
  • TWiV reviews a facility accident that killed monkeys, new bird blu genotype found in Nevada dairy cattle, Argentina plans to leave WHO, yellow fever on the rise, dynamics of HPV infections in women, and Epstein-Barr virus protein targets B cell receptor for degradation.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Angela Mingarelli

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 Accident kills monkeys at SC research supply facility (Science) D1.1 Genotype in Dairy Cattle in Nevada (APHIS) Argentina to leave WHO (CIDRAP) Yellow fever on the rise (CIDRAP) HPV dynamics in women (PLoS Biol) EBV protein degrades B cell receptor (PNAS) Letters read on TWiV 1193 Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Angela – Mitochondrial swap from cancer to immune cells thwarts anti-tumour defences (one, two)
    Alan – A little adventure game
    Vincent – The Staggering Success of Vaccines

    Listener Picks

    John – Percy Lavon Julian
    Debi – Don’t Look Up

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and Vincent Racaniello discuss confirmation of Robert F Kennedy as HHS sectary, mpox, Ebola, how the American people support vaccine development and administration, the measles outbreak in the US-Texas, Georgia and influenza: the number of human infections, high avian flu in mammals, house cats and dairy cows before Dr. Griffin reviews recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, an update of Paxlovid administration provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, where to go for answers to your long COVID questions, how long COVID varies between children and adults and if viral infection reduces telomere length in sperm.

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    Links for this episode Confirmation of RFK, Jr as HHS sect (NY Times) Did you know mpox in NY?….(Reuters) Mpox in sex workers in the Congo and in NY (CIDRAP) 9 confirmed, 265 suspected Ebola cases in Uganda (AP news) WHAT!? Support vaccines: availability and development. WHAT? (Businesswire) Measles rising in the unvaccinated. You mean the vaccines does something positive? (ABC News) Measles in Texas….go big or go home (Texas Health and Human Services) Vaccination Conscientious exemptions in Texas (Texas Health and Human Services) 2, 6, 14 measles hospitalizations in Texas (CNN) Decreases in childhood vaccinations SchoolVaxView(CDC) 2 when 24 cases of measles in two weeks (Texas Health and Human Services) Measles in small town Texas (NY Times) Measles in the US Texas, Georgia, Rhode Island, New York, New Mexico: Elimination of measles (JID) Influenza taxonomy (NCBI) H5N9 in commercial duck farm, California (American Animal Hospital Association) Second type of bird flu circulating in ducks (Scientific Amercia) Variant H1N2 flu in Iowa (CIDRAP) All types of influenza (CDC Influenza) Bird flu in the zoos: Bronx and Queens (Gothamist) High path avian influenza in mammals (USDA: Animal and plant health inspection service) Bird flu in house cats…..I tawt I taw a puddy tat (KFF Health News) New strain of influenza in dairy cows (AP News) Influenza: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) How the communications pause endangered us about influenza (AP News) Most intense flu season in 15 years (AP News)US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) Weekly US influenza surveillance report (CDC FluView) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) 10 year surveillance of RSV hospitalization in adults(JID) Seasonality of RSV: 2017-2023(CDC: MMWR) What doctors wish patients know about RSV (AMA) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Paxlovid update (Pfizer) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) The answers: Long COVID Proportion of Long COVID incidence in adults and children (CID) SARS-CoV-2 infection effects sperm telomere length (Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics) Pediatric gastrointestinal tract outcomes during the postacute phase of COVID-19c]\ (JAMA Network) Letters read on TWiV 1192 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV reviews freezes and unfreezes of US government grants, how prior COVID-19 vaccination prevents over-reaction of the innate immune response during infections, and how bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Alan Dove

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 NIH freezes (ScienceAdviser) Is your research on Trump’s hit list? (ScienceInsider) Prior COVID-19 vaccination tames innate responses (Sci Transl Med) Bat genomes illuminate viral tolerance and disease resistance (Nature) Letters read on TWiV 1191 Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Alan – NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center dashboards
    Vincent – He created a hummingbird paradise in his backyard

    Listener Picks

    Christiane – Contact your members of Congress about the Pause in Federal Grant Funding
    Charles – What’s trending in the world of pseudoscience

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and Vincent Racaniello discuss changes in access to public health information and aid mechanisms such as the return of MMWR, the largest tuberculosis outbreak in the US ever, lack of USAID in fighting Marburg and Ebola outbreaks in Africa, discussing if avian influenza virus is airborne, how eggs are effected and the emergence of second spillover into dairy cattle, how the difference between nOPV2 and Sabin OPV2 is a minor reduction in the association of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis before Dr. Griffin reviews recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, an update of Paxlovid administration provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, where to go for answers to your long COVID questions, how children may be affected by long COVID and if SARS-CoV-2 and other inflammatory syndromes increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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    Links for this episode The return of MMWR (CDC) Largest tuberculosis outbreak ever in the US (Kansas Department of Health and Environment) Marburg virus outbreak in Tanzania (Doctors without borders) No USAID, Ebola outbreak in Uganda spreads (CBS News) WHO accelerates efforts to Ebola response in Uganda (WHO: Uganda) Global partners enable access to vaccine and treatment for Ebola outbreak in Uganda (WHO) Ventilation and respiratory viruses (CDC National Institute for Occupational safety and health) Is bird flu flying through the air…..is the virus literally airborne? (NY Times) Is bird flu like measles (American Journal of Epidemiology) Indoor safety guideline (Herokuapp) Dairy herds in Nevada have influenza! (CIDRAP) Do your eggs have H5N1? (NY Times) New genotye D1.1 of avian flu in dairy cattle(USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) Second spillover of avian flu into dairy cattle….does this story sound familiar? (CIDRAP) Impact of using nOPV2 in mass vaccination campaigns? (JID) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) As flu increases so do deaths in kids (CIDRAP) People most impacted by respiratory viruses (CDC) Co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A/B (BMC Infectious Diseases) Oseltamivir reduces 30-Day mortality in older adults with Influenza (OFID) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Paxlovid update (Pfizer) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) The answers: Long COVID Long COVID Recovery Program with Zara Dureno, BA, MOT Long COVID pevalence and associated activity limitation in US children (JAMA Pediatrics) Plasma proteomic evidence for increased β-amyloid pathology after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Nature Medicine) Letters read on TWiV 1190 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV notes the HHS communication pause, and describes research showing that rotavirus viroporin activity is necessary for intracellular calcium signals that contribute to viral pathogenesis, and control of human orthrflavivirus vaccine challenge by T cells in the absence of neutralizing antibodies.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Kathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 Rotavirus viroporin activity, calcium waves, and pathogenesis (Sci Adv) T cells control human orthoflavivirus challenge (Nat Micro) Letters read on TWiV 1189 Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Brianne – The Perfect Cacio e Pepe Recipe, According to Science (primary article here)
    Kathy – Dragonflies Loop-the-Loop
    Alan – My Beloved Monster, by Caleb Carr
    Vincent – Why Did the FDA Ban Red Dye #3

    Listener Picks

    Anne – Japan’s 65-Foot Towering Snow Walls

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and Vincent Racaniello discuss changes in access to public health information, the Marburg and Ebola outbreaks in Africa, the largest tuberculosis outbreak in the US ever, the politicization of polio vaccine campaigns in Pakistan, effect of high pathogenic influenza in animals and on the economy before Dr. Griffin reviews recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, where to go for answers to your long COVID questions, trials and devices to relieve some neurological complications of long COVID and the ramifications of long COVID in children, healthcare workers and adults.

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode No morbidity and mortality in the US this week? (NPR) More support for Marburg outbreak in Tanzania (Reliefweb) Tanzania confirming second Marburg case (CIDRAP) Norovirus mRNA vaccine …..hmmmm? (moderna) What is noronvirus? (modernatx) Largest tuberculosis outbreak ever in the US (Reuters) Ebola outbreak in DRC during US:WHO strain (STAT News) Uganda Ebola outbreak…..1 dead (Reuters) Polio outside endemic zone due to militants? (Washington Post) Mpox vaccination initiation in central Africa (CIDRAP) Preparing rapid response to emerging infectious disease in Africa (PANTHER Health) Mpox therapeutic study MOSA enrollment begins (Africa CDC) Halting of US foreign aid for health programs…..not in the US best interests? (NY Times) No PEPFAR (NY Times) PEPFAR (US Department of State) PEPFAR…..still not America first? Really? (CIDRAP) Resurgence of infections globally may affect US…..what is global health? (NY Times) Milk testing for H5N1….but I thought raw milk was the only healthy milk? (USDA) How do you like your $10.99 dozen of eggs? (NY Times) Farm outbreak of H5N1 (AP News) US- high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (World Organization for Animal Health) H5N9 high pathogenic flu in duck farm California (CIDRAP) More egg issues (CIDRAP) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: cliff notes (CDC FluView) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine effectiveness among US veterans, September, 2023 to March, 2024 (LANCET Infectious Diseases) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) The answers: Long COVID Long COVID Recovery Program with Zara Dureno, BA, MOT The current and future burden of long COVID in the United States (JID) Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation improves Long COVID symptoms in a female cohort (Frontiers in Neurology) Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation trials:
    https://www.dolphinmps.com/product/dolphin-neurostim-professional-single-kit-vagal-stim-kit/ Distinct pro-inflammatory/pro-angiogenetic signatures distinguish children with Long COVID from controls (Pediatric Research) Persistent symptoms and clinical findings in adults with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19/post-COVID-19 syndrome in the second year after acute infection(PLoS Medicine) SARS-COV-2 re-infection and incidence of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) among essential workers in New York (LANCET: Regional Health Americas) Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the incidence and prevalence of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (EHJ-QCCO European Heart Journal-Quality of Care & Clinical Outcomes) Letters read on TWiV 1188 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV explains a new blood test for head and neck cancer, Japanese regulators approve tecovirimat for mpox, an entry receptor for enterovirus D68, and anti-herpetic tau preserves neurons via a DNA sensing pathway in Alzheimer’s disease.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Kathy Spindler, Brianne Barker, and Angela Mingarelli

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 Entry receptor for EV-D68 (Cell Host Microbe) Anti-herpetic tau preserves neurons in Alzheimers (Cell Rep) Letters read on TWiV 1187 Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Angela – Good genes are nice, but joy is better
    Brianne – Beaker Hair Clip
    Kathy – Pareidolia explained by street artist David Zinn TEDx talk Also visit zinnart.com
    Alan – Screwworm is coming back in the Americas
    Vincent – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Was Nice to Someone During a Debate. That Doesn’t Erase the Consequences of His Misinformation

    Listener Picks

    Sarah – The Extremophile Campaign: In Your Home (ECIYH) citizen science

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and co-host Vincent Racaniello lament about the public changes from withdrawing from the WHO to health and scientific communication pauses by the Trump Administration after a brief discussion of Marburg in Tanzania and mpox in England before reviewing cats and bird flu, the recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, and where to go for answers to your long COVID questions.

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Tanzania confirms Marburg virus outbreak (Reuters) Clade Ib mpox in England (Reuters) Withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WhiteHouse) Fees costs behind withdrawing from WHO ….is that what we are suppose to believe? (Sky News) Sorry to see you go, US? (WHO) Where are the updates? (CDC Health Alert Network) Pause in health communications of all kind (Washington Post) NIH chaos…..streaming to a halt? (STAT News) Devastation at the NIH, hiring traveling, meetings, communications(Science) Protect your cat from bird flu (NPR) No communication and cats with bird flu….does not sound good (CIDRAP) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) Baloxavir marboxil for prophylatix against influenza(NEJM) Comparative effectiveness of baloxavir marboxil and oseltamir treatment for reducint household transmission of influenza (Influenza and other respiratory viruses) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) Host-microbe multiomic profiling identifies distinct COVD-19 immune dysregulation in solid organ transplant recipients (Nature Communications) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Real‐world effectiveness and safety of oral azvudine versus nirmatrelvir‒ritonavir (Paxlovid) in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 (Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) The answers: Long COVID Long COVID Recovery Program with Zara Dureno, BA, MOT Letters read on TWiV 1186 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV explains Guillain-Barré Syndrome associated with RSV vaccines, outbreaks of metapneumovirus in China and India, editors resign to protest Elsevier’s use of AI in publishing, global distribution and diversity of wild bird associated pathogens, and broadly inhibitory anti-neuraminidase antibody from human memory B cells.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, and Brianne Barker

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 GBS with RSV vaccine (FDA) Increase in respiratory infections in China (ECDC) Elsevier journal editors resign (Retract Watch) Wild bird associated pathogens (Med) Broad anti-neuraminidase antibody (Cell Host Micr) Letters read on TWiV 1185 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Brianne – Dear Reviewer 2
    Rich – National Data Buoy Center
    Alan – BBC audio program on the World Morse Code Championships
    Vincent – These are the 20 most-studied bacteria — the majority have been ignored

    Listener Picks

    Peter – Local graffiti in Sydney
    Vivian – The Peoples’ Hospital by Dr. Ricardo Nuila

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin discusses current and past outbreaks of “vaccine” preventable diseases including whooping cough, polio and measles with your co-host Vincent Racaniello and the recent increase in norovirus outbreaks, if alcohol-based hand sanitizers aid in the spread of norovirus before reviewing the recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, if “long COVID” like symptoms occurs after influenza and how long COVID may associate with neurological complicates that control verbal memory.

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    Links for this episode Notable infectious diseases in US (CDC NNDSS) Get your Tdap: whooping cough case increase (California Department of Public Health) Resurgence of measles among preschool aged children 1989-1991 (CDC: MMWR) Adults vulnerable to ‘childhood’ diseases (NY Times) Pivotal decision that led to a resurgence of polio (NY Times) Can polio return due to lagging vaccination? (NY Times) NoroSTAT Data Table (CDC Norovirus) The discovery of the 27-nm Norwalk virus: an historic perspective (JID) Why the “Ferrari of viruses” is surging through the northern hemisphere (Science) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) Norovirus at Chipotle, $25million food fine (NY Times) Chipotle food issues: 2015 settlement with the justice department (Chipotle News) Purcel anyone? Hand sanitizers increase norovirus risk? (Canadian Medical Association Journal) Visualization by immune electron microscopy of a 27nm particle associated with acute infectious nonbacterial gastroenteritis (Journal of Virology) Winter vomiting disease (JID) ACIP: expanded recommendations for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines(CDC: MMWR) Presumptive bird flu case in San Francisco (SF. Gov) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: cliff notes (CDC FluView) Antiviral medications for treatment ofnonsevere influenza(JAMA Network: JAMA Internal Medicine) Xofluza (GoodRx) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) Symptom evolution in individuals with ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 and post COVID-19 syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination versus influenza vccination (Journal of Infection) Neurological post-COVID syndrome is associated with substantial impairment of verbal short-term and working memory (Scientific Reports) Letters read on TWiV 1184 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV reviews some of their favorite virology stories from 2024.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

    Become a patron of TWiV!

    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 SARS-CoV-2 origins (TWiV Special) TWiV 1163: Hepadnaviridae in the heartland TWiV 1117 Pol dances with the RNA that brought it HPV vaccine success (TWiV 1083, 1151, 1159, 1173) Monkeypox (TWiV 1095, 1119, 1143, 1145, 1147) Influenza H5N1 virus (VTWiV 1113, TWiV 1131, TWiV 1173) Influenza B/Yamagata removed from vaccine (TWiV 1161) Fiasco of poliomylelitis eradication (TWiV 1091, TWiV 1125, TWiV 1105, TWiV 1151, TWiV 1145, TWiV 1147, TWiV 1161, TWiV 1143) Protective immunity isn’t just bout antibodies (TWiV 1089, 1105, 1115, 1135, 1165) Closing the toilet lid doesn’t help (TWiV 1083) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Brianne – Scientists put vampire bats on treadmills to learn about metabolism
    Kathy – Says Who?: A Kinder, Funner, Usage Guide for Everyone Who Cares About Words
    Rich – Mark Rober on PBS Newshour Brief But Spectacular (Wiki; Testing The World’s Smartest Crow)
    Vincent – How Glenn Gould Broke Classical Music

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin discusses how vaccination and vaccine hesitancy affects public health and disease spread in terms of mpox, the first human death from H5N1 in US, why one should not feed their pets raw pet food and the metapneumonia outbreak in China before reviewing the recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, how nirmatrelvir-ritonavir/Paxlovid reduces adverse outcomes of COVID in patients with kidney disease, provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, SARS-CoV-2 infection affects skin conditions including shingles and if long antiviral treatment affects long COVID.

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    Links for this episode Mpox vaccination hesitancy, previous immunisation coverage, and vaccination readiness in the African region (eClincial Medicine) Global prevalence and correlates of mpox vaccine acceptance and uptake (Communications Medicine) First case of new mpox variant in France (Reuters) First “Bird flu” death in US (NY Times) Emerging threat of H5N1 to human health (NEJM) Don’t feed your pets raw food (County of Los Angeles Public Health) Oregon, nationwide raw pet food recall (CIRAP) Raw cat food avian flu, is this like raw milk? (CIDRAP) Human metapneumovirus surging in China (The Guardian) Viral video of viral chaos: human metapneumovirus in Chinese hospital (The Economic Times) Human metapneumovirus in China (NY Times) Acute respiratory infections including human metapneumovirus in northern hemisphere (WHO) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) The effect of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir on short- and long-term adverse outcomes from COVID-19 among patients with kidney disease (OFID) Paxlovid tied to lower risk of hospital stay, heart problems, death in adults with kidney disease and COVID (CIDRAP) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) Chronic urticaria, vitiligo, alopecia areata, and herpes zoster following COVID-19 infection (Journal of Dermatology) Impact of extended-course oral nirmatrelvir/ritonavir in established Long COVID: (Communications Medicine) Letters read on TWiV 1182 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV discusses an outbreak of influenza H5N1 that killed over half of the great cats at a Washington sanctuary, origin and cross-species transmission of bat coronaviruses in China, and the diverse and abundant phages that enter cells via receptors encoded on conjugative plasmids.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, and Jolene Ramsey

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

    Become a patron of TWiV!

    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 H5N1 virus kills great cats at Washington sanctuary (CNN) Macroevolution of bat coronaviruses in China (Nat Comm) EcoHealth Alliance funding suspended (Science) Conjugative plasmids support diverse and abundant phages (Nat Comm) Letters read on TWiV 1181 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Rich – Pareidolia (wiki)
    Jolene – Pathways to Science database
    Vincent – Wendy Carlos and Switched-On Bach

    Listener Picks

    Arjan – Gutsick Gibbon’s YouTube channel
    Alan – 2024 Nobel Prize Lectures in Chemistry

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin discusses the recent increase in norovirus outbreaks, human cases of H5N1 avian influenza, before reviewing the recent statistics on RSV, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, where to find PEMGARDA, how effective Molnupiravir is and provides information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center.

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    Links for this episode Norovirus: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) Adolescent with Influenza A H5N1 infection (NEJM) Highly pathogenic avian Influenza A ( H5N1) virus infections in humans (NEJM) Emerging threat of H5N1 to human health (NEJM) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) In-hospital outcomes of healthcare-associated Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Omicron) versus healthcare-associated Influenza (CID) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: cliff notes (CDC FluView) RSV: Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Real clinical effectiveness of Molnupiravir against 30-day mortality (OFID) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center)Post-COVID Condition Risk Factors and Symptom Clusters and Associations with Return to Pre-COVID Health (CID) Letters read on TWiV 1180 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV reviews RFK Jr’s demand to revoke polio vaccine, Wuhan lab samples do not include close relatives to SARS-CoV-2, using artificial intelligence to discover the RNA virosphere, and biomarkers that discriminate early and late phases of respiratory virus infections from a SARS-CoV-2 human challenge study.

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler, and Angela Mingarelli

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV ASV 2025 RFK Jr lawyer wants revocation of polio vaccine (CNN) Wuhan lab has no samples close to SARS-CoV-2 (Nature) Using AI to discover RNA virosphere (Cell) SARS-CoV-2 human challenge reveals biomarkers (Nat Comm) Does this challenge study pass the smell test? (TWiV 863) Letters read on TWiV 1179 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Angela – Science’s 2024 breakthrough of the year, Lenacapavir “the long shot”. NEJM papers with Lenacapavir trials: one and two.
    Kathy – Bach Toccatta and Fugue on floor piano
    Rich – Never Cry Wolf
    Vincent – Common Raven and American Crow

    Listener Pick

    Jaan – Meute (one, two, three)

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin deep dives into the whooping cough epidemic and bird flu in big cats, and in conjunction with your host Vincent Racaniello discusses the recent case of paralytic poliomyelitis in Israel, measles outbreaks and HHS campaign for vaccine safety campaign before reviewing the recent statistics on SARS-CoV-2 infection, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, if the COVID mRNA vaccine is effective against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in children, where to find PEMGARDA, information for Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, how long COVID effects one’s activities, personality and neuropsychiatric symptoms.

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    Links for this episode Highest level of whooping cough cases in a decade (NBC News) Provisional pertussis surveillance report (CDC) Polio moves into Israel (Jerusalem Post) Polio today (GPEI) Measles- the let’s get real vaccination campaign (CDC) Measles fact sheet (CDC) Measles- near you (CDC) Let’s get real about childhood vaccines (HHS) The FACTS about childhood vaccines (HHS) Tigers and cougars dying from bird flu, oh my! (NY Times) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Weekly surveillance report: cliff notes (CDC FluView) Burden of all-cause mortality following Influenza-associated hospitalizations (CID) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Initial effectiveness of mRNA-1273 against SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in young children (OFID) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) Long COVID and significant long COVID–associated activity limitation among adults (CDC: MMWR) 2024 Update of the RECOVER-Adult Long COVID Research Index (JAMA Network) About 8% of US adults have ever had long COVID, survey finds(CIDRAP) Real-world effectiveness and causal mediation study of BNT162b2 on long COVID risks in children and adolescents (eClinicalMedicine) Personality and neuropsychiatric symptoms in individuals diagnosed with long COVID(BMC Infectious Diseases)Post-COVID Condition Risk Factors and Symptom Clusters and Associations with Return to Pre-COVID Health (CID) Letters read on TWiV 1178 38:11 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • At the School for Influenza in Brisbane, TWiV speaks with Kirsty, Erik and Rebecca about their careers and their research.

    Host: Vincent Racaniello

    Guests: Kirsty Short, Erik Karlsson, and Rebecca Cox

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

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    Links for this episode Support science education at MicrobeTV Diabetes, obesity, and COVID-19 severity (Diab Care) Rice farming and zoonosis in Cambodia (One Health) Influenza correlates of protection (mBio) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin continues his discussion of whether the mysterious respiratory illness in the Congo is malaria, and in conjunction with your host Vincent Racaniello discusses how routine childhood immunizations especially that against poliovirus are threatened by Robert F Kennedy Jr and Aaron Siri, the origin of the SAR-CoV-2 virus and retraction of Didier Raoult’s research, then returns to discussing the first case of severe disease following H5N1 infection in humans and the state of California’s “bird flu emergency”, the benefit of the measles vaccine, before reviewing the recent statistics on SARS-CoV-2 infection, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, how vaccination reduced hospitalization of children between 5-17 years, the ACIP recommendation for the immunocompromised, where to find PEMGARDA, information for Columbia Unversity Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center, long COVID in cancer patients and the physical malaises of long COVID.

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    Links for this episode Mystery disease in DRC kills mostly children (ALJAZEERA) Malaria—mysterious disease in DRC? (ALJAZEERA) Mysterious disease in DRC is severe malaria (ALJAZEERA) Confirmed first severe human H5N1 case (CIDRAP) California declares bird flu emergency (Reuters) RFK’s lawyer asks FDA to revoke approval of the polio vaccine (NY Times) NO WAY! Vaccination promotes survival and health? (LANCET) 10.6 million cases of measles this year alone! (WHO) 20% rise in measles…..(NY Times) No Sars-CoV-2 relatives in Shi Zhengli’s freezers (Nature) Controversial COVID study that promoted unproven treatment retracted after four-year saga (Nature) Influenza weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) BNT162b2 XBB Vaccine for COVID-19 Among Children 5-17 Years ofAge (JAMA Network) ACIP recommendations for those over 65 years and those under 6 months who are immunocompromised (CDC MMWR) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 in cancer patients: Two cohorts in UK and Hong Kong(Cancer Medicine) Skeletal muscle adaptations and post-exertional malaise in long COVID (Cell: Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism) Letters read on TWiV 1176 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

  • TWiV reviews the appearance of poliovirus in Europe, mystery disease in DRC, global burden of Chikungunya, viruses of parasitic nematodes that induce antibody responses in vertebrate hosts, and picobirnaviruses, do they infect eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

    Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Jolene Ramsey

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

    Become a patron of TWiV!

    Links for this episode ASV 2025 Write your senators about RFK Jr Support science education at MicrobeTV Poliovirus in Europe (WHO) DRC mystery disease (Reuters) Global burden of chikungunya (BMJ Global Health) RNA viruses of parasitic nematodes (Nat Micro) Picobirnaviruses encode bacterial lysins (PNAS) Prokaryotic ribosome binding site in picobirnavirus genome (Virology) Letters read on TWiV 1175 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks

    Alan – Sondehub and radiosonde hunting
    Jolene – Book “10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People” By David Yeager
    Vincent – Dr. Vinay Prasad “Sabotaging RFK Jr’s Confirmation Will Increase Vaccine Hesitancy” & “Doctors Criticizing RFK Jr. Paved the Way for His Ascendancy”

    Listener Picks

    Syl – Foldscope
    Jennifer – minutiae

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]

    Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

  • In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin deep dives into whether the mysterious respiratory illness in the Congo is malaria, and in conjunction with your host Vincent Racaniello discusses the failure of the poliovirus eradication campaign with virus circulation detected throughout Europe and how we should focus on disease control not virus circulation, then returns to discussing avian influenza in raw milk and the early stoppage of the mpox antiviral Tecovirimat before reviewing the recent statistics on SARS-CoV-2 infection, the WasterwaterScan dashboard, if there is a difference in protection against the development of severe disease between an mRNA or a protein based vaccine, where to find PEMGARDA, and information for Columbia Unversity Irving Medical Center’s long COVID treatment center.

    Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email

    Become a patron of TWiV!

    Links for this episode IIs the mysterious disease in the Congo, malaria? (AP News) State of global health, year-end remarks by WHO director-general (WHO) Really, progress towards poliomyelitis eradication? (CDC MMWR) Increases in confirm cases ¹ control of poliomyelitis (WHO) Polio European Union and United Kingdom, is that 1 global entry? (Science) Is the WHO the global CDC? polio vaccination guidelines (WHO) Do you feed your cats raw milk? (Public Health LA county) Is there avian influenza in the zoo near you? (Maricopa) Don’t feed your cat raw milk (CIDRAP) Holy Cow! H5N1 in cows! (microbeTV) Tecovirimat no improvement in Mpox resolution or pain(NIAID NIH) Interim results from STOMP study of Tecovirimat (SIGA) Trial stops enrollment after Tpoxx fails (CIDRAP) Is Tecovirimat really first-in-class mpox therapy? (Viruses) Influenza weekly surveillance report: clift notes (CDC FluView) US respiratory virus activity (CDC Respiratory Illnesses) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) RSV-Network (CDC Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection) COVID-19 deaths (CDC) COVID-19 national and regional trends (CDC) Waste water scan for 11 pathogens (WastewaterSCan) COVID-19 variant tracker (CDC) SARS-CoV-2 genomes galore (Nextstrain) Relative effectiveness of homologous NVX-CoV2373 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccinations in South Korea (Vaccine) Phase III trial results! Comparative efficacy and safety of COVID-19 (BMC Infectious Diseases) Where to get pemgarda (Pemgarda) EUA for the pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 (INVIYD) Fusion center near you….if in NY (Prime Fusions) CDC Quarantine guidelines (CDC) NIH COVID-19 treatment guidelines (NIH) Infectious Disease Society guidelines for treatment and management (ID Society) Drug interaction checker (University of Liverpool) Molnupiravir safety and efficacy (JMV) Convalescent plasma recommendation for immunocompromised (ID Society) What to do when sick with a respiratory virus (CDC) When your healthcare provider is infected/exposed with SARS-CoV-2 (CDC) Managing healthcare staffing shortages (CDC) Stop playing favorites with COVID-19 in healthcare settings (Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology) Steroids, dexamethasone at the right time (OFID) Anticoagulation guidelines (hematology.org) Remdesivir Effectiveness in Reducing the Risk of 30-day Readmission in Vulnerable Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 (CID) Daniel Griffin’s evidence based medical practices for long COVID (OFID) Long COVID hotline (Columbia : Columbia University Irving Medical Center) Letters read on TWiV 1174 Dr. Griffin’s COVID treatment summary (pdf) Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

    Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

    Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]