
  • In this episode, Niall delves into whether the EU Migration Pact benefits Ireland. The legislation recently passed in the Dáil by a narrow margin, with 79 TDs voting in favor and 72 against. The government argues that the pact will enhance Ireland’s asylum system, but opposition TDs have raised concerns about potential erosion of sovereignty and the risk of financial penalties from the EU.

    Niall explores the perspectives surrounding the pact, referencing debates and statements from key figures, including Independent Ireland and TD Mattie McGrath, who expressed significant reservations. Justice Minister Helen McEntee supports the pact, highlighting its potential for faster application processing, stronger border security, and quicker returns for those without valid claims.

    Niall opens up the lines to callers, who share their views on whether the EU Migration Pact is beneficial for Ireland.

    Some callers believe the pact is advantageous, providing a framework for faster asylum processing and enhancing border security. They argue that collaboration with other EU countries is essential for effectively managing migration and ensuring that those in genuine need of protection receive it swiftly, while those without valid claims are returned promptly.

    Other callers oppose the pact, viewing it as a threat to Ireland’s sovereignty, handing over control of immigration policy to Brussels. They are concerned about the financial implications and the potential strain on already limited resources. They argue that the pact could lead to increased immigration without adequate vetting and undermine Ireland’s ability to make independent decisions based on its unique needs.

    Niall wraps up by summarizing the varied viewpoints, reflecting on the balance between maintaining national control and cooperating within the EU framework.

  • In this episode, Niall explores the question: Should Illegal Economic Migrants Be Allowed To Stay In Ireland? The discussion stems from a piece in Gript Media reporting on Irish Times journalist Kitty Holland's comments that many NGO staff working with asylum seekers are aware that significant numbers of economic migrants are deliberately posing as asylum seekers to enter the country.

    Niall highlights the key points from Holland’s interview on the In the News podcast, where she mentioned that these economic migrants see asylum applications as their only legal means to enter Ireland. She noted that there are calls for broader applications for work permits to allow people to come in legally and contribute to sectors in need of workers.

    Niall opens up the lines to callers, asking for their opinions on whether economic migrants should be allowed to stay.

    Some callers don’t agree with allowing illegal economic migrants to stay. They argue that while people may seek a better life, it’s unfair to those who follow proper channels. The system is already strained with housing and public services, and adding more people without proper vetting and planning could exacerbate these issues. They emphasize the need to prioritize citizens and legal immigrants.

    Other callers believe in considering the allowance of economic migrants to stay. They argue that many of these individuals are willing to work hard and fill jobs in demand. Rather than forcing them through a broken asylum system, legal pathways should be created for them to contribute to the economy. They see this as a win-win situation, benefiting both the migrants and the country's workforce needs.

    Niall wraps up by summarizing the diverse viewpoints, reflecting on the balance between maintaining fair and structured immigration policies and addressing the economic needs of the country.

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  • In this episode, Niall asks, "Is It Okay to Discipline Someone Else's Child?" The discussion stems from a listener's dilemma about whether it was appropriate to intervene and discipline another child who was bullying their own child at school.

    Niall opens up the lines to callers, sparking a lively debate.

    Some callers strongly believe it's acceptable to step in when another child is misbehaving, especially in cases of bullying. They argue that as a community, there is a shared responsibility to ensure all children are treated with respect and kindness. These callers feel that a firm word or intervention can be crucial in preventing further bullying and teaching kids about acceptable behavior. They highlight that addressing bad behavior promptly can set a clear boundary and protect other children from harm.

    On the other hand, other callers feel that it's inappropriate to directly discipline someone else's child. They argue that such actions can overstep personal boundaries and potentially escalate the situation. Instead, they suggest that the proper approach would be to speak to the child's parents or school authorities, allowing them to handle the discipline in a more structured and respectful manner. These callers emphasize the importance of maintaining a respectful approach and avoiding actions that could intimidate or confuse the child.

    Niall wraps up the episode by summarizing the diverse viewpoints, reflecting on the need to balance protecting one's own child with respecting the boundaries of disciplining others. He highlights the importance of community involvement and the necessity of addressing bullying, while also advocating for appropriate and respectful ways to resolve conflicts involving children.

  • In this episode, Niall asks, "Do You Support The Aer Lingus Strike?" The discussion revolves around the ongoing industrial action by Aer Lingus pilots demanding a 24% pay increase to offset inflation since their last raise in 2019. The strike has already begun affecting flights, with more disruptions expected soon. The Irish Airline Pilots' Association (IALPA) argues that the pay raise is justified given Aer Lingus' 400% profit increase last year, while Aer Lingus management contends that such demands are unsustainable without productivity improvements.

    Some callers fully support the Aer Lingus pilots in their strike. They believe the pilots made significant sacrifices during the pandemic, and now that Aer Lingus is profitable again, it's only fair that the pilots receive a pay raise reflecting their hard work and dedication. The planned work-to-rule policy and full-day strike are seen as necessary measures to pressure Aer Lingus management to negotiate in good faith.

    While other callers do not support the strike. They argue that while the pilots' desire for better pay is understandable, the timing and manner of the strike are causing major disruptions for travelers during the peak summer season. This not only inconveniences passengers but also damages the airline's reputation. They believe there are other ways to negotiate without causing such widespread disruption and stress that negotiations should continue without impacting thousands of travelers.

    Niall summarizes the arguments on both sides, reflecting on the balance between fair compensation and the broader impact on travelers and the airline's stability. He emphasizes the importance of finding a resolution that acknowledges the pilots' contributions while minimizing disruption to passengers and the airline's operations.

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "Do You Have An Objection To People Bringing Dogs Into Bars?" The topic arises from an email from a listener who was denied entry to a beer garden with their dog. The listener shared their experience and expressed frustration about not being able to enjoy time with their pet in a social setting. This has sparked a debate about whether dogs should be allowed in bars, beer gardens, or restaurants.

    Some callers think people should absolutely be allowed to bring their dogs into bars, especially beer gardens. They argue that dogs are part of the family, and many people enjoy spending time with their pets in social settings. It can make the atmosphere more relaxed and enjoyable. As long as the dogs are well-behaved and hygiene standards are maintained, there shouldn't be a problem. They also mention that it is common in other countries and adds charm to the place, providing opportunities for socialization among dog owners.

    While other callers strongly object to dogs being allowed in bars and beer gardens. They point out that not everyone is comfortable around dogs, and some people have allergies or phobias. There are concerns about hygiene, especially if dogs are not well-behaved. People go to bars to relax and enjoy themselves, and having dogs around can lead to disturbances. They believe bars should remain a pet-free zone to ensure everyone's comfort and safety.

    Niall wraps up the discussion by summarizing the arguments for and against allowing dogs in bars, highlighting the importance of balancing the enjoyment of pet owners with the comfort and safety of all patrons.

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "Should Ireland Introduce The Two Child Benefit Cap?" This policy, which restricts welfare benefits to the first two children, has been a contentious issue in the UK since its introduction in 2017. Supporters argue it encourages responsible family planning and alleviates taxpayer burden, while opponents believe it pushes more children into poverty and undermines the welfare system.

    Some callers think Ireland should introduce the two-child benefit cap. They argue that while the state has a duty to support families, couples need to budget responsibly, especially if unemployed. A cap would ensure targeted and sustainable support, alleviating financial pressure on taxpayers and promoting personal responsibility in family planning.

    Other callers strongly oppose the cap, believing it would disproportionately affect low-income families and push more children into poverty. They emphasize that the state should ensure all children’s basic needs are met and highlight Ireland's declining population. Encouraging larger families through financial support is seen as essential for the country's future stability and growth.

    Niall concludes the discussion by weighing the potential benefits of personal responsibility and financial sustainability against the need to support larger families and address demographic challenges, leaving listeners to ponder whether a two-child benefit cap is the right path for Ireland.

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "Do You Believe In A God Or A Higher Power?" We dive into one of the most profound and deeply personal questions of all: "Do You Believe In A God Or A Higher Power?"

    In a world filled with diverse beliefs, spiritual practices, and philosophical viewpoints, the concept of a higher power has intrigued humanity for centuries. Whether through organized religion, personal spirituality, or philosophical inquiry, the idea of something greater than ourselves resonates differently for each of us.

    Some callers believe in a higher power, finding it provides purpose, moral guidance, and a sense of connection. They see the complexity of the universe as evidence of intelligent design and find comfort in their faith. They also emphasize the community and shared values that belief in a higher power fosters.

    Other callers don't believe in a higher power, relying instead on science and empirical evidence to explain the universe. They argue that morality and purpose can be derived from human experiences and our innate sense of empathy and justice. They see belief in a higher power as a construct to explain the unknown and provide comfort, which becomes less necessary as scientific understanding advances.

    Join us as we explore this deeply personal and complex topic, considering perspectives from both believers and skeptics. Is there something greater than ourselves, or do we create our own meaning and purpose in life?

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "EU Migration Pact: Is Sovereignty An Outdated Concept?"

    The Government is set to opt into the EU Migration Pact, aiming to streamline asylum processes across member states with legally binding processing times and efficient returns of unsuccessful applicants. This will involve processing applications within three to six months, fingerprinting and photographing applicants, and establishing designated accommodation centers. The pact also includes a mandatory "border procedure" for specific cohorts, requiring significant increases in staff and resources.

    Some argue that Ireland could implement these measures under its own laws, while others believe the pact will enforce necessary improvements. Niall explores whether sovereignty is an outdated concept in today's interconnected world, considering the immense benefits Ireland has gained from EU membership, such as economic growth, job opportunities, and a stronger global presence.

    Some callers think our sovereignty is an outdated concept in the modern world. Being part of the EU has brought immense benefits to Ireland. We've seen significant economic growth, improved job opportunities, and better standards of living. The EU’s single market and support have stabilized our economy, making it more competitive globally. Moreover, being part of a larger entity like the EU offers us protection and a stronger voice on the international stage. In today's interconnected world, pooling sovereignty for mutual benefits is the way forward.

    While other callers feel maintaining our sovereignty is crucial. While the EU has provided economic benefits, it also means we have to comply with decisions that might not always align with our national interests. For instance, the new migration pact imposes rules that we could address through our own laws. Being forced to follow EU mandates can sometimes undermine our ability to govern independently and address our unique challenges effectively. Sovereignty ensures that we retain control over our policies and national identity.

  • Guests:

    Linda De Courcy Independent Ireland Candidate For Clondalkin LEA

    William Carton Independent Ireland Candidate For Athy LEA

    Ryan McKeown Independent Ireland Candidate For Clane LEA

    Collette Byrne Independent Ireland Candidate For Portlaoise LEA


    In this episode, Niall is getting the reaction of listeners to Tent City Deja Vu. Approximately 100 tents occupied by asylum seekers were removed from Dublin’s Grand Canal this morning for the third time this month. The multi-agency operation aimed to move occupants to alternative accommodation, with buses ready to transport them. The government stated that new beds have become available in Citywest and other locations across the country, easing the pressure on Dublin.

    This recurring issue has sparked debate about the government's priorities. While the government claims that these moves are necessary to provide better facilities and reduce pressure on the city, critics argue that resources are being diverted from pressing issues affecting Irish citizens.

    Niall opens up the lines to callers.

    Some callers are fed up with the government prioritizing migrants over its own citizens. They argue that many Irish people are homeless and struggling, yet the government continues to allocate resources to asylum seekers. They believe the government needs to focus on the needs of the Irish people first, improving healthcare, making housing affordable, and addressing the struggles of taxpayers before spending on migrant camps.

    Niall wraps up by highlighting the debate and differing opinions on how the government is handling the asylum seeker situation in relation to the needs of Irish citizens.

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "Do you agree with military conscription for unemployed 18-year-olds?" This discussion stems from a proposal by the Conservatives to reintroduce mandatory national service, offering military placements or community service to young people. The plan aims to foster national spirit and provide valuable skills, but it has faced criticism for its potential costs and impact on personal freedom.

    Some callers fully support the idea, believing it will instill discipline, provide valuable skills, and divert young people from crime and unemployment. They see it as a way to foster national pride and unity, with benefits extending to public services like the NHS and fire services.

    Other callers oppose the idea, viewing mandatory service as a violation of personal freedom and arguing that funds would be better spent on improving education and job opportunities. They criticize the proposal as an unfunded measure that could strain the economy and fail to address the root causes of unemployment.

    Niall wraps up by highlighting the debate over the benefits and drawbacks of mandatory national service for unemployed youth.

  • In this episode, Niall explores the question, "Can Ireland Remain Neutral in a Changing World?" Ireland's longstanding policy of neutrality faces scrutiny amidst its support for international humanitarian efforts and use of Shannon Airport by the US military. With significant financial aid to Ukraine and involvement in EU defense initiatives, callers debate whether Ireland's neutrality is viable in today's geopolitical landscape.

    Some callers argue that Ireland's neutrality is a cornerstone of its foreign policy, promoting peacekeeping and humanitarian aid without military alignment. They believe neutrality allows Ireland to maintain its identity and diplomatic relations while mediating global conflicts peacefully.

    Others contend that Ireland's actions, such as supporting Ukraine and hosting US military operations, compromise its claim to neutrality. They suggest that in today's interconnected world, true neutrality is impractical, urging Ireland to acknowledge its alliances and commitments openly. They argue that maintaining a facade of neutrality undermines credibility and transparency in foreign policy.

    Niall summarizes the diverse viewpoints, emphasizing the challenges and importance of reevaluating Ireland's stance amidst evolving global dynamics. He thanks the callers for their perspectives and encourages listeners to continue exploring this complex issue.

  • In this episode, Niall asks, "Do you think moving refugees from the tents at the canal to larger fields with bigger tents and services is a good idea?" With plans to relocate asylum seekers to more organized camps at sites like Thornton Hall, opinions are divided on whether this is a humane solution or a misallocation of resources.

    Some callers think moving refugees from the tents at the canal to larger fields with bigger tents and better services is a more humane approach. They argue that providing refugees with essential services such as healthcare, sanitation, and security is the least that can be done for those who have fled terrible situations. This move is seen as a step toward treating refugees with dignity and compassion.

    While other callers feel that expanding services for refugees is not feasible given Ireland's current struggles with homelessness, healthcare shortages, and rising living costs. They believe the government should prioritize its own citizens' needs and that redirecting funds to refugee services takes away from vital resources needed by the local population.

    Niall summarizes the diverse opinions, highlighting the need to balance compassion for refugees with the practical challenges faced by the country. He thanks the callers for their insights and encourages listeners to continue the conversation.

  • In this episode, Niall is asking, "Should Ireland Reinstate Border Checks Between The North And South?" Recently, Gardaí sent migrants back to the North on one-way train tickets, prompting a discussion on whether border checkpoints could help control illegal immigration. With an estimated 30,000 migrants expected this year, opinions are divided on the effectiveness and implications of such measures.

    Some callers think reinstating border checks is essential to manage illegal immigration and enhance security. They believe it would help control the flow of migrants and prevent the entry of illegal items, ensuring a secure and orderly process for asylum seekers.

    Others feel reinstating border checks would be a step backward, undermining progress since the Good Friday Agreement and disrupting daily life for those near the border. They suggest improving immigration processes and cooperation with Northern Ireland and the UK instead.

    Niall summarizes the diverse opinions and suggests that while some see border checks as a solution, it's crucial to consider broader social and political implications. He thanks the callers for their insights and encourages listeners to continue the conversation.

  • In this episode, Niall asks, "Is Income Tax Relief for Moms a Birthrate Solution?" Inspired by Hungary’s 2019 policy, which exempts women with four or more children from paying income tax, Niall examines whether a similar approach could increase Ireland's birth rate.

    Some callers think offering income tax relief for mothers could be a great incentive to boost the birth rate in Ireland. Hungary's policy shows that it's a practical way to support families financially and encourage larger families. Raising children is expensive, and this kind of relief can significantly ease the financial burden. It also acknowledges the value of motherhood and the effort that goes into raising the next generation. One caller noted, "Income tax relief for moms could be a game-changer for Ireland. It would not only encourage higher birth rates but also help address demographic challenges like an aging population. Many young couples delay having children due to financial concerns, and this kind of policy could make a big difference."

    While other callers are against the idea. They argue that tax relief for moms might not be fair to everyone. What about families who can't have children or choose not to for various reasons? This policy could create inequality and resentment among those who don't benefit from it. They suggest that the government should instead invest in creating a more supportive environment for all families, regardless of the number of children they have.

    Niall summarizes the diverse opinions and suggests that while income tax relief for mothers could boost birth rates, it is essential to consider the broader implications and potential inequalities. He thanks the callers for their insights and encourages listeners to keep the conversation going.

  • In this episode, Niall explores the age-old question: "Tip or Skip? Should Tipping Your Server Be Compulsory?" With the rising cost of living, tipping has become an integral part of service industry workers' income. However, should it be mandatory? Niall dives into this contentious issue, examining both sides of the argument.

    Some argue that tipping should be compulsory to ensure fair compensation for service industry workers, who often rely on tips due to low base pay. Others believe that tipping should be a reward for exceptional service, not an obligation. With diverse perspectives, Niall navigates through the debate, offering insights and encouraging listeners to join the conversation.

    Some callers advocate for compulsory tipping, arguing that it ensures fair compensation for service industry workers and leads to consistent service quality. Others oppose mandatory tipping, believing it removes the incentive for exceptional service and shifts the burden of fair wages onto customers.

    Niall acknowledges the valid points on both sides and suggests considering a hybrid approach: increasing base wages to a fair level while keeping tips as a bonus for exceptional service. He thanks the callers for their insights and encourages listeners to continue the conversation.

  • In this insightful interview, Niall discusses the correct way to vote with John McGuirk, an expert in Irish politics and the Editor at Gript Media. With the local and European elections approaching, many listeners have reached out for guidance on how to effectively use their vote.

    John breaks down the Irish electoral system, known as “proportional representation; single transferable vote”, and offers practical advice on how to make the most of your vote. From understanding the ballot paper to the significance of ranking candidates, John provides valuable insights into the voting process.

    Key Points Covered:

    Explanation of the “proportional representation; single transferable vote” system.

    How to correctly fill out your ballot paper and rank candidates.

    The importance of using all of your preferences when voting.

    Understanding that every preference on your ballot paper is potentially as strong as a number one vote.

    Why your ranking of candidates matters and how it affects the election outcome.

    Acknowledging that people you may not agree with will be elected.

    The significance of voting honestly and not tactically to make the electoral system work for you.

    If you want to make sure your vote counts, this episode is a must-listen before heading to the polls.

  • In this episode, Niall explores the question: Should expat Irish citizens have the right to vote in Irish elections? The discussion was sparked by a message from an Irish man living in America who believes he should be allowed a postal vote in Irish elections. Should Irish citizens living abroad be allowed to vote?

    Some callers argue that Irish citizens living abroad should have the right to vote in Irish elections. They believe that living outside of Ireland doesn't diminish their connection to the country, and they should still have a say in its future. Allowing Irish citizens abroad to vote ensures that they can participate in the democratic process and have a voice in the decisions that affect their homeland.

    However, other callers disagree with the idea of allowing Irish citizens living abroad to vote in Irish elections. They argue that voting should be reserved for residents who are directly impacted by the decisions made by the government. Allowing postal votes for Irish citizens abroad could dilute the voices of those who actually live in Ireland.

    The question of whether Irish citizens living abroad should have the right to vote in Irish elections is a complex issue with passionate arguments on both sides. While some believe that voting rights should extend to all Irish citizens, regardless of where they live, others argue that the right to vote should be reserved for those directly affected by the decisions of the Irish government. As Ireland continues to grapple with this question, it's essential to consider the diverse perspectives and implications of such a decision.

  • In this episode, Niall looks into the question: Is it time for rank and file Gardaí on the street to be armed?

    Recent reports suggest an increase in violent crime, with gangs reportedly using high-powered weapons. Niall explores whether arming the rank and file Gardaí is the right response to this growing threat.

    Caller Perspectives:

    Some callers argue that it's time to arm the rank and file Gardaí on the street. They believe that with the rise in violent crime and reports of criminal gangs using high-powered weapons, police officers need to be adequately equipped to protect themselves and the public. Arming the Gardaí would help deter criminals and ensure public safety.

    However, other callers disagree with the proposal to arm the rank and file Gardaí on the street. They argue that while violent crime is a serious issue, arming police officers could escalate tensions and lead to more violence. Instead, they suggest exploring other solutions such as increased community policing and better intelligence-gathering.

    Niall reflects on the diverse perspectives shared by callers and the complex nature of responding to rising gang violence.need to address the root causes of crime rather than just responding with more force. They don't think arming the rank and file Garda is the right solution. While it's important to address the increase in violent crime, arming all police officers could have unintended consequences. It could escalate situations and increase the risk of unnecessary violence. Instead, we should focus on improving community relations and investing in measures to prevent crime before it happens.

  • In this episode, Niall tackles the question: Should manual laborers be paid the same as skilled workers?

    Some callers argue that manual laborers should be paid the same as skilled workers. They emphasize that manual laborers make significant contributions to projects and without their hard work, skilled workers wouldn't be able to do their jobs effectively. It's crucial to recognize the value of all workers and pay them fairly for their contributions.

    However, other callers disagree with the idea that manual laborers should be paid the same as skilled workers. They believe that skilled workers have invested time and effort into developing their expertise and should be compensated accordingly. Paying manual laborers the same as skilled workers could undermine the value of specialized skills and discourage people from pursuing careers in skilled trades.

    Niall reflects on the diverse perspectives shared by callers and the complexities of determining fair wages for different types of work.

  • In this episode, Niall addresses a pressing question: Would you allow your child to leave school for a trade?

    The topic arises from an email sent in by a listener, Pauline, who is torn between her son's passion for working with his hands and her concerns about his future without completing his Leaving Cert.

    Pauline's son, 16, has struggled academically but shows real talent and interest in working with his father in the family garage. While Pauline is worried about her son's future without a Leaving Cert qualification, her husband sees an opportunity for their son to start an apprenticeship and work full-time in the family business.

    Niall opens up the lines to callers to hear their opinions on this dilemma.

    Some callers completely understand Pauline's dilemma and believe her son's passion and talent lie in working with his hands. They argue that traditional education isn't the right path for everyone and suggest that Pauline should support her son's interest in pursuing a trade.

    However, other callers sympathize with Pauline's concerns about her son's future. They believe it's important for him to complete his Leaving Cert before making any decisions about his career.

    Niall reflects on the diverse perspectives shared by callers and the challenges faced by parents like Pauline in guiding their children's education and career choices.