the University of California Podcasts
What is a meme and how can it become a business model? Liz Hagelthorn is one of the world's leading experts when it comes to viral social media growth and the monetization of memes. But she also has a long - and personal - relationship with social media in general, and in this episode we travel all the way from Myspace to TikTok to try and conclude what makes us react and engage online. Heja Framtiden met her at Gather Conference 2022 in Fållan at the meat packing district of Stockholm. // Podcast host: Christian von Essen // Check out our other English episodes at
Official bio: Liz Hagelthorn is a social-first storyteller and meme-maker with a diverse background in meme culture, technology, and organic virality. Liz is best known for leading creative for the largest pseudonymous meme network on Instagram, overseeing creative strategy across 127 accounts with 300M followers and reaching 1.2B people per month. Most notably, Liz was the face and creator behind the @girl account. She led the network’s acquisition in under two years.
Liz has held positions at Google and Twitter, and works with high-profile startups and celebrities to develop viral organic growth strategies.Liz graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Berkeley. Follow her on Twitter @lizhagelthorn or listen to her podcast “Girl Gone Viral” at She recently wrote a piece about ownership on the internet, you can read it here.
Under ett lantligt möte får vi lära känna Britt-Marie Ljung, professor Emerita at the University of California i San Francisco (UCSF), inom patologi, cytopatologi, fine needle aspiration. I början av programmet hon berättar hon frikostigt om hur hon hamnade i USA och sin väg genom yrkeslivet till att arbeta med provtagning av cancerknölar och utbildning av nya läkare samt om alla sina fritidsintressen. Vi får sedan veta mer om hur biopsier går till, om nålar och analyser av tumörer, vad läkare övar på och hur proverna hanteras. Hur tar man ut ett prov från en cancerknöl? Kan cancern sprida sig under provtagningen? Och hur många sekunder fritt fall är egentligen Britt-Marie uppe i?
Britt-Marie har tagit fram och medverkat i filmer om biopsier i utbildningssyfte. För att titta på Britt-Maries filmer om provtagning följ länkarna:
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