Sari de la Motte is the host of "From Hostage to Hero" and has been dubbed the "Attorney Whisperer" because of her unique ability to help attorneys communicate their real selves. Join us weekly as Sari shares tips that will help you up your game at trial and connect with your jurors.
A Facilitator's Journey is the podcast that looks at how you run your businesses as a facilitator or trainer.
You started this work because you have a passion that you want to share with organisations. However, there is the small detail that you are now running a business and this requires a whole other set of skills and knowledge.
Join me, Kirsty Lewis, Founder of School of Facilitation, as I interview trainers and facilitators about how they manage their businesses. I will explore how people run their finances, price their work, scale up, scale down, decide to retire, market themselves, manage clients, and much much more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.
Adfærdsledelse på lyd er Danmarks første podcast om adfærdsledelse. Det handler om, hvordan du går fra intention til handling og får forandringer til at ske i dit liv og din organisation. Henrik Dresbøll er vært og inviterer nogle af Danmarks bedste, sjoveste, skøreste og mest effektive mennesker i studiet for at høre, hvordan de får det til at ske. Varige og effektive forandringer er målet. Ændring af adfærd og design af mikrohandlinger er midlet. Og sammen får vi det til at ske. Det her er adfærdsledelse på lyd. Velkommen til. Musik: Peter Aagard Krabbe: Komponist/keysGuy Moscoso: Sax/BasHenrik Dresbøll: Trommer
At vende sin organisation og begynde at arbejde agilt er mere besværligt, end mange forestiller sig. Det kræver ofte meget store investeringer, men hvordan sikrer man får noget ud af dem? Og hvad hvis organisationen slet ikke er klar til at arbejde agilt? En af de vigtigste nøgler til agil succes er stærk agil ledelse og en organisation/nogle teams, der faktisk er parate til at skabe forandringer og gøre op med "plejer". Sådan er det bare ikke altid, og hvad gør man så? Det er nogle af de emner, jeg vil tage under kærlig behandling.
Mine ca. 15 år som agil rådgiver, coach, underviser, blogger og forfatter har givet mig dyb og bred erfaring og indsigt fra en perlerække af agile teams og organisationer. Jeg er dybt inde i teorien omkring de mest anvendte agile metoder og frameworks, og dette parret med min praktiske erfaring gør, at jeg ved, hvor den agile sko trykker, hvad enten der er tale om Scrum, SAFe, Kanban, Spotify-modellen eller en hybrid mellem det klassiske og det agile.
Mange fortæller solskinshistorier, jeg fortæller om de udfordringer de fleste - ja faktisk alle de virksomheder, jeg nogensinde har arbejdet med - står med i virkeligheden. Her får du ingen glansbilleder, kun klar besked. Krystalkuglerne er gemt væk og erstattet med fakta. Alt dette kan du lade dig inspirere af i dit agile arbejde. Mit mantra er: "virkeligheden vinder hver gang". -
Ever wished you had a Technical English + Business English teacher who’s an engineer as well? Well, you found her: civil engineer and certified English teacher turned corporate trainer, Olivia Augustin. Her speciality? Dissecting the intricate structures of the English language and only putting back the pieces engineers really need to become skilled communicators. And all with an approach that won’t bore you like your high-school English studies, will have you enjoying learning the suckiest language in the world, and crush that inner perfectionist to move forward so perfectly easy + efficiently.
Tune in, get inspired, and get ready to learn from industry professionals worldwide. On this podcast, you’ll find a mix of Olivia’s chalk talks and practical tips on language learning, Technical + Business English, the cultural component of international business communication, and interviews with communication specialists and people working in STEM in general. Each episode is designed to give you unique insights and broaden your horizon to the contrasting realm that is global engineering culture.
For more details about the podcast, check:
Connect with Olivia on LinkedIn:
Want to be a guest on Olivia's podcast or invite Olivia as a guest on yours?
Send an inquiry to [email protected]
We at Jobcast believe new technology can improve the way we recruit and attract talents. By making long job ads in text format into engaging conversation and employer branding communication into personal and authentic interviews, we offer job seekers a glimpse inside the “company walls” and the possibility to research and apply for jobs whilst out and about. Consuming audio content is literally booming as our active lifestyle is increasing. Jobcast adopt and take job advertising and employer branding to the next level.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If you are a young lawyer in Texas looking for ways to help you achieve your career goals, this podcast is for you. We'll talk with some of the top attorneys in Texas and find out what has been the key to their success. As a bonus we'll have fun by taking deep dives into our favorite legal movies!
Et indblik i 2 brødres rejse for at tjene penge mens de sover. Vi følger op på ugens udbytter, de næste investeringer og tager et nyt emne op hver uge.Vi forsøger os med en masse forskellige investeringer i både ejendom, erhvervslån, privatlån, boligudlejning, ETF og kryptovaluta/Crypto Currency.
Live adventurously, be creative, make a living
Adventurers cross deserts and row oceans, appearing to live the dream. Yet they also must pay the bills and carve out time to get away. What is the life of a 'Working Adventurer' like?
Are you trying to make a career doing what you love, daring to go freelance in a creative industry, growing an audience or curious about an unconventional career? What is it like to build a life from living adventurously?
Whether you are adventurous, creative or just curious, Ask an Adventurer answers your questions from behind the scenes, rather than the usual questions adventurers hear: there are no kit lists, practical expedition planning advice or daring deeds in these episodes. -
Welcome to "The Millionaire's Lawyer" where you'll hear leading experts share advice on how to succeed in both your business and your personal life. If you want to learn lawyer proven strategies for taking your business to the next level, then this podcast is for you.
Your host, JP McAvoy, is a business lawyer, college professor, and best selling author who interviews the best and brightest in the world of business on a range of topics from business and legal to general life perspectives.
As a lawyer and the Managing Partner of Conduct Law, a law firm with clients throughout the US, Canada, and Asia, JP has been assisting clients start, grow and sell their businesses for millions of dollars for more than fifteen years…will yours be the next?
To hear more from "The Millionaire's Lawyer" listen and subscribe to the show and to access the wide variety of resources that we offer in addition to this podcast go to -
For nogle er succes at dedikere sig selv til det, de brænder for. For andre er det at opnå en bestemt titel, løn eller status, eller måske er det selve processen og læringen undervejs. Hvornår føler du dig succesfuld i dit arbejdsliv?
I den nye sæson af Succesfuld taler journalist og iværksætter Pernille Brunse med blandt andre Brian Lykke, Karsten Lauritzen og Bente Klarlund om, hvad succes er for dem, og om hvordan de håndterer fejl og fiaskoer i arbejdslivet. Podcasten er udgivet af Akademikernes A-kasse - produceret af Storyhouse Egmont/Story Lab. Ny sæson får premiere 1. februar 2024. -
Den Nysgerrige Håndværker søger at stille skarpt på de aktører, som er med til at forme den danske bygge- og håndværksbranche. Det er vigtigt, at vi som udførende er nysgerrige på den branche, vi er en del af. Hvis vi forstår branchen bedre som helhed, kan vi også blive bedre til at agere i den.
”Der er ingen, der bygger huse alene!”. -
Skal man være advokat? Jurist i det offentlige? Inhouse? Eller noget helt fjerde?
William Skov, William Pihl og Daniel Durán er alle ved at nærme sig enden på deres studietid. Men hvad derefter? I denne podcast sætter de tre herrer sig for at kigge tilbage på den uddannelse, de er ved at afslutte og ser frem mod den karriere, der venter på den anden side. Ærligt, uformelt og fuld af stikpiller til hinanden leder de tre kommende jurister in spe efter deres vej i juraens verden.
Podcasten produceres af K-NEWS og Karnov Group