Innovators and influencers who help to improve health and care feature in the Health Innovation North West Coast podcast.
Most guests are from around the North West Coast - Cheshire, Merseyside, Lancashire and South Cumbria - along with colleagues from around the country, sharing their stories and inspiring our listeners. -
How do we lead with purpose, make better decisions, and navigate an uncertain future? On If/Then, Stanford GSB faculty break down cutting-edge research on leadership, strategy, and more, exploring enduring questions and the forces reshaping business and society today, from AI to geopolitics. Hosted by senior editor Kevin Cool.
Dobro došli na Ekologika podcast! Logične odgovore na vaša ekološka pitanja daće vam sagovornici iz oblasti klimatskih promena, izvora obnovljive energije, zelenih biznisa kao i predstavnici lokalnih inicijativa.
Podcast vode Jovana Šesterikov, osnivačica portala i novinarka Milena Ilić Mirković -
Dobrodošli na prvi podcast koji je zaista o svemu vezanom za veštačku inteligenciju i nauci o podacima.
Ovaj podkast je nastao zajedničkom inicijativom Aleksandra Linc-Đorđevića i Nenada Božića, osnivača Data Science Konferencije i Smartcat-a respektivno.
Najvise bismo voleli da se zahvalimo HTEC grupi koja nam je omogućila da koristimo njihov studio i fantastičnu opremu za snimanje ovog podcast-a.
Pridružite nam se na ovom putovanju u kojem ćemo promeniti svet kroz podatke. -
'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
Benvenuti a bordo! -
"Développer une finance au service de la nature et de l'Homme (et non l'inverse)", telle est la mission que s'est donnée Jean-Benoît Gambet. Dans ce podcast, il invite des femmes et des hommes qui se battent quotidiennement pour changer les choses et qui mettent la préservation de l’environnement au coeur de leur décision d’investissement ou au coeur de leur mission. Jean-Benoît est convaincu que le secteur financier peut avoir un impact positif pour aider à protéger, à préserver, à conserver et à restaurer la nature et la biodiversité dans l’intérêt de la société toute entière.
Understanding how technology and innovation will change the way we work in the future. Airs every Monday at 5:00 p.m. on SiriusXM 132, Business Radio powered by the Wharton School.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Radio Galaksija je popularno naučni internet portal koji promoviše nauku i naučni metod, naučno obrazovanje, naučnu pismenost, filozofsku pismenost, kritičko mišljenje, kao i osvešćivanje javnosti o štetnosti pseudonauke, antinauke i loše nauke. Teme kojima se Radio Galaksija bavi su teme iz oblasti astronomije, fizike, biologije i svih srodnih nauka i tehnologije, ali i iz istorije i filozofije nauke, kao i konteksta u kom se nauka danas nalazi u društvu. Radio Galaksiju uređuje i vodi Dušan Pavlović.
Više na: -
On Psych Flow, we take a look at everyday phenomena and occurrences through a Psychological and Neuroscientific lense. Show host Sara; BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry and special interests in social discussions will co-host with friends and opinionated guests who have experience in relevant fields in order to provide you with intriguing discussions in each episode!
The transition from an individual contributor to a supervisor or manager role is one of the most critical and difficult career moves. This 12-part podcast series from Impact Achievement Group helps managers understand the management behaviors and tactics required to ensure their and their company's success. The series is based on Supervisory Basics, 12 individual yet linked two-hour training modules, delivered in leader-led or eLearning formats.
A business podcast for product entrepreneurs. A creative balance of life and business to help you create your dream life.
Featured in Inc. as "the country's most sought-after product experts." Also featured in Forbes, NBC News, Yahoo! Finance and more. Also a co-founder of the Shop 1 in 5 pledge - a commitment to shop 1 in 5 of your purchases from small businesses online and offline.
The goal in every episode: uplevel you as the Boss of your business. Take your physical product sales and strategy to the next level to create your dream life.
As a woman entrepreneur and product expert Jacqueline Snyder delivers a workshop-style strategy hour of social media marketing strategies and marketing made easy and simple. Blending life as a boss mom, goal digger, coach and female business owner in this ever-changing online world has its ups and downs. Creator of the Best Seller framework of snowballing your sales inside their signature course, Multi-Stream Machine, which focuses systems, visibility and sales from $0-$100k and beyond.
Join me weekly in a training and “marketing school” format with actionable takeaways that include how to grow your online platforms and revenue, e-commerce business sales channels, gaining steady and perpetual traffic to your website, such as Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, brick and mortar, bakery and food products, one-of-a-kind custom or artist products, social media influencer marketing, small business marketing ideas, content calendar, scaling handmade, visibility and Instagram tactics, abundance entrepreneurial mindset and growth, productivity hacks and organization tips. Guests include: Jenna Kutcher of Goal Digger Podcast, Lori Harder of Earn Your Happy podcast, Jamie Kern Lima (author of Believe IT), Cat & Nat Unfiltered, David Meltzer, Jasmine Star, Angie Lee of Ready is a Lie and Mike Lee of Soul CBD, Suzi Weiss Fischman, Pura Vida Bracelets, Mike Michalowicz of Profit First, Joy Cho, Jaclyn Johnson of Work Party and Create & Cultivate, Kelly Roach, and more.
Are you asking yourself: Is it possible to create consistent income and multiple streams of revenue in the product world? Can you take your maker or Etsy business, physical product or private label business a full-time income from a side hustle to a stable household income for you and your family? Can makers be millionaires? Can you take your handmade items and scale your team, inventory, and production? The answer to all: YES! Let’s dig in! Don’t forget to subscribe.