Stat och kommun – Estland – Populära podcasts
“Välispoliitika kompass” võtab igal nädalal fookusesse aktuaalsed välispoliitilised teemad ning selgitab kuulajale lahti nende olemuse, tähtsuse ning olulisuse käesolevas ajahetkes. Saadet toetab välisministeerium.
#maailmanaba on Eesti Välissuhete Nõukoja taskuhääling. Twitter: @eestivalisnk
Jutus on iva!
Разговоры о важном! -
Weekly long-form conversations with fascinating people at the creative edges of national security. Unscripted. Informal. Always fresh.
Chatter guests roll with the punches to describe artistic endeavors related to national security and jump into cutting-edge thinking at the frontiers where defense and foreign policy overlap with technology, intelligence, climate change, history, sports, culture, and beyond. Each week, listeners get a no-holds-barred dialogue at an intersection between Lawfare's core issue areas and something from Hollywood to history, science to spy fiction.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Aprenda chino básico con RTI, y conozca toda la sabiduría, los cuentos y proverbios clásicos de esta cultura milenaria.
Listen to our Sunday messages.
Sõdurilehe podcasti saadetesse kutsutakse külla inimesi, kes peagi tulevad, on praegused või on neist saanud juba endised ajateenijad. Saadetes räägitakse sellest, mis toimub sõduri elus, kasarmus, metsalaagrites ja õppustel. Saadet juhib küberväejuhatuse strateegilise kommunikatsiooni keskuse ajateenija.
Two of the world's most profitable political gamblers tell you how to bet & win real money on elections, legislation, and court cases. A must-listen for anyone tired of partisan news & bogus polls that obscure the facts.
Podcast by Reforminoored
Parempoolsete päevakajaline taskuhääling.
Diving deep into the issues of international relations and security studies, Localizing the Globe is the podcast run by students of the John F, Kennedy Institut for North American Studies, a central institute at Freie Universität Berlin. Our mission is to bring new academic perspectives on contemporary and historical events that shape the international system.
We talk about a little bit of everything but we like to mix it up
Siseturvalisuse taskuhäälingus käsitleme teemasid, mis ühel või teisel moel meie inimeste, riigi ja ühiskonna turvalisust mõjutavad.
A politics podcast trying to spread information directly from the source!
«Антонимы» – это ежедневные интервью с Антоном Красовским. Что на пике информационной повестки – то у нас в подкасте. Каждый вечер зовём на жёсткий разговор тех, кто к этой повестке имеет непосредственное отношение.
Released periodically, Unpacking Impact explores how rapid digital transformation shapes economics, culture, jobs, and public policy.
When the People Decide, a podcast from the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State, explores the promise — and sometimes peril — that ballot initiatives have brought to American democracy by telling the stories of people who have organized initiative campaigns across the country.
America’s founders were famously skeptical of direct democracy, citing fears of mob rule if people had too much power. Since then, however, the initiative and referendum process has emerged as one way that citizens in some states can vote directly on policy and join forces to bring issues they care about directly to their fellow voters.
When the People Decide is hosted and reported by Jenna Spinelle and produced by LWC Studios for the McCourtney Institute. -
The Labour government has a huge majority in parliament – but Keir Starmer’s administration is also facing an incredibly complex set of policy challenges. So how can the prime minister and his team turn around public service performance? What can chancellor Rachel Reeves do to get the economy growing again? What will mission-driven government actually mean in practice? Who should be making the key decisions in Westminster – and beyond? And what will the appointment of a new cabinet secretary mean for the future direction of the civil service?
From reforming how the centre of government works to the battle for the future of the civil service, from making a success of levelling up to achieve net zero goals, IfG EVENTS stimulate fresh thinking and share ideas about how government works – and how it could work better. -
Gangstalking up close and personal.🎯😎Let it be known that I am in no way available or do I give my consent to experimentation targeting or gangstalking in any way , shape, form or fashion on my self/ life/ brain/ temple/dreams/ or any other part of me myself and I/ now and that is for sure forever more.Stand down and let us Stand up and Live OUR Lives as we and God Almighty shall choose.******To God be the glory.******🙏🏾💋 Support this podcast:
Delfi valimissaade uurib 2023 riigikogu valimiste eel erakondadelt ja kandidaatidelt, kuidas kavatsetakse järgmisel neljal aastal elu Eestis paremaks teha? Miks ja mida lubatakse ning mis kasu inimestele või riigile sellest sünnib. Sekka saavad sõna ka eksperdid, et vaadata, kas kõik mis peale vaadates ilus näib, nii ka seest välja paistab.
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