The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode focuses on some of the lore we see in Dawnshore's "pick-up-able" quests. For context, in each of Avowed's mapped regions you have several repeating "pick up" quests/activities (no, not fetch quests, more like encounters). Such as: ancient memory fragments, god totem pieces, pargrunen cache locations, and unique item treasure maps. Each of these offer a little bit more about the world to talk about...so, I uh...I do that. :)
[WARNING]: Spoilers for the side quest "Dawntreader" found in this episode. This is a side quest found in the first zone (Dawnshore) of the game Avowed, and can be accessed fairly early, or several level-ups into the game.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode features looking at the 'Dawntreader' side quest for all the lore we get in pursuit of that activity. Primarily the focus is on topics like the god Eothas, the NPC called Sargamis, the location the Temple of Eothas, and associative lore from that. As well, there is a divergence to discuss Karlodh and the Harbingers from the Deadfire game (PoE2), and a smattering of other interesting finds throughout the quests progression.
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The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode features an overview of the major factions/themes/lore as seen in Avowed. Largely it centres around your character, the Godlike Envoy of Aedyr and the major factions seen in Avowed: The Aedyran Empire, the Steel Garrote paladin order, and the Living Lands itself. There's also a bit of talk about souls, reincarnation, gods, the Pargrunen dwarves, and the enigmatic ancient civilization of The Godless.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode focuses on (1) my first impressions on Avowed and how the playthrough is going; and (2) the most important lore touchstones (and other episodes to check out) that I've seen so far. It's a very good episode to start out on for new listeners and old listeners alike.
I top of the episode with a reading of a unique item's description, and give the lore we have from that item, as a way to introduce new listeners to my approach to this show.
I can't believe the game is out, this is very exciting.
(support the show) ko-fi.com/worldofeora
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode marks a very special moment for us here, because (1) well, the game is OUT, baby! and (2) I got to sit down with Cameron (aka: Venus Theory) to discuss the Score for Avowed, which was really great because he also composed said score.
We discuss a lot of stuff, not just Avowed. We talk about YouTube, content creation, creating Video Game soundtracks in particular, other composer's influences, Cameron's writing/composing process, specific Avowed soundtrack pieces, working with Obsidian, and video games in general. It was a really great conversation, and I hope y'all enjoy listening to it as we did recording it.
Happy Avowed day!
Ko-Fi (support)
This is a unique/special episode of the podcast, that I don't think would fit in at any other point in time. In this week's episode, I just decided to give you the full story of this podcast's inception, creation, and journey of where we are today.
I end of the latter half of the episode with some thank you's to people who have helped keep this show going. Whether it's friends/family or individuals who emailed me or just the people on reddit (especially in the early days), you've had a positive impact on the show.
As well, keep an eye out NEXT WEEK for a special podcast episode (not just because Avowed is out on Early Access but because... well, you'll see, you'll see (fingers cross)).
This ancient [podcast episode] is [recorded on] silver thread[s]. The broken [vocal patterns sound like] the shape of an eye.
The [audio] at first appears to be gibberish, a collection of symbols and characters with no apparent connection between them. As you study [], however, you could swear that the [audio] begin[s] to move. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, they shift and [merge] and realign, and you are able to [understand the content]:
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode marks my return behind the microphone, and it's great to be back. This time we are FINISHING the "History of Eora" series with (what I'm calling) the Apocalypse Books, the final four volumes in this anthology of in-game books.
In there we discuss world-ending ice ages; cataclysmic god battles, a vengeful god-queen, and nothing (or is it... "N"othing!?!).
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This episode is a smattering of recordings from a year or so ago that I did about some more of the off-screen Stronghold Adventures from the first Pillars game. I'm still in the middle of a very busy Christmas season delivering with UPS, so I haven't had time to record a decent episode (but don't worry, I haven't abandoned you all). So I quickly edited these recordings to at least give you SOMETHING.
Happy holidays everyone, thank you for your patience!
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode will focus on several theories that both myself and contributors on Reddit have come up with regarding "The Voice" in Avowed, as well as our Godlike nature. This episode is entirely speculative, but it draws on a substantial amount of lore from the previous Pillars games.
Interestingly, though, there are NO SPOILERS in today's episode if you want to listen in, but at the same time, this will definitely be an episode where Eora veterans will be able to keep up easier than those new to the world. Not saying you shouldn't listen if you're new, just more of an interesting observation. Speculation is always fun, imo :)
Topics discussed: Rymrgand, the Glamfellen, Pale Elf Migration, Godless faction, Wael, Dreamscourge, Living Lands, Old Gods, Regular Gods, Animism, and Godlike.
I touch on Spoilers for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire around the 30min mark. Once you hear the jazz music interlude if you don't want to risk it feel free to jump off, but I try not to say anything spoilery outright, I just skirt around it as best as I can.
Nextly, apologies for this episode being a week late. I've made the episode a bit longer than usual to make up for that.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode goes over a bunch of the gameplay footage we saw about Avowed in recent weeks. I go over a lot of what it is we saw, touch on the story and characters. Read some lore directly from pieces of gear or books. I also do a speculation section at the end of the episode about why we are a Godlike, and of whom; what "The Voice" might be and how the Godless faction might have ties to an ancient civilization known, in modern times, as "Yezuha"
Spoilers for Aloth's companion quests in both Pillars games, but NO major narrative spoilers for the crit path of either games.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week we look at Aloth, a companion from both Pillars of Eternity games, and fan-favourite within the series. Our resident Wizard from the Aedyr empire, this episode talks about his background and what paths he can takes throughout the story of the Pillars games. Will Aloth make an appearance in Avowed? He's definitely a strong candidate given his ties to a certain secretive faction, and Aedyran nationality. But I suppose only time will tell.
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The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode discusses the major city settlement in the second Pillars game (Deadfire), "Neketaka". We look at the city overall, with some of its history and culture, before doing a brief dive into each of the city districts. Finally, we top the episode off with a look at some ancient ruins beneath the city and what that might imply for the Huana peoples living in the region.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode we discuss A TALKING SWORD!! Yep, that's right. We look at the story behind Modwyr, and her "owner", Yngfrith. It makes for an interesting tale, and also some good audio clips.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
Warning: Major spoilers for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire in this episode.
This week's episode discusses the lost city of Ukaizo, which is an ancient city of mythology and legend in the Huana culture (the tribes that live in the Deadfire Archipelago, the setting for the second Pillars game). What Ukaizo represents to Huana (but also the other factions in play during Deadfire) is more than just a city with gold.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
[major spoilers for ***BOTH*** Pillars of Eternity games in this episode]
This week's episode follows up on our series looking at the "History of Eora" anthology from the second Pillars game. The theme for today's tomes: Engwith. Looking at some of their origins, their political ties, and cunning hubris.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week we return to the ever-loved off-screen Companion adventures from the first Pillars game. These companion-only adventures tell stories throughout the world of Eora, and offer interesting insights into the lore, as well as offer good inspiration for Adventures in your own table-top RPGs.
Topics on this episode feature devices that can perfectly duplicate other items; as well as trying to locate hidden and advanced astronomical research data about Eora's two moons.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode looks at explaining why it is we can read stories of people, places, or events within the item descriptions of unique weapons/armor within the Pillars games, and Avowed. As well, we contrast the minor diferences seen between those two series.
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode focuses on two (of the four) companions our Avowed player character ("The Envoy") will be able to travel with: MARIUS and YATZLI. Both of these characters have their own ancestry and background, some of which we can tie to lore from the Pillars of Eternity games. As well, I dive back into Grounded (for those that care).
The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.
This week's episode caps off the lore from last week (St. Waidwen & Saint's War) by talking about the Godhammer Bomb (the thing that ended the Saint's War...and St. Waidwen, I suppose), the Dozens (a faction which arose from a dozen self-sacrificing soldiers), and what REALLY happened at Evon Dewr bridge (where the bomb was detonated).
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