Der Finanzpodcast für Anfänger von Lena Kronenbürger und Ingo Schröder.
Warum werden wir so emotional, wenn wir auf unseren Kontostand gucken? Weshalb sollte man sein Geld investieren, anstatt es auf dem Konto zu horten? Und sind Investmentbanker wirklich alle nur gewissenlose Arschlöcher? Das fragt sich zumindest Lena. Sie arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Moderatorin und hat mit Finanzen nicht viel am Hut. Aber das soll sich jetzt ändern! In jeder Podcastfolge spricht sie daher mit dem Honorarberater und Finanzexperten Ingo – und fragt regelmäßig weiteren geladenen Expertinnen und Experten rund um das Thema Geld und Finanzen Löcher in den Bauch. Werdet Teil der #HIMMM-Community und lernt auf lockere Weise die Basics und Hintergründe der (manchmal ganz schön persönlichen) Finanzwelt kennen. Warum? Um eigenständig und mit handfestem (Ge-)Wissen gute Finanz- und damit auch Lebensentscheidungen treffen zu können.
Disclaimer: Der Inhalt dieses Podcasts dient ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Die im Podcast gemachten Aussagen sind nicht als Aufforderung oder Empfehlung zu verstehen, einzelne Finanzprodukte zu erwerben oder zu verkaufen. Alle Informationen aus diesem Podcast können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen. -
Welcome to the Future Directors podcast hosted by award-winning author and Board Futurist, Paul Smith. Every episode brings you diverse perspectives and new ideas from the boardroom. His guests include thought leaders and board directors who are pushing the boundaries of governance around the world.
Willkommen in einem Ort voller Inspiration an dem du lernst, wie du mit Kreativität & Leichtigkeit ein erfolgreiches kreatives Business aufbaust.
Dieser Podcast ist für alle kreative Köpfe da draußen, die zu echten Businessfreaks werden wollen, ihre Kreativität entfachen wollen und endlich wieder Freude an ihrem Business verspüren wollen. Alles rund ums kreative Business, Mindset & Kreativität. -
Der Immobilienmarkt ist hart umkämpft und gleichzeitig unwahrscheinlich begehrt.
Viele Seiteneinsteiger werden durch hohe Provisionen und leicht erlernbare Tätigkeiten gelockt! Aber was muss man wirklich vorweisen können um Makler zu werden? Welche Erlaubnis benötige ich und mit welchen Verpflichtungen muss ich rechnen? Auf all diese Fragen gibt Oliver Nettekoven eine Antwort, denn er ist bereits 30 Jahre in der Immobilienbranche und war nicht nur im Vertrieb sondern ebenfalls in der Erstellung und der Bewertung von Immobilien beschäftigt. Sollten Sie also mit dem Gedanken spielen Makler zu werden ist dieser Podcast genau das Richtige für Sie! -
Buying a business is a blend of process, timing, and luck. A few times a week Ryan Condie shares the deals he’s looking at in a short form podcast. Listen in on updates from investors and bankers. Whether you’re buying a business to own and operate or building up your passive income, you’ll learn what to focus on and what to avoid during acquisition.
Our mission is to provide farms and operators an independent and unbiased outlet for information related to increasing the profitability of their farming operation. We will be providing farms and operators of all sizes and experience levels access to the latest trends, projections, and the tools necessary to increase farming profitability. We will take each episode to deliver latest news, what's working for active farms, and a topic of focus each episode. Remember, if you aren't farming for profit you won't be farming for long.
The Brandon White Show brings you conversations worth listening that expand your ideas, knowledge and know how.
Previous guests include successful entrepreneurs, peak performers, authors, Emmy Award winners, scientists, explorers, Navy SEALS, fighter jet pilots, venture capitalists, angel investors, professional athletes, artists, and other seemingly ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Listen in to expand your landscape of understanding and gain an edge to win in your business and your life.
Your host, Brandon White, is an entrepreneur with two exits (so far), lots of strikeouts, author, former venture capitalist, management in Marketing at AOL, and currently is investing $500k of his own money to create a holding company worth $1b in 7 years. -
🙋🏽♀️ If you're a licensed or certified professional and you're looking for practical and simple strategies for setting clear expectations and boundaries without pissing people off, then you're in the right place! I want to help you build a more joyful life - and yes, we'll keep it G-rated, so feel free to listen in the car with your littles!
* Joyful Careers, Businesses & Entrepreneurship * Setting Expectations at Work * Prompts for Self-Discovery * Making Aligned & Joyful Decisions * Career Advice *
Lawyers, Yogis, Accountants, and everyone in between - come hang out with me every other week! As your Host (👋🏽 Hi, it's me, Sheila!), I am that breath of fresh air you didn't know you needed, because I am first and foremost focused on being a joyful, laughter-filled, healthy human. I've been living on two continents for over 17 years, make sleep my priority, and more than anything else: I want you to know that the life you always thought you'd have by now is so much closer than you think!
🎧 Each episode will help you reflect on what you already know (intellectually), ask you questions you might not have realized you needed the answers to (emotionally), and then help you connect the two so you can get clarity about what you want.
My mission is to help you get the clarity, confidence, and courage you need to build your life exactly how you want it, no matter what obstacles you think exist.
🥰 Find out more about what working with me looks like at and follow me over on Instagram @sheilamwilkinson.
💌 And don't forget to grab my FREE Plug and Play Templates for telling people what you need without burning bridges at - you're gonna love them!
WWSS is an Original CreativesEd® Podcast. All Rights Reserved, Worldwide. -
Mach Schluss mit planlosem Posten. In dem Podcast erfährst du, wie du mit einem durchdachten Social Media Auftritt, die richtigen Kunden ansprichst und passende MitarbeiterInnen findest. Wir sprechen über Social Media Strategie, Facebook Ads und Social Recruiting. Damit du es schaffst, Social Media im Business-Alltag zu integrieren, ohne Stress und Überforderung, dafür mit Wachstum und Ergebnissen.
Get your mid-week pick-me-up by listening and subscribing to the USA Cares Podcast on any major streaming service and check out some of the fascinating people and stories we highlight each week.
The series focuses on veterans, service members, and military families sharing their stories in an authentic, conversational setting.
*The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of our guests and do not represent those of USA Cares Inc. -
First Pitches is a series where famous founders share the first version of their pitch. No founder starts their journey with the perfect pitch; the beginning of every journey is filled with self-doubt and lack of support.
In each episode, we demonstrate that every founder (even the most well known today) had to go through the humbling experience of getting started with an imperfect pitch.
We’ll travel back in time to when our guests made their first pitch, listen to their actual pitch, and discuss the experience. In the process of exploring the first pitch, we’ll draw out vulnerable moments and practical advice that founders can use to improve their pitches.
Guests on First Pitches have included founders and CEO's of Box, Cloudflare, Backstage Capital, Drift, Truepill, Make Love Not Porn, and more. -
Welcome to the Freedom to Retire podcast with host and financial advisor Jim Cipriotti! Join us as we explore the intricacies of retirement preparedness with Jim, a seasoned advisor from Retire Ready Financial Group. In each episode, Jim delves into essential retirement topics, analyzes current trends, and imparts invaluable tips to fortify your journey towards retirement with confidence.
Join Jim as he covers key principles for attaining financial security, aiding you in crafting the envisioned lifestyle for your post-career years. Leveraging his wealth of knowledge, Jim serves as your guide, providing insights and strategic approaches for a more prosperous and gratifying retirement.
Subscribe today and empower yourself to make smart financial decisions for a secure and fulfilling retirement.
Learn more about Jim and his team at or on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
A podcast where we speak to founders and entrepreneurs from businesses you’ve always wanted to know more about. We delve into the formative years of their business lives and ask those with the inside track on start-up and scale-up life the questions I wish I knew the answers to when I started out so you should too!
So, when should you raise VC funding? Should founders give all employees equity? And what do the acronyms banded around in boardrooms like SEIS, EIS, TAM and VAT actually mean for you as a founder? We shed light on just how many founders are neurologically diverse and show you how to get through times when the things get tough, as they will...
Hosted by me Oliver Bruce a Dyslexic, Dyspraxic entrepreneur with ADHD my business journey so far really exciting. I have built multi-million-pound businesses, I have invested at Seed and Series A stage and I have launched this podcast now ranked in the top 5% of business podcast globally and guess what, I have loved every minute as I hope you do to!
Recent winners of Campaign Publishing ( business podcast of the year with judges saying "This podcast has identified a niche in the market and sets out to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs honestly and ethically"
To find out more visit -
Aurélie Moulin est l'autrice du Guide Instagram, publié aux éditions Eyrolles.
Experte en marketing digital, Aurélie Moulin vous révèle dans ce podcast Power Angels tous les secrets d’Instagram : ses rouages, ses nouveautés, ses défauts comme ses qualités, rien n’est laissé de côté !
Ce podcast s’adresse à tous : ceux qui passent leurs journées à scroller et qui postent tous les jours, mais aussi ceux qui s’y connectent une fois par mois, ceux qui ont déserté Instagram et même ceux qui n’y ont jamais mis les pieds !
Comment fonctionne l’algorithme d’Instagram ? Comment définir ses objectifs sur Instagram ? Compte pro ou compte créateur ? Comment rédiger une bonne bio sur Instagram ? Comment définir sa ligne éditoriale ? Vie pro, vie perso : où fixer la frontière ?
Du lundi au vendredi, dans Power Angels, Aurélie Moulin vous donne toutes les clés pour bâtir votre communauté, en 5 minutes top chrono via son podcast Se démarquer sur Instagram !
Vous pouvez également retrouver son contenu dans sa newsletter !
Ecriture & Voix : Aurélie Moulin
Montage : Richard Samia
Photo : Céline Nieszawer
Visuel : Christophe Faureau
Responsable Éditoriale : Alix Philippot
Responsable de production : Vincent Zuresco
Musique via Audionetwork
Production : La Toile
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
HR Podkāsts ir iespēja cilvēkresursu vadības ekspertiem dzirdēt dažādu HR profesionāļu, praktiķu viedokļus un pieredzes, kā arī uzzināt jaunākos rīkus, kādus lietot, lai vēl labāk izmantotu savu kompetenci un sniegtu stratēģisku atbalstu biznesam. Podkāstam ir divas jaunas rubrikas - HR PODCAST plus, ko vadu kopā ar Elīnu Bulāni un CEO dienasgrāmata, kurā sarunājos ar uzņēmumu CEO un vadītājiem. Autors: Ilze Medne
Für selbstbestimmte Frauen, die mehr wollen vom Leben: mehr Erfolg, mehr Wohlstand, high standards in allen Bereichen.
Erfolg ist so viel mehr als ein fettes Bankkonto. Erfolg bedeutet, alle Lebensbereiche zu meistern. Dies ist eine Area für Leaderinnen, die mit ihrem eigenen Business an der Spitze mitspielen wollen und bereit sind, jeden Tag dafür zu gehen.
Sarah Tschernigow ist Business Coachin aus Berlin. Mit "notimetoeat" ist ihr einen Millionen-Podcasterfolg gelungen. Sie ist zweifache Preisträgerin, Buchautorin und verzeichnete zuletzt als One-Woman-Show 6-stellige Monatsumsätze. Jetzt zeigt sie anderen, wie es geht.
Bis du dabei? Lass ein Abo da! Danke für Deine Zeit. -
It IS possible to become free from debt, financial worry, your boss, and your zip code. Join Becky and her guests to learn how you can find financial freedom and start living your ideal life.
This podcast shares the stories of women who have become debt-free, achieved financial independence, quit their jobs, started their own businesses, traveled the world, and defined freedom for themselves.
Becky also shares her own financial freedom story and teaches actionable lessons on what she’s learned along her journey from drowning in debt to financially independent, from day job to digital nomad, and from dreaming to traveling the world.
Host: Becky Blake from, Millennial Money Expert & Lifestyle Design Coach -
Im #SeriousGamesPodcast geht es um interaktive Methoden und Interventionen für Meetings, Workshops, Trainings und Konferenzen. Je nach Gesprächspartner:in erscheint der Podcast in deutscher oder englischer Sprache.
The #SeriousGamesPodcast is about interactive methods and serious games for meetings, workshops, trainings and conferences. Depending on the discussion partner an episode will be published in German or English language. -
Executive Commute with Jayson Krause is your one-stop podcast to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to leadership in today’s volatile and complex business environment.
Each episode delivers expert insights, along with practical advice, on navigating the changes and challenges you face as a leader. Learn about the science of high performance, how to design a culture of innovation, feedback techniques that will have an immediate impact, using gamification for better results—the list goes on and on. Think of this podcast as having an executive coach sharing coaching nudges, actionable insights, and valuable resources with you in a bite-size format.