
  • In this episode I talk about:

    I’m really enjoying networking and salesI love a blank canvas but that’s rarely possible (merging businesses)Kit.com is a great idea I’m going to adoptStarting to look for another engineerI need to look after me.

    Check out my VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bxXnCfWxEByrKgDwnzs8w?sub_confirmation=1

    Brian founded and runs MiniCorp — https://minicorp.ie/. A concept, design, and development digital product agency who moves fast to validate, design and launch new products. They love moving fast and shipping exceptional products, listening to market feedback and iterating quickly.

    Find Brian here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/bkenny Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkenny3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkenny/

  • In this episode I talk about:

    One day of bad eating has led to a lot of dominoes falling.Helping others on their journey is super rewarding.Macro decisions, micro fires.I’m either all in or nothing at all.

    Check out my VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bxXnCfWxEByrKgDwnzs8w?sub_confirmation=1

    Brian founded and runs MiniCorp — https://minicorp.ie/. A concept, design, and development digital product agency who moves fast to validate, design and launch new products. They love moving fast and shipping exceptional products, listening to market feedback and iterating quickly.

    Find Brian here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/bkenny Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkenny3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkenny/

  • In this episode I talk about:

    My body makes up reasons to fail and to succeed which are really conflicting.My new content is driving a lot of business towards MiniCorpFailing is a part of life like learning to walk, riding a bike or building a business.Make sure you’re at the right parties.

    Check out my VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bxXnCfWxEByrKgDwnzs8w?sub_confirmation=1

    Brian founded and runs MiniCorp — https://minicorp.ie/. A concept, design, and development digital product agency who moves fast to validate, design and launch new products. They love moving fast and shipping exceptional products, listening to market feedback and iterating quickly.

    Find Brian here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/bkenny Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkenny3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkenny/

  • In this episode I talk about:

    Hard work has gotten me to where I amBe confident in yourself and ability, people can tellTaking risks. Challenge yourself daily -You have to celebrate the small wins. It’s a journey.

    Check out my VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bxXnCfWxEByrKgDwnzs8w

    Brian founded and runs MiniCorp — https://minicorp.ie/. A concept, design and development digital product agency who moves fast to validate, design and launch new products. They love moving fast and shipping exceptional products, listening to market feedback and iterating quickly.

    Find Brian here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/bkenny Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkenny3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkenny/

  • In this episode I talk about:

    Creating a storyboard or planning content makes it betterTrying to talk to more people. To be more outward and sharingWhen I meet people, I try to figure out what their priorities are.I need to stop caring about what people think and just be myself.

    Checkout my VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bxXnCfWxEByrKgDwnzs8w

    Brian founded and runs MiniCorp — https://minicorp.ie/. A concept, design and development digital product agency who moves fast to validate, design and launch new products. They love moving fast and shipping exceptional products, listening to market feedback and iterating quickly.

    Find Brian here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/bkenny Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkenny3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkenny/

  • Often as entrepreneurs, we envision success as owning more objects, like a fancy watch, a big house, or a fast car. But what if there were a more authentic, more enriching version of success? One that involves less?
    That's the question that Joshua Fields Millburn seeks to answer, as one half of the duo who call themselves The Minimalists. Millburn and partner Ryan Nicodemus have built an entire brand around how to live a better life by having less.
    Millburn runs a website with an annual audience of more than 4 million readers, hosts one of the most listened to podcasts in the world, has published multiple best-selling books, and has even produced and filmed a critically acclaimed documentary. In this episode of the podcast, Millburn gives us the crash course on redefining success, and otherwise decluttering and streamlining your life.
    Millburn first adopted the minimalist lifestyle after spending years climbing the corporate ladder. By the time he was in his late 20s, he realized he wasn't happy, despite having everything that he thought he wanted.
    "I always felt I was one promotion away in my career from being happy. But of course, I had all these other things that came with that ostensible success like stress, and anxiety, and discontent, and overwhelm, and of course a boatload of debt," Millburn says.
    He says that too many entrepreneurs get caught up in the idea of constantly wanting to achieve the next goal, and the one after that, and so on so forth. But rarely do they ever take a moment to think about why they're working so hard, and to what end.
    According to Millburn, the key to achieving happiness is to pursue meaning over anything else. And to do that you must first ask yourself, "How can my life be better with less?"
    In this episode you'll learn:

    What the minimalist lifestyle is and how to start living it today

    The key to finding things that give value to your life

    Balancing the hunger entrepreneurs have with the minimalist lifestyle

    What it means to give yourself permission to be happy

    & so much more!

  • Welcome to the final installment of our three-part podcast series that’s shining the spotlight on successful entrepreneurs who hail right from our very own Foundr community! These passionate people are in the trenches daily doing what it takes to make their startup dreams a reality.
    If you haven’t listened to parts one and two, featuring Gamal Codner and Shannon Willougby, you can check them out right here and here.
    Today, we talk with Brandon Monaghan and Justin Kemperman, superstar entrepreneurs (one hasn’t graduated high school yet!) who developed a stellar brand and scaled their ecommerce business to half a million in sales in just 10 short weeks.
    After joining our Start & Scale ecommerce course, they realized they didn’t need to reinvent the wheel to make money in ecommerce. They just needed to improve upon an existing product and build a powerful brand around it.
    And, that’s exactly what they did. Their company, The Urban Lash, scaled so quickly that they didn’t have enough inventory to supply orders. They kept on growing, and Brandon and Justin recently sold their business for a nice profit and are ready to start the process all over again.
    In this power-packed interview, we go behind the scenes with Justin and Brandon and learn exactly how they scaled their business so quickly, what principles guided their growth, and what they have planned for the future. We are extremely proud of these guys and how rapidly they grew their ecommerce business. Way to go!
    Key Takeaways:

    The steps they took to rebrand an existing product and blow it up to $500k in sales

    The two strategies that created so much growth in such a short time

    The advertising strategy that allowed them to scale week after week and remain profitable

    The influencer marketing tactics they used to catapult their brand