Dave Smith expounds upon current events, our government, foreign policy, and all things Libertarian. He is part of the new generation of pundits. He'll educate you and open your eyes to the possibility of a truly free nation. Sign up at and get early access to the episodes, access to the inner circle private forum, and a bonus episode exclusively for subscribers!
For 30 years, New York's legendary Comedy Cellar has served as the launching pad for greatest stand up comedians in the world. Colin Quinn, Dave Chappelle, Ray Romano, Dave Attell, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart, Dane Cook, Robert Kelly and Greg Giraldo are just a few of the comedians who began as Cellar regulars. But classic stage performances have never been the only show going on at the Cellar. The biggest comedians in the world come to sit at the table upstairs, where comedians come to argue and discuss the events of the day and their lives, sharpening their their comedy knives on each other. This kibitzing (an inspiration for Comedy Central's Tough Crowd), has always been a private affair... until now. Join us for a weekly peek into the happenings at the Comedy Cellar's comedian table, where the funniest people in the world debate and discuss. Subscribe now and don't miss a second of it. We would love to hear your comments. Email them to
Partly Political Brodcast is a weekly comedy podcast dissecting the previous week's political news. Every show has in-depth looks at issues, interviews with people who know things and top level satirical commentary from comedian Tiernan Douieb who really doesn't understand politics all that much. ‘Very funny but fiercely political’ – Time Out Support this show at
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Delete Your Account is a new podcast hosted by journalist Roqayah Chamseddine and her plucky sidekick Kumars Salehi. Every week they will talk about important stories from the worlds of politics and pop culture, both on and off-line, in a way that will never bore you. They’re radical leftists, but not that kind. The other kind. The fun kind.
Chris “Pepper Hicks” Stanley, Bronx Johnny, and Chris from Brooklyn are three best friends living life to the fullest in NYC. They’re gentlemen, scholars; they’re alcoholics. Enjoy the art of conversation as they wax philosophic about news, sports, pop culture, and their occasionally questionable life choices. The newest 15 episodes are always free, but if you want access to all the archives, watch live, chat live, access to the forums, and get the show a week before it comes out everywhere else - you can subscribe now at and use the code HSR to save 15% on the entire network.
Rekt Podcast is a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency podcast hosted by Bunchu and Chamber. They have fun discussing the state of the crypto and defi markets along with the most up-to-date news in the space. They always end their shows with some crazy segment.
Their guests discuss their introduction to Bitcoin, the projects they work on and trends they see coming in the future. They also discuss their cryptocurrency REKT stories and some personal REKT stories too.
The episodes are informative, funny and obviously REKT.
Subscribe and follow them today! -
Satan's Lawyer is the podcast where Juno-winning comedian Ivan Decker and person Andrey Summers defend the indefensible! They think fossil fuels are amazing, that gun control is nonsense, and that the earth is obviously, self-evidently flat. Each episode, they take turns defending the controversial side of a controversial issue, and then Satan decides the winner.
NOTICE: This podcast is Satire and should therefore be taken completely at face value and quoted out of context. Thank you. -
SATIR copy+paste är satirpodden som gör narr av allt från lokala nyheter till större och mer komplicerade frågor inom politik, samhällsfrågor, forskning och kultur. Med lite extra fokus på studentliv diskuteras nya studier och forskning samt bästa köptipsen för studenter med tunnare plånböcker, allt detta inom humorns roliga ramar!Medverkande: Daniel Sanchez, Kirsty Armstrong och Christoffer Nyqvist
See for privacy and opt-out information.
The Two Bobs is a comedy podcast about craft beer and weird news! We appreciate all of our listeners, and would love to hear from you, so be sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Untappd! Then leave us a message on our Loyal Listener Line at 530-882-BOBS (2627). Thanks for listening!
There's so much going on in the world that it can be hard to keep track. Comedian Chris Turner and his wife Alice Winn take completely different approaches to this fact - he’s an avid consumer of current events, she ignores them completely. Whether you’re up to date with global goings on, or dwell, hermit-like under a rock, join them each Monday as he recaps last week’s major news stories for her, and she talks about…well, probably the past or something.
No ei me ainakaan ylpeänä yhtään mitään esitetä. Tai no esitetään nyt jotain kuitenkin. Esimerkiksi suruvalittelut, että luet tätä. Tältä podcast-kanavalta löydät Et sä noin voi sanoo! universumin huikeet podcastit! Seuraa tekijöitä somessa: Insta @jussiridanpaa, @jonenikula. TikTok @ridistheridiculous.
Viikoittaisessa sarjassa pureudutaan niin ajankohtaisiin, kuin yleismaailmallisiin aiheisiin mitään sensuroimatta ja ketään säästämättä.
Jussi Ridanpää tutkii maailman epäolennaisimpia asioita yhdessä vieraittensa kanssa. -
Celebrating The Bugle's best moments, this daily show takes us back through the some of the greatest stories the The Bugle has deemed newsworthy.
Featuring the best moments from Andy Zaltzman, John Oliver and guest Co-hosts
We are listener funded, support what we do here
This is a Bugle Podcasts production.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
“The Other Side of Midnight” is live and local radio at its finest, with an emphasis on theater of the mind. Hosted by Frank Morano, a lifelong New Yorker with an encyclopedic knowledge of local politics and an excessive passion for cheese, Star Trek, cigars and martinis, this show takes you where other radio shows don’t dare to tread.
Two brothers talking a lot about nothing.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Consider this your (comedic) education in dating, sex, and relationships. Girls Gotta Eat is a top podcast since 2018 co-hosted by Ashley Hesseltine and Rayna Greenberg and covering everything from breakups to bl**jobs, finances to fetishes. New episodes drop every Monday so you can start your week EATING, then dive into The Snack (a lighter episode about pop culture) on Thursdays!