
  • 歡迎收聽Tech a break,我是主持人懶懶,產業發展方興未艾之際,台灣開始面臨國際專利官司的挑戰。面對來自德國的專利蟑螂,劉菁雯女士被賦予了前往德國打官司的重任,請聽眾們先想像一下,在email、雲端儲存空間都沒得選擇,網路通訊尚未發達的年代,要如何帶著兩大箱紙本佐證資料前往德國面對國際官司呢? 其所承受的壓力、這背後所具備的勇氣與能力又有哪些呢?

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  • 本期嘉宾梅凌婕May是康奈尔大学的心理学硕士,《意志力》作者鲍迈斯特的中国学生,美好心理实验室CEO。她的公众号是@美好心理实验室,她的抖音是:厌学梅老师。


    2:46 听到“全天集训”时May就知道有可能要洗脑了
    10:42 不知情同意:课程内容和方法未知,但却要承诺参与
    23:01 课程的情绪强度是心理咨询的10倍
    30:15 学员敞开心扉并不是因为安全,是因为胁迫服从
    40:50 课程破坏了学员群体的底层道德假设
    49:59 课程设置可以反推出赚钱比学员成长更重要的价值内核
    55:05 投资人圈子为什么中招:对奇迹的追求和高估自身判断力
    65:21 为什么从产品设计角度课程可以打60分?
    70:40 年轻人报名课程和老年人买保健品被骗惊人地相似
    79:32 过度承担责任的确有可能增加掌控感和力量感
    85:42 合理的课程设计应该包括什么:聚焦具体场景,专业师资,不考评转介,透明性和自愿性
    91:55 盈利和助人的健康平衡:受助者成长和利益永远大于经济收益


    《沉默的 Legacy 与需要它的精英》,晚点LatePost:

    向你推荐一个我在专业上相当认可的心理自助工具,可以有效改善焦虑、抑郁、压力和失眠等问题,效果得到数据明确支持。该工具名为《21天正念书写行动营》,价格仅是半次心理咨询的费用,是通过咨询解决情绪问题之外的不错选择,详情:http://t.cn/A62UreHJ 或者搜索关注公众号暂停实验室,回复steve50,即可获得Steve说听众专属优惠购买链接。

    “Steve说”被评为2019苹果最佳播客,是心理咨询师和心理学科普作者史秀雄(Steve Shi)的个人播客节目。这是一个通过深度交流拓展意识边界,探索个人成长之道,加深对自我和世界理解的谈话类节目。他的微博和公众号是@史秀雄Steve,也欢迎访问节目官网http://steveshuo.com 或者到https://afdian.net/@steveshuo 赞助本节目

  • 中国企业品牌出海成为2023年最热的经济话题之一。




    屈素瑞,诉讼律师,北京大学工学院本科,康奈尔大学法学博士,主要从事专利、商业秘密等知识产权诉讼和咨询业务,目前就职Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP的旧金山办公室,之前也曾就职于一家国内红圈所从事中国知识产权诉讼业务。


    01:11 关于嘉宾

    06:21 中国企业在国际市场常常有的知识产权保护误区

    19:09 以美国为例,他的专利保护制度如何?

    25:23 如何保护商业秘密?

    28:30 法庭上的攻守故事

    49:30 为何商业秘密争议中,人成为了主要因素?

    52:36 337调查是什么?他如何成为挑战中国企业的武器?


    音乐:植物学家的女儿 by 孟慧圆



  • In episode 74 of The Gradient Podcast, Daniel Bashir speaks to Professor Talia Ringer.

    Professor Ringer is an Assistant Professor with the Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and Software Engineering group at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Their research leverages proof engineering to allow programmers to more easily build formally verified software systems.

    Have suggestions for future podcast guests (or other feedback)? Let us know here or reach us at [email protected]

    Subscribe to The Gradient Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Pocket Casts | RSSFollow The Gradient on Twitter


    * (00:00) Daniel’s long annoying intro

    * (02:15) Origin Story

    * (04:30) Why / when formal verification is important

    * (06:40) Concerns about ChatGPT/AutoGPT et al failures, systems for accountability

    * (08:20) Difficulties in making formal verification accessible

    * (11:45) Tactics and interactive theorem provers, interface issues

    * (13:25) How Prof Ringer’s research first crossed paths with ML

    * (16:00) Concrete problems in proof automation

    * (16:15) How ML can help people verifying software systems

    * (20:05) Using LLMs for understanding / reasoning about code

    * (23:05) Going from tests / formal properties to code

    * (31:30) Is deep learning the right paradigm for dealing with relations for theorem proving?

    * (36:50) Architectural innovations, neuro-symbolic systems

    * (40:00) Hazy definitions in ML

    * (41:50) Baldur: Proof Generation & Repair with LLMs

    * (45:55) In-context learning’s effectiveness for LLM-based theorem proving

    * (47:12) LLMs without fine-tuning for proofs

    * (48:45) Something ~ surprising ~ about Baldur results (maybe clickbait or maybe not)

    * (49:32) Asking models to construct proofs with restrictions, translating proofs to formal proofs

    * (52:07) Methods of proofs and relative difficulties

    * (57:45) Verifying / providing formal guarantees on ML systems

    * (1:01:15) Verifying input-output behavior and basic considerations, nature of guarantees

    * (1:05:20) Certified/verifies systems vs certifying/verifying systems—getting LLMs to spit out proofs along with code

    * (1:07:15) Interpretability and how much model internals matter, RLHF, mechanistic interpretability

    * (1:13:50) Levels of verification for deploying ML systems, HCI problems

    * (1:17:30) People (Talia) actually use Bard

    * (1:20:00) Dual-use and “correct behavior”

    * (1:24:30) Good uses of jailbreaking

    * (1:26:30) Talia’s views on evil AI / AI safety concerns

    * (1:32:00) Issues with talking about “intelligence,” assumptions about what “general intelligence” means

    * (1:34:20) Difficulty in having grounded conversations about capabilities, transparency

    * (1:39:20) Great quotation to steal for your next thinkpiece + intelligence as socially defined

    * (1:42:45) Exciting research directions

    * (1:44:48) Outro


    * Talia’s Twitter and homepage

    * Research

    * Concrete Problems in Proof Automation

    * Baldur: Whole-Proof Generation and Repair with LLMs

    * Research ideas

    Get full access to The Gradient at thegradientpub.substack.com/subscribe
  • Edward Frenkel is a mathematician at UC Berkeley working on the interface of mathematics and quantum physics. He is the author of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
    - House of Macadamias: https://houseofmacadamias.com/lex and use code LEX to get 20% off your first order
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    - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free

    Edward's Website: https://edwardfrenkel.com
    Edward's Book - Love and Math: https://amzn.to/40Bgxh0
    Edward's Twitter: https://twitter.com/edfrenkel
    Edward's YouTube: https://youtube.com/edfrenkel
    Edward's Instagram: https://instagram.com/edfrenkel

    Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast
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    - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman

    Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time.
    (00:00) - Introduction
    (05:54) - Mathematics in the Soviet Union
    (16:05) - Nature of reality
    (27:23) - Scientific discoveries
    (40:45) - Observing reality
    (56:57) - Complex numbers
    (1:05:42) - Imagination
    (1:13:33) - Pythagoreanism
    (1:21:28) - AI and love
    (1:34:07) - Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
    (1:54:32) - Beauty in mathematics
    (1:59:02) - Eric Weinstein
    (2:20:57) - Langlands Program
    (2:27:36) - Edward Witten
    (2:30:41) - String theory
    (2:36:10) - Theory of everything
    (2:45:03) - Mathematics in academia
    (2:50:30) - How to think
    (2:56:16) - Fermat's Last Theorem
    (3:11:07) - Eric Weinstein and Harvard
    (3:18:32) - Antisemitism
    (3:38:45) - Mortality
    (3:46:42) - Love

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