Sarunas par prasmēm, kas uzlabo dzīves kvalitāti.
Robeža starp zinātni un pseidozinātni bieži vien nav viegli pamanāma, ja neesi eksperts. Tāpēc palīgā nākam mēs – podkāsts “Zinātne vai muļķības”. Katrā epizodē “Delfi” žurnālisti Edžus Miķelsons un Jānis Sildniks uzdod reizēm ne pārāk gudrus jautājumus ļoti gudriem cilvēkiem. Ar zinātnieku un speciālistu palīdzību kliedējam mītus par aizraujošām tēmām – sākot no tā, vai būt resnam ir izvēle vai tomēr gēni, homeopātijas solījumiem un padomiem par redzes uzlabošanu mājas apstākļos, līdz pat cerībām par mūžīgo jaunību un pareizo taktiku akciju tirgū, lai izceltu lielo piķi.
I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123 -
Iespējams, ka tā ir liktenīga nejaušība, ka Rīga ir dzimis viens no 20. gadsimta lielākajiem brīvības filozofiem Jesaja Berlins, kura domas un idejas par brīvību noteica 20. gadsimta filozofisko domāšanu. Berlins bija tas, kurš aicināja brīvību nejaukt ar laimi vai kaut ko citu un kurš cita starpā ir teicis, ka totalitāra vara vispirms iznīcina pirmos brīvas apziņas un ideju cilvēkus.
Raidījums “Brīvības bulvāris” reizi nedēļā piedāvās tikšanās un sarunas ar cilvēkiem, kuru domas un idejas liek varbūt mums pašiem kļūt gudrākiem. -
You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.
Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.
143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.
Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.
Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.
In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.
Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.
To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes. -
Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0
Dažreiz mēs mēdzam jautāt: “Vai tas ir normāli, ka mēs jūtam skumjas tik ilgi? Ka dusmojamies? Ka iemīlamies un tad atkal vairs nemīlam? Ka jūtam trauksmi bez acīmredzama iemesla? Ka nevaram iziet no mājām, nepārbaudot, vai aizslēdzām durvis… Ka draugi noliedz depresiju un saka, viss jau ir kārtībā…”
Podkāstā īsti terapeiti sarunājas ar reāliem cilvēkiem par viņu problēmām.
Savukārt iknedēļas raidījumā meklēsim atbildes uz jautājumiem, kas saistīti ar psihisko veselību, psiholoģiju, psihoterapiju un dzīves kvalitāti kā tādu. Kopā ar studijas viesiem mēģināsim “normalizēt” jeb izskaidrot, kas ir un kas nav normāli, un kāpēc psihologi vai psihoterapeiti reizēm izvairās no šī vārda.
Vai tas ir normāli, ka vīrietis ir neizlēmīgs, bet sieviete ambicioza? Vai tas ir vai nav normāli, ka vairs negribas darīt darbu, kurš ir tik ierasts, bet no kura nav drosmes aiziet, kaut arī gandarījumu nejūtam? Jā, arī tā mēs varam jautāt, jo raidījumā aplūkosim visdažādākos tematus, kuri iekļauj arī sociālpsihooģisko skatījumu.
Raidījuma viesi būs nozares profesionāļi – psihologi, psihiatri, psihoterapeiti un citi speciālisti. Klausītājus aicināsim iesūtīt jautājumus un aktualizēsim tos raidījuma laikā. -
Raidījumā „(ne)Diplomātiskās pusdienas” turpinām stāstīt par ārpolitiku neierastā un interesantā veidā.
Raidījuma mērķis ir pievērsties dziļākai analīzei par problēmām un jautājumiem, kuri dažādu iemeslu dēļ tiek uzskatīti par mazāk aktuāliem, kuri tiek pieklusināti vai nepietiekami atspoguļoti, vai arī tādām tēmām, kuras jau ir, vai tūlīt būs aktuālas starptautiskajā politikā.
Ja iepriekš mēs apskatījām valstu vēsturi, politisko un ekonomisko situāciju, tagad runāsim arī par neērtām un strīdīgām tēmām.
Līdzīgi kā raidījumā „Diplomātiskās pusdienas” bija ieraksts, arī „(ne)Diplomātiskajās pusdienās” būs „starteris”, kurā iepazīstināsim ar izvēlēto tēmu, „galvenais ēdiens”, kurā diskutēsim un uzklausīsim ekspertu domas par izraudzīto raidījuma tēmu, un „deserts”, kurā kādi nedaudz vieglāki aspekti un fakti par jau aplūkoto problēmu.
Šo raidījumu Latvijas Radio veido kopā ar Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūtu. -
Everything you need to know about your world in 10 minutes. Go straight to the source with a ten-minute news briefing by Reuters frontline journalists. Join host Kim Vinnell as she takes you around the world every weekday.
The Rest Is Classified takes you into the mysterious world of spies and espionage. Hosted by former CIA analyst now turned spy novelist, David McCloskey, and veteran security correspondent, Gordon Corera, they’ve experienced this field first-hand. It’s a world of shadows, shrouded in secrecy, but it affects every one of us. It’s time to bring it into the light.
Подкаст о медицинских открытиях, которые изменили мир.
Как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.
Новые эпизоды — по средам раз в две недели.
Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».
Instagram студии: @libolibostudio
Telegram студии: @libolibostudio
YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо -
Подкаст Кинопоиска о кинопремьерах и новостях индустрии. Редактор Кинопоиска Даулет Жанайдаров и киновед Всеволод Коршунов обсуждают новинки проката, анализируют важные кинопроцессы и иногда вспоминают классические фильмы, почему-то ставшие вновь актуальными.
Звукорежиссер — Лера Кусто, продюсеры — Женя Молодцова, Бэтси Исакова.
https://t.me/obschimplanom - телеграм-канал подкаста -
The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
Huberman has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functioning. He is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017.
Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell, and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover, and other top media outlets.
In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness. -
Informācija par to, kā ikdienas dzīvē izskatās un tiek piedzīvotas psiholoģiskas traumatizācijas sekas, un kā sev tajā palīdzēt.
Esmu psiholoģe un psihoterapijas speciāliste ar 23 gadu darba stāžu profesijā. Ar šo raidierakstu vēlos vairot cilvēku izpratni par to, kā rodas traumas, kādas sekas tās atstāj un kā ar tām iejūtīgi apieties. Es ticu, ka šīs zināšanas var mazināt daudzu cilvēku vainas un kauna sajūtu, kā arī uzlabot attiecības ar sevi un citiem.
Uzzini vairāk par mani, manām grāmatām un manu darbu:
https://lina.lv/ -
Говорим о будоражащих и страшных преступлениях с долькой сарказма и за бокальчиком вина.
Послушать эксклюзивный контент и посмотреть, что еще интересного мы делаем: http://tyttakoedelo.ru/linksПо вопросам рекламы: [email protected] (Мария)
Связаться с ведущими: [email protected]
The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest from Gaza, on US politics and about the Ukraine conflict. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.
Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone’s accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen
Annija, Mārtiņš un Roberts brīnās par apkārt notiekošo.
https://www.patreon.com/eitanazija -
Žurnālista Jāņa Dombura autorraidījums Latvijas Televīzijā un LSM.lv – sabiedrībai nozīmīgas diskusijas ar politiķiem, amatpersonām, dažādu jomu personībām un lietpratējiem par cilvēkiem un valstij, nacionālā un starptautiskā mērogā būtiskiem jautājumiem.
Improve your English with these short podcasts for learners with basic English
Visit our website https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish
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В этом подкасте мы публикуем системный, авторский курс по изучению английского языка с нуля и до продвинутого уровня (с А0 до С1) от Александра Бебрис, автора канала на YouTube «Английский язык по плейлистам» с аудиторией 2,5 млн подписчиков.
Для отработки теории - установите приложение «English Galaxy». Это полноценный курс для вашего смартфона с системно выстроенной теорией в видеоуроках, с понятными грамматическими формулами, аудированием от носителей языка и отработкой всего пройденного материала в интерактивных заданиях.
emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.
Raidījums par ārpolitikas aktualitātēm, kurā kopā ar ekspertiem un ārpolitikas pārzinātājiem apspriežam un analizējam nedēļas svarīgākos notikumus pasaulē.
Aidis Tomsons: "Pasaule ir daudz mazāka, nekā mums reizēm šķiet. Notikumi, kas risinās otrā pasaules malā, atstāj nospiedumus arī uz mūsu ikdienu. Mūsu uzdevums - skaidrot ne tikai to, kas notiek, bet arī kāpēc un kādu iespaidu tas var atstāt uz pasaules skatuves."
Eduards Liniņš: "Saprašanai par "te un tagad" ļoti noder zināšana par "reiz un citviet"." -
Kad bize vaļā, tad ir arī vējš matos un jūra līdz ceļiem. Reizi nedēļā Kārlim, Edgaram un Dāvim ir visi trīs. Tad tiek ieslēgti arī mikrofoni.
Learn English grammar with these short programmes. Each episode explores a new piece of grammar you need to improve your English.
Find more at bbclearningenglish.com
Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
Žurnāla "Ir" raidieraksts par ārpolitiku, kurš katras nedēļas noslēgumā dod pārskatu par iepriekšējo dienu svarīgākajiem notikumiem ārzemēs, dziļāk papēta kādu konkrētu notikumu vai procesu, un vēl norāda uz lietām, kuras pievērsušas mūsu uzmanību tāpēc, ka tās nu nekādi nevarētu notikt Latvijā. Raidījumu veido "Ir" komentētāji Pauls Raudseps un Aivars Ozoliņš, tajā regulāri parādās arī viesi — ārpolitikas ekspertes.
Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike?
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at nytimes.com/podcasts or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. -
Iknedēļas aktualitātes, mūsdienīgi gadžeti, globālās tendences, sociālo tīklu uzplaiksnījumi, aizraujoši zinātnes sasniegumi, kosmosa piedzīvojumi un vienkārši amizantas lietas digitālajā pasaulē. Pasniedz Artis Ozoliņš un Rihards Blese, katru nedēļu pie Digitālo brokastu galda aicinot savu jomu ekspertus.
Skaties #DigitālāsBrokastis video formātā:
👉 https://ej.uz/DB-video
#DigitālāsBrokastis dzirdamas arī podkāsta formātā:
👉 http://www.podfollow.com/digitalasbrokastis
Gadžetu testēšanas politika
Raidījums #DigitālāsBrokastis apskata dažādas tendences tehnoloģiju pasaulē, no kurām neatņemama sastāvdaļa ir viedas ierīces, automašīnas, programmatūra un dzīves kvalitāti uzlabojošas tehnoloģijas. Lai nodrošinātu raidījuma aktualitāti un paplašinātu tās veidotāju redzesloku, raidījums #DigitālāsBrokastis pieņem testēšanā un raidījumā autonomi apskata bez finansiālās atlīdzības dažādas jaunās tehnoloģijas. Izvēloties kādas tehnoloģijas tiek testētas un apskatītas, tām ir jāatbilst kādam no šiem kritērijiem:
- nesen vai tuvākajā laikā piedzīvos savu debiju,
- jau piedzīvojusi savu debiju un guvusi plašu atpazīstamību agro adaptētāju vai plašākas sabiedrības vidū,
- Latvijas jaunuzņēmumu ražojums vai prototips,
- unikāls tehnoloģisks sasniegums nozarē,
- ekskluzivitāte, pieejama ierobežotam lokam tās cenas, ģeolokācijas ierobežojumu vai cita apstākļa dēļ,
- vintāža un sniedz jaunu perspektīvu mūsdienu tehnoloģiju kontekstā.
Raidījums tapis Latvijas Radio 1 sadarbībā ar Latvijas Radio 6 Radio Naba. -
Daudzi teiks, ka ģimene ir pats svarīgākais mūsu dzīvē. Lai steidzīgajā ikdienā par to neaizmirstu, piedāvājam pavadīt stundu "Ģimenes studijā", tiecoties kļūt zinošāki, radošāki un viens otram tuvāki.
New podcast, weblog
Подкаст о технологиях, меняющих нашу жизнь. Самат Галимов – человек, который решает проблемы. Он работает техническим директором и все время должен находить общий язык с людьми самых разных профессий и помогать им понять друг друга. Хакеры рассказывают ему про безопасность, дата-сайентисты – про машинное обучение и системы распознавания лиц, разработчики – про то, как сделать сервис, которым будут пользоваться миллионы, и не облажаться. Слушайте их разговоры в подкасте студии Либо/Либо.
Подписывайтесь на соц. сети студии «Либо/Либо».
Instagram: @libolibostudio
YouTube канал: ЛибоЛибо
Facebook: fb.com/libolibostudio
Вконтакте: vk.com/libolibostudio -
Vai arī tev šķiet, ka dzīve virzās uz priekšu pārāk straujiem soļiem un notikumi ir tik absurdi, ka nav saprotams, kurp dodamies un kāpēc?
Atbildes uz VISIEM jautājumiem sniedz jauns Latvijas Radio oriģinālpodkāsts “Noliktava” - vienīgais jaunumu apskats, kas runā nevis par to, kas notiek šobrīd vai notika vakar, bet par to, kas NOTIKS RĪT!
Pašpasludinātie dīvāna eksperti un mikrofuturologi Elīna Geida, Jānis Kronis un Uldis Ziediņš katru otro nedēļu, liekot lietā apšaubāmu humoru un robus izglītībā, centīsies prognozēt nākotni, lai tas nebūtu jādara tev.
No piektdienas, 13. septembra, klausies "Noliktavu" Latvijas Radio mobilajā lietotnē un citās populārākajās podkāstu straumēšanas vietnēs. -
Это подкаст о роли бизнеса в истории России. Как пчелы влияли на экономику средневековой Европы? Сколько стоил славянский раб на арабском рынке? Как крошечный бурятский поселок стал мировым бизнес-центром? Предприниматели веками меняли историю наравне с генералами и царями, а иногда даже против их воли. Здесь мы рассказываем о деловых людях и деловых схемах.
Bring Back V10s celebrates a classic era when Formula 1 was loud on the track and off it. Join host Glenn Freeman and a range of guests as they take a deep-dive into a golden age of F1 from 1989 to 2005, when superstars like Schumacher, Senna, Mansell and Prost were thrilling fans and rising talents like Alonso, Button and Raikkonen were establishing themselves as modern greats. Go back in time as we recall information you might have forgotten and unearth previously unknown details about some fascinating tales from F1's history.
No politikas līdz biznesam, par sociālo dzīvi un krimināldrāmām – pētnieciskais raidījums “Atvērtie faili” iedziļinās mūsu laika svarīgākajos notikumos. Katrs raidījums ir dokumentāls audiostāsts par procesiem un cilvēkiem, kas veido mūsu sabiedrisko dzīvi.
Ja vēlies ar mums sazināties, raksti uz [email protected] vai sūti balss ziņas WhatsApp vai Signal lietotnēs uz numuru 28001144. -
Дела - это криминальный подкаст, в котором мы исследуем реальные преступление и людей, связанных с преступными событиями, и затронутых ими.
HR Podkāsts ir iespēja cilvēkresursu vadības ekspertiem dzirdēt dažādu HR profesionāļu, praktiķu viedokļus un pieredzes, kā arī uzzināt jaunākos rīkus, kādus lietot, lai vēl labāk izmantotu savu kompetenci un sniegtu stratēģisku atbalstu biznesam. Podkāstam ir divas jaunas rubrikas - HR PODCAST plus un CEO dienasgrāmata, kurā sarunājos ar uzņēmumu CEO un vadītājiem. Autors: Ilze Medne
Today, Explained is Vox's daily news explainer podcast. Hosts Sean Rameswaram and Noel King will guide you through the most important stories of the day.
Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. -
A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals begins.
This is the story of a con man who couldn't stop lying. A tale of murder, stolen identities, fine art, a diaper stuffed with gold bars, and a crime solved by a Rolex watch. From rural Canada to coastal England, he lied and deceived at every turn.
Award-winning podcaster Sam Mullins (Chameleon: Dr. Dante & Wild Boys) takes you inside the world of a devious scammer whose trail of destruction crosses continents and decades. So who is he? And how did this ruthless villain finally get unmasked?
About UNCOVER: Crime. Investigation. Revelation. Uncover brings you explosive, high-caliber true crime year-round. From CIA mind control to serial abuse, mysterious disappearances to wrongful imprisonment. Each season features a new host who is deeply connected to the story, committed to tracking down the truth. With new episodes weekly, and over twenty seasons to choose from, Uncover represents the best in true crime.
For early access to episodes, plus ad-free listening, visit apple.co/cbctruecrime.
I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.
I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!
Secrets and Spies is an enthralling podcast that guides listeners on an immersive journey into the hidden realm of espionage, terrorism, geopolitics, and international intrigue. Hosted by filmmaker Chris Carr and writer Matt Fulton, each episode promises riveting conversations with best-selling authors, historians, journalists, and former intelligence professionals.
Tune in for thought-provoking discussions and expert insights with balanced yet critical perspectives that will expand your understanding of our uncertain world, deciphering the most enigmatic professions, ideologies, and organizations that shape the global landscape.
Subscribe to Secrets and Spies today on all major podcast streaming platforms.
Our Hosts
Host Chris Carr, driven by a teenage encounter with former KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky, brings a unique authenticity to the podcast. His deep-seated fascination with espionage is evident in his highly acclaimed short spy film "The Dry Cleaner," available on Apple TV and Amazon Prime. Currently developing feature film and television scripts inspired by the podcast's themes, Chris aims to create realistic and compelling spy dramas.
Joining him is Matt Fulton, a novelist and screenwriter who draws inspiration from masters of the spy genre like John Le Carré, Tom Clancy, and Graham Greene. Author of the “Active Measures” series of globe-trotting geopolitical thrillers, Matt brings his decades of extensive research and narrative prowess to the podcast, offering listeners a front-row seat to the thrilling world of covert operations. -
«дочь разбойника» — это подкаст Насти Красильниковой о правах женщин и о том, как они добиваются справедливости.
«После школы» — новый сезон «дочери разбойника», в котором Настя расследует злоупотребления в московской 57-й школе и сообществе вокруг нее. А еще она пытается понять, что такое справедливость и достижима ли она — не только в России, но и в западных странах.
Этот сезон — часть большого международного расследования, созданного на двух языках. Версия на английском — она отличается от этого сезона по смыслу и содержанию, хотя в ней рассказаны те же истории, — называется The Adults in the Room.
Сайт подкаста: https://adultsintheroom.libolibo.me/
Для связи: [email protected] -
DirtFish's team of rallying experts discuss the current happenings in the world of rallying and provide their insights and thoughts.
Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday and Friday.
Subscribe to Friends of the Pod! Your subscription makes Crooked’s work possible and gives you access to ad-free episodes of Pod Save America and Pod Save the World, plus exclusive content and a lively Discord community. Learn more and subscribe at crooked.com/friends or on Apple Podcasts.
For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email [email protected]. -
Bloomberg Daybreak delivers today's top stories, with context, in just 15 minutes. Get informed from Bloomberg's 2,700 journalists and analysts in 120 countries.
«Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.
A little show about big ideas. From the people who make Planet Money, The Indicator helps you make sense of what's happening today. It's a quick hit of insight into work, business, the economy, and everything else. Listen weekday afternoons.
Try Planet Money+! a new way to support the show you love, get a sponsor-free feed of the podcast, *and* get access to bonus content. You'll also get access to The Indicator and Planet Money Summer School, both without interruptions. sign up at plus.npr.org/planetmoney -
Soul Boom is a series of intimate conversations hosted by Rainn Wilson exploring meaningful and inspiring topics that tickle the mind, heart and soul. Never too precious, yet unafraid to touch on the profound, Soul Boom digs into the core of the human experience: creativity, spirituality and psychology. Bringing to the conversation some of the most brilliant and heart-felt artists, thinkers and doers, Soul Boom guides the listener toward transformation on both a personal and societal level. Also, laughs.
Undertow is Realm’s premier showcase of original audio horror. Hosted by audio horror pioneer and creator Fred Greenhalgh, each season presents a spooky standalone story, so you can dive in anytime... if you dare!
Current Season: Hovering
In the sleepy seaside town of Durham, Junior Constable Kyle Grinham is stumped one night when he receives four desperate calls about a strange metallic object hovering in the night sky. As he interviews the witnesses and tries to figure out who’s lying and why, Kyle realizes each of the people he talks to have a stark choice. They can keep what they saw in the sky a secret, or tell the truth and change the way people in the town look at them forever. Hovering is an independently produced, limited series fiction podcast from Melbourne-based Plot Twist.
Craving More Frights? Explore Past Seasons:
Season 1: Simpson Falls - A reporter awakens malevolent forces in his haunted hometown.
Season 2: Blood Forest - Every 20 years, werewolves descend for a night of horror. Starring Jack Falahee.
Season 3: Dark Tome - A teen unleashes a terrifying story from a spooky bookshop.
Season 4: The Well - Family secrets resurface, setting loose horror from an old well.
Season 5: The Pulse - A meteorite awakens animalistic instincts in a group of treasure hunters.
Season 6: The Sisters - True events inspire a chilling tale of occult & possession. Starring Mae Whitman.
Season 7: Last Call - A hustler gambles for his life against the Grim Reaper.
Season 8: Narcosis - A rescue dive turns deadly beneath the waves.
Season 9: The Harrowing - A barbaric crime heralds the rise of an ancient evil.
Binge Ad-Free & Early! Subscribe at realm.fm. -
What you radiate reflects the best aspects of who you are. Join host Christi Clemons Hoffman, international bestselling author, Reiki Master, Level 3 QHHT practitioner, and owner of Radiate Wellness, as she talks with thought leaders, authors, practitioners, and other inspirational guests about what they bring to the world—radiating health, clarity, hope, and more. Change your life by changing what you radiate. Learn about Radiate Wellness, our other practitioners, and our services at RadiateWellnessCommunity.com.
Do you love food, photography and social media? Are you a food photographer, food instagrammer, food blogger or content creator eager to hone your creative craft and leverage your social media presence? Then the EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE podcast is for you!Join your host food photographer, stylist and educator Kimberly Espinel from The Little Plantation as she shares her expertise AND interviews inspirational guests for practical tips and invaluable insight into building, growing and monetising your food blog, small business and instagram. You can find out more about Kimberly at https://thelittleplantation.co.uk You can follow her on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/thelittleplantation/And find podcast show notes over at https://thelittleplantation.co.uk/eat-capture-share-podcast
Литературный подкаст «Закладка» с Екатериной Шульман и Галиной Юзефович
Hey I’m Anna and I’m here to help you grow into the best version of yourself. Physically, mentally and in all areas of life. Growth is powerful because it makes us feel stronger, more confident, healthier, and happier. I want to find out all the tips, tricks, habits, and routines - everything we need to know to GROW. I want to do this together with you in this podcast.
New episodes the first Tuesday of each month. -
Ten years ago, over three hundred men, women and children disappeared from a small town in Tennessee, never to be heard from again. In this podcast, American Public Radio reporter Lia Haddock asks the question once more, "What happened to the people of Limetown?"
Limetown is produced by Two-Up, the producers of 36 Questions, The Wilderness and Shipworm. -
The most important stories about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.
Get show merch here: https://wsjshop.com/collections/clothing -
Подкаст о книгах, помогающих объяснить нашу повседневность.
Преимущественно - нонфикшн.
Обратная связь:
[email protected] телеграм-бот обратной связи - https://t.me/nonfic_bot телеграм-канал подкаста: https://t.me/nonficpodcast
Подкаст "Жертва научпопа" является резидентом лейбла "Толк". По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]
https://boosty.to/nonfic (для подписчиков из России)https://www.patreon.com/nonfic (для подписчиков с остальной части планеты Земля)
Подкаст "Жертва научпопа" можно не только слушать, но и читать:Обложка: Ольга Шевченко.
Музыка: Виталий Каберник.
Все остальное: Анна Диордиева
The hit horror show, The Burned Photo is back. This suspense-filled thriller tells the story of Felicia (Charmaine Bingwa, THE GOOD FIGHT) and Kira (Kat McNamara, SHADOWHUNTERS), two women, whose lives become intertwined when they discover they are being terrorized by the same multi-generational curse that is determined to end their family lineages.
In Season 2 of The Burned Photo, Felicia and Kira dig deeper into the curse, discovering its connection to the mysterious 18th century sorcerer, Doctor Joachim and realizing the curse’s origin is more horrifying than they could ever imagine. Will they be able to face the Tanmitadore on their own terms or will the curse succeed in ending Felicia and Kira’s lives?
Produced by QCODE and Vertigo Entertainment (IT, THE DEPARTED). Starring Charmaine Bingwa and Katherine McNamara. Season 2 Created by Nicole Exposito. Written by Jeremy Novick & Kwynn Perry. Directed by Jeremy Novick & Kwynn Perry. -
The Economics Show with Soumaya Keynes is a new weekly podcast from the Financial Times packed full of smart, digestible analysis and incisive conversation. Soumaya Keynes digs deep into the hottest topics in economics along with a cast of FT colleagues and special guests. Come for the big ideas, stay for the nerdery.
Soumaya Keynes is an economics columnist for the Financial Times. Prior to joining the FT she worked at The Economist for eight years as a staff writer, where as well as covering trade, the US economy and the UK economy she co-hosted the Money Talks podcast. She also co-founded the Trade Talks podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
КритМышь — это авторский подкаст несостоявщегося ученого Александра Головина, где он вместе с гостями пытается критически погружаться в важные темы современности.
Как я выходила замуж за политзека.
Женя Кулакова живет на два города: в Петербурге — ее работа и дом, в Оренбурге — ее возлюбленный и подзащитный Витя Филинков. Витя — политзек, его осудили на 7 лет по так называемому делу «Сети», а Женя — его общественная защитница. Чтобы получить длительное свидание и впервые провести вместе больше, чем несколько часов, Женя и Витя решили пожениться. В январе 2024 года, за месяц до свадьбы, которая еще может не состояться из-за козней тюремщиков, Женя начинает вести аудиодневник. В этих записях — хроника жизни человека, чей близкий сидит за решеткой: свидания и суды, тюремные передачи и любовные письма, подлости сотрудников колонии и маленькие юридические победы, тревоги и нежность.
Как писать письма политзаключенным — инструкция «Медиазоны»:
«Весточка» — сервис «ОВД-Инфо» для отправки писем политзекам:
Платформа взаимопомощи «Заодно»:
Подробнее о деле Виктора Филинкова:
И деле «Сети» в целом:
https://tinyurl.com/mediazona/?to=/article/2020/05/25/set-spbПоддержите «Медиазону»! Мы не сможем продолжать работу без вашей помощи:
Над подкастом работали:
Ведущая — Женя Кулакова.
Продюсер и звукорежиссер — Мика Голубовский.
Редактор — Дима Перевозчиков.Звукорежиссер — Ильдар Фаттахов.
Дизайн — Арина Истомина.
А также Егор Сковорода и Андрей Борзенко.
Подкаст подготовлен «Медиазоной» при участии студии «Либо/Либо».
Los grandes pensadores aquí
The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?
Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated. -
How to Start Investing in the Stock Market for Beginners
Drawn from the past six seasons, this is a six-episode, best-of collection focused on slowing down, making space, and finding meaning within our jam-packed lives.
Vinetas Bērziņas raidieraksts ambiciozām sievietēm “Karjeras mammas”. Šajā podkāstā tās autore sarunājas ar sievietēm, mammām un cilvēkiem, kuri ir gatavi padalīties ar saviem veiksmes un neveiksmes stāstiem, pagrieziena punktiem un atklāsmēm, apvienojot ģimenes dzīvi ar algotu darbu vai uzņēmējdarbību. Katru epizodi piedāvāsim praktiskus padomus un iedvesmojošus stāstus, kas palīdzēs Tev balansēt karjeru un ģimenes dzīvi. Podkāstu ir vērts klausīties, jo intervijās piedalās vienkāršas sievietes, tādas pašas kā Tu. Un ikvienā stāstā iespējams spēsi saskatīt sevi.
The Late Braking F1 Podcast covers all the latest news, race incidents, controversies and ridiculous moments in Formula 1. There will be plenty of debates...and plenty of silliness too.
Find us on the Sport Social website:
https://podcast.sport-social.co.uk/podcast/the-late-braking-f1-podcast/ -
You can‘t hide from The Saad Truth! The home for science, reason, logic, and common sense.
Welcome to the DealMakers show, hosted by Alejandro Cremades. Alejandro is a serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and cofounder at Panthera Advisors (M&A and fundraising advisory). On this podcast you will find weekly interviews with entrepreneurs that have been very successful at raising capital or getting their company acquired. You can learn more at https://alejandrocream.wpengine.com
Want to do more with your money? Then welcome to the More Money Podcast! Canadian money expert, speaker, Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada®, author and podcast host Jessica Moorhouse is here to guide you on your personal finance journey and share the stories, expertise, and wisdom from top money and business experts, entrepreneurs, authors, and content creators to help simplify and demystify the "complex" world of money. On top of learning practical tools you can use in your financial life, she'll also explore topics like money and happiness, the behaviours and systems holding you back, and most importantly, no matter where you're starting from or how much (or little) you have in your bank account, money isn't everything and you are more than your money.New episodes air every Wednesday. For podcast episode show notes, visit jessicamoorhouse.com/podcast. To enquire about being a guest on a future episode, visit jessicamoorhouse.com/podcastsubmissions.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Peter and Mikkel are onto something.
My Paranormal Experience is podcast where eyewitnesses share the details of their paranormal experiences first-hand, with listeners. The experiences you'll hear guests share, on the show, really happened. This is not creepy pasta. On the show, you'll hear guests share experiences they've had with supernatural entities, alien abductions, cryptid encounters, etc. If you listen, you'll never want to sleep with the lights off, ever again!
The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins explores the application of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to the atmosphere, discipline, and life of our homes and schools. We cover Charlotte’s timeless principles as they work themselves out in our real and modern lives. Interviewing seasoned moms who have cherished Charlotte’s works while raising real children in real families, we endeavor to lay a foundation of hope and possibility for our listeners. However imperfectly.
Katru piektdienu Ir žurnālisti izskaidro, apspriež, reizēm arī iesmej par nedēļas politiskajiem un sabiedriskajiem notikumiem. Atklāj gan notikumu, gan pašu darba aizkulises, kurām neatrodas vieta tradicionālajā drukātā žurnāla rāmjos. Raidījuma pastāvīgie dalībnieki ir žurnāla komentētāji Aivars Ozoliņš un Pauls Raudseps, kam katru nedēļu pievienojas viens komandas žurnālists, kurš padziļināti pētījis kādu no aktuālajiem tematiem.
C1 | Deutsch für Profis: Hier findet ihr spannende Audiofeatures zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem deutschen (Sprach-)Alltag.
This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at nytimes.com/podcasts or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp -
Mūsu redzes lokā aktuālo notikumu analīze Latvijā un pasaulē: politiskās diskusijas, ekonomikas, sociālo u.c. problēmu analīze, amatpersonu izvaicāšana, pētnieciskie raidījumi. Tāpat studijā kopā ar ekspertiem izvērtējam un komentējam politiskās, ekonomiskās un sociālās norises Latvijā. Klausītājus viedokli aicinām izteikt "Brīvajā mikrofonā".
„Krustpunktā” komanda pārbauda informāciju, kas radījusi aizdomas par negodīgu rīcību, un bieži vien veic savu žurnālistisko izmeklēšanu. -
View the Episode Archive »
Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes | RSS.
#smartbinge Radiolab podcasts -
“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” Tony Robbins, the #1 Life and Business Strategist, has helped over 50 million people from 100 countries create real and lasting change in their lives. In this podcast, he shares proven strategies and tactics so you, too, can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances. In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct deeply insightful interviews with the most prominent masterminds and experts on the global stage.
Stay Sharp Šovs ir vieta, kur satiekas bizness ar humoru. Šeit tu dzirdēsi vadošo Latvijas uzņēmēju veiksmes stāstus un biznesa padomus, kā arī uzzināsi par jaunākajām biznesa tendencēm un inovācijām, kas var palīdzēt arī Tavam uzņēmumam sasniegt jaunas virsotnes.Šī ir vieta, kur iegūt idejas, uzlādēties, iedvesmoties un mācīties no top līderiem Latvijā! Klausies mūsu šovu un saņem jaunu motivācijas devu katru nedēļu!Stay Sharp & Stay Successful.
„Ezīša Sapņi” ir ik vakara pasaku raidījums, kas stāsta un ļauj iegrimt Ezīša Puksīša ikdienas darbos un nedarbos Melleņu ielejā. Pasakas ēterā skan katru darba dienu plkst. 21.00, kad mazie klausītāji var izdzirdēt latviešu dramaturģes un rakstnieces Rasas Bugavičutes - Pēces sarakstīto stāstu par tā galveno varoni ezīti, kurš savām acīm iepazīst plašo pasauli. Mūzikas autors ir pianists un aranžētājs Normunds Kalniņš. Vizuālo noformējumu - zīmējumus ir radījusi Agate Lielpētere, savukārt, pašas pasakas ir ieskaņojis Liepājas teātra aktieris Sandis Pēcis.
Regulārs tehnoloģiju podkāsts par aktuālajām tēmām brīvā un nepiespiestā formā kopā ar Kursors.lv autoriem.
Join host Morgan Absher and her team of co-hosts as they scavenge Reddit, listener write-ins, and the rest of the internet to give their hot takes on the juiciest dating, relationship, life, and AITA stories.
Morgan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/morgsyabsher/
Listen to exclusive stories: https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes
Follow along on Instagram: @TwoHotTakes
Check out our YouTube Channel for full length videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes -
Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.
Podcast by Живой Гвоздь
Наш проект создает для вас уникальный продукт - мы собираем в одном месте мнения политологов, экономистов, социологов и других экспертов. О политике, экономике, событиях в мире и стране. Как поступить с финансами и что нас ждет в будущем? Ответят гости наших эфиров.
Также смотрите нас на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWAIvx2yYLK_xTYD4F2mUNw -
Про жизнь в тюрьмах всего мира. Увлекательные истории тех, кто отсидел. Или сидит прямо сейчас.
Любишь распутывать загадочные истории и решать хитроумные головоломки? Тогда присоединяйся к сотрудникам детективного агентства «Хрум»! Вместе с главой агентства Марией Петровной и её помощником - школьником Максимом помоги сказочному полицейскому Добрыне навести порядок в сказке.
Категория: 0+
Uzbrukums Ukrainai ir krasi izmainījis un turpina mainīt Krievijas vietu starptautiskajās attiecībās un Krievijas režīma attiecības ar savu sabiedrību.
Tas ir skaidrs – Ukrainai jāuzvar un jāizcīna sev jauna vieta Eiropas valstu kopībā! Bet neatbildēts paliek jautājums: Kas būs ar Krieviju? Raidījumu ciklā iezīmēsim iespējamos Krievijas nākotnes scenārijus, sarunājoties ar politologiem, publicistiem, politiķiem Latvijā un ārvalstīs.
Kas būs ar Krieviju? Neizbēgamie jautājumi un iespējamās atbildes par mūsu austrumu kaimiņvalsts nākotni. -
Šajā podkāstā sarunājas Gaidību Telpas vadītāja ar mammām un tētiem par viņu unikālo dzemdību pieredzi gan Latvijā, gan ārpus tās.
Izglītojies un iedvesmojies mūsu topošo vecāku platformā www.gaidibutelpa.lv
Seko Gaidību Telpai: https://www.instagram.com/gaidibu_telpa/
*Šis podkāsts neaizvieto medicīniskus ieteikumus.
Atbalsti podkāsta izveidi, uzsaucot mums virtuālo kafiju!
Podkāstu vada sociālantropoloģe, mamma un sertificēta dzemdību dūla Evija Ridūze-Skujiņa. -
Dienas svarīgāko notikumu apskats – Latvijas Radio Ziņu dienesta korespondenti ir klāt vietās, kur tiek pieņemti lēmumi un risinās notikumi. Podkāsts trīs reizes dienā informē par svarīgākajām aktualitātēm Latvijā un ārvalstīs.
What happened this past weekend. And sometimes what happened on other days.
The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.
Šis ir labākais fitnesa podkasts Latvijā - tikai patiesība par tēmām, par kurām, citi izvairās runāt.
Labākie uztura bagātinātaji Latvijā pieejami pie manis - FitnesaKanals.lv
Ja vēlies, lai kāda no podkastiem parunāju par Tevis izvēlētu tēmu, tad ieraksti to kāda podkasta komentāru sadaļā. -
Will Sharpe (The White Lotus) hosts a mind-bending real-life story of reincarnation and a spooky tale of family secrets. In 1950s England, milkman John Pollock makes a sensational prophecy: His dead daughters will be reborn. At first, even his own wife says he’s a crank. But then she gives birth to twin girls who have uncanny similarities to their sisters who died. Suddenly, the world sits up and takes notice. Pollock’s prophecy attracts the attention of a serious American scientist who crosses the Atlantic countless times to study the twins. And his conclusion is astonishing. So, what if death is only the beginning? Extrasensory goes in search of the two people who know the truth—the twins themselves.
Extrasensory is an Apple Original podcast produced by Blanchard House. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.
Life is hard. This podcast will help. Lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Matthew McConaughey, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, Mark Manson and more.
Институ́тка — это подкаст про женский бизнес и духовный путь.
Каждый эпизод — это разговор с успешной женщиной, которая работает над своим делом и над собой. Она относится к своему бизнесу или карьере как к части духовного пути, делает большие дела, рефлексирует и делится с нами тем, что осознала в процессе. В том числе практическими знаниями в своей области, а также личными практиками, приемами и инструментами, которые помогают ей решаться, справляться и не останавливаться. Но оставаться при этом женщиной — подругой, дочерью, женой и мамой.
Автор: Александра Кретова — предприниматель, продакт-менеджер и креативный продюсер // @alexkretova
Новости и анонсы в телеграм-канале: https://t.me/the_institytka
Сотрудничество и реклама: [email protected]
Raidījums, kurā tehnisko zinātņu doktors, būveksperts Juris Biršs sniedz padomus un atbild uz klausītāju jautājumiem par būvdarbiem, celtniecību un remontdarbiem.
Uzdodiet jautājumu [email protected] -
Надо ли повышать самооценку? Как дружить на расстоянии? Можно ли подготовиться к изменениям? Как научиться экономить деньги? Откуда берутся страхи и тревоги? Как преодолеть синдром отложенной жизни? Планирование — это про гибкость или про самоконтроль? Эти и многие другие вопросы обсуждаются в подкасте Давай Поговорим.
Populārzinātnisks radiožurnāls, kas aptver dažādas zinātnes nozares, izzina dabu, ekoloģiju, ģeogrāfiju, ornitoloģiju, zooloģiju, astronomiju, arheoloģiju, vēsturi, ielūkojas zinātnes un tehnikas sasniegumos, izcilu personību dzīvē un darbībā. Īpaša uzmanība veltīta latviešu zinātnieku sasniegumiem pasaulē un Latvijā.
Katrā raidījumā kopā ar pētniekiem iztirzājam „galveno tematu”, uz sadarbību aicinot arī savus klausītājus, vai kā citādi uzklausot cilvēku viedokļus un jautājumus. -
Mājdzīvnieks kā ģimenes loceklis, mājdzīvnieka audzināšana, socializēšana, kopšana, veselība. Dzīvnieku labturība un aizsardzība, sekojot aktualitātēm likumdošanā, jautājot atbildību no atbildīgajām institūcijām, piesaistot nišas ekspertus, tie ir jautājumi, kurus aplūkojam raidījumā "Ķepa uz sirds". Uzklausām ne tikai sabiedrībā pazīstamu, bet arī mazāk publisku cilvēku pieredzi, kas palīdzēs iedrošināt un veicināt lielāku atbildību pret saviem mājas mīluļiem ikvienam.
Tiekamies svētdienās raidījuma jaunajās mājās - Latvijas Radio 2 !
Mūs atbalsta Borisa un Ināras Teterevu fonds. -
Подкаст о поп-культуре. Каждую неделю мы — Артём, Сава и Серёжа — собираемся, чтобы обсудить горячие новости мира звезд. Не с кем обсудить новую перезапись Тейлор Свифт, поп-скандал в твиттере и первое место в биллборде? Тогда слушайте Псы Попсы.
Новые эпизоды раз в неделю.
Вопросы, пожелания, сплетни: [email protected]
Обложки выпусков, бекстейдж: https://www.instagram.com/pop.dogs.cast/
Поп-новости и псы попсы на каждый день в телеграме: https://t.me/popdogscast
Псы Попсы -
The Strange, Dark & Mysterious delivered in podcast format.
Follow the MrBallen Podcast on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish twice a week—every Monday and Thursday. Prime members can listen to new episodes 1-month early and all episodes ad-free on Amazon Music. Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.
Tuesdays are always better when you start your day with the "Hot Girl Energy" podcast. Every episode is to remind you that you have the energy to become the best version of yourself and to live the healthy & balanced lifestyle you have always strived for. Your go-to podcast for hot girl tips, advice, girl chats, healthy habits and so much more. Hosted by your favourite wellness & lifestyle influencer, Kaylie Stewart.
Nursing Uncensored is a series of conversations hosted by Adrianne Behning RN. This podcast opens up frank discussions about everything on the minds of nurses. This is a space meant to create laughter in addition to serious conversations about the joys and challenges of living life as an American nurse.
Nursing Uncensored strives to provide education and advocacy through storytelling, experience sharing, and humorous reflection.
Our strong, and at times, inappropriate, opinions are entirely our own and do not represent those of our employers, schools or professional associations.
Listen in on our phone calls, but tender ears beware.
We respect HIPAA at all times. -
Every company has a story.
Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor. -
This podcast aims to bring you a daily summary of the most relevant news in Pharma and BioTech. Check our website at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2189790
"A podcast with a plan to fix healthcare" featuring Dr. Robert Pearl, Jeremy Corr and Guests
Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washington and the campaign trail. They don't just tell you what happened. They tell you why it matters. Every afternoon.
Political wonks - get wonkier with The NPR Politics Podcast+. Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/politics -
Connect Directly to the Words of Allah Beyond Translation. Go from simply hearing the beauty of the Quran to understanding, feeling and living its divine message. 1. Subscribe to our podcast to start your journey through the Quran. 2. Sign up for our newsletter to receive a collection of our best content directly to your inbox, including new series, contests, event updates, special offers on our app, books and more. https://bayyinah.com. 3. Study the Quran and Arabic in a systematic and personalized way through Bayyinah TV. https://bayyinahtv.com.
Подкаст «Ты — это важно» поможет вам взращивать самые важные чувства внутри: чувство любви к себе, здоровой ответственности и бережного отношения.
А также разобраться в психологических процессах, чтобы плыть по жизни легко, ловя попутный ветер.
Ведь каждый из вас — самый важный человек в своей жизни.
А с гостями подкаста мы будем показывать их пути в психотерапии, для того, чтобы снять стигму с этого вопроса и сделать заботу о ментальном здоровье нормой.
Ведущая — Мицкевич Елена, практикующий психолог и автор блога @elens_way
По вопросам рекламы и сотрудничества:
Mūziķis, komiķis un reizēm arī mācītājs Ralfs Eilands, brīžos, kad īsti nav, ko darīt un ir vēlme padarīt ko lietderīgu, ir nolēmis kavēt laiku ar saviem draugiem vai cilvēkiem, kuri viņam šķiet interesanti. Ja Tu esi jaunava bez interneta vai arī sīkais, kuram vēl nav 16, tad šis podkāsts varētu nebūt piemērots Tev.
Kļūsti par podkāsta atbalstītāju: https://www.patreon.com/RalfsEilands -
Почему люди поступают так - психолог Екатерина Лим исследует внутренний мир человека.
Join David Puder as he covers different topics on psychiatry and psychotherapy. He will draw from the wisdom of his mentors, research, in-session therapy and psychiatry experience, and his own journey through mental health to discuss topics that affect mental health professionals and popsychology enthusiasts alike. Through interviews, he will dialogue with both medical students, residents and expert psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and even with people who have been through their own mental health journey. This podcast was created to help others in their journey to becoming wise, empathic, genuine and connected in their personal and professional lives.
Join Raoul Martinez and Yanis Varoufakis for a series of fascinating discussions on power, capitalism and the crises of civilisation with renowned guests from the world of politics and the arts.
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, author and the former finance minister of Greece. To find out more, go to: https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu/
Raoul Martinez is a philosopher, author, artist and filmmaker. To find out more, go to: www.creatingfreedom.info
This podcast series is released in conjunction with an acclaimed new docuseries about the journey and thought of Yanis Varoufakis, "In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis". To find out more, go to: www.eyeofthestorm.info
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
NPR's Up First is the news you need to start your day. The three biggest stories of the day, with reporting and analysis from NPR News — in 10 minutes. Available weekdays at 6:30 a.m. ET, with hosts Leila Fadel, Steve Inskeep, Michel Martin and A Martinez. Also available on Saturdays at 9 a.m. ET, with Ayesha Rascoe and Scott Simon. On Sundays, hear a longer exploration behind the headlines with Ayesha Rascoe on "The Sunday Story," available by 8 a.m. ET. Subscribe and listen, then support your local NPR station at donate.npr.org.
Support NPR's reporting by subscribing to Up First+ and unlock sponsor-free listening. Learn more at plus.npr.org/upfirst -
Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself.
Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you.
Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships.
Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove
Email the show at [email protected]
Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreon
Find Resources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations
Follow Jillian Turecki on
Instagram: @jillianturecki
Tik Tok: @jillian.turecki
Twitter: @JillianTurecki
Visit her website at www.jillianturecki.com
Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.
To advertise on the show, contact us! -
Where history and epic collide--"History on Fire" is a podcast by author and university professor Daniele Bolelli.
Immerse yourself with real French dialogues and learn French language structures naturally in everyday situations.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
The PJF Podcast is the official show of NBA strength and conditioning coach Paul Fabritz. This podcast is dedicated to bringing you science based sports Performance and Fitness truths. Paul’s unique approach to transforming the fitness and athleticism of NBA superstars has become well known worldwide, this podcast aims to dissect these methods.
Ja vienmēr esi vēlējies zināt, kā dzīvo citi, šis podkāsts ir tev!
Viņi ir precēti, šķīrušies, divatā vai trijatā, un viņiem visiem ir bērni. Viņi runā par iepazīšanos, mīlestību un kopdzīvi, kļūšanu par vecākiem un bērnkopību, savām bailēm, strīdiem, attiecību krīzēm un šķiršanos. Te nevienu neanalizē, jūs visu sapratīsiet paši.
Pāru sarunas viņu virtuvēs, bez vadītāja. Jauna epizode katru nedēļu.
Latvijas Radio oriģinālpodkāstu veido Marta Herca un Agra Lieģe-Doležko.
«Скоро 30» — это смешной подкаст о стереотипах про 30-летие. Создать семью, взять ипотеку, заработать миллионы и попасть в список Forbes и… что там еще нужно успеть? А может не нужно? Давайте вместе разбираться.
Анастасия Хавалкина — 26 лет, основательница маркетингового агентства Avantiina agency @avantiina
Александра Рудко — 27 лет, основательница студии подкастов «Богема» @aleksandra_rudko
Анастасия Гасс — 28 лет, креативный директор re-feel @gassanastas
Присылайте свои вопросы и жизненные ситуации для рубрики «Ой, девочки!»: https://t.me/Skoro30_bot
Подписывайтесь на канал подкаста и общайтесь с нами там:
Производство: студия подкастов «Богема» https://t.me/bogema_prod
Господа начинаем снимать подкасты просто потому что в кайф, собрались значит как то Hanson, Пекарь и Женя повспоминать поразгонять и вот что из этого вышло.
We make shows to help you make sales.
The Print on Demand Cast equips you with tools to build and boost your custom merchandise ecommerce store. From essential strategies for launching and managing a profitable print-on-demand business to insider tips on designing artwork, product selection, using POD platforms like Shopify, Amazon, Etsy, and even Walmart, engaging customers, pricing, marketing, order fulfillment, and automation.
This podcast is for you if you have questions like these:
"What print on demand companies work with Etsy?"
"What print on demand products sell best?"
"How to start a print on demand business?"
"How much does it cost to start a print on demand business?"
"Can you make a living from print on demand?"
"Can you sell print on demand on Amazon?"
"Best ways to market print on demand?"
And so many more topics and interviews.
Follow along as Travis and Josiah draw from years of experience to breakdown key lessons for beginners and seasoned sellers alike.
Visit https://printondemandcast.com for more. -
Raidījumu cikls "Radio vilks dabā" aicina klausītājus pievērsties aktivitātēm dabā un īpaši veselīgai, aktīvai, kā arī atbildīgai atpūtai svaigā gaisā
Our Get Up To Speed (G.U.T.S.) course is a fun and innovative course designed to help you solidify the basics, with dialogues, stories, lessons, and quizzes.
Our goal here is to start at zero German and then end with the ability to continue as a regular listener of “News in Slow German for Beginners”. We'll start slow and will gradually pick up the pace as we go. In fact, in the first lesson, we promise you… yes, PROMISE you that you will be able to understand an entire paragraph in German through the magic of cognates and learning just two simple verbs. Sounds impossible? See for yourself: https://www.newsinslowgerman.com/series/guts/0/wow/1 -
Подкаст Кинопоиска, в котором музыкальный критик и радиоведущий Лев Ганкин говорит о музыке в кино: о саундтреках, о композиторах и режиссерах, о том, как мы слышим фильмы и как звук помогает изображению. Звукорежиссер — Алексей Пономарев, продюсер — Женя Молодцова, редактор — Даулет Жанайдаров, главный редактор — Лиза Сурганова .
Заставка — «Fun as in Funeral» группы Uphill Work. -
Рустам Вахидов в рамках утреннего шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья» рассказывает историю одного из известных брендов.
LLJ🖤🕊 Start to Love yourself, work on your life (awareness, Energy...)
Сказки, мистика и путешествие в прошлое России и других стран.
Здесь звучат мифы, легенды и предания. Здесь живут ведьмы, чудовища, волшебники и прочая народная нечисть. А еще здесь живет коллективная память, которая формирует нас с вами.
Рассказываем про деревенский уклад жизни через призму славянского фольклора. Сказки читает Дмитрий Лебедев, а смысл обрядов и ритуалов объясняет фольклорист-антрополог Надежда Рычкова.
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс». По вопросам рекламы пишите сюда [email protected], по другим вопросам сюда [email protected] -
Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war. Sometimes the prize is your wallet or your attention. Sometimes, it’s just the fun of beating the other guy. The outcome of these battles shapes what we buy and how we live.
Business Wars gives you the unauthorized, real story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights -- or to ruin. Hosted by David Brown, former anchor of Marketplace. From Wondery, the network behind Dirty John and American History Tellers.
Listen to Business Wars on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Experience all episodes ad-free and be the first to binge the newest season. Unlock exclusive early access by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial today by visiting wondery.com/links/business-wars/ now.
Communicate with confidence so you can argue less and talk more.
Every episode of The Jefferson Fisher Podcast is packed with actionable strategies you can implement today to improve the way you communicate.
Make your next conversation the one that changes everything.
New episodes every Tuesday.
Pre-Order my book The Next Conversation
Subscribe to my Newsletter
Watch my podcast on YouTube
Follow me on Instagram
Follow me on LinkedIn -
MacBreak Weekly covers all things Apple: Leo, Andy Ihnatko, Alex Lindsay, and Jason Snell analyze every bit of news from the most interesting company in tech. From AI to Vision Pro, iPad to iPhone, these Apple experts know-all and tell-all.
Records live every Tuesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC. -
ACQ2 is Ben and David's conversations with expert founders and investors. Acquired the stories of great companies — and ACQ2 dives deeper into the lessons we can learn from them, often with the protagonists themselves.
The Sound of Economics brings you insights, debates, and research-based discussions on economic policy in Europe and beyond.
The podcast is produced by Bruegel, an independent and non-doctrinal think tank based in Brussels. It seeks to contribute to European and global economic policy-making through open, fact-based, and policy-relevant research, analysis, and debate. -
Neērti jautājumi - patiesas atbildes. Sarunu platforma, kur par spīti allaž steidzīgajai pasaulei, kur cilvēku spēja koncentrēties mērāma sekundēs, satiekas cilvēki un izvērš sarunu stundas garumā.
Izglītība, pilsētvide, kultūra, mediji, mentālā veselība, nākotnes iespējas, sevis un citu pieņemšana, kā arī ikdienas aktualitātes - temati, kuri rūp katram jaunietim. “Neērto jautājumu pastkastītes” radošā komanda nestandarta interviju un diskusiju laikā ir gatavi meklēt atbildes uz arī ļoti neērtiem jautājumiem. Ne velti tāds nosaukums…
Skaties “Neērto jautājumu pastkastīti” LR5 Youtube kanālā vai klausies to Latvijas Radio vienotajā aplikācijā un citās raidierakstu straumēšas vietnēs.
Un kas uztrauc tevi? Pastāsti mums – www.ej.uz/pastkastite -
Take a deep dive into the collected recordings of Alan Watts with Alan’s son, Mark Watts.
Being in the Way is a podcast series that explores the Alan Watts Archive’s 100-hour tape collection - including recordings not heard in 40 years. We will meet some of the people being influenced by the works of Alan Watts today and learn a little of the history behind how these remarkable recordings were made.
Mark and his guests offer reflections on Alan’s ideas— ideas that were radically innovative and groundbreaking in the sixties and seventies, and yet seem to have come of age today.
Being in the Way is brought to you by the Alan Watts Organization, in partnership with Ram Dass' Be Here Now Network.
Check out all of the Alan Watts Organization's offerings at alanwatts.org.
Podcast for the Latvian Nonprofit Ar Pasaules Pieredzi Latvia
Welcome to Confessions by Anastazia, a captivating and insightful podcast hosted by content creator, influencer, and self-care enthusiast, Anastazia.
With over 1.5 million followers across her socials, Anastazia brings her signature charm, authenticity and passion for personal growth to her podcast. In each episode she delves deep into a wide range of topics, offering her unique perspective and practical advice on wellness, relationships, health, pop culture and much more. -
Useful Idiots is an informative and irreverent politics podcast with journalist Aaron Maté and podcaster/writer Katie Halper. Episodes feature analysis of the political news of the week and exclusive interviews, with humor, commentary and dissection of why both Republicans and Democrats suck. Join Aaron and Katie as they examine important stories that have slipped through the cracks and what the media got wrong – and laugh about whatever is left to laugh about.
A forward-thinking interview series examining the business of progressive coffee culture.
The 5THWAVE Podcast is hosted by Jeffrey Young, Editor-in-Chief of 5THWAVE magazine and Founder of Allegra Group.
Each episode features inspiring stories, business lessons, and thought leadership from the entrepreneurs and industry experts blazing trails to success across the world of coffee.
The podcast will delve into the detail of achieving operational excellence, get to grips with green coffee sourcing and seek out the very best of global coffee culture. We’ll also examine the future of e-commerce and coffee at home, the changing face of cafés and coffee shops, and how to hone winning HR strategies – plus much more.
Tune into the 5THWAVE Playlist on Spotify to listen to all the credits music featured the show: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/45goieo3qIN1xT9hSGnWeI
Get in touch and tell us what topics you'd like to hear by visiting www.worldcoffeeportal.com/5THWAVEPodcast -
Clippings & Selections
Join Mark Wogan for Spooning! Set the table and tuck into this brand new podcast, where celebrities accompany Mark for a unique culinary adventure at two of the UK's most coveted foodie hotspots: The Groucho Club in Soho and The Mount Street Restaurant in Mayfair.
Mark greets each guest with a bespoke menu, custom-made to fulfil their foodie fantasies but also to challenge them with what they think they hate. The catch - they'll be blindfolded and not know which they're trying.
Watch the podcast on YouTube, follow 'Spooning' on Instagram and TikTok for bite-size laughs, or listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Это подкаст «Равные разные» от образовательного проекта SETTERS EDUCATION
SETTERS EDUCATION — это образовательный проект для специалистов руководителей и команд. Мы создаем курсы в сфере маркетинга, лидерства, управления, HR и бренда, и также проектируем обучение в B2B-направлении. SE объединяет специалистов с разным опытом в равном стремлении к росту и развивает собственное комьюнити лидеров и предпринимателей.
В подкасте мы на равных говорим с самыми разными людьми — представителями культовых брендов, кураторами и участниками SE Community.
Наши курсы
Наше сообщество
The She Reads Romance Books Podcast is a show for romance book lovers looking for the best books worth reading because life is better with a love story!
In each bite-size episode, Leslie Murphy, creator of the popular romance book blog, She Reads Romance Books, explores the best romance books in the genre, sharing her favorite books lists to give you recommendations of romance novels that you’ll instantly want to add to your TBR list. Episodes focus on favorite romance book tropes and micro-tropes with book recommendations you won’t be able to resist.
As short-form episodes she gets right to the good stuff, saving you hours of listening, so you can get busy reading! Tune in if you are on the hunt for the best romance books worth reading and the best book boyfriends worth claiming.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The At Peace Parents Podcast is your source for all things related to understanding, supporting, accommodating, and advocating for your demand avoidant or PDA child. It will completely transform the way you think about your PDA child's brain, behavior, and parenting, and support you in finding your path to more peace and stability in the home. For more information see www.atpeaceparents.com
Welcome to Way Too Wifey Podcast with your host Respectfully GabbyWhy do women always act TOO WIFEY for the wrong men? This podcast breaks down the in and outs of love, modern day dating, and relationships. Hope to bring you insight and advice to how to survive your days on the streets and maintaining healthy relationships. Let's not take things to seriously! Add me on social media for more dating content:IG & Tiktok: @Respectfullygabby
Irreverent news/talk/opinion without agenda.
Привет! я Ася Завадская
Здесь я честно и с самоиронией рассказываю о своих сексуальных приключениях.
Когда я росла, мне очень не хватало «своего» человека в медиа пространстве, который на все мои волнения о сексе отвечал бы: «это нормально, со мной такое тоже было, дорогая»
Пойдем вместе?
Мой инстаграм: https://instagram.com/asiazavadskaya?utm_medium=copy_link
Мой телеграм:
A wide ranging discussion of consciousness at the intersection of science and spirituality with Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University Rupert worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge.
You are a parent of a Highly Sensitive Child and are ready to gain skills that will help you feel capable and confident disciplining your child or teen while helping them feel understood in a world that says they are "too much". Each week, Megghan Thompson, an experienced mental health therapist and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor (RPT-S), dives into the topic of parenting highly sensitive children and teens. If you're ready to stop drowning in your child's explosive and out of control emotions and eliminate daily meltdowns, this show is for you.
Miftaah has one goal, to make scholarly knowledge accessible to everyone, whether it be through our part-time Associate's Program, Miftaah Online, or our various free programs. We ask that you help support this initiative in whichever way you can. Help revive the tradition from the Golden Era of Islam. Become a Miftaah Sustainer.
Погружаюсь в мышление гостя, изучаю темы, которые гостю интересны или в которых он является экспертом. Бизнес, мышление, осознанность.
STAT’s weekly biotech podcast, breaking down the latest news, digging deep into industry goings-on, and giving you a preview of the week to come.
Fortnightly narratives on the unsolved and the unexplained, mysteries, historical true crime, touches of the paranormal and cultural peculiarities.
Один из лучших тру-крайм подкастов в России — и самый терапевтичный.
Журналисты Митя Лебедев и Маша Погребняк исследуют хтонь, насилие и криминал во всем его многообразии — от серийных убийц и маньяков до преступных группировок и аферистов. А ещё не боятся шутить над страшным, потому что только так его можно принять.
Эпизоды выходят каждый вторник. Чтобы слушать все выпуски, оформляйте подписку: https://taplink.cc/lorapalnapodcast
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс». По вопросам рекламы пишите сюда [email protected], по другим вопросам сюда [email protected] -
Привет, ребята! Я рассказываю поразительные истории о людях и событиях начала XX века. Революция, секс, наркотики и панк-рок в Российской империи — то, чего нет в учебниках истории.
Это время невероятного взлёта искусства, время идеалистов-революционеров, время политических перемен и свободных СМИ, время расцвета мистицизма и время прогресса. Время двух революций и двух войн.
Поддержать Андрея или студию Либо/Либо: https://dronopaedia.ru/support.html
Присоединяйтесь к соцсетям подкаста:
Подкаст выпускает студия Либо/Либо: https://libolibo.ru
по вопросам рекламы: [email protected]
связь с автором: [email protected] -
«При царе Горохе» - это подкаст о людях и о времени, в котором эти люди жили. Как любили, творили, и совершали ошибки. Это истории о гениях и злодеях, и эпохах, которые они изменили.
Меня зовут Никита Исанов и я историк.
По рекламе пишите pr-менеджеру Дарье Князевой: https://t.me/dariyaknyazeva
или нам на почту: [email protected]
Мой телеграм-канал: https://t.me/history_nikita
Мой закрытый платный телеграм-канал: https://paywall.pw/83oe2obxm4xe
Подкаст можно слушать в ВК: https://vk.com/history_podcast
На Яндекс.Музыке: https://music.yandex.ru/album/12418829
В Apple.Подкасты: apple.co/37b2plK
На castbox: https://castbox.fm/channel/При-царе-Горохе-id3410846?country=ru
Расследование о том, как прийти к финансовому успеху.
Шеф-редактор Т—Ж Мария Долгополова вместе со своим давним другом и сообщником по экселькам Ильей Иноземцевым ищут беспроигрышный путь к богатству, учатся тратить деньги и ищут страну для жизни. Наш телеграм-канал: https://t.me/+Z2YwJbXP4UpkMDgy -
В наших головах полно идей и планов, которые хочется осуществить. Поэтому каждую неделю мы бросаем себе вызов и пробуем что-то новое!
Честно обсуждаем результаты и делимся личными историями.
Начнём с понедельника!
[email protected]
@monday_cast -
Brīvais mikrofons ir raidījuma "Krustpunktā" laiks, kad ikviens Latvijas iedzīvotājs var izteikt savu viedokli, paust uzskatus vai uzdot jautājumus. Jāatceras vien ētera tālruņa numuri: 67222888 un 67225599 vai e-pasta adrese: [email protected]
Kā arī aicinām sūtīt Whatsapp ziņas uz numuru 25660440.
Savukārt katru piektdienu no pl.12:30 - 13:00 klausītājus kopā ar raidījuma "Krustpunktā" vadītāju uzklausa kāda sabiedrībā zināma, populāra vai savā jomā atzīta personība. -
Raidījumā ''Jauni un bagāti” runājam par naudu, biznesu, pašizaugsmi un visu pārējo, kas varētu tev palīdzēt kļūt par finansiāli neatkarīgu cilvēku! Gaidi jaunu epizodi katru otro ceturtdienu.
Join Khloé Kardashian each week for intimate conversations with the people who inspire her the most. Each episode dives deep into relatable and thought-provoking topics, offering a mix of humor, insight, and real-life stories. Whether it’s about navigating life’s challenges, celebrating triumphs, or finding humor in the everyday, this series delivers the kind of real talk that stays with you long after you’ve listened.
New episodes drop every Wednesday on X and Thursdays wherever you get your podcasts.
Аудио-версии популярных видеороликов от Goblina
Подкаст с самыми невероятными фактами из истории культуры. Зачем говорить о погоде, если можно обсудить древнерусскую астрологию или японских драконов? Сотрудники просветительского проекта Arzamas делятся своими находками, которые заполнят любую неловкую паузу в разговоре.
Новые выпуски подкаста выходят раз в неделю, по средам.
Слушайте «Неловкую паузу» в приложении «Радио Arzamas» или на любой платформе, где есть подкасты!
An hour-long weekly show on economics, entrepreneurship and finance in Baltics.
Local podcasts in local languages. And a weekly podcast in English.
Follow us on YouTube: @MedianReport
Powered by: Standout OÜ -
FaceOff – sporta podkāsts tiem, kam patīk hokejs un tiem, kas interesējās par sportu. Kaspars Dvinskis un Toms Prāmnieks, divi vīna pārzinēji, mēģinās ne tikai izklaidēt Jūs ar aktuālo, kas notiek hokeja pasaulē, bet mēģinās arī pielikt klāt kādu faktu. Skaties un klausies tagad!
производство: БИГ НАМБРЗ
Проект «Сережа и микрофон. Подкаст». В нем Сергей долго и серьезно говорит с неслучайными, интересными ему людьми. Подкаст является сайд-проектом youtube-шоу «Сережа и микрофон», в котором Сергей коротко и смешно говорит со случайными людьми
Join yuh boys John, Josh, and Sean as they read and react to Reddit stories. New episode every Monday & Friday at 11:00 AM CST/12:00 PM EST. Be sure to hit that follow button so you don't miss brand new episodes!
Carly Q (host Carly Ciarrocchi), an aspiring time travel detective, has made it her personal mission to secretly explore the mysteries of history. As a junior analyst at The Bureau of Universal Time Travel and Historical Exploration Department (aka B.U.T.T.H.E.D), Carly travels through time to investigate mysterious historical events, like the Loch Ness Monster. Carly Q is following the facts to questions that may have no answers… and she is taking you with her. New episodes of Who, When, Wow: Mystery Edition air twice a month on Wednesdays. Prime Members listen early and ad-free on Amazon music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen early and ad-free with Wondery Plus Kids in Apple Podcasts.
New episodes come out every other Wednesday for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+, Wondery+ Kids on Apple Podcasts, or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.
“Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.
Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.
https://www.facebook.com/DrChatterjee -
Шоу "Давай по чесноку" - это искренность и личное общение, вместо красивой картинки в соц-медиа. Здесь не боятся сложных тем и треша, любят называть вещи своими именами. Ведущие Ира Стомберг и Юля Бандак живут в Стокгольме, навигируют между семьёй и карьерой, укрощают бородатых мужей и пытаются найти время на красоту и саморазвитие.
Самые яркие страницы истории отечественной и не только, судьбы людей и империй, дворцовые интриги и великие хартии, все это в программе петербургского историка Сергея Виватенко.
Вопросы задает Александра Ромашова
➡ Архив программ: https://vivat.podster.fm
Слушаем на iPHONE https://goo.gl/ttGBzo
Слушаем на ANDROID https://goo.gl/kMuwdz -
Kas spēj ietekmēt un pārveidot cilvēka dzīvi - zināšanas, informācija, tikšanās ar interesantiem cilvēkiem? Kā uzlabot mūsu sadzīvi, kā saglabāt un uzturēt labu veselību, kā izaudzēt puķi, kā salabot mašīnu, iekārtot māju? Kā uzzināt par visu jaunāko dažādās nozarēs, kas ietekmē vai var ietekmēt mūsu dzīves kvalitāti?
Mums jādzīvo labāk tagad, jo šis ir mūsu laiks. Un šeit, jo šī ir īstā vieta! -
The PBD Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.
Как интереснее и качественнее жить
Привет, ребята!
Меня зовут Влад Аганов
На этом канале вы можете найти увлекательные разговоры с людьми, чей опыт и знания помогут разобраться в себе и повысить качество жизни.
Здесь мы переосмысляем вопросы: самореализации физического и ментального здоровья, выгорания взаимоотношений и философии жизни.
Интересный Подкаст — это истории про людей и для людей.
Это мои социальные сети:
https://t.me/vladaganov https://www.instagram.com/aganoff https://vk.com/aganoff
По вопросам участия и рекламы:
Lerne Deutsch mit Sandra und Virpi!
Willkommen beim Deutsch-Podcast! Mit uns kannst Du Dein Deutsch verbessern, Deine Grammatik festigen und neuen Wortschatz lernen. Wir sind Virpi und Sandra, zwei zertifizierte Dozentinnen, Prüferinnen und unterrichten schon lange Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. In jeder Woche präsentieren wir Euch eine neue Folge, in der wir über ein Thema sprechen und Euch an einigen Beispielen wichtige Inhalte der deutschen Grammatik vermitteln. So kannst Du einfach und nebenbei Dein Deutsch verbessern. -
Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.
Christine Harron, a book-loving teenager from Hanover, Ontario, leaves for school in the spring of 1993 and is never seen again. A suspect emerges, confessing to her murder, but the case falls apart and Christine's family are left without answers.
In Season 9 of the award winning podcast Someone Knows Something, David Ridgen, along with Christine's mother, reopen the investigation and come face to face with the man who said he killed Chrissy.
Someone Knows Something is the investigative true crime series by award-winning documentarian David Ridgen. Each season tackles an unsolved case, uncovering details and bringing closure to families.
Find episode transcripts at this page.
Previous seasons: S1: Adrien McNaughton. S2: Sheryl Sheppard. S3: Dee & Moore. S4: Greavette. S5: Kerrie Brown. S6: Donald Izzett Jr.. S7: The Abortion Wars. S8: The Angel Carlick Case.
Par basketbolu Latvijā un pasaulē
A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now.
For business enquires please email [email protected]
New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/
The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers secrets from inside the White House inner circles as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy.
The podcast is hosted by Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Director of Communications and Wall Street financier, and Katty Kay, US special correspondent for BBC who has been covering US politics for almost 30 years.
New episodes released every Friday, or join our club for bonus content. -
Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. Der Podcast fokussiert sich darauf, dir die Grammatik und Vokabeln für das tägliche Leben und Karriere beizubringen. Er eignet sich für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Website: https://expertlygerman.com/
Support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/expertlygerman
30 Day German Challenge: https://bit.ly/3oV6Vgh
Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. The podcast focuses on teaching you German grammar and vocab for daily life and career. The podcast is suitable for beginner and intermediate speakers. -
Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.
Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up!
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early. -
American Homicide explores mysterious and iconic murder cases from all across America. Whether it’s the spacious skies and vast deserts of New Mexico or the backwaters of the Louisiana bayou, these murders are connected to their settings. Journalist Sloane Glass leads you through each crime with interviews from the victim's family and investigators.
У Холмов Есть Подкаст - первый комедийный подкаст о настоящих преступлениях и маньяках на русском языке.
Мы - Тима и Валя Назаровы, брат и сестра, которые раз в две недели встречаются, чтобы детально углубиться в новый пугающий кейс, попутно разбавляя рассказ черным юмором и по возможности актуальными новостями. -
Утреннее шоу Сергея Стиллавина представляет продолжение популярной рубрики «Женщина. Руководство по эксплуатации». На сей раз в студии мужчины-психологи, которые помогают ведущим и слушателям разобраться в особенностях мужского поведения.
Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.
Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.
Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor. -
Мы быстро, просто и понятно объясняем, что случилось, почему это важно и что будет дальше. Никаких ненужных подробностей и передергиваний - только факты и взвешенная аналитика.
Podkasts “Kā Tu jūties?” ir divu kolēģu saruna par drosmi ieskatīties sevī un sajust sevi!
Mēs, Ilze Medne un Elīna Fīrmane, esam satikušās sarunās par tēmām, kurām bieži ikdienas skrējienā “pārskrienam pāri”.
Raidierakstā runāsim par personisko izaugsmi, mūsu robežām, emocijām, pieņemšanu, piedošanu un daudziem citiem svarīgiem pašizziņas jautājumiem.
Ja arī Tevi nodarbina jautājumi: kas es esmu? kāds es esmu? un kāpēc es daru tā, kā daru?, pievienojies mūsu sarunās. -
Make Leveling Up Your Natural State Of Being.
Join friends since birth Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver twice a week for their transatlantic catch-ups, discussing everything from the highs and lows of their lives to the biggest cultural moments of the week.
Every Monday, Lily and Miquita will throw the show open and invite questions on a theme; celebrity weddings, indie sleaze, orgasms, lies… Then on Thursdays, they’ll pick apart the world around them with unfiltered conversation on everything from intimacy to interiors, from exercise to elections.
Email: [email protected]: 08000 304 090 (+44 8000 304 090 from outside the UK)
Producer: Flossie BarrattTechnical Producer: Will Gibson SmithProduction Coordinator: Hannah Bennett Executive Producers: Dino Sofos and Ellie CliffordAssistant Commissioner for BBC: Lorraine OkuefunaCommissioning Editor for BBC: Dylan Haskins
Miss Me? is a Persephonica production for BBC Sounds
Sportacentrs.com podkāsti: redakcijas personības par aktuālo Latvijas sportā!
Pagātnes notikumi nosaka mūsu šodienu, bet šodienas pasaules uztvere maina skatījumu uz pagātni. Atgādināt būtiskās likumsakarības un grozīt iesīkstējušus aizspriedumus, atklāt senāku un nesenāku vēsturi gan pētnieka distancētajā skatījumā, gan notikumu aculiecinieka pieredzes tiešumā - to savās sarunās un stāstījumos cenšas veikt raidījuma autors Eduards Liniņš.
“They came after the impact and the firestorms. When the sun went dark. Like they’d been there all along. Just waiting.”
From executive producers of The Walking Dead and Travis Beacham, the writer of Pacific Rim, comes a heart-stopping Audible Original featuring a brilliant British cast. It’s the near future and seven years since a comet hit the earth and blotted out the sun. The world is a dark, frozen landscape. And then, beastly creatures emerge and take over. Can they really be vampires?
In the British countryside, a band of survivors forms a resistance in the fallout shelter of a medieval castle. Darcy is a battle-tested vampire hunter who is at the front line leading the charge to save humanity. Meanwhile, her younger sister Hope wants life to return normal so she can go above ground and know what it’s like to live again. And she just might be willing to risk it all.
A story of apocalypse, horror, and adventure, Impact Winter is a wholly original new saga created just for Audible with immersive 3D audio that dares you to pop in your earbuds and listen in the dark. Venture into an eternally sunless world of swords and crossbows; primal hunters and shape-shifters; leaders and lovers. Hear how a brave few fight to survive the impact winter.
Starring Liam Cunningham as Jepson Belgrave, Holliday Grainger as Darcy, Esme Creed-Miles as Hope, David Gyasi as Rook, Bella Ramsey as Whisper and Indira Varma as Kallistrata, Himesh Patel as Felix.
Written, directed and executive produced by Travis Beacham. Also Executive Produced by Robert Kirkman, David Alpert, Rick Jacobs, Bryan Furst, Sean Furst and Alexandra August of Skybound Entertainment, Bard Dorros and Zack Hayden of Anonymous Content and Cliff Roberts. Executive producer for Audible was Matt Patterson.
Associate Producer: Wes Mazda
Please note: This content is for mature audiences only. It contains adult language and themes. Discretion is advised.
Первое января – это не только новый день нового года, но еще огромное количество событий и дней рождений. Точно так же можно сказать о любом другом дне календаря. О них мы и рассказываем в календарной программе «Был бы повод». Главные даты, важные вехи и люди, которые сделали мир таким, каков он есть.
De 100 mest populära poddarna just nu
Senast uppdaterad:Här nedan tipsar vi om de mest lyssnade och populära podcastsen. Topplistan är baserad på data både från Apple och Podtail.