Matbakh is a podcast series about eating, making, appreciating and learning about the food and drink of the Arab world. We invite chefs, restaurateurs and food historians, critics and writers to share their takes on the best of what the Arab kitchen has to offer – both past and present. We delve into well-loved and under-appreciated dishes, ingredients and flavors, as well as the history of the region’s food and what its future might be, always highlighting little anecdotes and food stories that our guests know and cherish.
Classic lit with a modern tone, every other week.
From the creators of Myths and Legends, comes an altogether same-but-different podcast set in the world of classic lit. These are the stories of Dracula, The Time Machine, The Three Musketeers. They're stories written by Jane Austen, Shakespeare, and H.P. Lovecraft, but with a casual, modern tone. Listen as Jason and Carissa Weiser breathe new life into the classics and tell the stories of some of the greatest books ever written. -
Trust Me... I'm a Decorator! is a podcast hosted by renowned television personalities and designers Debbie Travis and Tommy Smythe. While you may know them best as decorators, they'll be covering all of their favourite things; travel, relationships, food and more with many special guests along the way.
Debbie Travis is an international television host and producer, best-selling author, sought-after public speaker, and designer of the Debbie Travis Home Collection and holds women’s retreats at her villa in Tuscany. She is also the creator and host of Debbie Travis' Painted House, Debbie Travis' Facelift, From the Ground Up, All for One and La Dolce Debbie. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Regis and Kelly, The Today Show, The Marilyn Denis Show and has been featured everywhere from Marie Clare to People Magazine, Hello Magazine, The Telegraph and The Globe and Mail.
Tommy Smythe spent almost two decades working with HGTV star Sarah Richardson on various shows and he’s a highly sought-after guest expert on national television including The Marilyn Denis Show and Breakfast Television. He recently started his own interior design firm called TOM Design Studio where he combines his love for both traditional and modern design. Off camera, he maintains an international portfolio of private residential design projects as well as an active presence in print media. -
Best-selling author, teacher and former army reservist, Russell Hillier, gets into the books and Canadian history you weren't permitted to learn about in school.
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Nous sommes LE podcast de la restauration au Québec.
Ici, on raconte les histoires des femmes et des hommes qui font vivre cette belle industrie.
Emeric est cuisinier, Pascal est restaurateur, 35 ans de métier à eux deux. À chaque épisode, ils reçoivent un.e invité.e du secteur qui raconte sa réalité, et aborde des sujets qui lui tiennent à coeur.
Passion du métier, rencontres marquantes, mais aussi ambiances toxiques, problèmes de consommation ou épuisement professionnel, aucun thème n'est mis de côté.
Que tu travailles en restaurant ou pas, que tu sois entrepreneur ou pas, écoute un épisode et tu ne seras pas déçu.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Gravy shares stories of the changing American South through the foods we eat. Gravy showcases a South that is constantly evolving, accommodating new immigrants, adopting new traditions, and lovingly maintaining old ones. It uses food as a means to explore all of that, to dig into lesser-known corners of the region, complicate stereotypes, document new dynamics, and give voice to the unsung folk who grow, cook, and serve our daily meals.
The Grow Guide is Canada's #1 gardening podcast co-hosted by rookie grower, Maggie Wysocki and master grower, Dave Hanson. Listen in to honest conversations about seasonal gardening topics, including the trials, tribulations and successes of growing in climates where it can feel...kind of impossible.
Join the community of fellow Grow Guiders in our Facebook group. Have an idea for a guest or upcoming episode topic? Send us an email — -
Dave Chang has a few questions. Besides being the chef of the Momofuku restaurants and the creator and host of Netflix’s 'Ugly Delicious,' Dave is an avid student and fan of sports, music, art, film, and, of course, food. In ranging conversations that cover everything from the creative process to his guest’s guiltiest pleasures, Dave and a rotating cast of smart, thought-provoking guests talk about their inspirations, failures, successes, fame, and identities.
Living Heritage is about people who are engaged in the heritage and culture sector, from museum professionals and archivists, to tradition bearers and craftspeople - all those who keep heritage alive at the community level. We talk about their work, their passions, and the day-to-day safeguarding of culture and tradition.
Once the world was beautiful and full of people. Great concrete cities filled the landscape and steel buildings reached high into the sky. But now, a century after an unparalleled destruction, very few portions of that old world remain, and, in the land known only as "The Waste", the few remaining fragments of a glorious past are breaking down, wearing out and disappearing on a daily basis.
Yet, it is more than just artifacts and memories of the past at stake when a new enemy arrives. Flooding over the land and leaving total destruction in their wake, these mysterious invaders will stop at nothing until all ties to the old and glorious world are destroyed and forgotten.
But there is one last hope, a rumor which speaks of a powerful people who survived the cataclysmic destruction of years before unscathed. Could they be the answer the tribes of The Waste need in their darkest hour? Could this rumored people hold back the tide of destruction or will The Waste, along with the final remnants of humanity’s glorious past, disappear forever like dried grass in a flame? -
Jennifer Ashley Tepper's Untold Stories of Broadway book series is now a podcast! In each episode, the secrets and mysteries of a different Broadway theater will be explored by Tepper and two special guests with connections to that theater from different decades. From the Broadhurst to the Nederlander, from actors to stagehands, from ghost stories to opening nights, from the 1940s to today, expect to discover all kinds of fun and fascinating tales about the theaters at the heart of New York City and everyone who has called them home. A proud member of the Broadway Podcast Network.
Les Méchants Raisins. Ils portent bien leur nom ! Si vous êtes amateur de vin, vous les connaissez sûrement, et si vous êtes néophyte curieux, vous voudrez les connaître ! Chaque semaine, Nadia Fournier, Mathieu Turbide et Patrick Désy vous font découvrir plusieurs nouveautés, mais aussi des perles cachées du monde du vin. Avec leurs débats, leurs invités spécialistes, producteurs et des dégustations sur le vif, il ne vous manque qu'une bouteille pour être avec eux.
Suivez-les aussi sur leur blogue du Journal de Montréal
Monté et réalisé par Anne-Sophie Carpentier
La guerre vue d'ici : la participation gaspésienne à la 2e guerre mondiale est un podcast animé par l'historien Félix Fournier et Emilie Gagné. À travers les récits de personnes ayant vécu la guerre de près ou de loin, Félix retrace l'impact des Gaspésiens et Gaspésiennes lors de la 2e Guerre mondiale. Le podcast sera disponible le mercredi aux deux semaines à partir du 11 mars. Une série de 12 épisodes sera présentée.