
  • Just because they wear a white coat doesn't mean you should ignore your gut instincts. Today I had the opportunity of chatting with my dear friend Tyler French about his recent near death experience. After becoming delusional and gaining 100 pounds in 6 weeks, Tyler found himself in the ICU in a medically induced coma. My hope is this story encourages you to fight for what you know is right for you and your health. In a world that encourages pill popping instead of root cause discovery we must advocate for ourselves before it's too late.

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  • The ego's needs are endless. Basic dysfunction is a life where you constantly defend your problems because they have been your safety net your whole life. Isn't it scary to think about operating without problems, drama, or identification with your ego? We often become obsessed with our possessions, the work we do, our social status, physical appearance, and external recognition because without these things who are we? Today I want to talk about moving deeply into the NOW and disconnecting from our false sense of ego because the second you say yes to NOW, life starts working for you.

    References: Eckhart Tolle

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  • How many times do you wake up in a "bad" mood? Maybe you are constantly wishing you could sleep longer, or your job didn't suck so much, or that your relationship wasn't in shambles. We are all here on this beautiful earth for a brief time, doing our best to live out the ultimate human experience. What that looks like for you is a direct reflection of your emotions. Your repeated emotions become who you are. Your body becomes addicted to the emotions, whether they serve you positively or not. The truth is that emotions are meant to move through you, not be memorized. So instead of living your "bad" mood repeatedly, try lowering the volume of the emotions that do not serve you. Ask yourself, what went well the previous day? What positive intentions can I set to become who I am meant to be? I'm not asking you to empty your mind of negativity; I'm asking you to see your thoughts as passing notes without getting caught up in them. Trade your emotion for an elevated emotion today!

    References: Dr Ameet Aggarwal ND

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/
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  • If you love what you do, you'll never have a job! Dr. Sammie is an Arizona ND who I discovered on social media. Her energy, content, and mindset intrigued me to reach out and learn more about what makes her the beautiful person she is. Today, we deep dive into ND mentorship, medical school highs and lows, and most importantly, the path of becoming an entrepreneur. Dr. Sammie specializes in women's health and fertility. "Put simply, they are passions of mine; both are complex, and I can treat them separately or together. I have had my own women’s health issues, and I know how frustrating it can be to either be told there is nothing wrong or to simply be given a birth control pill to put a band-aid on the issue. In addition, it brings me so much joy and happiness to help families have healthy babies." - Dr. Sammie.

    Click here to --> Connect with Dr. Sammie

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place? I never understood that saying, but it can completely paralyze you when you think about making the wrong choice. For me, I become fearful of decision fatigue; at the same time, I fear being impulsive. So, how do we tackle decisions head-on and trust ourselves enough to make them confidently? Today, we deep dive into your intention, attention, and attitude towards making decisions. Life continues to offer us chances to practice inner listening while growing our wisdom through life's challenges. If we build a trustworthy path aligning our emotional intuition with cognitive intelligence, there are infinite possibilities for transformation awaiting us.

    References: Shauna Shapiro

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Do you ever feel something that you don't want to feel? Maybe it's a tightness in your chest, a sinking feeling in your stomach, or a sharp pain between your shoulder blades. Often, we ignore what is uncomfortable in search of something more pleasant. In doing so, we find that these not-so-sought-after feelings continually resurface until we get to the root cause of why they are within us. We often label feelings as distractions, but what if we shift our thinking to feelings as internal messengers signaling the alarm that something is off balance? Externally, it's like stepping on a nail and instead of pulling it out of the sole of our foot we continually walk on it and wonder why the pain continues to worsen. It seems simple and silly yet we are all guilty of it. Today we deep dive into where you are feeling your feelings, what those sensations mean and how to release those emotions.

    References: Jim Dethmer

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Has anyone ever told you that you look younger than you are? It feels good, right? Like okay, this MUST mean I am aging gracefully. Maybe fewer fine lines, tighter glutes, thicker hair, whatever it is, I am feeling FABULOUS about looking younger. That aside, I have always wondered what age I was at at the cellular level. Your rate of aging is a measurement of how fast you age. It calculates how much you age biologically for each chronological year. The lower the value, the better. An average rate of aging would be a rate of one biological year for every chronological year you aged. If your rate of aging is lower than 1, you age slower than average. Today, we deep dive into my biological age, rate of aging, and telomere length. If I am being honest, I was disappointed and shocked but certainly not defeated when I received these results back. There are always ways to improve the quality of who you are from the inside out.

    Novos Age Test
    WildCraft Charleston Magnesium

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Friendship is a verb; you have to make it happen. I went through a lot of my life thinking I could do this alone. A few years ago, when I turned 30, I realized I was entirely wrong, and I needed genuine connections in my life. Kate and I met on our first day of school at Sonoran University. The energy she radiated was palpable, and immediately, I knew this was a lifelong friendship in the making. Today, we deep dive into all things LIFE. As young adults, we are just trying to figure it out. Whether it be love, relationships, finances, or mental health, we lay it out there on today's episode in hopes of connecting with each one of you on this beautiful journey WE GET TO be on together. We have yet to figure it all out, but talking out loud with a new bestie is my idea of therapy!

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • I know a little bit about a lot, but I know nothing about being a first-time mama! Today, I have my dear friend and former client, Jenna McCoy here to talk to you about getting pregnant, unplanned c-sections, training, nutrition, and ALL the life changes that come with becoming a mom. Jenna's positive outlook on life, eagerness to remain in the present moment, and her go-with-the-flow attitude are surely contagious. As life offers us opportunities to grow and pivot, it's vital to surround ourselves with uplifting people who nurture, love, and support us fully along the way.

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    Meditation App: Insight Timer
    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • The truth is, landlords grow rich in their sleep. My big take away, YOUR TEAM MATTERS because building relationships are key to your success as a real estate inventor. The importance of finding a mentor, an attorney, an accountant, and an institution for financing are all pivotal in this process. From cash flow, to purchase price, to tenant disputes, Tyler covers it all on today's episode. The best part? Even if you know NOTHING about investing, this information is digestible and there are actionable items you can apply today to help you start and/or further your investing goals! Grab a pen, paper and cup of coffee because this information is priceless.

    Email Tyler Young: [email protected]
    Book Recommendation For Investors: Investing in Real Estate with No Money Down

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • We worry that if we let all of our colors blaze brightly, we’ll be perceived as being “too much.” About 6 weeks ago, I booked a last-minute trip to Ireland before beginning naturopathic school. It seemed like a less-than-ideal time as I was in the middle of a move from California to Arizona, but after meditating on it, I knew it was for me. Ireland was not a place on my list of places to visit, but if I've learned anything about self-awareness and the higher power, it's that there is always a plan much bigger than what I had imagined. Today, we talk about moving away from people who don't make you feel good, moving towards those who light your soul on fire, and diving deep into why you are making excuses for people with the "potential" to be amazing. Ireland cleansed my soul, brought me back to life, relished the fire within me, and revealed that I should never dull my shine for anyone else. I hope you can apply something from today's episode to your daily life to make it more joyful and light.


  • What You Need To Know About Age + Fertility. Blissfully in love, thriving in pursuit of becoming a naturopathic doctor and healthy on a cellular level. Yet here we are, having tough conversations about starting a family. Let me tell you friends, those beautiful gifts you prayed for; chances are, you're living them out in this very moment and missing every single one. We often build our lives around "someday," which leads to a town called "nowhere." Today, I share with you another appointment of tears, confusion, and prayers on what to do next. Often, we shut down and isolate ourselves when life gets tough, but I am choosing to do the opposite. I seek to remain open, vulnerable, and honest about what my critical levels mean for me and my future family. I love you, thanks for sticking with me. Please know you are NOT ALONE in anything you are going through.

    References: Dr Natalie Crawford

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/

    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS
    Vivo Barefoot 10% Discount: Vivo Barefoot Code VIVOPRO10


  • If you've been here for a while, you know that my health has been anything but ideal the past few years. But, like I always say, the numbers are constantly happening FOR me, not TO me. That said, I have been feeling great recently and wanted to get a new baseline done since my original labs were drawn back in 2021. High levels of E. coli, h pylori, staph, strep, no testosterone and gluten intolerance have me curious about what AMAZING actually feels like! Today, we deep dive into all the recent tests I had done because I truly believe to be your best self, you must Test NOT Guess!

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/ Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • "Why do people always seem to have room for dessert? For many of us the following situation is all too familiar: you just finished your meal and feel full, but as soon as dessert arrives, you cannot resist eating it. Why?" Two reasons: a mechanism called ‘sensory satiation’ – getting bored with the same flavor – and the related ‘variety effect’ – a bigger appetite with a wider variety of foods. Today, we deep dive into your dessert stomach, how to bring conscious awareness to these pleasurable feelings, and how this may sabotage your health and wellness goals!

    Hendriks, A. E. M. (2022). Room for dessert! A series of studies on sensory satiation and food variety. [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University]. Ridderprint. https://doi.org/10.26481/dis.20220422ah

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • The episode you didn't know you needed! Tyler Young is a dynamic blend of healthcare professional and culinary enthusiast. By day, he's a dedicated doctor of physical therapy, and by night, a foodie who revels in the unconventional. Beyond his medical career, Tyler is a successful entrepreneur, owning five businesses. His mission is to inspire others to lead fulfilling lives, emphasizing the importance of living freely and not taking life too seriously. Join Tyler as he explores the intersections of health, business, and the joy of culinary adventures, all while empowering those in his presence to embrace their full potential.

    Website: www.silkutica.com

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/

    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS
    Vivo Barefoot 10% Discount: Vivo Barefoot Code VIVOPRO10


  • According to Dr. Whitbourne, the age that really matters is your answer to this very question: HOW OLD DO YOU FEEL? "What if, for a moment, you forgot what the calendar said and even forgot what your functional age is? The age you feel may very well be the most critical factor determining your health, happiness, and longevity. Research has shown that people who are happiest and best adjusted in their middle and later years are the ones who don't focus on their limitations, worry about their memories, or become preoccupied with whether others view them as old. Being able to subtract a few years from this subjective age, or age that you feel, may actually buy you a few more objective years of healthy and productive life."

    References: Susan Whitbourne PhD

    NOVOS Age

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • We add stress to our mornings in our fight against the alarm clock. To be honest, I can remember maybe three times in my life that I pushed snooze on my alarm. I guess I don't understand its purpose. If I wanted to wake up at a different time, why wouldn't I just set my alarm for that time instead of an earlier one to tap an "oh shit, don't sleep too long" button to start my day? Okay, so maybe I am the happiest morning person you will ever meet, but can I offer you the idea that, just maybe, how you start your day is how your day will go? Snoozing your alarm, is you, snoozing on your life! Lack of purpose, discipline, and love for waking up to a new day. This tiny habit of yours is anything but innocent. It trickles into every hour going forward throughout the day. Not only are you groggy and unpleasant to be around, but it impairs your memory and cognitive ability. Today, we talk about why you are snoozing on your life, prolonged sleep inertia, and the shifts you can make in your life to ease the dread of simply waking up.

    References: Sleep Foundation

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Ally and I just get each other! On every level, we share an intense energy and love of life that brings an insurmountable joy to my heart. Knowing each other for less than a year, we have this thing where we stare deeply into each other's eyes, and the exam answers just appear. We appreciate wholesome, organic food from our beautiful mother Earth, even if it means breaking the bank, and on the toughest days, we bring our own emotional stamina to the lecture hall. Ally graduated in 2023 from UC Riverside with a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience, where she was a Division 1 softball athlete with the goal of becoming a Naturopathic doctor. Ally began her healing journey at age 15, and today, she spills the tea. We talk about all things, including diet, lifestyle, dating, friendships, and so much more. The truth is, we have to make a conscious choice to surround ourselves with people who bring joy and growth into our lives and are secure enough in themselves to be real and solid whether you're shining or struggling.

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • Your hormones are a beautiful symphony working together endlessly to balance your mood, memory, menstrual cycle, and overall health. Unfortunately, most of us take this intricate symphony for granted until someone decides not to do their job, ruining the entire performance. So let me ask you this: have you ever had a low mood, no energy to do anything, heavy menstrual cycles, low sex drive, hair loss, uncontrollable acne, or undesired weight gain? Chances are 99.9% of you answered yes to one of these which I don't love for you, BUT you are in the right place. Today, we are going to dive deep into the top hormone imbalances, the causes of the chaos, and the principles of hormone balancing. Most importantly, though, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and you deserve to feel fabulous again!

    References: Sara Gottfried

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS


  • "Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously." -Prentis Hemphill. Are you a yes-to-everything kind of person? Do you find yourself agreeing to things that you know do not align with your values, but they make other people happy? Is it challenging for you to say no or to define what's okay versus what's NOT okay? I WAS THIS WOMAN! YES to 1000 extra ultrasound on-call shifts, YES to 20 new personal training clients, YES to the brunch with superficial people that didn't align with my values, YES to the whole day at the amusement park when I hated rides, you get the point. I was exhausted, burnt out, and resentful. I found myself when I discovered boundaries. Today, I want to share with you my experience of finding myself in hopes of opening doors for one of you to realign with you. Knowing what is okay and what is not okay when it comes to how you spend your time, who to spend it with, and when just to start over.

    References: Brene Brown

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    Connect With Me: https://shaunadittl.com/ and https://sculptedx3.co/
    Organifi 20% Discount: https://glnk.io/y7z/shauna2 Code: SSQUATS
