SØGER NOGET SERIØST er podcasten om dating, singleliv, kærlighed, og om at finde en kæreste i Danmark. Lyt med hvis du er single, eller hvis du interesserer dig for dating og de dilemmaer, som det moderne dating- og single-liv byder på. Find mere information, bøger og kurser om dating og singleliv på Vært: Steven Højlund
Some of Cerca’s founders - veterans of shows like Survivor and the Amazing Race - are adventurers who’ve been tossed by the waves of the Pacific in small rubber boats, cut through the jungles of South America with machetes, and dangled off the side of the Great Wall of China
The reason they were able to go on these wild adventures and live to tell their tales? They had a guardian angel… and now, you do too.
Meet Dr. Bob Parr, (Amazing Race, America's Next Top Model, Legends of the Wild) a mastermind of travel safety, a veteran of military ops, and the genius who keeps the cast and crews of some of the worlds most daring shows safe while filming.
In Adventure Smart, Bob is going to teach you how to travel a bit dangerously - going right up to the edge (or what seems like it) but not actually putting yourself in unnecessary danger. You’ll learn how to navigate the globe with savvy, uncover hidden travel hacks, discover secrets even we didn't know on the road, and gain insights that transform ordinary trips into extraordinary journeys!
Get ready for an adventure like no other. This is Adventure Smart.
Adventure Smart is Hosted and Produced, by Dominique Ferrari
Editing and Sound Design by Ryan Hammond.
Mixing and Mastering by Julian Kwasneski
Executive Produced by Stacey Book, Dominique Ferrari, and Avi Glijansky
Visit for more news on where Cerca is going and to sign up for special access to new features.
At Cerca, our goal is to help you explore the world like never before. The Cerca Concierge connects you directly with locals to craft travel plans and experiences that amplify your adventure, tap into hidden gems beyond the ratings' buzz, and make you the hero of your next journey.
Because at Cerca connecting you with locals isn't just our specialty; now it’s your superpower.
Voksenjob er din ven, når du skal ud i livet som nyuddannet. En hel ny tilværelse venter efter mange års studie, hvor meget ændrer sig. Podcasten fra Magistrenes A-kasse guider dig gennem emner som livsglæde, økonomi, jobsøgning, flytning og venskaber.
Værter: Karriererådgiver Berit Andersen og journalist Nikolaj Aarestrup Hviid -
Velkommen til et livsfilosofisk samtalemagasin, hvor jeg, Mannah, taler med forfattere, healere og tankeledere om livsmestring – i bredeste forstand.
Det er et program med viden, der vil dig noget, og så meget visdom, jeg overhovedet kan grave op.
Jeg håber, du finder noget, der ræsonnerer med dig blandt de mange stemmer her i podcasten. Det er dit liv, vi taler om.
Med ønsket om et bedre liv for alle
Mannah, Terapeutisk Astrolog og Interviewer
Kontakt mig her: [email protected]
Engelsk Pod:
Therapeutic Astrology Podcast by Mannah.
Jeg er ikke på sociale medier, så endelig skriv en mail for kontakt. Hvis jeg ikke svarer, så skriv igen.. -
Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.
Københavns Professionshøjskole vil bidrage til at udvikle svar og viden, som de kommende år vil præge vores velfærdssamfund.
I Velfærdsprofeten undersøger værterne Lotte Andersen og Stine Rahr Bruzelius aktuelle problemstillinger, den gode praksis og de nyeste løsninger på velfærdsområdet.
Det sker som oftest i samtaler med forskere og fagprofessionelle, der brænder for at gøre en forskel gennem deres fag og profession.
Velfærdsprofeten er med andre ord til dig, der ønsker inspiration og input til faglig udvikling på eget fagområde – og til dig, som simpelthen bare er interesseret i velfærd i alle afskygninger.
Du kan høre Velfærdsprofeten, hvor du normalt finder dine podcast og få nyeste opdateringer på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter. -
Københavns Professionshøjskole vil bidrage til at udvikle svar og viden, som de kommende år vil præge vores velfærdssamfund.
I Velfærdsprofeten undersøger værterne Lotte Andersen og Stine Rahr Bruzelius aktuelle problemstillinger, den gode praksis og de nyeste løsninger på velfærdsområdet.
Det sker som oftest i samtaler med forskere og fagprofessionelle, der brænder for at gøre en forskel gennem deres fag og profession.
Velfærdsprofeten er med andre ord til dig, der ønsker inspiration og input til faglig udvikling på eget fagområde – og til dig, som simpelthen bare er interesseret i velfærd i alle afskygninger.
Du kan høre Velfærdsprofeten, hvor du normalt finder dine podcast og få nyeste opdateringer på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter. -
Husband and wife watch The Tudors. He knows nothing about the 16th century. She has been podcasting about Renaissance England since 2009. In this episode by episode guide he'll ask her questions, and they'll discuss the stories behind the drama, looking at what really happened at the Tudor court. We think it's a fun way to make the 16th century more accessible, and any excuse to see more of Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a good thing. (She wrote that part).
Learn more about us at which is also part of Heather's Renaissance English History Podcast website, at -
The intention is to awaken, enlighten, enrich, and inspire. Timber Hawkeye, bestselling author of Buddhist Boot Camp and Faithfully Religionless, offers a secular approach to being at peace with the world, both within and around us. As the Dalai Lama says, "Don't try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist, use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are."
This podcast helps you to learn German like a native speaker. We are two native German teachers with multiple years of teaching experience who share our experiences with you. On this podcast we talk about grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation hacks in order to really boost your German learning. We also discuss interesting topics about German culture, habits and lifestyle as well as language motivation, improving your memory and much more. Our goal is to help you learn German fast and speak it as well as famous polyglots like Benny Lewis, Olly Richards, Alex Rawlings, Luca Lampariello and Steve Kaufmann. To all our episodes German transcripts are available on our homepage. Let's get started, auf geht's !