What should Labour’s new year resolution be? How worried should we be about Elon Musk? Could China move on Taiwan in 2025?
Join Rory and Alastair in this New Year's Day special episode to hear them answer all these questions and more.
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Assistant Producer: India Dunkley + Alice Horrell
Social Producer: Jess Kidson
Producer: Nicole Maslen and Fiona Douglas
Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
Head of Content: Tom Whiter
Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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När den sansade kraften Maggie Strömberg uteblir får Torbjörn Nilsson och Henrik Torehammar fri lejd att fantisera om det kommande politikåret.
Tidöleveranser och partikongresser i all ära men vad händer om vi fokuserar på det som inte hänt?
Revykungssonen Torehammar får hjälp av Kisarevykännaren Nilsson för att pitcha sketchidéer, sång- och dansnummer. Och lite mimeri. Här är resultatet:
“Material Girl”
“Se upp!”
“Jödgjön samojdning”
Gott nytt år!
Send us a text
Gen Z is shown time and again to be the American generation that stands most against Israel. But there are Gen Zionist heroes among them that are standing up for Israel and pushing back against the misinformation machine every day. Eylon Levy went to the Z3 conference in Palo Alto, to talk to the students who are on the front lines of the battle for hearts and minds on campuses across the country.
The Z3 Project is an initiative of the Oshman Family JCC. Their objective is to foster a fresh approach to Jewish engagement in the 21st century. They are dedicated to fostering a thriving Jewish future through meaningful dialogue between Diaspora Jewry and Israel. They believe in the power of Jewish Peoplehood, mutual understanding, and a shared destiny to unite Jewish communities across the globe.
Website: https://z3project.org
Youtube: http://youtube.com/@Z3Project
Instagram: instagram.com/z3project/
Facebook: facebook.com/z3project
Twitter: twitter.com/z3_project/Stay up to date at:
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Last Thursday, The New York Times published a long investigative piece titled “Israel Loosened Its Rules to Bomb Hamas Fighters, Killing Many More Civilians”. The article tries to identify an unprecedented shift in the IDF’s military strategy and rules of engagement during its response to Hamas’s October 7 invasion, and reports on the impact on Palestinian civilians, including a substantial increase in risk to Palestinian civilians.
To discuss the ethics of Israel fighting a just war justly, to help us unpack and respond to the key charges in the Times investigation, and to briefly reflect on the (post-presidential) legacy of President Jimmy Carter, we welcome back to the podcast, Yossi Klein Halevi, who is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Yossi has written a number of books, including his latest, "Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor," which was a New York Times bestseller. He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Times of Israel. He is co-host of "For Heaven's Sake" podcast.
Yossi Klein Halevi's books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B001IXOA04
Articles discussed in this episode:
“Israel Loosened Its Rules to Bomb Hamas Fighters, Killing Many More Civilians” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/26/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-bombing.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&tgrp=sty&pvid=1FCD1780-A3CA-40EB-BBFF-99870A87D46E
“Teens forced to perform sexual acts on each other: Report to UN details Hamas torture” https://www.timesofisrael.com/teens-forced-to-perform-sexual-acts-on-each-other-report-to-un-details-hamas-torture/
“Jimmy Carter, friend of dictators and champion of terrorists”
In this special end-of-year episode, Tom Slater and Fraser Myers are joined by Francis Foster and Inaya Folarin Iman to reflect on the highs and lows of 2024. They discuss Trump, Farage and the global populist surge; why woke is losing the culture war; how Southport exposed Keir Starmer’s authoritarianism; the triumph of Israel, the unravelling of Syria and the tragedy of Ukraine; and more.
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Treat yourself to Beckett’s Gin this Christmas. Viewers can get 20 per cent off all spirits, including Beckett’s brand new, limited-edition, single-malt English whisky, here: https://beckettsgin.co.uk/spiked -
Malmö framstår som en stad med ett starkt symbolvärde. För vissa, en symbol för fungerande mångfald, för andra en symbol för ojämlikhet och klasskillnader. I delar av borgerligheten verkar Malmö har blivit ett rött skynke. Man beskriver staden som beroende av rikare kommuners pengar. Man har i perioder porträtterat staden som närmast laglöst, där myndigheterna har gett efter för klanerna och anarki råder. Vad beror detta på Starta pressarna synar Malmö med hjälp av kommunstyrelsens
ordförande Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh.
Medverkande: Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Niklas Altermark & Daniel Suhonen.
Spelades in den 15 oktober i ABF-huset i Malmö.
New York Times vs EU-kommissionen i “Pfizergate”. Och hur var det egentligen med hoten mot transkollot? Reklam i Göteborg med engelskt könsord upprör – och svenskarna har sagt sitt om vem som ska ta dejtnotan. Programledare: Magnus Thorén.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dr. Einat Wilf kan mer om UNRWA än någon annan i hela världen.
Swish: 0046768943737
Patreon: www.patreon.com/ARONFLAM
Bitcoin: 3EPQMEMVh6MtG3bTbGc71Yz8NrMAMF4kSH
Edited by Marcus Tigerdraake, Silverdrake Förlag
Intro by: Intractable by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: incompetech.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Miljöpartiet vann en kvarts miljon nya väljare i EU-valet och blev där landets tredje största parti. Men kommer striderna inom oppositionen sänka MP:s regeringsdrömmar?
Svenska gängtoppar har flytt utomlands i hundratal. Polisen har identifierat 600 personer som de senaste åren lämnat Sverige – men som fortsätter att fjärrstyra brott från utlandet.
Bland dem finns skräckexempel som Rawa Majid och Ismail Abdo, där svensk polis till synes varken lyckas stoppa brottsligheten eller få hem dem till Sverige för lagföring.
I veckans avsnitt gästas Krimrummet av Håkan Wall, chef för den internationella enheten på polisens nationella operativa avdelning (NOA).
I samtalet pratar vi bland annat om hur svensk gängkriminalitet har blivit internationell, om samarbetet med Turkiet och om ”kärlekshistorien” mellan svenska kriminella och den spanska solkusten. -
Israels persiske talesperson Beni Sabti besökte Stockholm för att tala om den islamiska regimen i Iran, dess krig mot Israel och försök att exportera den islamiska revolutionen till väst.
Se video på https://youtu.be/O6rgaIU0YrU
Swish: 0046768943737
Patreon: www.patreon.com/ARONFLAM
Bitcoin: 3EPQMEMVh6MtG3bTbGc71Yz8NrMAMF4kSH
Edited by Marcus Tigerdraake, Silverdrake Förlag
Intro by: Intractable by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: incompetech.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Douglas Murray, a British writer and commentator, has been on the ground in Israel for about a month, covering the war as a reporter and analyst. He writes for the New York Post, the Sun, and Spectator. He is an international bestselling author of numerous books, including "The War on the West", which can be found here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-war-on-the-west-douglas-murray/1140022863
He is the host of the Uncancelled History podcast -- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/uncancelled-history/id1654052602 -
Lobotomi, svängstolar och freakshows för allmänheten? Eller långa bad, engelska parker och stans bästa dansbanor? Bilden av mentalsjukhuset pendlar gärna mellan det horribla och det humana. Vad var egentligen mentalsjukhusen för en miljö? När tänktes för första gången tanken att "dåren" snarare var en "sinnessjuk" som kunde botas? Vilka var 1800-talets vanligaste diagnoser och märkligaste behandlingsmetoder? Varför stängdes plötsligt alla mentalsjukhus under 1980- och 90-talen? Veckans avsnitt tar dig med på en resa genom mentalsjukhusets och den moderna psykiatrins historia.
Gäster i studion är idéhistorikerna Helena Ek och Annika Berg. Helena Ek disputerade hösten 2017 på en avhandling om Vadstena hospital, Sveriges första mentalsjukhus, med särskilt intresse för sexualiserade diagnoser som nymfomani och onani. Annika Berg är specialiserad på medicinhistoria och utkommer snart med en bok om diagnoserna psykopati och kverulansparanoia i mellankrigstidens Sverige. Båda är verksamma vid Stockholms universitet. -
Nationalekonomi och ekonomisk politik innehåller många begrepp och antaganden som sällan definieras. Och håller de för en närmare granskning? Starta pressarna har bett professor Lars Pålsson Syll besvara några av de vanligaste frågorna vi får skickade till oss.
Is the United States entering a new age of corruption? Why are Democrats staying silent? What will be different about a second Trump term?
This week, Anthony Scaramucci is joined by Alastair Campbell to answer all this and more in this episode of The Rest Is Politics US.
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Social Producer: Jess Kidson
Assistant Producer: India Dunkley
Producers: Fiona Douglas
Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
Head of Digital: Sam Oakley
Head of Content: Tom Whiter
Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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Hur mycket snö kan man skriva om och få Nobelpriset? Erik Högström, Victor Malm och Gunilla Brodrej har läst "Jag tar inte farväl" av Han Kang.
Veckopanelen med Hanne Kjöller och Johan Ingerö under ledning av Magnus Thorén. Saboterade kablar ökar spänningen i Östersjön och it-haveriet Millennium fortsätter kosta sjukvården pengar. Och vad har året 2024 inneburit för Sverige säkerhetspolitiskt med gängkriminella som jobbar för den iranska regimen, Donald Trump på väg tillbaka som president i USA, ett alltmer aggressivt Ryssland och ett svenskt medlemskap i Nato?
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Watch the full conversation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7F7Pq-XI40&t=2914s
Visit our website: https://arkmedia.org/
If you are interested in our upcoming Call Me Back live events, you can find further registration details here:
PHILADELPHIA-AREA — September 9 — Join us this Monday night in Lower Merion, just outside of Philadelphia, for a discussion about Israel, the Middle East and the U.S.-Israel relationship with combat veteran and national security expert Dave McCormick, who is running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. To register, please go to: Dan-and-Dave.eventbrite.com
NEW YORK CITY — September 24 — Join us for the first major live recording of Call Me Back, held at the Streicker Center, co-sponsored by UJA Federation of NY, and featuring Amir Tibon on the official launch date of his book The Gates of Gaza: A Story of Betrayal, Survival, and Hope in Israel's Borderlands. To register, please go to: streicker.nyc/events/tibon-senor
Since October 7th, on this podcast we have tried to present Israel’s dilemmas and challenges as Israel responded to a genocidal attack from Gaza and what is now a multi-front war. We have tried to do this by talking to Israelis – Israeli journalists, political figures, historians and other thought leaders, and different people from Israel’s civil society. We have tried to provide historical context and perspectives from various actors in the U.S.-Israel relationship from both sides of that relationship.
We did not think we would still be recording these episodes – with this focus – for one year. And yet, here we are — approaching the one-year anniversary of October 7, which will be regarded as one of the darkest days in Jewish history (and one of the darkest days in the history of Western Civilization).
Most of our episodes have been shaped by weekly and daily news developments. But as we approach the one-year anniversary, we wanted to take a step back, and spend extended time with a few of our previous guests and thought leaders who are not our go-to analysts.
We asked each one of them to take a longer horizon perspective, to look back at this past year and the year ahead. In each conversation, we will try to understand the larger lessons these guests have learned as we approach this grim milestone. If you are listening to this episode on a podcast app, please note that this series was filmed in a studio and is also available in video form on our YouTube channel. You can find a link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7F7Pq-XI40&t=2914s
We begin this series with a conversation with Douglas Murray – war journalist, columnist, and bestselling author. We will be dropping one of these long-form conversations with a different guest each week between now and the first couple weeks after 10/07.
On Sunday, September 8, Douglas Murray will kick off his first ever US Tour with Live Nation. Long before Oct 7, Douglas was a widely read journalist, bestselling author, and one of the most prescient intellectuals in the world. Since Oct 7, he has also become one of the strongest voices for Israel and the Jewish people. Douglas will be sharing experiences from his time in Israel post October 7, including never before seen footage from his time in Israel. Tickets can be purchased through Live Nation’s website: https://www.livenation.com/artist/K8vZ917blC7/douglas-murray-events
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