The quote "All Therapists Are Jerks" from Marsha Linehan, creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), refers to the fallibility agreement within consult groups. The mission of the podcast is to help educate on the use of DBT skills and philosophy and to make them more accessible to the average listener and in particular those with loved ones who struggle with emotion regulation difficulties. -
1 More Mile is a lifestyle brand devoted to advancing the ideal that every individual can go 1 More Mile. The podcast brings science-based health, nutrition, & fitness advice, as well as compelling guest interviews from sports scientists, athletes, and industry leaders. Support this podcast:
From the therapy room of a registered psychotherapist, dating coach and solopreneur who has tirelessly attempted a 'healthy' work-life balance for 25 years, it rarely existed for me and likely does not for most business owners, entrepreneurs and executives. The truth is relationships can really suffer. I will be interviewing expert guests who are doing things right so we can all learn to mix business with pleasure. Topics will range from building better relationships, connection, dating, and how to spread more kindness and compassion towards others while doing so. Listeners, you have the right to have passion surrounding your work while maintaining passionate relationships. You can have your cake and eat it too.New episodes premiere every Tuesday.
Eye on Ocular Health features expert commentary on the management and prevention of debilitating eye problems, such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, ocular traumas, and chronic dry eye. This series features commentary from renowned ophthalmologists discussing the most successful diagnostic and treatment options emerging in practice.
The leading nervous system podcast
Join hosts Jessica Maguire and Madeleine Eliza for expansive, thought-provoking conversations with some of the world’s brightest thinkers. We explore the latest research into neuroscience, nervous system regulation, the brain-body connection, self-mastery, growth and change.
When you change your nervous system, you change your life.
Your hosts:
Jessica Maguire
Founder of Nervous System School, Jessica Maguire has helped tens of thousands of people to repair and optimise their nervous system via the Vagus Nerve Masterclass and Vagus Nerve Program. Jessica has a Masters in Physiotherapy and 13 years of clinical experience working with the body. She has also studied neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and brain-body medicine. Jessica is a TEDx speaker and is recognised as a leading global educator in the field of nervous system regulation.
Madeleine Eliza
A senior leader who has worked with some of Australia's fastest growing digital businesses, Madeleine is passionate about leading teams through rapid growth and change, and the personal transformation that comes from operating way outside your comfort zone. With a background in the creative and performing arts, Madeleine is a huge advocate of play as a tool for expression and expansion. She writes and teaches on feminine leadership and embodiment.
Kuuntele Selvin päin tuttuun tapaan perjantaisin Podimossa!
Entisen skumppaa rakastavan bilettäjän matka raittiiksi ja kokonaisvaltaisesti paremmin voivaksi itsekseen! Hanna Tikander jakaa kokemuksia ja ajatuksia alkoholittomasta elämäntyylistä – sekaisin uteliaisuudesta uutta raitista elämäntyyliä kohtaan. Studiossa ollaan pohdintojen ja vaikeiden tunteiden äärellä niin yksin kuin asiantuntevien vieraidenkin kanssa.
Jos pohdit motiivejasi alkoholinkäyttöön ja kenties kyseenalaistat sen vaikutuksia, niin ehkä säkin oot sekaisin uteliaisuudesta. Selvin päin -podi inspiroi ja opastaa uusien ajatusten äärelle.
Ota jaksot kuunteluun Podimosta ja seuraa Hannan holitonta elämää @hannatikander Instagram-tililtä.
Tutustu Podimon podcast- ja äänikirjavalikoimaan ja aloita ilmainen kokeilu osoitteessa
Are you or someone you know battling cancer? Welcome to Integrative Cancer Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt where you get to be part of a live consultation with a patient diagnosed with cancer. We will discuss natural medicine and how it can safely be integrated into traditional oncology care. Solutions to complications from chemo, radiation and surgery. How to resolve nausea, weight loss, fatigue, neuropathy and much more. You are not alone in your struggle. People have been where you are at and are now living well enjoying their family and friends
Tere tulemast sekspositiivsuse lainele. Taskuhääling Sekspositiiv on positiivne seksuaalharidus ja seksuaaljõustamine sinu taskus. Või kotis. Või kus iganes sa kuulamisseadet hoiad. Podcasti saatejuht on seksuoloog ja sekscoach Kristina Birk-Vellemaa.
Sekspositiivi kodulehe leiad
Oled oodatud sekspositiivsesse kogukonda ka instagramis -
Taboo erotic content featuring audiobooks by Evan J. Xavier, creator chats, and good times. -
Join Vinny Welsby (they/them), TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and certified Fierce Fatty as they teach you how to love your fat body without going on yet another ever again. 95-99% of diets fail, it’s not your fault you’ve never succeeded at losing weight! Wear the damn bikini, rock that crop top, and embrace that curvy body. Break down limiting negative self-beliefs and root out the reasons why you think your plus-size body is not ok. Episodes topics include - fatphobia, diet culture, intuitive eating, how to be confident, dating while plus-size, health at every size, overcoming stigma and shame, and taking over the world one fatty at a time!
Interested in human behavior and how people think? The Measure of Everyday Life explores ideas about how we live and why people act as they do. Independent Weekly has called the show "unexpected" and "diverse" and says the show "brings big questions to radio." Join host Dr. Brian Southwell (@BrianSouthwell) as he explores the human condition.
Episodes air each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the Raleigh-Durham broadcast market and a podcast of each show is available online the Wednesday following. The show is made possible by RTI International. -
Join Sobriety Coach and Speaker David Wilson (aka SoberDave) as he chats to some amazing guests, all of whom have made the decision to look at their relationship with alcohol and take steps towards a positive change.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mina olen Silja Siller ja antud podcastis on minu vestluskaaslasteks erinevad vägevad inimesed, kes jagavad oma lugusid, kogemusi ja teadmisi ning kellega koos räägime kõigest sellest, mis loob ja tekitab head enesetunnet. "Heaolu jutud" on elust, naudingutest, väljakutsetest ja arengust - eesmärgiks on õppida iseend paremini tundma ja avastada erinevaid võimalusi kasvada ja areneda koos saate külaliste ning kuulajatega.
SILJA on aktiivne naine, joogaõpetaja, koolitaja ja heaolu coach, kes leiab alati igas hetkes ja igas inimeses midagi head ning kelle jaoks elu on üks suur ja imeline teekond. "Heaolu on minu jaoks suuresti nauding hetkest - oskus olla siin ja praegu ning armastuse, mõistmise ja mänguga seda nautida."