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O tym jak sport, kolarstwo, triathlon odmienił i odmienia mnie oraz moje życie. Opowiadam o zmianach fizycznych i mentalnych jakie przeszedłem i przechodzę. Każdego dnia. Chcę dzielić się swoją największą pasją i pomagać także tym, którzy są na początku swojej drogi do przemiany.
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In Ayurveda we say, health is the foundation to enjoy the beauty of life. This podcast is a guide for you to reconnect with the most powerful, natural healing resources in order to benefit from optimal health and vitality. We will give you simple tools and practical advice to easily integrate herbal remedies and ancient healing methods such as meditation, breathing practices and ayurvedic nutrition into your modern lifestyle. Tune in and be inspired by enlightening stories from genuine healers around the world and individuals sharing how natural healing transformed their life.
In-depth discussions about Herbalism, Functional and Integrative Health, and effective strategies for chronic health issues based on modern Phytotherapy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbalism. Your host is Tamara, a Licensed Midwife and Professional Herbalist registered with the American Herbalists Guild, she has experience in the health field for over 20 years. Learn about herbs that can transform your well-being. Also, check out the Youtube Channel "Herbal Help by Tamara". Welcome! Schedule your health consultation under
Join Coach Tulin as she talks about all things relates to those that are plus size and are on their journey to fit. From fitness, to fashion, to fun, to personal development, to empowerment, this is something you are not going to want to miss!
Coach Tulin is a plus size health and fitness motivator and mentor. She advocates for those starting or re-engaging in fitness. Her mantra is “fit has no size” and is dedicated to bridging the gap between those that are plus size and the health and fitness industry. Coach Tulin has always been a supporter of plus size having been a plus size model, consultant for several plus size brands, as well as a plus size magazine executive, and marketing professional. Coach Tulin believes that plus size women pursuing a healthy lifestyle should be appealed to, not dismissed as a “before picture” as we often see in advertisements. -
For practicing acupuncturists, each episode in this weekly podcast explores needling technique, indications, and clinical applications for a set of five individual acupuncture points. Over 300 points are discussed in detail.
The conversation is based on the personal experiences of two seasoned practitioners, each with over 30 years of clinical practice. For acupuncture continuing education credits, view these classes online at
Dr. Daoshing Ni is the co-founder of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and chair of the Doctoral program in Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. James Skoien is an international lecturer on the topic of Chinese Medicine with over 33 years of teaching experience. -
The Prehab Podcast, formerly known as The [P]rehab Audio Experience is an educational platform that teaches people how to take control of their own health through online physical therapy. This show will arm you with the knowledge to address your aches and pains, optimize performance, promote longevity, and keep your movement system in tune one podcast at a time!
RECLAIM YOUR WHOLE HEALTH Podcast is a show created with the intent of helping, guiding and educating individuals on paving their way back to their WHOLE HEALTH & SELF!
Our Host Mona Bitar has been in the Health & Wellness space for over 2 decades leading, guiding, coaching and mentoring people from all walks of life!
Her display of resilience through her own personal story of hardships from a dysfunctional family dynamic growing up, led her to the desire of wanting to create a better and healthier lifestyle for herself and pave the way for others who might not have experienced the same hardships in life but battling through adversity have fell off path from the pillars that make up a whole and healthy individual.
In this show we bring into light different areas of health that make up our WHOLE HEALTH.
These include:
1. Physical Health and everything that falls under this area of health such as nutrition, training, sleep, rest & recovery to deeper issues such as substance abuse and the effects on this pillar of health.
2. Mental health this is the second pillar of whole health that is linked to so many areas of our selves and our lives and just as the areas under the context of physical affect our lives, they also have a huge impact on our Mental Wellbeing.
3. Emotional Health: A Physically & Mentally healthy individual is someone with tools and skills that enable them to tap into their own power to harness better emotional regulation through coping mechanisms that allow a healthier way of processing and dealing with our emotions.
4. Intuitive Health: When we are able to align our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with the vision of what HEALTH MEANS to us, we are able to show up and connect with ourselves and our surroundings better and therefore are able to unlock our inner power raising our intuitive awareness to become our internal compass in life!
This podcast is brought to you by Lifestyle Integrated Functional Training Co-founder Whole Health Coach Mona Bitar. -
W każdym odcinku otworzysz serce i umysł na Ajurwedę - piękną, starożytną wiedzę o życiu. Posłuchasz o niej w zrozumiały sposób, poznasz inspirujące kobiety, które przeszły swoją przemianę z Ajurwedą. W tym podcaście będę także dzielić się moimi odkryciami i obserwacjami. Dzięki temu poczujesz się wzmocniona i gotowa do wcielania w życie zmian, których pragnie Twoja dusza.
Moje życie od kilku lat skierowałem w stronę rozwoju osobistego i chcę być najlepszym trenerem jak to tylko możliwe. Siedzę w branży fitness już jakieś 11 lat i chcę opowiedzieć Ci o swoich doświadczeniach, przemyśleniach jak i przekazać wiedzę, którą sam zbierałem przez lata ucząc się, czytając i nabierając doświadczenia w pracy z ludźmi.
A beauty podcast from mindbodygreen, the leading brand in health and well-being. Hosted by mbg’s beauty director, Alexandra Engler, Clean Beauty School explores the intimate and intricate relationship between beauty and wellness, including physical, mental, environmental, and spiritual health. Through this series, we’ll dive into the science and soul of beauty’s most pressing topics.