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In today's episode, we're talking to Natalie Sawicki, a songwriter from Los Angeles, who spent most of her life in Connecticut! She shares so much about this charming small state; you’ll hear about the fall foliage, New England fashion, local delicacies and much more!
Let's Discover “The Nutmeg State" with a local!
Follow Natalie's work on Instagram @natsawicki. *****Connecticut is a small state. In fact, it's the third smallest state in the United States after Rhode Island and Delaware. For comparison, it's 5,543mi², making it just a tad bit bigger than Montenegro and about 14% bigger than Jamaica.
Yet, where it lacks in size, it makes up for in population. 3.6 million people call Connecticut home, making it a state with one of the highest population densities in the country.
Geographically, you'll find Connecticut surrounded by three other states: New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. From the Connecticut panhandle in the southwest corner, you can reach New York City by train in a matter of minutes.
So what does it look like? Well, grab your camera! As a tourist in Connecticut, you're surrounded by lush greenery in the spring, warm oranges, reds and yellows in the fall and snow in the winter. Connecticut has four very distinct seasons.
While the north is mountainous, part of the Appalachian Mountains are in the northwest corner, the entire state is covered in rolling hills and trees, making it picture-worthy year-round. Not to mention all of the rivers! The Connecticut River is one of the most famous. It's actually the reason Connecticut is called Connecticut, it comes from a local indigenous language, Mohegan-Pequot, and Connecticut means long tidal river.
So whether you want to visit one of the many New England coastal communities, the impressive architecture of Yale University in New Haven, or the hustle and bustle of the capital, Hartford, you're in for a treat!
Pick some local berries and apples while you're there, meet some locals and make the most of "The Nutmeg State."
*****Premium Content: This episode is part of Season 3. By purchasing Season 3 transcripts, you'll be able to access the full episodes, the full PDF transcripts for episodes 101 - 150, an Mp3 download and the premium podcast player to work on your pronunciation.
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Illinois is situated in the heart of the American Midwest, and it's known as the "Prairie State" because over 60% of it is covered in farmland. Despite the number of natural wonders found in Illinois, what attracts most visitors is the vibrant city of Chicago ("The Windy City").Situated on the scenic shore of Lake Michigan, Chicago is a hot spot for music lovers and art enthusiasts. It's not only home to world-class museums and iconic architecture, it's where today's guest, Jackie Katsis, is from! Jackie is an ESL teacher and a well-known YouTuber from the channel "Ask Jackie."We'll begin today's episode by getting to know this wonderful Chicagoan, and then we'll discover her state with her. You'll hear about Jackie's experience with tornadoes, learn the nuances of the Chicago accent and we'll take a deep dive into the culture she grew up in (we cover mouth-watering food, music, lifestyle and more). Let's get a local's perspective on how to make the most out of our next trip to the beautiful state of Illinois! :)
Jackie's Chicago Recommendations
Portillo's - Italian Beefs + Chicago-Style Hot Dogs
Kingston Mines - Listen to Jazz / Blues
Do an architecture tour on the Chicago River
Take a walk in Millenium Park and see "The Bean" (Cloud Gate)
Go shopping on Michigan Avenue
Walk a lot and enjoy the art and architecture!
Learn with JackieJackie Katsis is a well-known ESL teacher from Chicago. You can find her content here!
Website - https://www.askjackie.com.br/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/AskJackie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askjackiebr/
Premium Content:
Season 4 (Episodes 150 - 200) = Each episode includes a quiz, the PDF transcript (the text of the audio) with definitions of challenging words and the mp3 file.
All Premium Content for Seasons 1, 2 and 3 (Episodes 001 - 150)
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毋庸置疑,他是国内营销圈数一数二的营销老炮儿,想法领先圈子 20 年,牛逼事迹广为流传,比如:
在还没有 KOL 的时代,他靠着一篇《自废武功——通过做“减法”赚第一个1000万》在天涯 bbs 一炮而红,先把自己营销了出去。 作为阿芙精油的创始人,现在很多品牌还在做的送小样、做礼盒、手写祝福小卡、原产地溯源等等营销方式,都是他玩剩下的; 然后他跨界食品创立雕爷牛腩,用游戏内测的思路搞餐厅内测,开百万豪车接送明星。从小听着雕爷的名字长大的我,前段时间趁阿芙精油品牌大会,有机会和他聊了个天。聊之前,我做了两个星期的功课,发现水下雕爷还有更有趣的一面。
他初三就辍学,蹲在家里刻章,在北京倒腾过一阵电子产品,创业之前还国企里混成了个领导。创业之后,他 N 次跨界,美妆、餐饮 O2O、3C、美奢,做一行成一行,3 次让自己的项目估值超过 10 亿。
13:23 “没有一个品牌不会消亡,没有一个公司难逃一死”;
16:09 “做品牌最核心的叫一命二运三风水,四积阴德五读书。什么企业战略,什么组织变革,当然都有用,但是归根结底是看你的命。”
21:49 “什么怎么做营销啊?我非常地坦诚地说,我从来不会做营销。”
24:32 “你今天问我小红书怎么做?抖音怎么做?我告诉你,我一无所知。”
27:31 “企业管理是个完全不重要的事,管理这些东西都是伪命题。”
56:54 “消费品拿融资很可能不是件正确的事,很多消费品也许是被资本给害了。”
32:03 “换个大猩猩来当 CEO,五年没人发现,这就是好生意”
01:00:22 “中国现在做消费品,已经进入了没有教科书的时代”
01:26:51 “老子是真他妈是一个幸运的混蛋”
想加入刀姐粉丝群、围观刀姐朋友圈、独家营销见解、精选文章合集,可上方二维码添加刀姐微信,或VX添加 “doriskeke1117”~
主播:刀姐doris(刀法 Digipont 创始人兼CEO)
前互联网平台衣二三 CMO、北美支付宝市场运营负责人、纽约 MK 传播经理、北美联合利华护肤品类品牌经理。同时也是一个营销圈和消费圈的头部 KOL,全网百万粉丝。
公众号:刀姐doris / 刀法研究所
视频号:刀姐doris / 刀法研究所
收听音频:苹果podcast / 小宇宙 / 喜马拉雅
观看视频:视频号 / 小红书 / 抖音 / 哔哩哔哩搜索「刀姐doris」
片头:中国雅痞 - CEM records/By.L
片尾:沧海一声笑 - 许冠杰
Send us a text【不鸣则已,一鸣惊人】 It never rains but it pours.齐威王刚当上国王的前三年,整天喝酒玩乐,不管国家的事情。官员们因为害怕国王,都不敢劝他(to persuade),更不敢说出他的问题。当时齐国有个人叫淳于髡(Chún Yúkūn),知道齐威王平时说话喜欢打比方,于是他想到了个提醒齐威王的好办法。有一次,淳于髡(Chún Yúkūn)去见齐威王,聊天时说:“大王啊,我听说最近发生了一件怪事。”齐威王很感兴趣,问:“你快说说是什么事?”淳于髡(Chún Yúkūn)说:“我听说齐国的都城(Capital)里面有一只巨大的鸟,飞着飞着就落进了王宫(the palace)的院子里。这只鸟在院子里呆了三年,既不飞,也不叫。大王,你知道这只鸟为什么会这样吗?”齐威王听完立刻就明白了,这哪是在说大鸟啊,根本是在说我只知道享乐,而不去好好治理(to manage)国家。齐威王对淳于髡(Chún Yúkūn)说:“这只大鸟我知道啊。你可别小看了这只鸟,这只鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。”意思是说,你别看我这三年没有治理国家,但我...
Send us a text# The daily words are expressed formally.【开进晴朗】Entering into a Clear Day在连山隧道行车,人也在明暗里交替,开进黑暗,又驶入光明。天气越是晴朗,就越衬得这暗深黑如漆。开进黑暗,是突然的,一点准备也没有。驶入光明,却是缓慢的,尽头的那点光亮,先如丸如豆,再如灯如月,直至天光大开。人在寒冷里,意味着寒冷正在过去。人在黑暗中,意味着黑暗也正在逝去。光亮,让我们看见一切;黑暗,却让我们看见光亮。正式说法:1.入-进:入口,进入,入学通知,加入一个组织2.晴朗-晴:天气晴朗,晴朗的天空3.漆黑-黑:漆黑的夜晚4.行-驶-开车:行车-雨天行车注意安全。驾驶,驾驶证,疲劳驾驶,酒后驾车-酒驾5.缓慢-慢:老人缓慢地在路边行走。这座小城市发展的速度比较缓慢。6.寒冷-冷:天气寒冷。我没想到在这么寒冷的季节能看到这么美的花儿。7.逝去-过去:(过去,消失)逝去的时间,逝去的青春Support the show#One-on-One Online Chinese Lesson:https://www.i...
Send us a text【龙抬头】 Dragon Head-raising Day# A Chinese traditional festival in the second month of Chinese New Year.# Haircutting day# Peking Opera / Beijing Opera这个月的11号是中国农历的二月初二,是中国的传统节日——龙抬头。龙抬头不是只在龙年才有,而是每年的二月初二都叫龙抬头。这里的龙,指的是天上的两颗星星,名字叫龙角星。角(the horns),指的是龙头上面的两个角,可不是腿下面的那个脚哦。当古人们看到这两颗星星出现,就认为龙把头抬起来了!那为什么古人看这两颗星星这么重要呢?春天,农民们都在等待天气变暖,天气暖和了才开始种地。龙角星的出现代表着农民可以去田里种地了,所以二月初二也叫春耕节(耕,就是种地的意思),二月二也叫青龙节。上一集我们说过,中国龙可以管天上下雨,所以古人们相信龙抬头了,就代表会有春雨来到。春天下雨对于农民来说太重要了!那么我们说说现在的中国人在龙抬头这一天会做什么吧。现在的人们会去剪头发,这叫...
Send us a text#Why Chinese say “The overflowing water flooded the Dragon King Temple” when conflicts arise between people on one’s side?【大水冲了龙王庙】Common Saying -1传说,在古时候的东海旁边,人们盖了一座龙王庙。在龙王庙不远的地方,有一个菜园子,一位老人每天在这里种菜浇水。菜园子旁边有另外一座庙,庙里面住着一位老和尚。老和尚和老人经常在一起喝茶聊天,他们成为了好朋友。有一天,老人跟老和尚说:“最近我的菜园子里发生了一件奇怪的事,这几天我去浇水时,发现地都是湿的,不知道是谁已经把水都浇过了。你说怪不怪?”老和尚说:“嗯,很奇怪,晚上我去看看是怎么回事?”晚上,老和尚一直躲在菜园子里,等了几乎一个晚上,就在天快亮的时候,菜园里的井发出一道白光,飞出一只怪物,接着,井里面的水就自动喷了出来,一下子就把菜地都浇好了。然后,那怪物又飞回了井里。虽然这怪物只是浇了菜园,没干别的什么事情,但老和尚还是担心它会伤害人。于是第二天晚上,他带着宝...
在爱情里,我们有可能同时爱着不同的人吗?我们为什么对伴侣会产生强烈的占有欲?又为什么会出轨?Helen Fisher在TED2006年大会上,解析我们的大脑如何支配爱情。
在愛情里,我們有可能同時愛著不同的人嗎?我們為什麼對伴侶會產生強烈的佔有欲?又為什麼會出軌?Helen Fisher在TED2006年大會上,解析我們的大腦如何支配愛情。
【演讲人】Helen Fisher ,生物人类学家,大型交友网站 Match.com 的首席科学顾问。
【鸣谢】配音演员潇潇。讲稿中文翻译志愿者旋律 Lam, tian Zeng, Lauren Huang, Alex M. Chang。节目片头声音友情提供者Tony Lin。
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Chinese lessons with Karen:
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Note: This podcast is intended for language learning ONLY. Not for promoting or criticizing any political party or ideology. Let’s keep it friendly and accessible to all :)
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Star City, West Virginia. Sixteen-year-old Skylar Neese disappears into the night, just after the July 4th holiday, 2012.
After midnight on July 6th, 2012, three teenage girls walked into the thick Appalachian woods somewhere along the Mason-Dixon line. Hours later, under the glow of a nearly full moon, only two walked out.
The very last time Dave and Mary Neese saw their only child Skylar was in a grainy black-and-white video. In it, she's sneaking out of her ground-floor bedroom in the middle of the night, her purse over her shoulder, her brown hair swinging as she hurries across the small parking lot to a waiting car.
What happened to Skylar Neese has become gothic American lore: the odd girl out in a vicious teenage triangle. But in the ten years since that fateful night beneath the West Virginia stars, a fuller portrait of what happened has emerged. From award-winning journalists Justine Harman and Holly Millea comes a gripping 10-part series featuring Skylar's family, closest friends, and law enforcement who lived the case— and are still living it.
“Harman and Millea interview Skylar's family and close friends, as well as investigators on the case, about the chilling dynamic at the heart of this teen triangle — and how it reached its sinister pinnacle.” – Mashable, The 20 Bests Podcasts of 2024
【相关信息】“向日葵儿童”网站 https://www.curekids.cn/
【鸣谢】TEDx昆山杜克大学2019团队和策展人耿阳阳 、王启玲。节目片头声音友情提供者Tony Lin。
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
今天,出國旅遊越來越方便,再加上網路,你會發現,遠方不再有那麼多我們覺得新奇、陌生的地方了。 那麼這時候,我們出發去看世界究竟是看什麼? 國際記者周軼事君在2017年TEDxYouth蘇州大會上,用豐富經驗和你分享,怎樣旅行能讓你不僅打卡曬照片,而且玩出新境界。
【相关信息】逍遥音乐节 (Promenade Concert),简称为“Proms”,是每年一度在伦敦中部举行的古典音乐节,是全球规模最盛大的古典音乐节。
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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