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  • Podkasten Hjernesterk har fått et lytterspørsmål fra en meget aktiv fysioterapeut som i utgangspunktet lever et sundt og bra liv, men som allikevel ønsker å kvitte seg med uvanen det er å spise 100 gram sjokolade om dagen. Hva er det som skaper en vane og hvordan eventuelt venne seg av med en uvane? Ole Petter og Mads tar opp spørsmålet og gir noen råd relatert til å skape en ny og bedre vane.

    See for privacy information.

  • I dag skal vi snakke om fordøyelsen! Og denne fantastiske merkelige tarmkanalen som strekker seg metervis og gjør så mye bra for oss, men også dessverre gir en del mennesker plager. Med meg til å snakke om dette er ingen ringere enn dyktige ernæringsbiolog Marit Kolby, og dagens episode vil presentere et lite univers av informasjon. Vi skal snakke om hvordan fordøyelsen vår fungerer fra start til slutt, hvordan tarmbakteriene spiller en viktig rolle og hva vi kan gjøre for at både fordøyelsen og tarmbakteriene våre har det bra!

    Dette vil vi gå inn på i dagens episode:

    Hva skjer når vi tygger maten?Hvorfor kan maten vi spiser ende i magesekken selv om vi står på hodet?Hvordan virker ultraprosessert mat på fordøyelsen?Hvorfor synes Marit at magesekken er et så kult organ?Hvorfor ødelegges ikke magesekken av denne saltsyren som magen produserer? Er det skadelig å få for mye bakterievekst i tynntarmen?Hvorfor er tynntarmen så utrolig lang?Hvorfor skiller tarmen ut antimikrobielle stoffer?Hvorfor er tykktarmen vår full av bakterier?Hvordan kan enkelte ørkenrotter spise giftig mat? Og hvordan er det koblet til tarmfloraen vår?Hvordan påvirker tarmflora helsen vår?Hvordan få en tarmflora som er mangfoldig og bra for oss?Hvorfor er det utdatert å se på depresjon og angst som bare en psykisk lidelse?Hvordan kan man øke bakteriemangfoldet i tarmen vår?Hva er Anna Karenina prinsippet?Hva gjør Marit for å redusere stresset i hverdagen? Hvordan kan vi få bedre fordøyelse?

    Dette og litt til går vi inn på i dagens episode!

    Ønsker deg en skikkelig fin uke!

    Alt godt,


    Som nevnt i podcasten:

    Episoden om fasting er #25

    Episoden om ultraprosessert mat og tilsetningsstoffer er #28.

    Episode om søvn: #2 og #19

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    Disclaimer: Innholdet i podcasten og på nettsiden er ikke ment å utgjøre eller erstatte profesjonell medisinsk rådgivning, diagnose eller behandling. Søk alltid råd fra legen din eller annet kvalifisert helsepersonell hvis du har spørsmål angående en medisinsk tilstand.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I ukens episode er jeg så heldig å ha Hanne-Lene Dahlgren som gjest! Hanne-lene er også kjent som forfatteren bak bøkene “En skikkelig digg kokebok 1+2”, kvinnen bak profilen @hannelenesvegetar, programlederen på matkanalen og stemmen bak podcasten “En skikkelig digg fremtid”. Denne kvinnen har mange baller i lufta og har i tillegg satt seg et mål- redusere Norges kjøttkonsum med 30% innen 2025. 

    Vi har alle forskjellige matpreferanser, men det er ingen tvil i at ved å velge mer grønt i hverdagen vil dette ha utallige helsefremmende effekter på oss! Og det som er så bra er at det også vil være bra for planeten vår! Vinn vinn!

    Så i dag gir vi råd til hvordan man enkelt kan få i seg mer grønt i hverdagen, middager som Hanne-Lene elsker, om dyrevelferd, om matskam, hortulanen, og ja- om livet. :)

    Link som nevnt i podcasten:

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    Alt godt,




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    Disclaimer: Innholdet i podcasten og på nettsiden er ikke ment å utgjøre eller erstatte profesjonell medisinsk rådgivning, diagnose eller behandling. Søk alltid råd fra legen din eller annet kvalifisert helsepersonell hvis du har spørsmål angående en medisinsk tilstand.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Tenk at vi har fått et liv her på denne jorden, så tar vi oss ikke tid til å leve det fult og helt....En oppgave har vi i vårt eget liv – å være tilstede i det..

  • Birger Svihus er professor i ernæring, og forsker/underviser innen ernæring hos både mennesker og husdyr. I tillegg til en stor mengde vitenskapelige og populærvitenskapelige artikler, har han også utgitt tre bøker innen ernæring og kosthold. Svihus er spesielt opptatt av karbohydratenes rolle i ernæringen til mennesker og dyr.


    00:00 Forebyggende ernæring og essensielle bestanddeler

    05:50 Forebyggende vs reaktiv helse

    09:25 Du er selv ansvarlig for egen helse, ikke legen din

    12:29 Kostholdet vårt i dag er fantastisk variert

    20:40 Sukker, dopamin og genetikk

    25:34 Vi må kjempe mot vår egen natur.

    29:28 Kroppen er smart, den brenner fettlagrene når du går uten mat.

    39:35 Biotilgjengelighet

    43:15 MDG vil ha kjøttfrie barnehager og skoler

    47:55 De nye kostholdsrådene – helse eller politikk?

    50:42 Kostholdsrådene - lite akademisk

    56:51 Rødt kjøtt - en ideologisk kamp

    59:38 Vegansk kosthold - hvordan få i seg nok næringsstoffer?

    01:04:43 Kjøtt – filosofi, moral, pragmatikk, klima og symbiose

    01:50:28 Kua, kraftfor og metan

    01:57:58 Grønn og svart co2-syklus

    02:02:27 Mat – ideologi, dydssignalisering, redde verden

    02:07:50 Animalsk kosthold og helse

    02:14:35 Rødt kjøtt - er det farlig eller sunt?

    02:21:03 Farlig med mer enn 350g kjøtt? Mikroskopisk sannsynlighet.

    02:27:33 Diabetes type 2

    02:31:19 Kun spise kjøtt?

    02:35:47 Lettbrus og aspartam

    Se hele episoden her:


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  • Inge Lindseth er utdannet klinisk ernæringsfysiolog fra Universitetet i Oslo. Hans spesialområder er mage-tarmplager, diabetes, overvekt, ME og de som ønsker å få mer ut av treningen og prestere maksimalt i idrett. I 2023 ga han ut boken Femdagers nullstilling, som handler om fasteimiterende diett, sammen med medforfatter Susann Stave.


    00:00 Inges bakgrunn og interesse for faget

    07:53 Er mat årsaken eller symptom for de som sliter?

    13:30 Mat er kanskje den mest direkte måten å forholde seg til omverden på

    15:05 Ned i vekt, spise mindre? Helsekost Furuseth

    18:20 Tidsbegrenset spising, kortisol, rytmer og NNR

    26:54 Faste, autofagi, gener og survival of the fittest

    32:45 Verdien i å søke det ukomfortable, og steinalderen

    36:16 Vi trenger mer kroppsliggjøring + kompani lauritzen

    38:17 Depresjon, tarmflora og LPS

    41:16 Er mye innen ernæring egentlig bare trender og motedietter?

    45:10 Sultfølelse og blodsukker

    49:30 Salter og elektrolytter ifbm. trening

    51:50 Fettforbrenning på tom mage vs. hvis du har spist og carbo load

    56:57 Bare spise biff og drikke vann? Kan jeg overleve på det? Spør en eskimo

    01:00:20 Kan veganere overleve på bare grønnsaker? B12?

    01:03:40 Rødt kjøtt. Er det sunt eller skadelig? 350 gram i uken?

    01:22:25 De nye kostholdsrådene, blande politikk og helse? Uvitenskapelig?

    01:31:53 MDGs forslag om kjøttfrie barnehager, skole, AKS

    01:36:55 Ultraprosesert mat. Spis mer råvarer istedet.

    01:54:35 Smør, margarin og oljer. Mettet vs umettet fett.

    02:05:12 Kosttilskudd

    02:08:28 Fasteimiterende diett. Forlenge nattfaste

    02:10:39 Vitamin D, og kosttilskudd forts…

    02:13:45 Kaffe og koffein

    02:16:21 Proteinpulver og trening

    02:22:46 Kreatin

    02:24:00 Biotilgjengelighet

    02:27:26 Fytokjemikalier


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  • Welcome to a preview of the eighth Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of the Huberman Lab Premium subscription.
    The Huberman Lab Premium subscription was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the standard Huberman Lab podcast channel — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation.
    Subscribe to Huberman Lab Premium at
    (00:00:00) Introduction
    00:01:46 Pros & Cons of Daily Caffeine Consumption
    00:23:01 Huberman Lab Premium
    In the full AMA episode, we discuss:

    Can Caffeine Have a Detrimental Effect on the Gut Microbiome?

    What Are Some Ways of Recovering or Resetting From Decision Fatigue?

    Effects of Social Isolation

    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

  • Welcome to a preview of the seventh Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of the Huberman Lab Premium subscription.
    The Huberman Lab Premium subscription was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the standard Huberman Lab podcast channel — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation.
    Subscribe to Huberman Lab Premium at
    (00:00:00) Introduction
    (00:01:45) Is It Possible to Get a Cold or Sick From Deliberate Cold Exposure?
    (00:20:02) Huberman Lab Premium

    In the full AMA episode, we discuss:

    How Can You Increase Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep?

    What Experiment(s) Would You Like to Undertake in Regard to Physical or Mental Performance?


    Immune system of cold-exposed and cold-adapted humans

    Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans

    The Effects of Sleep Extension on the Athletic Performance of Collegiate Basketball Players

    Sleep extension improves serving accuracy: A study with college varsity tennis players

    The impact of extended sleep on daytime alertness, vigilance, and mood

    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

  • In this episode, my guest is Susanna Søberg, PhD. She earned her doctoral degree at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, researching the effects of deliberate cold and deliberate heat exposure on metabolism and other aspects of human physiology. We discuss how cold or sauna can improve metabolism, cardiovascular and brain health, balance hormones, and decrease inflammation. Dr. Søberg discusses how deliberate cold protocols can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity and trigger release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine which enhance energy, mood, and focus. We compare cold showers and cold immersion, traditional and infrared saunas, and other variables. This episode provides actionable tools and answers to common questions about the use of deliberate cold and heat to improve health.For the full show notes, visit you to our sponsorsAG1 (Athletic Greens): Up: Brain Body ContractTickets: Dr. Susanna Søberg(00:03:39) Sponsors: Plunge, LMNT & Waking Up(00:06:49) The Brain-Body Contract(00:07:40) Physiology in Uncomfortably Cold Environments(00:12:05) Tool: Water Temperature, “Cold Shock” & Discomfort(00:17:37) Cold Showers vs. Immersion in Water, Brown Fat(00:22:11) Cold Receptors, Brown Fat & Temperature Homeostasis(00:25:22) Shiver, “After Drop”, Healthy Stress(00:31:08) Long-Term Health Benefits of Deliberate Cold Exposure(00:31:51) Sponsor: AG1(00:37:02) Blood Pressure & Heath(00:38:26) Brown Fat, Insulin Sensitivity & Metabolism(00:45:07) Temperature Regulation, Brown Fat vs. White Fat(00:52:26) Cold Resilience, Scandinavia(01:00:16) Winter Swimmers & Brown Fat; Discomfort(01:10:28) Sex differences & Brown Fat, Cold-Adapted(01:15:21) Diving Reflex & Parasympathetic Activation(01:18:44) Tool: Deliberate Cold & Sauna Protocol(01:23:11) Winter Swimmers, Shiver; Circadian Rhythm & Brown Fat(01:31:14) Tool: Minimum Threshold for Cold & Heat; Sauna & Cardiovascular Health(01:35:19) Tool: Maintaining Stimulus when Cold-Adapted; Shorter Sessions(01:38:09) Cold Exposure, Sleep Quality, Clothing(01:47:37) “Brown Fat Negative” & Shiver(01:52:13) Cold & Heat, Inflammation Reduction(01:55:40) Tool: “Soberg Principle”: End on Cold, Metabolism(01:59:39) Cold Exposure: Fed or Fasted?(02:00:32) Raynaud’s Syndrome; Hand/Feet Protection in Cold(02:05:21) Tool: Headache & Cold Exposure; Head Submersion & Head Coverings(02:11:29) Children & Hypothermia Risk(02:17:16) Gender Differences & Cold Exposure(02:19:57) Tool: Brief, Repeated Temperature Changes; Circadian Rhythm & Temperature(2:27:53) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network NewsletterTitle Card Photo Credit: Mike BlabacDisclaimer

  • In this episode, my guest is Satchin Panda, PhD, professor and the director of the Regulatory Biology Laboratories at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. We discuss his lab’s discovery that “time-restricted eating” (TRE) aka intermittent fasting, is beneficial effects for metabolic health and longevity. Dr. Panda explains how TRE, and also longer fasts, can positively impact obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular health, age-related chronic diseases, and improve mood and cognitive performance. He also describes how the timing of eating, light exposure and exercise that ~50% of all people engage in, negatively impacts their health and explains how specific simple adjustments to these can positively shift their subjective feelings of health and biomarkers of cardiovascular function, glucose regulation and metabolism. We discuss how our circadian behaviors, which include our patterns of eating, sleeping and socializing, have an enormous impact on our biology, mood and health and how by simply confining our calorie consumption to a semi-regular daily window, can positively impact our physical health, mental health and longevity.For the full show notes, visit you to our sponsorsAG1: from Momentous Dr. Satchin Panda(00:03:18) Sponsor: LMNT(00:07:24) Time-Restricted Eating (TRE), Calorie Restriction (CR) & Health(00:14:38) Mealtimes & Circadian Clock(00:21:34) Circadian Rhythm, Meal Anticipation, Digestion(00:25:28) Breaking a Fast, Burning Fat(00:28:45) Sponsor: AG1(00:34:04) CR, Time Restricted Eating, Circadian Rhythm & Longevity(00:47:20) Gender, Hormones & CR; Relative Energy Deficient in Sports (REDS)(00:52:40) Physical Activity, Nutrition & Feeding Window(00:59:04) Nutrition Timing, Quality & Quantity; Low- Carbohydrate Diet(01:03:00) Caffeine, Nighttime Socialization, Fire, Breakfast(01:16:20) Circadian Rhythm, “Night Owls” & Genetics(01:26:37) Morning vs. Nighttime Discussions, “Me Time”(01:30:08) Light Sensitivity & “Night Owls”; Puberty, Melatonin(01:36:05) Shift Workers, Health & Disease(01:45:43) Artificial Lights, Young Adults & Sleep, Metabolic Dysfunction(01:50:59) Firefighters, Sleep & TRE; Cardiovascular Health, Blood Glucose(02:05:18) Shift Workers & Sleep; Alcohol & Caffeine(02:09:15) 12- Hour Feeding Window for Adults & Children, Sleep(02:22:10) Meal Timing(02:25:20) “Complete Fast”, Longer Fasts, Physical Health & Mental Health(02:28:12) “Fat Fasting”, Blood Glucose & Insulin(02:31:57) Fasting, Metformin, Rapamycin & Longevity; Human Applicability?(02:39:14) Circadian Rhythm & Metabolism(02:41:36) Ontime Health App, Circadian Clock App(02:46:17) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network NewsletterTitle Card Photo Credit: Mike BlabacDisclaimer

  • In this episode, I discuss our body’s most vital and essential nutrient—water. I explain the structure of water and how it is used by the cells and tissues of our body, how much water we each need to drink and when in order to optimize our mental focus and physical performance; and I include how exercise, humidity, heat, and caffeine affect our hydration needs. I explain how temperature and pH influence water’s physical properties and if there is any scientific basis for drinking so-called “pH water” or “alkalized water” to improve health. I explain how to test your tap water for contaminants (e.g., endocrine disruptors) and the documented problems with fluoride in drinking water. I provide options for filtering drinking water and describe different water types (e.g., reverse osmosis, hydrogen-enriched, electrolyzed reduced, deuterium depleted, etc.). Since the human body is mostly water (55-80% depending on one’s age) and water has essential roles in health, disease and cellular function, everyone ought to benefit from understanding how best to clean our tap water, hydrate effectively and in some cases, adjust the type of water we drink to allow our brain and body to function optimally in regard to health and performance.For recommended water filters, tests and the full show notes, please visit you to our sponsorsAG1: from Momentous Water(00:03:33) Tool Deliberate Cold Exposure, Immersion & Showers Mood & Fat Loss(00:15:42) Sponsor: LMNT(00:19:27) Water: Physical Properties & Chemistry(00:26:32) Bonds & Water Phases, “Structured Water”(00:32:38) Sponsor: AG1(00:34:07) Body, Cells & Water(00:37:37) Water as a Solvent, Temperature & pH(00:41:49) Water Transport in Cells, Aquaporin Channels(00:49:46) Alkaline/pH Water; Temperature, pH & Water Transport(00:55:14) Water Cellular Function, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) & Antioxidants(01:02:38) Tool: Baseline Hydration(01:11:35) Tool: Hydration & Exercise, Galpin Equation(01:15:40) Tool: Hydration, Sauna, Humidity & Sweat; Thirst, Caffeine(01:19:15) Hydration; Cognitive & Physical Performance (01:23:53) Tool: Water Filtration; Nighttime Urination(01:29:35) Tap Water Tests, Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Fluoride & Thyroid Health(01:37:18) Tool: Water Filters(01:44:18) Tool: Resting Tap Water & Sediment(01:48:13) Tool: “Hard Water”; Magnesium, Calcium & Cardiovascular Health(01:53:40) Water Temperature(01:56:42) Water Types: Distilled, Reverse Osmosis, Hydrogen-Enriched(02:03:26) Hydrogen-Enriched Water, Magnesium, Optimize Hydration(02:11:13) Tool: Molecular Hydrogen Tablets, Water pH(02:14:05) Structured Water(02:16:39) Tool: Water Pipes, Faucet Filter(02:19:42) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network NewsletterTitle Card Photo Credit: Mike BlabacDisclaimer

  • My guest is Sam Harris, Ph.D. Sam earned his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Stanford University and his doctorate (Ph.D.) in neuroscience from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is the author of multiple best-selling books and is a world-renowned public-facing intellectual on meditation, consciousness, free will, psychedelics and neuroscience. He is also the creator of Waking Up and the host of the "Making Sense" podcast. In this episode, we discuss meditation as a route to understanding “the self” and experiencing consciousness, not just changing one’s conscious state. Sam describes several meditation techniques and their benefits, including how meditation fundamentally changes our worldview and how it can be merged seamlessly into daily life. It can help us overcome universal challenges such as distractibility and persistent, internal dialogue (“chatter”) to allow for deep contentment and pervasive shifts in our awareness, all while acknowledging the more immediate stress-lowering and memory-improving effects of meditation. We also discuss the therapeutic use of psychedelics and the mechanistic similarities between the benefits of a psychedelic journey and long-term meditation practices. And we discuss the rationale behind Sam’s recent decision to close his social media (Twitter) account. This episode should interest anyone wanting to learn more about the higher order functions of the brain, the brain-body connection, consciousness and, of course, meditation and why and how to meditate for maximum benefit.For the full show notes, visit you to our sponsorsAG1: Lab Premium Dr. Sam Harris (00:04:54) Sponsor: LMNT(00:08:54) Sense of Self & Meditation, Dualism of Self(00:18:07) Sense of Self in Brain & Body (00:25:28) Consciousness vs. Contents, Meditation(00:28:25) Interrupting Sense of Self & Attentional Focus, Visual Saccade (00:33:30) Observer & Actor, Default Mode Network & Meditation, Blind Spot(00:36:52) Sponsor: AG1(00:41:57) Mediation & Paths to Understanding Consciousness, Non-Dualistic Experience(00:57:32) Sense of Self throughout Evolution (01:07:40) Sense of Self from Human Development, Language(01:19:46) Internal Dialogue, Distractibility & Mindfulness (01:26:27) Time Perception & Mindfulness, Vipassana Meditation, Resistance & Pain(01:37:13) Consciousness & Sense of Control, Free Will(01:43:14) Authoring Thoughts: Storytelling & Ideas, Free Will(01:52:11) Meditation & the Paradoxical Search for Self(02:06:44) Meditation & Concentration Practice (02:11:58) Mindfulness, “Skylike Mind” & Thoughts(02:15:11) States of Self & Context, Dualistic Experiences(02:32:39) Distraction & Identification of Thoughts, Meditation & “Flow” States(02:42:58) Eyes-Open Meditations, Sense of Self, Visual Cues & Social Interactions(02:54:59) Paths to Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation Step-Functions(03:05:58) Psychedelics, MDMA & Experiences in Consciousness, Religion(03:21:11) Meditation, Psychedelic Journeys & Inner Truths(03:29:48) Psilocybin, Ego-Dissolution & Thought Expansion(03:40:09) Process vs. Achievement of Goals, Fulfillment in Present(03:54:29) Leaving Twitter; Conflict, Life Interruption & Politics (04:06:14) Social Media, Attentional Disruption & Deep Work(04:15:39) Meditation & Sense of Self(04:19:02) Sam Harris & Waking Up App, Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network NewsletterDisclaimerTitle Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

  • Welcome to a preview of the second Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of the Huberman Lab Premium subscription.
    The Huberman Lab Premium subscription was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the standard Huberman Lab podcast channel — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation.
    Subscribe to Huberman Lab Premium at
    (00:00:00) Introduction
    (00:00:54) Are there any science-backed protocols to increase deep sleep?
    (00:28:11) Huberman Lab Premium
    In the full 1.5 hour AMA episode, we discuss:

    What is your studying routine?

    What's the ideal amount of protein intake?

    Any tips to eliminate sugar cravings?

    What can we do when we wake up early in the morning before the sun is up and can’t benefit from direct sunlight exposure?

    Is it better to do shorter bouts of dynamic stretching more frequently throughout the day or longer bouts but multiple times per week?

    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac
    The Huberman Lab podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.

  • In this episode, I discuss the physiological effects that drinking alcohol has on the brain and body at different levels of consumption and over time. I also describe genetic differences that predispose certain individuals to alcoholism, binge and habit-drinking. I explain alcohol metabolism in simple terms and how it effectively acts as a poison, leading to cellular stress and damage. I then explain that it impacts neuronal function and changes our thinking and behavior – hallmarks of inebriation. I also discuss how alcohol consumption of different amounts impacts inflammation, stress, neurodegeneration, and cancer risk and negatively impacts the gut microbiome, brain thickness, hormone balance, mood and feelings of motivation. Additionally, I discuss the biology of hangovers and describe science-based strategies to mitigate the severity of a hangover. Since alcohol is one of the most widely consumed recreational substances, this episode ought to be of relevance to everyone. Indeed, even low-to-moderate alcohol consumption negatively impacts the brain and body in direct ways. The goal of this episode is to help people make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption that are in keeping with their mental and physical health goals. Access the full show notes for this episode at Ask Huberman Lab, our new AI-powered platform, for a summary, clips, and insights from this episode.Thank you to our sponsorsAG1 (Athletic Greens): Effects of Alcohol Consumption00:03:19 Low to Moderate Alcohol Consumption & Neurodegeneration00:06:14 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT00:10:46 Historical Context & Uses of Alcohol00:13:28 Alcohol Metabolism, “Empty Calories”00:18:23 Inebriation: Top-Down Inhibition, Impulsivity & Memory Formation00:24:23 Long-Lasting Effects & Impulsivity, Neuroplasticity & Reversibility00:27:55 Food & Alcohol Absorption00:30:07 Alcohol & Serotonin, SSRIs & Depression, Risk for Alcoholism, Blackouts00:37:39 Predisposition for Alcoholism; Chronic Consumption, Cortisol & Stress00:43:29 Sponsor: AG100:46:07 Genetic Predisposition for Alcoholism, Consuming Alcohol Too Young00:52:27 Gut-Liver-Brain Axis: Alcohol, Gut Microbiome, Inflammation & Leaky Gut00:59:46 Tool: Improving/Replenishing Gut Microbiome01:02:44 Reducing Alcohol Consumption & Stress01:04:25 Hangover: Alcohol & Sleep, Anxiety, Headache01:12:11 Hangover Recovery, Adrenaline & Deliberate Cold Exposure01:17:16 Hangover Recovery, Dehydration & Electrolytes01:20:45 Types of Alcohol & Hangover Severity, Congeners01:25:25 Alcohol Tolerance, Dopamine & Serotonin, Pleasure-Pain Balance01:33:36 Are There Any Positive Effects of Alcohol?, Resveratrol01:35:42 Alcohol & Brain Thickness01:37:11 Alcohol & Cancer Risk: DNA Methylation, Breast Cancer Risk01:44:31 Mitigating Cancer Risk, Folate, B Vitamins01:46:54 Alcohol & Pregnancy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome01:50:58 Hormones: Testosterone & Estrogen Balance01:55:09 Negative Effects of Alcohol Consumption01:58:35 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous Supplements, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Huberman Lab ClipsDisclaimer

  • I describe mechanisms by which deliberate cold exposure can enhance mental health, physical health, and performance. I detail specific protocols to safely engage in deliberate cold exposure, including minimal exposure times, time-of-day effects, determining optimal temperatures, recovery, mindset, and movement during cold exposure. I discuss how cold exposure can be used to safely stress the body to improve attention, mood, and cognitive focus and boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Also, I explain how cold exposure on specific regions of the body (called glabrous skin surfaces) can be leveraged to enhance endurance and weight training and increase work output.
    For the full show notes, visit
    Thank you to our sponsors
    AG1 (Athletic Greens):
    Supplements from Momentous
    (00:00:00) Deliberate Cold Exposure, Health Warning
    (00:04:23) Tool: Moderate Exercise & Cognitive Work
    (00:11:04) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT
    (00:15:37) Circadian Rhythm & Body Temperature
    (00:18:41) Tool: Quickly Decrease Core Body Temperature, Glabrous Skin
    (00:25:26) Mental Effects of Cold Exposure
    (00:29:02) Physical Effects of Cold Exposure
    (00:30:11) How Cold Should the Temperature Be?
    (00:34:53) Cold Showers vs. Cold Water Immersion
    (00:38:27) Protocols for Cold Exposure
    (00:50:57) Optimal Mindset(s) During Cold Exposure
    (00:55:26) Tool: Using Movement During Cold Exposure
    (00:57:51) Optimal Frequency of Cold Exposure
    (01:00:22) Cold Exposure for Dopamine, Mood & Focus
    (01:12:55) Cold Exposure & Metabolism, Brown Fat
    (01:25:55) Tool: Caffeine, Dopamine & Cold Exposure
    (01:29:14) Tools: Increasing Metabolism w/Cold – The Søberg Principle, Shivering
    (01:34:15) Norepinephrine & Fat Cells
    (01:36:22) Cold, Physical Performance, Inflammation
    (01:47:36) Hyperthermia & Glabrous Skin Cooling
    (01:53:27) Tool: Palmar Cooling & Endurance
    (02:03:18) Cold Exposure to Groin, Increasing Testosterone
    (02:07:50) Tool: Optimal Timing for Daily Cold Exposure
    (02:11:16) Neural Network Newsletter, Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify Reviews, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Supplements, Instagram, Twitter
    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

  • I explain how to blunt sugar cravings through fundamental knowledge of how sugar is sensed, metabolized, and utilized within the body. I explain how sugar is processed through the digestive tract and nervous system and how both the taste and nutritive components of sugar can lead to specific appetite changes and cravings. I discuss the connection between sugar, dopamine, and cravings and outline many tools to curb sugar cravings, specifically craving highly processed refined sugars.
    For the full show notes, visit
    Thank you to our sponsors
    AG1 (Athletic Greens):
    Supplements from Momentous
    (00:00:00) Sugar & Physiology
    (00:02:41) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT
    (00:07:40) Sugar & the Brain
    (00:10:06) Appetite & Hormones: Ghrelin & Insulin
    (00:14:17) Glucose & Brain Function
    (00:24:19) Glucose & Physical Activity
    (00:26:16) Fructose vs. Glucose
    (00:32:41) When to Eat High-Sugar Foods?
    (00:35:01) Sugar’s Taste vs. Nutritive Pathways, Sugar Cravings
    (00:41:46) Tool: Sugar & the Dopamine, Pleasure – Pain Dichotomy
    (00:48:43) Subconscious Sugar Circuits, Hidden Sugars in Food
    (00:58:03) Glucose Metabolism in the Brain
    (01:03:00) Tool: Glycemic Index, Blunting Sugar Cravings
    (01:12:08) Sugary Drinks, Highly Refined Sugars
    (01:14:33) Artificial Sweeteners
    (01:22:36) ADHD, Omega-3s
    (01:30:18) Tools: Reduce Sugar Cravings with EPA Omega-3s & Glutamine
    (01:35:15) Tool: Blunt Sugar Peaks & Craving with Lemon Juice
    (01:43:09) Tool: Reduce Sugar Cravings & Spikes with Cinnamon
    (01:45:10) Berberine, Sustained Low Blood Glucose Levels
    (01:51:24) Tool: Sleep & Sugar Cravings
    (01:56:33) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Instagram, Twitter, Supplements, Neural Network Newsletter
    Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

  • This episode serves as a sort of “Dopamine Masterclass”. I discuss the immensely powerful chemical that we all make in our brain and body: dopamine. I describe what it does and the neural circuits involved. I explain dopamine peaks and baselines, and the cell biology of dopamine depletion. I include 14 tools for how to control your dopamine release for sake of motivation, focus, avoiding and combating addiction and depression, and I explain why dopamine stacking with chemicals and behaviors inevitably leads to states of underwhelm and poor performance. I explain how to achieve sustained increases in baseline dopamine, compounds that injure and protect dopamine neurons including caffeine from specific sources. I describe non-prescription supplements for increasing dopamine—both their benefits and risks—and synergy of pro-dopamine supplements with those that increase acetylcholine. For the full show notes, visit you to our sponsorsAG1 (Athletic Greens): from Momentous Introduction & Tool 1 to Induce Lasting Dopamine(00:05:04) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT(00:09:10) Upcoming (Zero-Cost) Neuroplasticity Seminar for Educators(00:09:58) What Dopamine (Really) Does(00:15:30) Two Main Neural Circuits for Dopamine (00:18:14) How Dopamine Is Released: Locally and Broadly(00:22:03) Fast and Slow Effects of Dopamine(00:25:03) Dopamine Neurons Co-Release Glutamate(00:28:00) Your Dopamine History Really Matters (00:30:30) Parkinson’s & Drugs That Kill Dopamine Neurons. My Dopamine Experience (00:36:58) Tool 3 Controlling Dopamine Peaks & Baselines(00:40:06) Chocolate, Sex (Pursuit & Behavior), Nicotine, Cocaine, Amphetamine, Exercise(00:46:46) Tool 4 Caffeine Increases Dopamine Receptors(00:49:54) Pursuit, Excitement & Your “Dopamine Setpoint”(00:56:46) Your Pleasure-Pain Balance & Defining “Pain”(01:00:00) Addiction, Dopamine Depletion, & Replenishing Dopamine(01:07:50) Tool 5 Ensure Your Best (Healthy) Dopamine Release(01:15:28) Smart Phones: How They Alter Our Dopamine Circuits(01:19:45) Stimulants & Spiking Dopamine: Counterproductive for Work, Exercise & Attention(01:22:20) Caffeine Sources Matter: Yerba Mate & Dopamine Neuron Protection(01:24:20) Caffeine & Neurotoxicity of MDMA(01:26:15) Amphetamine, Cocaine & Detrimental Rewiring of Dopamine Circuits(01:27:57) Ritalin, Adderall, (Ar)Modafinil: ADHD versus non-Prescription Uses(01:28:45) Tool 6 Stimulating Long-Lasting Increases in Baseline Dopamine (01:37:55) Tool 7 Tuning Your Dopamine for Ongoing Motivation(01:47:40) Tool 8 Intermittent Fasting: Effects on Dopamine (01:53:09) Validation of Your Pre-Existing Beliefs Increases Dopamine(01:53:50) Tool 9 Quitting Sugar & Highly Palatable Foods: 48 Hours(01:55:36) Pornography(01:56:50) Wellbutrin & Depression & Anxiety(01:58:30) Tool 10 Mucuna Pruriens, Prolactin, Sperm, Crash Warning(02:01:45) Tool 11 L-Tyrosine: Dosages, Duration of Effects & Specificity(02:05:20) Tool 12 Avoiding Melatonin Supplementation, & Avoiding Light 10pm-4am(02:07:00) Tool 13 Phenylethylamine (with Alpha-GPC) For Dopamine Focus/Energy(02:08:20) Tool 14 Huperzine A(02:10:02) Social Connections, Oxytocin & Dopamine Release(02:12:20) Direct & Indirect Effects: e.g., Maca; Synthesis & Application(02:14:22) Zero-Cost & Other Ways To Support Podcast & ResearchTitle Card Photo Credit: Mike BlabacDisclaimer

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    Keith Flaherty is the director of clinical research at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and a previous guest on The Drive. In this episode, Keith first delves into the statistics on cancer's prevalence as we age, underscoring the significance of finding effective treatments and early detection methodologies. He touches on the history of cancer therapeutics and illuminates the notable enhancements in cancer therapy within the last decade that are setting the stage for a promising future. He goes into detail on the potential of immunotherapy and therapies that can combat cancer’s evasive tactics while explaining some of the existing challenges around specificity, cost, and scalability. Additionally, Keith highlights the significant leap in early detection methodologies, namely liquid biopsies, which have the potential not only to determine if a cancer is present in an early stage, but also identify the possible tissue of origin.

    We discuss:

    Keith’s interest and expertise in cancer [3:15]; Cancer deaths by decade of life, and how cancer compares to other top causes of death [7:00]; The relationship between hormones and cancer [12:00]; The link between obesity and cancer [18:45]; Current state of treatments for metastatic cancer and reasons for the lack of progress over the decades [22:30]; The interplay between the immune system and cancer cells [32:00]; Different ways cancer can suppress the immune response, and how immunotherapy can combat cancer’s evasive tactics [39:30]; Elimination of a substantial portion of cancers through immune cell engineering faces challenges of specificity, cost, and scalability [52:15]; Why TIL therapy isn’t always effective, and the necessity for multimodal therapy to address various aspects of the cancer microenvironment [1:01:00]; Potential developments in cancer therapy over the next five years: T-cell activation, metabolic interventions, targeting tumor microenvironments, and more [1:06:30]; The challenge of treating metastatic cancer underscores the importance of early detection to improve survivability [1:19:15]; Liquid biopsies for early detection of cancer and determining the possible tissue of origin [1:24:45]; Commercially available cancer screening tests [1:33:45]; How to address the disparity in cancer care, and the exciting pace of progress for cancer detection and treatment [1:40:15]; and More.

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    Oliver Burkeman is the author of The New York Times best-seller Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. In this episode, Oliver delves into the pervasive idea that time can be mastered, exploring whether maximizing productivity is an attainable goal or a perpetual trap. He discusses the allure of attempting to control time—and, therefore, the future—and shares his personal journey of experimenting with diverse time management techniques that failed to deliver the emotional satisfaction he sought. Ultimately, they explore the mismatch between being a finite human and existing in a world of infinite possibilities and how all of these concepts intertwine with finding a sense of purpose and meaning. Additionally, Oliver shares insights from his book on productivity, using our time wisely, and embracing our finitude to live a more fulfilling life.

    We discuss:

    Oliver’s experience that led him to write the book Four Thousand Weeks [3:15]; Human’s relationship with time and the struggle with the finite nature of time [7:15]; How productivity can be a trap [11:00]; The fallacy that being more efficient will open up more time and bring a feeling of control [16:45]; The paradoxical nature of trying too hard to be present in the current moment [22:45]; The value of relationships in meaningful experiences and fulfillment, and how time gets its value from being shared [26:45]; The importance of time synchronicity [36:00]; Identifying your biggest priorities and the paradox of wanting to do more than you have time for [41:00]; Oliver’s moment of clarity in 2014 [47:15]; The role of a sense of purpose in fulfillment [50:15]; Reconciling the finite nature of time and letting go of trying to master your time [59:00]; Why we tend to have a future-focused attitude and how to combat that with atelic activities [1:05:45]; The power of shifting your perspective about time and your experiences [1:12:45]; How to operationalize the three principles for the dilemma of finite time [1:20:15]; Harnessing the power of patience in the face of a problem or experience [1:28:00]; The value of incrementalism for being productive [1:34:15]; Embracing your finitude with curiosity [1:38:00]; Acting on an idea in the moment rather than letting the idea be the obstacle [1:41:15]; and More.

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    Adam Cohen is an orthopedic surgeon with expertise in sports medicine. In this episode, Adam breaks down the anatomy of the lower extremities: the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. He explains in detail the common injuries, sources of pain, and what leads to the development of arthritis. He lays out the non-surgical and surgical treatment options as well as the factors that determine whether surgery is appropriate. The discussion includes various procedures like hip replacement, knee replacement, ACL reconstruction, repair of meniscus tears, and more. Additionally, Adam sheds light on the utility of biological therapies like stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and how they compare to more traditional approaches.

    We discuss:

    Anatomy of the hip, hip dysplasia in infants, and the development of arthritis [3:00]; Diagnosing hip pain in people under 50, stress fractures in the femoral neck, and more [11:15]; Common hip injuries, gender differences, and problems that occur when the hip isn’t formed normally [19:30]; Advancements in hip replacement surgery [25:15]; Common hip problems in people over age 60 [27:30]; The importance of muscular strength around the hips for injury prevention [30:30]; Hip fractures due to osteopenia and osteoporosis [36:00]; The utility of biological therapies like stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [40:30]; Cortisone as a treatment to delay the need for surgical intervention [53:30]; Anatomy of the knee [56:30]; Are activities like running that amplify forces bad for the knee? [59:45]; Risk of future knee issues and arthritis following an ACL tear or other substantial knee injury [1:04:30]; How the ACL injury happens and how it is repaired [1:08:30]; Arthritis of the knee [1:19:00]; Meniscus tears: how they happen and when surgery is appropriate [1:21:30]; Total knee replacement: when it’s appropriate and how the recovery process compares to hip replacement [1:30:30]; Learning from elite athletes, heart rate recovery, V02 max, and other metrics [1:58:45]; Surgical vs. non-surgical approaches to various knee injuries [1:40:45]; Achilles tendon: tendinitis, rupture of the Achilles tendon, and prevention strategies [1:44:15]; Anatomy of the ankle and foot [1:49:00]; Common injuries to the ankle and foot [1:51:15]; Tips for finding a good orthopedic surgeon [2:01:45]; and More.

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