Are you feeling lonely or struggling to make friends? You're not alone. In 'Friendless,' host James Avramenko explores the ups and downs of friendship, the challenges of making new connections, and the impact of social isolation on our mental health. Each episode, James talks to people from all walks of life who have experienced friendship struggles and share their stories of triumph and perseverance. From overcoming shyness to navigating social anxiety, 'Friendless' offers practical tips and empathetic advice to help you build meaningful connections and find your community. Join James as he explores the complex world of human connection and the power of friendship.
Crazy Canuck Dave brings on unique guests who don't give up on life. Whether it is overcoming cancer, life altering injuries or just simply being the best person they can be by learning every day. Our goal is for listeners to feel refreshed and energized. Think of us as a good time sitting around with your friends in a social setting.Read, share and let us know if you have some good stories to tell.
Il s’agit d’un nouveau podcast qui traite de la proche aidance.
Animé par Marina Orsini, ce projet se veut une fenêtre par laquelle on peut jeter un regard sur la réalité des proches aidants du Québec.
Le but? Vous partager des histoires qui résonnent. À travers les prochaines semaines, on vous propose d’explorer plusieurs thématiques universelles de la proche aidance en compagnie des proches aidants eux-mêmes et des experts du milieu.
Ce balado est une production de l’Appui pour les proches aidants, un organisme qui vise à améliorer la qualité de vie des proches aidants du Québec et à faire connaître leur rôle dans toute sa diversité. -
“Finders Grievers” is a podcast about grief, discussing the people we have lost, and the lessons we have picked up along the way. It’s an attempt to unpack the universally felt - rarely discussed - experience of grieving. Each week, host Shohana Sharmin will be sitting down with a guest - writers, comedians, artists - to discuss love, loss, and everything in between. Sometimes they’ll laugh, sometimes they’ll cry a little bit. Both are allowed. Being a full human experiencing the full range of human emotions? Very much allowed here.
Bienvenue sur le podcast Parlons-en autrement. Un endroit où l'on a des conversations stimulantes, inspirantes, mais surtout décomplexantes. Dans ce podcast, tu trouveras des trucs concrets, des pistes de réflexions, des témoignages vrais ainsi que des entrevues éclairantes. Je suis Charlie-Maud, travailleuse sociale dans le domaine de la santé mentale et fondatrice de Autrement, clinique psychosociale. Au fil des semaines, je t'accompagne dans une ambiance décontractée parce que ça peut être le fun de parler de santé mentale !
We have depression. Now what? We share vulnerable stories of how we manage anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder while figuring out the not-so-glamours parts of adulting, relationships, and our Asian-Canadian identities. Come join us as we share tools and personal experiences of how to normalize your mental health and well-being. New episodes every other Sunday! Winner of Best Wellness Podcast 2020 at Asian Podcast Awards. **Content Warning: depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, violence, sex, racism, and death**⠀
Le podcast dans lequel on discute de tous les sujets, sans tabou, entre mère et fille! Disponible sur YouTube, Spotify et Apple Podcasts🎙️ Un nouvel épisode chaque mercredi!
Abonne-toi dès maintenant à notre chaîne YouTube pour ne rien manquer!
• Animé par : Audrey Blanchet et Sonia Quintin
• Podcast présenté par : Houston Dix30 & Miss Sonia Fit
• Production : Steve Daniel & Pavel Morillo - Archetype Studio
• Pour les collaborations et partenariats :
• Pour nous suivre : -
Papa Tango Sierra Delta is the phonetic spelling of PTSD. This psychiatric injury, which may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events or set of circumstances, is up to five (5) times more common in first responders. Due to fears of stigmas, stereotypes, negative repercussions at the workplace, inclusive of being discharged, and a plethora of other reasons, many feel alone and acutely uncomfortable about speaking out; this has led to a suicide epidemic. The Papa Tango Sierra Delta podcast journals the journey, thoughts & experiences of an active, senior police officer who has been diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), as well as the stories shared by fellow struggling members of the military, police, fire, EMS, dispatch, corrections, nursing, search & rescue, and other law enforcement, public safety & healthcare professionals.
Mental Health // Demystified, with psychiatrist Tracey Marks, MD aims to educate audiences on mental health issues and self improvement. Dr. Marks believes mental health doesn't have to be a mystery and offers easy to understand, and practical education on topics like bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, women's mental health issues, narcissism and other personality disorders, ADHD, schizophrenia and more.
Après avoir accompagné son père, Roger, à travers la maladie d’Alzheimer, et en avoir témoigné dans le balado Devenir Margot, Marika décide de plonger de l’autre côté du miroir et d’aller vivre trois semaines dans une résidence pour personnes atteintes d’Alzheimer pas comme les autres : la Maison Carpe Diem à Trois-Rivières. Réfléchissant au regard qu’on pose sur la maladie, à notre rapport à la vieillesse et à la fragilité et aux conditions de vie qu’on offre aux personnes vivant avec des pertes cognitives, Marika espère trouver des réponses à la question qui l’obsède : « Est-ce qu’on peut faire mieux ? » Après être devenue Margot, Marika tentera de… Devenir Roger.
Devenir Roger
Une production de Babel films
En collaboration avec Télé-Québec
Scénarisation et réalisation: Marika Lhoumeau
Conception sonore: Benoit Dame
Un immense merci aux résidents et au personnel de la Maison Carpe Diem pour leur accueil chaleureux et leur précieuse collaboration -
Thirty, flirty and thriving?The extent to which women openly celebrate the revelatory clarity of their thirties has cemented it as a bonafide cultural stereotype, ripe for both sweeping generalizations and confirmation bias. As I am well settled in the decade myself, I can’t help being curious about whether or not it actually lives up to its reputation.Join FunctionalSelf, for weekly raw conversations with likeminded people, scientifically based tips and beyond. Where I explore why being 30 is seen as the golden decade in many cultures. Tune in every Wedsnesday for new episode, starting from 26th of August to your new favorite Podcast on how to survive your Thirties!And remember; just ‘cos something glitters (or glisters) doesn’t mean it’s made of gold. xo G.
Imagine a world where your deepest scars unlock the most extraordinary chapters of your life. Welcome to Invisible Scars, a podcast that explores this possibility with host Jessalynn Biederstadt. As a survivor of childhood sexual assault, Jessalynn has discovered that our scars are not merely symbolic of our past but can serve as beacons guiding us toward a promising future. Each week, you'll hear candid conversations with clinicians, alternative healing experts, trauma specialists, and individuals who have found profound beauty and strength on the other side of adversity. This podcast is a safe space to heal and celebrate resilience, offering inspiration, practical insights, and hope for anyone out there who needs it. Tune in to see how the next chapter of your life could indeed be the most beautiful yet.
Patrick Marsolais part à la rencontre de personnalités qui ont su rebondir à la suite de situations difficiles. Ces entretiens, loin de l’apitoiement, mettent en lumière l’expérience humaine vécue et les leçons acquises. Relève-Toi est l’occasion de mettre en commun des bagages de vie pouvant être utiles à tout le monde et de démontrer que peu importe qui on est, ce qu'on fait, peut-être qu'un jour, on devra apprendre à se relever.
What is Narcissism? What is Narcissistic abuse? What is the big deal? Let me share with you my story, and why growing up with a narcissistic parent is so detrimental to one’s mental health and join me on this journey to healing. It is not easy and I am not there yet.
Disclaimer— I am not a therapist, so this content shouldn’t be used in case of much needed therapy.
#NarcissisticAbuse #NarcissisticParent #MentalHealth #Healing #PTSD #CPTSD #Trauma #Anxiety #Depression #Wellness #BibleBased #Christian #Journal #Personal #DiscoveringSelf -
We’re not in a mental health crisis—we’re in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. Unlonely is a show hosted by psychologist and renowned speaker Dr. Jody Carrington, where she strives to reconnect humanity, one story and one strategy at a time.
With a mix of expert insights and real, unfiltered stories, Dr. Carrington and her guests break down how loneliness has shaped our world and what we can do to change it. Featuring thought leaders in health, relationships, and technology, as well as raw conversations that remind us how deeply interconnected we all are, Unlonely is a journey toward healing.
In a time when we’ve never been more "connected" yet felt so alone, this show is dedicated to exploring the roots of our disconnection and offering tangible strategies to build connection. Because we were never meant to do this alone—and understanding what it takes to become truly “unlonely” could be the most urgent answer of our time.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.