
  • There’s a dilemma that a lot of entrepreneurs find themselves in as they try to launch and grow their business.

    Entrepreneur wants to grow their business but they don’t know how. They buy a course and spend hours upon hours trying to learn everything and implement it all in their business themselves.

    Entrepreneur gets very busy and does see some growth and improvement, but then those results plateau.

    Entrepreneur then thinks those strategies didn’t work, so they go looking for some other silver bullet strategy. So they spend more hours learning and implementing.

    Meanwhile, their business growth remains sluggish. Now, they don’t know if their business sucks or if they are just incompetent.

    They go hunting again…

    But the real problem is that, at any one time, they only have half of the sales growth equation in play.

    The equation is: speed of execution + tactical precision = sales growth.

    Moving too fast without a well thought-out strategy will lead your business somewhere, but not necessarily where you want it to go.

    Whereas precise strategic planning alone without speed of execution is like a handbrake on your growth, because you prolong the time it takes to actually realise the results.

    So today on the show, we’re going to talk about how to have both speed and precision so that you can produce the best results possible for your business.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-229/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free eCommerce Coaching Session:


    Free Magic Metrics Calculator: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/website-audit/

    Book Your eCommerce Strategy Session: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk/


  • My guest today is Sarah Henney, founder of Outback Linen Co, which is what I would call a women’s fashion label with heart.

    Sarah only launched her label less than two years ago, but it’s almost exploded in the time since.

    How on earth has she managed to launch her business with such a bang, and grow it so rapidly? And do it whilst raising two very young children and whilst living in rural Queensland?

    There are two things in particular that I want you to listen to in this interview.

    Firstly, the way Sarah has really built this brand around a very strong purpose and uses storytelling to connect with her audience.

    And secondly, her marketing strategy, and the way she creates and shares her marketing content combined with having the right campaign structures and budgets to hit her revenue targets.

    So she’s not simply relying on having a great product, she’s created a really compelling sales strategy that connects with her audience and compels them to buy.

    The outcome of her approach means that her revenue is scaling up rapidly at a time when many eCommerce brands are struggling.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-228/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Website: https://www.outbacklinen.co/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outbacklinenco/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outbacklinenco/


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  • Just recently, I started working with a brand owner who I first spoke to about 3 years ago. Back then, she wasn’t keen to invest in learning, instead deciding to try and grow her revenue a bit more first before taking the leap.

    Fast forward to two months ago and her revenue had not grown at all. She was still stuck at the same level as 3 years ago!

    Since working with us two months ago, she’s learned a lot, gained knowledge and developed new skills.

    And her revenue has exploded 70% year on year. She has literally paid for an entire year’s worth of coaching with us in the space of two months thanks to the revenue growth she’s already achieved!

    What this comes down to is the difference in ROI on learning:

    Identifying exactly what knowledge and skills she needs to acquire that’ll have the biggest and fastest impact on her growth, investing in those, taking fast action to implement them, and then having a method of calculating her return on investment.

    Let’s break it down in this episode so that you can enjoy a similar transformation as well.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-227/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


    Free coaching session: https://www.catherinelangman.com/free-coaching-session/

    Ecommerce Mastery: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/ecommerce-mastery-business-coach/

  • Get ready to dive into the moment you've eagerly anticipated!

    Welcome to Part 2 of our exclusive two-part mini-series, "‘What to do & avoid doing to boost your eCommerce sales in 2024’. is finally here!

    If you haven’t listened to last week's episode, definitely get onto that first and then come back to this one, as the content is designed to step you through in the right order.

    If you have listened to last week’s, I hope you’ve done your homework!

    This week, I’m diving into three specific business and marketing strategies you should be implementing right now if your sales revenues have plateaued or declined this year.

    Again, there will be some actionable advice in this episode that you’ll be able to take advantage of and implement into your own business.

    So, let’s dig into part 2 of ‘what to do and avoid doing to boost your ecommerce sales in 2024’.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-226-part2/

    Part 1: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-226/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

  • Do you remember how it felt at the start of your business journey? You’re excited, motivated, energised, ambitious, optimistic. Like you can conquer the world!

    And here’s how it often feels when you get going: WTF was I thinking? I can’t do this! I’m utterly exhausted, have NFI what to do next & I cannot possibly work any harder than this.

    We start to despair that we can ever achieve our goals. We lose faith that things will ever change for the better. We start to believe our current reality is our forever reality…

    If you’re getting traffic to your website, but not generating enough sales…

    Or you’re stuck at the same revenue and can’t seem to break through to the next level…

    This episode is for you! In fact, I’ve got a 2-part-series coming up for you of two mini-trainings that work together.

    If your sales are languishing, or just not growing to achieve your sales targets, then you definitely need to stop doing some things that aren’t working the same way they used to, and start doing some things differently so that you can match your customers where they are right now.

    In this episode, we share some of the current trends in eCommerce as well as some of the common mistakes eCom brands are making a lot right now, and how these things might be impacting your business. Along with some tips and strategies to overcome them.

    Next week, we’ll pick things up again and go through some of the specific business and marketing strategies you can and should be doing to overcome these challenges and get your business back to growth. Even in today’s tough economy.

    Let’s dive into part 1…

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-226/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


    Episode 214, “Simple Website Navigation Fixes That Boost Your Conversion Rate”


    Blog post, “How To Win At Digital Marketing For Your eCommerce Store”

    Episode 165, “How To Become A Cashflow Queen” https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-165/

    Episode 189, “How To Bust Past Fears To Build A Thriving Online Superstore”


  • In the last couple of months, it seems as though every single digital marketing platform we need to use for our Ecommerce businesses have all been rolling out major updates.

    And Klaviyo is no exception. And whilst new functionality is designed to deepen the integration with your online store and help you make more money, the changes do tend to disrupt performance in the short term.

    The automated flows in most, if not all, Klaviyo accounts I’ve reviewed in recent weeks have taken a downward turn.

    Flows like your New Subscriber Welcome flow and your Abandoned Cart flow – usually the biggest money spinners – have declined.

    And that is not a situation you want to allow to continue!

    So in this episode, we will discuss 4 steps you can take to make more money from your automated flows in Klaviyo.

    And if you haven’t taken a look at your Klaviyo flows in recent months (or years in the case of many accounts I audit), then use this episode as your kick up the bum to get in there today.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-225/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • If I had a dollar for every time during the last couple of months that I heard an entrepreneur say something like, ‘I haven’t changed anything but sales have dropped off a cliff’, I’d probably make it onto the Rich List.

    Well, maybe not that, but in all seriousness, it does feel a bit like the Digital Marketing Sky is Falling In.

    Not to be too Chicken Little about it!

    Right now, there is no denying the seismic shifts that are going on, between the inflationary economy and the massive changes happening across all digital marketing platforms.

    Both these factors are wreaking havoc with all businesses. Everyone is feeling the impact, and it’s not exactly comfortable is it?

    When that happens, we need to shift and change how we show up in our business and with our marketing. What strategy we deploy, what we focus on or don’t focus on.

    And that’s what I’ll be sharing in this episode: the 6 golden rules of marketing that will equip you to survive and thrive in this 2024 economy.

    Episode: 🎙️ https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-224/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • Acquiring new customers at a profit, and keeping them coming back again and again, is essential if you want to grow your business.

    Without it, you won’t have the cashflow or the profitability to sustain your business, because those two things – cash flow and profits – are like blood and oxygen to your business.

    However, the way you go about acquiring and retaining customers will be different depending on what kind of product or service you sell. And most likely, it’ll change over time as the world we operate in changes.

    From time to time, I’ve found a really valuable exercise is to analyse what some of the most successful brands and companies are doing, and to compare and contrast them with others and with my own businesses.

    When you do this kind of exercise, not only can you come away with some fantastic new ideas to try out in your own business.

    But you’ll also notice that even the most successful businesses in the world don’t experience a straight upwards growth curve from start-up to success.

    So today on the show, we’re going to dissect the Netflix business model and we’re going to tease out 6 specific components that contribute to their success that you might be able to emulate.

    We’ll also compare these to other brands as well, to identify the type of business or product that best suits each strategy.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-223/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • Using Facebook Ads has been a tried-and-true method of increasing traffic and sales for eCommerce businesses over many years now. But, it’s never without issues along the way…

    I’m sure we all know the frustration when you invest the time, energy, and money into ads that either don’t produce the expected results, OR that suddenly take a nosedive for no apparent reason.

    The truth is, many business owners run into the problem of their Facebook ads not converting.

    Lately, Facebook has been rolling out a lot of new updates to the Ads platform, many of which have caused issues with campaigns that were otherwise performing well.

    And whilst there is no playbook that Meta hands out – Meta are notoriously silent when it comes to sharing any kind of information about what they’re doing and how it impacts the way we use the platforms – so there’s no foolproof guide for troubleshooting issues when they happen.

    However, long experience tells me there are several steps you can take to bring your ad performance back where you need it to be.

    So in this episode, I’ll share 10 fixes you can implement when your Facebook ads are broken or stop converting.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-222/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • In the increasingly busy digital landscape we operate in as brand owners and eCommerce businesses, it’s harder and harder to capture the attention of your customers.

    Think of the last time you spent time on social media. How many pieces of content did you notice? Did you scroll past most of it? What was it that actually stopped you scrolling?

    One of the most effective ways to cut through the clutter is through brand design.

    I don’t mean just your logo. A logo is only one small part of your branding.

    Think about the brands whose marketing you really notice and engage with. They all have a distinct personality.

    Their visual, written and experiential elements all consistently convey the brand personality and brand value.

    And they manage to produce marketing content that is engaging, memorable and inspires action – purchase.

    In this episode, I’m joined by brand designer Janelle and we dissect the branding of 4 successful brands, teasing out what it is that helps them connect with their customers.

    At the end, we have a fun, free exercise you can do to help identify your own brand’s personality and style, so that you can also elevate your marketing to the next, more impactful level.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-221/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.





  • Did your eCommerce revenue drop in March? Or maybe February?

    When results decline, the common knee-jerk reaction is to assume you’ve stuffed up in some way. That you did something to cause the downturn.

    Or, to blame poor sales on the state of the economy.

    Either way, you’re liable to end up in the same place: not investing time or money in marketing to drive your business forwards.

    First of all, just because your sales might decline sometimes, does not mean your business is a failure.

    Nor does it mean that consumer demand for your products has all but dried up and your business is doomed.

    However, if you are experiencing a sales slump, not taking any action to rectify that situation WILL lead to that dismal ending! And I don’t want that for you.

    So today on the show, I want to help you to identify what the real issue is, and what is the right action you need to take to fix it.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-220/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.



  • Is your business amazing yet? What do you need to do to get to Amazing?

    This past month has felt a bit chaotic and unpredictable, with things like Afterpay Day promo being a massive high, and then a bunch of changes on the Meta Ads platform destabilising ads.

    And I know a few of you have been feeling anxious as a result, wondering if it’s something you’ve done to stuff things up.

    Trust me, it’s not you, it’s across the board. However, you don’t want to let it stay like that!

    As we draw to the end of the first quarter of 2024, it’s time to do your quarterly review to assess what’s happened, what worked, what didn’t, and figure out what you need to do next.

    Don’t stress – I’m here to help! In this episode, I share 5 short, fun exercises you can do to take stock and plan your next steps.

    Remember, success is not an accident!

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-219/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • Do you feel like you’re working your butt off but getting nowhere fast? Like, you’re so busy all the time you could not possibly work any harder or longer hours than you already are.

    I want to talk about the concept of Return On Effort. Not Return On Investment, but Effort.

    How can you get a bit more leverage into your days so that the results and outcomes you can produce are bigger and better compared to the efforts or inputs you put in.

    Often, people don’t figure out if their efforts are actually generating a return. I see far too many business owners working for peanuts over a very long period of time, and they don’t even realise it.

    In this episode, I’ll be sharing how you can plan ahead while considering your return on effort as well as investment.

    Then we’ll discuss how you should measure your actual return on effort to make sure the actions you took produced the level of results you wanted.

    And most importantly of all, we’ll discuss how you can improve your return on effort AND get there faster than ever before.

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-218/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Time Sucking Monster quiz: https://quiz.catherinelangman.com/sf/ca2386a4

    90 Day Planning Process podcast: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-158/

    Hire a VA: https://www.catherinelangman.com/ecommerce-virtual-assistant/

  • It’s often the case that entrepreneurs launch their brands feeling as though they’ve done the hard work by actually getting their product to launch.

    But while designing and manufacturing a product and getting it to market is no small feat, the real hard work of growing a business is yet to happen.

    Building an audience. Gaining brand awareness. Getting customers to actually buy your product – not just once, but over and over again to produce consistent and growing revenues.

    None of that stuff is easy. Often it’s a bit boring. There are frequent problems and disappointments and issues that require solving.

    There are certain ingredients we must have in order to sustain motivation and productivity over the long-haul, which is necessary if we want to experience lasting success.And certain strategies we need to employ consistently if we want to build brand awareness, create demand for our products and convert paying customers.

    Your eCommerce business and the success and profitability of your digital marketing, requires all of these ingredients, which is the topic of today’s episode.

    Today on the show I’m joined by Raph McGowan, founder of innovative Aussie brand Bakslap.

    Since launching only a few years ago, Bakslap has experienced some rapid growth and is now primed to take some major international markets by storm.

    There are four key takeaways I want you to take away from this conversation, that could really help ignite massive brand visibility and fuel faster growth in your own business.

    Starting with passion and purpose, the two ingredients that fuel Raph’s motivation through all the ups and downs, as well as forming the basis of the stories and content that capture and engage his audience’s attention.

    And then the two key strategies – public, grass-roots events and partnerships – take those stories to the masses, giving Raph and Bakslap the kind of brand awareness that a successful eCommerce business needs to leverage in order to scale and grow.

    Aside from creating this incredibly successful venture, Raph is also humble and clearly enjoys what he does every day. His positivity is quite infectious!

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-217/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Photo Credit: Couriermail Australia

  • One of the hardest things when it comes to planning for growth, is estimating your future revenue and setting goals around how much you’ll grow month on month and year on year.

    Business owners and leaders crave predictable, profitable growth.

    But, most people who have been in business for even a short while, know from experience that there are a lot of variables outside your control, which makes it extremely difficult to plan ahead with confidence.

    It also makes it extremely difficult for many entrepreneurs to spend money with confidence on things like advertising or other strategies to generate that growth.

    What then happens, is business owners proceed with a high degree of caution and are very conservative with their marketing investments – not wanting to risk too much money until they have proof that their ads or other activities are getting good results, and assuming that they’ll then be able to scale up in time to achieve their goals.

    Unfortunately, this rarely produces the results that they’re after, which then dents the business owner's level of confidence and their motivation to keep at it.

    For starters, they often don’t go out with the right mix of channels required to get the best results.

    There’s also a commonly-held misconception that you can never guarantee any kind of specific result when it comes to your digital marketing.

    However, as the business owner, or if you work with a marketing specialist that does work across all of those channels to implement whole-of-business growth strategies, then there are ways to be able to predict your revenue and profit growth with a high level of accuracy.

    And in 2024, with the state of our economy right now, net profit growth is probably far more important than top line revenue growth. So if you don’t master this, you will definitely struggle more…

    So today on the show, I’m going to walk you through the revenue growth modelling method I’ve developed that leads to much more accurate growth predictions and overall better results, both in terms of revenue and profits.

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-216/

  • With all this hype and media coverage around Taylor Swift's Downunder Tour, and with all the records this tour has smashed in terms of ticket sales and revenue, it got us thinking about the marketing for such mania.

    Did you know that the average Swiftie fan wasn't just attending a concert, but embarking on a full-blown adventure?

    With an estimated spending of $1300 on tickets, travel, accommodation, and merchandise, it's clear that attending a Taylor Swift concert was more than just a show—it was a pilgrimage for fans.

    So for this episode, grab your sparkly outfits and get ready to uncover the marketing strategies and business lessons that makes the Eras Tour an unforgettable journey for fans and a lucrative venture for Taylor Swift, and how you can effectively apply these mega strategies to your own business marketing.

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-215/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • One of the most critical elements of a high converting eCommerce website is the navigation.

    We know, statistically, that providing customers with a great website user experience is hugely impactful on conversions.

    With an intuitive navigation, your customers can quickly find what they’re looking for.

    Additionally, with more than 70% of website visitors now on mobile devices, the navigation becomes even more critical. We have such a small amount of real estate on a mobile device screen, so the way we design our navigation plays an even bigger role.

    Plus, if you include all the right design and interactive elements you’ll give them nice little hits of dopamine as they successfully navigate on your site, and you’ll find your conversion rate will go up significantly.

    In this episode, we go through the most common mistakes we see eCommerce businesses make all the time with their navigation, as well as her top tips for getting this critical component of your website right. So by the end of the episode, you will have several steps you can take and implement immediately on your own website.

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-214/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


  • Most eCommerce brands that are struggling to grow right now are stuck because they’re making this one critical error:

    They don’t have the right, over-arching growth strategy in place.

    It’s not that these brands aren’t implementing some marketing strategies… They’re usually implementing a bunch of tactics like email marketing, posting content on socials, maybe spending money on advertising. Sometimes even SEO.

    But if you’re doing all that and finding it’s still not working, and if you’ve ever said to me (or to yourself or to anyone else) that you’ve tried every marketing tactic and it’s not working…

    Then you’re probably missing this too.

    At the end of the day, all of those marketing and advertising channels are just that: communication channels. In and of themselves, they’re not strategies.

    For example, over the last few weeks I’ve been personally designing growth strategies for my newest Mastery clients, but let me tell you about one in particular.

    She’s got a gorgeous brand and has grown it well over a few years, but over the last 12 months she’s plateaued with no growth on the year before.

    She initially said to me before we started working together that she has tried everything but it’s not working. Her knee-jerk reaction was that the state of the economy was to blame.

    Of course, there are definitely ways in which the cost of living and the economy impacts business.

    But 9 times out of 10, that’s not the cause of these brands’ struggle.

    So in this episode, I want to share with you how I personally go about designing growth strategies that make millions of dollars. Even in today’s market.

    To accompany this episode, I’ve recorded a short tutorial video about how I calculate eCommerce revenue growth projections accurately. If you’d like to access this for free, head to catherinelangman.com/dashboard

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-213/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.



  • While the ultimate aim of an eCommerce business is to generate revenue, the name of the game is TRAFFIC.

    Without traffic first, without getting eyeballs onto your website, nothing else matters and your business will remain the world’s best kept secret.

    But, not all traffic is equal and getting quality traffic at a profit is harder than it used to be.

    To scale and grow a profitable online store, you need a mix of three kinds of traffic: owned – from your own database, such as Klaviyo; paid – which is advertising; and earned – earning organic search traffic being the main strategy there.

    You want to aim for 40% of your traffic and sales coming from organic traffic, and when you do a great job of this you’ll generally find that your conversion rate from this traffic is higher than most other channels, probably with the exception of your email marketing.

    To get more organic traffic, though, requires working on SEO. And unfortunately, this activity is something you need to work on regularly and consistently.

    It’s also the kind of digital marketing that evolves over time, as new technologies and platforms come into play and as consumer behaviour changes.

    So today on the show, I’ve invited Karen from my team onto the show. Karen is what I like to call an SEO queen, and she’s going to share details around the top 5 SEO trends for eCommerce businesses in 2024, and how you can incorporate them into your marketing.

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-212/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.



  • On average, eCommerce websites convert at 2-3%, whilst average revenue per website visitor varies from brand to brand.

    Lately, I’ve been auditing a number of eCommerce businesses who are desperately trying to grow their revenue and profits, to make and keep more money in their business.

    But they not only don’t know these metrics, or any of the other performance metrics that drive growth.

    They also don’t know how to improve them so that they can actually achieve their growth goals.

    Many times I hear comments like “I feel like I’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked”.

    Unfortunately, behind that statement is frequently someone who has chased shiny objects in a misguided attempt to discover the magic silver bullet that grants them overnight million-dollar success.

    Or, someone who has implemented a whole bunch of tactics that they’ve had recommended to them, but without any kind of overarching strategy to tie it all together.

    In the end, they’re going about it the wrong way, and in the process they end up giving their brains a whole lotta evidence that this doesn’t work.

    But with a better process and a strategy tailored to your specific business, anything is possible.

    For example, what if there was a strategy that could 3x the average revenue per visitor AND 4x the conversion rate?

    And what if it did that WITHOUT paying more money on ads?

    I'm pretty sure you'd want it....

    Well guess what – that strategy actually exists!

    And even better – this is all automated!

    So let’s dive in shall we? Listen in to discover how to double the number of customers who buy from you – on autopilot. And don’t miss the #1 critical error that far too many eCom brands make that prevents them from getting results like this, which I’ll share towards the end. You don’t want to be making this in your own business, trust me!

    For the full show notes visit https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-211/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.
