INVEST IN HER podcast, hosted by founder of She Angel Investors, Catherine Gray- features phenomenal female founders and funders. The podcast is part of a multimedia platform to connect women with funding resources.
If you are a woman seeking funding, this podcast is for you. You will learn about the various ways to get funded, meet guests who you can connect with, learn how to overcome obstacles, and discover how funding can be made simple for female founders to understand and to access.
Host Catherine Gray is a Film Producer, Author and Tedx Speaker and champions the funding of women who are tremendously underfunded- receiving less of 2% of venture capital funding.
Each week the show has on guests that are female angel investors and general partners who are women that have started their own fund- and have a focus on funding women, LGBTQ and Bipoc. She also showcases women business owners who are seeking funding.
The show is all about education and connection- providing investment resources for women looking to launch or scale their business.
Listeners are female entrepreneurs who want to connect with resources- which can include funding, coaching, accelerators, mentorship, events and more.
Many female founders find it challenging to find funding. She Angel Investors has created an e course to address that issue – it is called “6 Ways to Fund Your Business”- Funding Made Simple for Female Founders. Here is the link
Women of all ages and ethnicities can connect to learning, events, education and contacts through the INVEST IN HER podcast and the SHE ANGEL INVESTORS platform.
The show delivers invaluable information to those women in business who are seeking funding, knowledge and insights on how to take their business to the next level.
As an angel investor, entrepreneur and a woman who raises funds and helps others to connect to funding – Catherine provides a wealth of knowledge and a large rolodex to connect her guests to funding resources.
Catherine is producing a movie to raise awareness about the underfunding of women and how you can be a part of the solution. She is on a mission to encourage more women to become angel investors and fund managers, and to accelerate the funding of diverse women across the U.S. and around the globe.
Catherine Gray is also the Co-Founder of the She Angels Foundation- that gives grants to female founded nonprofits that are helping women to thrive.
Women and Girls initiatives only get two percent of charitable giving. In both the for-profit world and the nonprofit world- women are coming up short.
Women can join the for a tax-deductible donation- details are on the site- and then once a member – you can enjoy the salons at members homes for free. The salons consist of amazing, accomplished women- and provide complimentary food, drink and entertainment. It is a wonderful sisterhood that helps so many women. We have provided grants the help women of domestic violence get back on their feet, the same for formerly incarcerated women, women veterans and more. Plus, women in Science, Blockchain and more.
In her Ted Talk, “Fund Women- Save The World”, Catherine talks about why women are underfunded. The people making the decisions in the investment world are typically white men- and because people tend to invest in people they identify with, it is no wonder most of the money goes to men. We need more women angel investors, and more women at the decision-making table in order to change this scenario. Her Tedx talk is here
Subscribe to the INVEST IN HER Podcast to stay connected with what is happening in the investment world for women- and learn how it can benefit you. Join the conversation. -
Welcome to Climate Insiders, the top-ranked Climate Tech podcast in Europe. We're right in the heart of the action, connecting with some of the most dynamic founders, investors, and thought leaders taking on climate change.
Ever been curious about how game-changers like Ynsect, Tier Mobility, Enpal, or Climeworks began their journey and crafted their unique environmental stories? Want to know what's brewing in the minds of leading climate investors from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Lowercarbon, World Fund, or Planet A Ventures? We’re your go-to for the inside track. We also team up with climate visionaries like Timothee Parrique, Jacqueline van den Ende, and Nate Hagens to shed light on the climate maze for all of us.
Whether you're gearing up to launch your own eco-initiative, diving into the Venture Capital investing sphere, or just eager to demystify terms like ESG, cleantech, sustainability, Article 9, and the nuances of Climate tech investing, you're in the right place.
Hungry for genuine stories, insights, and actionable climate solutions? Climate Insiders has got the goods. Jump in, enjoy the vibe, and let’s champion a greener planet together!
Consistently lauded as one of the best Climate podcasts, our episodes echo with the spirit of enlightened capitalism and a brighter tomorrow. We're dedicated to arming you with the insights to chart the climate landscape confidently. -
We hope that personal "behind the scenes" stories of our guests will inspire more women to join the movement. Follow us on Instagram!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I et altid fremragende selskab kommer vi i denne podcast-serie omkring forskellige aspekter inden for den danske venture-scene. Vi har særligt fokus på hvordan man som iværksætter rejser penge til ens virksomhed og hvordan du som private person, kan investere i vækstvirksomheder. Her dækker vi så vidt som muligt området fra et investor-, bestyrelses-, og iværksætterperspektiv. Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål til CVX eller gode idéer til fremtidige afsnit, er du mere end velkommen til skrive til Oscar Thybo på [email protected].
En podcast hvor vi dykker ned i virksomhederne bag ved aktierne, snakker med topledelsen og prøver at forstå hvordan virksomheden fungerer, hvilke produkter de laver og hvordan de skaber vækst. Du får en bedre forståelse for de virksomheder du kender og opdager nye interessante aktier der måske i fremtiden kan føre til en investering.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I Løvesnak får du værternes holdninger og observationer til det populære TV program, løvens hule. Case efter case gennemgår de hvad de så på godt og ondt.
Gennemse sæsonen/episoden her:
Løvesnak er IKKE en del af Danmarks Radio.
Dine værter er:
Sæson 2: Camilla Paulsen og Alexander James Nissen-Ripley
Sæson 1: Mathias Malmgren og Andreas Gynther
Producer: Esben Brandborg Østerby
Rigtig god lyttelyst.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Programmets formål er at afspejle det virkelige møde mellem investor og iværksætter. Derfor har investorerne på forhånd set iværksætterens deck, ligesom i den virkelige verden.
Der er ingen forhandlinger i selve programmet og investorerne udskiftes fra gang til gang. Ligesom vi følger op på de pågældende cases og deres udvikling flere måneder efter deres pitch i studiet. -
A podcast with Kusi Hornberger, the author of Scaling Impact: Finance and Investment for a Better World. Each episode, Kusi interviews a leading global expert on how innovative approaches like blended finance, impact investing and results-based finance can help accelerate progress against the world’s biggest remaining collective global development challenges, such as climate change, inequality and poverty.
Find out more about the book by visiting: -
The Entrepreneurial Age, viewed from Europe -
To efterskolekammerater, Andreas og Thomas, har fået en forretnings idé. I denne dokumentariske podcast lukkes lytteren (dig, såmænd) ind i det, som man vel næppe indledningsvist kan kalde for et maskinrum. Vi skulle nødigt spare på cliffhangers, så her er et par stykker: I udgangspunktet har vi knap erfaring med, hvad vi har intentioner om at lave. Vi har ingen startkapital. Og lad os så komme i gang.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lær at investere og bliv opdateret på aktiemarkederne med denne podcast. Podcasten udkommer hver fredag og varer ca. 30 minutter og fokus er på forskellige temaer under “paraplyerne” investering, opsparing og privatøkonomi.
Disclaimer: Ophelias Invest Talk er ikke økonomisk rådgiver og dermed ikke ansvarlig for dine økonomiske valg. Investering er risikabelt. -
Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.
Velkommen til programmet, der nysgerrigt vil undersøge alle de tendenser, der kommer til at vende vores alles liv på hovedet.
I denne programrække vil fremtidsforsker Liselotte Lyngsø og iværksætter og forfatter Lars Tvede kigge ind i fremtiden for at se, hvilke tendenser, der lige om lidt vil skylle ind over os alle. Ved hjælp af Lars Tvedes Supertrendmaskine får vi masser af bud på, hvilke trends, der kommer til at ændre måden vi kommer til at leve på. Velkommen til fremtiden.
Værter: Liselotte Lyngsø og Lars Tvede
Research og tilrettelæggelse: Denis Rivin
Producent: Kim Pihl-Vester -
The Desire To Trade Podcast has for goal to help you develop Forex trading skills for more freedom. I interviewed some of the most successful traders from around the world to uncover their lessons and help you become a more profitable trader.
This is the #1 trading podcast dedicated to helping you get profitable and scale up your trading! -
On Unsupervised Learning we probe the sharpest minds in AI in search for the truth about what’s real today, what will be real in the future and what it all means for businesses and the world. If you’re a builder, researcher or investor navigating the AI world, this podcast will help you deconstruct and understand the most important breakthroughs and see a clearer picture of reality. Follow this show and consider enabling notifications to stay up to date on our latest episodes.
Unsupervised Learning is a podcast by Redpoint Ventures, an early-stage venture capital fund that has invested in companies like Snowflake, Stripe, and Mistral.
Cohosted by Redpoint investors Jacob Effron, Patrick Chase, Jordan Segall and Erica Brescia. -
Er livet som digital nomade lykken? Det Gode Liv giver et ærligt indblik i, hvordan det er at tage en stor chance i livet for at forfølge en drøm om at rejse på fuldtid. Det Gode Liv præsenteres af kæresteparret Maja og Stefan, der deler deres op- og nedture, mens de jagter drømmen om at leve som digitale nomader. De har sagt deres “voksenjobs” op, pakket lejligheden i kasser og satset hele opsparingen på at skabe sig en hverdag, hvor de arbejder digitalt uafhængigt af tid og sted. En hverdag uden fast bopæl eller fast indtægt, men forhåbentlig en hverdag fyldt med frihed og oplevelser. Løbende deler de også ud af tips til dig, der også drømmer om at tage arbejdet med jorden rundt. Podcasten præsenteres af Maja Grønholdt og Stefan Landgreve.
Enhver bil fortæller noget om sin ejer, men hvorfor ikke lade ejeren fortælle historierne selv. I Graus Garage møder du en række kendte bilejere og deres biler gennem livet. Det handler om bilerne, men også om det liv, der har udspillet sig omkring dem. Om karrierevalg, familieforøgelser, drømme og passioner. Det er kendte mennesker, som du ikke har mødt dem før, nemlig til livsstilsmæssigt serviceeftersyn hos vært Christian Grau.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Velkommen til "Danske Opfindere - historierne om de opfindere, der tænkte anderledes".
Her dykker vi ned i en verden af kreativitet, innovation, og nytænkning, mens vi udforsker nogle af Danmarks mest bemærkelsesværdige opfindelser og de personer, der står bag dem.
Glæd dig til en tur gennem Danmarkshistorien - og opdag, hvordan de danske opfindere har formet din verden, med deres evne til at tænke anderledes.
Danske Opfindere - historien om de opfindere, der turde tænke anderledes" er produceret af podcast bureauet hearHEAR og udgives af AJ Produkter. -