn Minuten Alltags-Wissen", der Wissenschaftspodcast von WELT erscheint jede Woche dienstags, mittwochs und donnerstags ab 5 Uhr – bei WELT und überall, wo es Podcast gibt.
    Wir freuen uns über Feedback an [email protected].

  • ברוכים הבאים לחושבים טוב!

    כאן יהודית כץ.
    חושבים טוב נולד כדי שנוכל לחשוב טוב על איך אנחנו מעבירים את ימינו, עם מי אנחנו מסתובבים ובמה אנחנו מזינים את המוח שלנו. כדי שלא ניתן לחיים האלה לחלוף לפני שנשים לב.

    המטרה שלי היא להנגיש את הכלים והמסקנות הכי חזקות מעולם הפסיכולוגיה והמחקר. בשביל זה, אני פוגשת בכל פרק דמות מרתקת מעולם המחקר או השטח. בשיחה פתוחה, נתעמק כל פעם בנושא שהופך את החיים למשמעותיים: איך עושים שינוי? איך לטפח חוסן נפשי? מאיפה מוצאים אומץ ואיך מקבלים החלטות בעולם מבלבל?

    ומי אני?
    המטרה שלי היא לעזור לאנשים לחיות טוב בעזרת המסקנות הכי חדות. 
כתבתי את הספר ״חושבים טוב - להעז לחיות את החיים המתאימים לך״, לשמחתי הוא הפך במהרה לרב מכר, ומכר מעל ל-60,000 עותקים.
    אני מרצה ומדריכה סדנאות לקהל רחב וגם מגיעה לארגונים כמו גוגל, לחדרי מורים, סטארטאפים, לצבא, שטראוס, איפה שמזמינים (:
    לשמחתי אני גם מלווה תהליכים אישיים ופוגשת את השטח מקרוב קרוב. וכותבת טור קבוע בעיתון ה״ארץ״.

    למדתי פסיכוביולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית, ערכתי מחקר קליני מבמעבדה לנוירופסיכיאטריה בבית חולים הדסה עין כרם, למדתי אימון פסיכולוגי באוניברסיטת תל אביב וטיפול קוגניטיבי התנהגותי באוניברסיטת חיפה.

    האזנה נעימה!

  • Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up!