Join The Ideal Connection Podcast with host Ashley Ford Gayhart to learn all things horses. Each week, she’ll bring you the newest information on living an equestrian lifestyle, offering tidbits of information to support you along the way. From time to time, she’ll dive in to other equestrian related topics, so you can uncover secrets about these topics and how they can directly enhance your life with horses. Tune in every week for new content.
Eastnine is a coach led audio training designed for runners who want to improve time, technique, and run further and faster. With our podcast, we go beyond simple coaching. Cat Forrest, the podcast host, talks to a wide variety of athletes, sports specialist ranging from nutritionists to psychologists about their personal accounts and opinions in frank and unabridged conversations.
If you're interested in hearing more episodes or would like to try being coached by professional runners try the free Eastnine App -
We drop in a little bit of math and a little bit of science with a whole lot of surfing. Rob Case, a paddling technique coach, discusses science and math in the world of surfing and how surfers can improve and progress from it. Special guest appearances and experts in their field share stories and research.
Welcome to the Forest Educator Podcast hosted by Ricardo Sierra. Join Ricardo as he engages in enlightening conversations with educators from across the globe who are revolutionizing nature-based education. Drawing on his 35 years of experience in wilderness education, Ricardo shares practical insights, tools, and best practices to inspire and support forest educators and camp staff worldwide. Tune in twice a week for interviews with passionate educators and skill spotlights that delve into the challenges and triumphs of the field.
O Podcast Kológica é sobre a minha forma de pensar e ver a vida, sobre uma mudança de pensamento que nos possa levar a viver de forma mais positiva. Nos últimos tempos tenho aprendido muito sobre a arte da aceitação, do mindfulness e de como relacionar-me com os desafios de forma mais positiva. Quero partilhar convosco as minhas descobertas no mundo do desenvolvimento pessoal abordando os seguintes temas: terapias (psicologia e terapias alternativas), medicina alternativa, ecologia, relações humanas, amor, parentalidade, entre outros - tudo isto através de conversas inspiradoras com pessoas que me influenciam. A Kológica é o raciocínio positivo!
Olá, Eu sou a Inês Gaya e este é o meu podcast. A missão deste projeto é contribuir para o despertar de consciência, a cura e o empoderamento. Vamos falar espiritualidade, desenvolvimento pessoal, sagrado feminino e sobretudo vamos abrir espaço à nossa verdade e humanidade. Vou convidar pessoas reais e imperfeitas, humanas e divinas, porque são elas que verdadeiramente me inspiram. Sejam muito bem vindas/os a Gaya Talks, onde as conversas são um caminho de regresso Casa.
Eu sou a Rita Ferro Alvim e este é meu podcast. Por aqui vão passar as pessoas que mais me inspiram e as histórias que mais me fascinam. Do slowliving à moda, até à decoração passando pela alimentação e pelas famílias mais incríveis. Pode até nem haver tema, desde que haja alma para uma vida mais lenta e inspirada. Venham então, na Caravana!
IFS Talks is an audio series to deepen connections with the Internal Family Systems Model through conversations with lead trainers, authors, practitioners and users. In these audio interviews, we will have the opportunity to draw out aspects of IFS Lead Trainers and skilled presenters to create a user-friendly format for listeners to get to know each trainer or practitioner, their background, in and before IFS. With candid, self-led dialogue, trainers and practitioners can share their specific interests with listeners interested in deepening their inner knowledge and IFS practice. Cece Sykes, Susan McConnell, Mary Kruger, Pam Krause, Lisa Spiegel, Martha Sweezy, Art Mones, Ann Sinko, Paul Neustadt, Frank Anderson, Larry Rosenberg, Toni Herbine-Blank, and many more among the interviewees. Among the topics in theTalks:
- All Erotic Parts are Welcome, with Larry Rosenberg
- IFS, Trauma and Neuroscience, with Frank Anderson
- From Reactive to Self Led Parenting, with Paul Neustadt
- IFS as a Metamodel of Therapy, with Art Mones
- The Role of Legacy Burdens on Anxiety, Depression and Shame, with Ann Sinko
- Shame and Guilt as central for IFS work, with Martha Sweezy
- Bringing IFS to Children and Parents, with Lisa Spiegel
- IFS with Children and Adolescents, with Pam Krause
- IFS on Addictions and Eating Disorders, with Mary Kruger
- Embodying the Internal Family, with Susan McConnell
- Bringing IFS to Extreme Parts, with Cece Sykes -
Na loucura do dia a dia, por vezes é difícil perceber que podemos fazer escolhas diferentes para a nossa vida. Não precisamos de ficar irritados no meio do trânsito, fazer um trabalho chato por dinheiro ou manter uma relação amorosa infeliz.
Todas as semanas a Mikaela Övén, o Pedro Vieira e alguns dos seus convidados vão partilhar através de uma conversa relaxada inspiradora e divertida, novas abordagens e formas de pensar que te permitem lidar de forma positiva com os teus desafios diários ao mesmo tempo que recebes um estímulo emocionalmente positivo de fé, esperança e otimismo. Para que possas viver e inspirar outros a viver uma vida mágica.
Deixa-te contagiar! -