Stat och kommun – Populära podcasts

  • Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably.



    [email protected]

  • Med krig i Europa og voksende spændinger er forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitikken rykket helt op i toppen af den politiske dagsorden både herhjemme og i udlandet. Politisk har opbakningen til Forsvaret og Nato aldrig været større, og over de kommende år skal Forsvaret gennemgå en regulær genoprustning. Journalist Peter Ernstved Rasmussen har forrettet tjeneste i det danske forsvar og været udsendt i internationale missioner med henholdsvis Hæren og Søværnet. Sammen kaster de et kærligt, men kritisk blik på Forsvaret og inviterer til sikkerhedspolitisk debat om fortiden, nutiden og fremtiden.

  • 在一个插科打诨的时代,我想大声思考每一个严肃的人都会关心的问题。在一个价值序列混乱的时代,我好奇如何选择才能过完有意义的一生。在一个人与人、国与国充满敌意的时代,我试图用理智穿透扑朔迷离的政治乱象,触摸人性不变的底色。



  • In a pivotal year for the United States, democracy and global affairs, Britain's biggest podcast, The Rest Is Politics, launched stateside with Katty Kay and Anthony Scaramucci.

    The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers the secrets from inside Trump's inner circle and the Biden White House, as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy.

    New episodes released every Friday.

  • Politické kauzy, boje o vliv i šeptanda z kuloárů Sněmovny. Podcast Lucie Stuchlíkové a Václava Dolejšího o zákulisí české politiky. Každý týden na Seznam Zprávách.

  • Pourquoi un podcast proposé par un ancien président ? 

    Une fois par mois, François Hollande donnera la parole pendant 45 minutes à un ou plusieurs spécialistes pour décrypter et analyser les grandes questions qui traversent nos sociétés : bouleversements géopolitiques, politiques, sociétaux.

    Un format intimiste, en longueur, pour comprendre un monde en constante évolution.

    Un président devrait écouter ça

    Le podcast de François Hollande

    Production : Sonique

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • En este podcast, Saskia Niño de Rivera revela historias sobre derechos humanos que nunca habías escuchado. Desde la ayuda humanitaria en desastres como el huracán Otis, hasta las luchas en el sistema penitenciario, los sobrevivientes y la justicia para los inocentes en prisión.

    Con entrevistas poderosas y conversaciones íntimas, cada episodio te llevará al corazón de los problemas más urgentes. Sigue el podcast en YouTube y todas las plataformas para no perderte un solo episodio. ¡Es hora de escuchar, compartir y actuar!

  • DER STANDARD und DER SPIEGEL rekonstruieren die großen und kleinen Skandale Österreichs. WIR blicken in politische Abgründe und erklären zusammen mit den Journalistinnen und Journalisten beider Redaktionen, was die Republik bewegt. "Inside Austria" erscheint Samstags – überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.

  • La columna de análisis político de Carlos Pagni en su programa televisivo Odisea Argentina, que se emite por LN+

  • Изучайте «Экономику на слух» вместе с нами! Мы разбираем самые интересные явления из мира экономики, финансов и инвестиций.

    «Экономика на слух» — это проект Российской экономической школы, а это значит, что нашими гостями будут ведущие профессора и эксперты с мировым именем. Вы услышите комментарии и мнения не только экономистов, учёных, бизнесменов и представителей госорганов, но и недавних выпускников РЭШ.

    Мы выходим каждый вторник и ждем ваши отзывы на нашу работу. Если захотите получше изучить освещаемые нами темы, то приглашаем на специально созданный портал -, там мы собрали все расшифровки и дополнительные материалы, которые помогут вам изучить "Экономику на слух" вместе с нашей командой! Спасибо, что слушаете!

    Для обратной связи: [email protected]

  • Tragedy, Murder, and Justice  We speak to victims of crime, some solved, some unsolved and some unresolved, and how their lives are forever changed and their continued search for justice.

  • El podcast semanal de El Orden Mundial (EOM) para entender qué pasa en el mundo. Análisis, contexto y matices sobre la realidad internacional. Porque estar al día de qué pasa más allá de nuestras fronteras no debería ser ni complicado ni aburrido.
    Síguenos en redes en @elordenmundial y descubre nuestro contenido en
    Producido por The Voice Village.

  • En pocos minutos quedará desayunado con las movidas clave de la política colombiana, con el premiado pódcast de La Silla Vacía. Dirige: Tatiana Duque. De lunes a viernes a las 5:00 AM.

  • Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, hosts of Britain's biggest podcast (The Rest Is Politics), have joined forces once again for their new interview podcast, ‘Leading’.

    Every Monday, Rory and Alastair interrogate, converse with, and interview some of the world's biggest names - from both inside and outside of politics - about life, leadership, or leading the way in their chosen field.

    Whether they're sports stars, thought-leaders, presidents or internationally-recognised religious figures, Alastair and Rory lift the lid on the motivation, philosophy and secrets behind their career.

    Tune in to 'Leading' now to hear essential conversation from some of the world's most enthralling individuals. 

    Goalhanger Podcasts

  • Modernia maanpuolustustahtoa sosiaalisen median etulinjassa. Mighty Finland on Suomen suurin maanpuolustukseen, reserviläisyteen ja kokonaisturvallisuuteen liittyvä someyhteisö, ja tää on meidän podcast! MightyPod on puhetta intistä, Puolustusvoimista, reserviläisyydestä ja kaikesta asiaan liittyvästä ja liittymättömästä. Muista seurata meitä Instagramissa @Mighty_Finland_
    Lähetä palaute, jaksoideat ja yhteistyöehdotukset Instagramin directissä tai sähköpostilla osoitteeseen [email protected]!

    Tuotanto: Podcastory 2020-2024

  • 2024 is the year of elections in Ireland, the UK, US, and the European Union. In Path to Power, experienced broadcasters Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates bring their individual points of view to a lively weekly discussion that sets the agenda and examines all the issues.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Americast is the authoritative US news and politics podcast from the BBC. Each week we provide audiences with the best analysis from across the BBC, with on-the-ground observations and big picture insights about the stories which are defining America right now. The podcast is hosted by trusted BBC journalists including the BBC’s North America editor, Sarah Smith, BBC Radio 4 presenter, Justin Webb, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring, and BBC North America correspondent, Anthony Zurcher. As well as political analysis, we also specialise in social media. Each week Marianna Spring brings listeners the latest updates from the BBC’s Undercover Voters, our award-winning investigation into the content that is recommended to US voters on social media. The team is also joined by special guests each week, like CNN anchor, Christiane Amanpour, Emmy Award-winning TV host, Rachel Maddow, and Succession actress, J Smith-Cameron. Podcasts are published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As well as being a podcast, we are also available every Friday night on BBC Radio 4 and every weekend on the BBC News Channel. Every Monday we answer your questions on Americanswers, with some help from special guests, including Miles Taylor, who was chief of staff at the Department for Homeland Security during the Trump presidency before becoming a whistleblower. Got a question or a comment? Get in touch with us on email at [email protected] or WhatsApp on +44 330 123 9480. By the way, you can now listen to Americast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, just say ‘”Ask BBC Sounds to play Americast”. It works on most smart speakers. See ya’ll later...

  • Juan Manuel Santos, expresidente de Colombia y Premio Nobel de Paz, comparte anécdotas y reflexiones sobre la negociación que logró ponerle fin a más de 50 años de conflicto con las FARC-EP, la guerrilla más antigua y poderosa del hemisferio occidental. En conversaciones con protagonistas del proceso y personalidades colombianas, Santos revela detalles no conocidos por la opinión pública sobre las dificultades que surgieron durante el proceso de paz.

    Este es un contenido educativo de la Biblioteca Abierta del Proceso de Paz colombiano – BAPP (

  • אבישי גרינצייג עם האנשים שעושים את מערכת אכיפת החוק.

  • Politics isn’t always black and white. Dr. Bill Muck and Dr. Phil Barker, professors of political science and longtime friends, talk through the week’s news and discuss how political science might help make sense of things. In The Politics Lab, we put politics under the microscope.