Verhalen in Veiligheid wordt door Orly Polak van Hub Creations gehost. Deze podcast brengt verhalen over veiligheid samen met de mensen die het doen. Met wisselende onderwerpen. Verhalen vanuit de wetenschap. Verhalen vanuit de praktijk. Maar vooral verhalen die raken uit ons mooie vak. Orly Polak is sociologe en werkt ruim veertien jaar in het veiligheidsdomein. Hub Creations houdt zich bezig met het onderzoeken en verbeteren van veiligheidsculturen in de breedste zin des woords. Wil je verder leren met verhalen? Dat kan met ons spel SpeakUp, onze Veiligheidscultuurdoeboek en onze Safety Toolkit. Kijk voor meer informatie op de website: of stuur ons een mailtje naar [email protected]
Welcome to The Wellbeing Rebellion, an award-winning podcast! We are Ngozi Weller, a corporate wellbeing and productivity consultant, and Obehi Alofoje, a psychologist and behavioural change specialist.
We are the founders of Aurora, a corporate culture consultancy that specialises in creating psychologically safe workplaces that enable employees to thrive, and for us, wellbeing is personal.
The problem with employee wellbeing support, in most workplaces, is that it puts the responsibility on the person struggling to seek help. And when you are unwell, that is just too big a burden to bear.
It's not enough to say that your door is always open.
We need to get better at supporting our employees, and that is precisely what this podcast is about.
The rebellion is here, and it is long overdue. So this podcast is specifically for the HR or business leader who wants to make a difference to their employees. And the bottom line is we want to create psychologically safe workplaces where employees are empowered to bring their whole selves to work. We want to create a culture that is inclusive, supportive, and encourages everyone from the shop floor to the boardroom to play their part.
On the wellbeing rebellion podcast, we'll give you weekly up-to-date insights, strategies and tips that cover leadership capability, executive burnout, mental health, equity, diversity and inclusion and employee challenges such as retention, productivity and emotional resilience. Sometimes, it'll be just us. Other times we'll interview industry leaders and experts.
Don't hesitate - listen and follow wherever you get your podcasts, because The Wellbeing Rebellion starts now! -
Wellbeing is the most misunderstood, misaligned, and undervalued asset in business today. This needs to change. To address this, Daryl Brown and Lina Mbirkou are igniting conversations around measurable and accountable methods and processes for developing a thriving, generative, conscious workplace culture.
Here they will interview other industry leaders about workplace wellbeing, who understand the critical nature of working with how humans thrive and are motivated to give of their best, as well as how to harness the exponential power of collaboration. -
Ellen en Mark gaan Vitaal
Een podcast over vitale organisaties, duurzame inzetbaarheid en meer werkgeluk.
In deze podcast nemen Ellen Luttikhuis en Mark Heuten je mee in de de belangrijkste thema's voor medewerkers, leidinggevenden en HR-professionals met betrekking tot de vitale werkvloer! Thema’s die relevant zijn voor meer werkgeluk, een hogere betrokkenheid en betere prestaties binnen organisaties.
Van vitale medewerkers tot effectief samenwerken, en van vitaal leiderschap tot goed werkgeverschap. Aan de hand van praktijksituaties wordt besproken hoe je medewerkers zowel fysiek als mentaal in beweging krijgt.
Iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in vitaliteit en vitale organisaties kan zijn of haar hart ophalen bij deze podcast!
Vergeet niet om je te abonneren op onze podcast zodat je automatisch op de hoogte wordt gesteld van nieuwe afleveringen!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Zero (Half) Hour brought to you by Zero Hour Health and Zedic! This is a podcast where we talk with leaders from across the foodservice industry and beyond about the pressing issues of the day - in 30 minutes or less! Our goal is to share ideas from diverse perspectives on a range of topics that matter to EVERY business in the current and post-COVID eras.
Wie zukunftstauglich ist eigentlich unser Gesundheitswesen? Und welche Vision können verschiedene Klinikbereiche auf Basis ihrer Ausgangslage verfolgen, um sich nachhaltig und krisenfest aufzustellen?
Expertinnen und Experten aller Gesundheitsbereiche stehen Host Dr. Tobias Krick dazu Rede und Antwort. Ab jetzt jeden Monat eine neue Folge.
Without Thieme Group's prior express written permission, the following use is strictly reserved: You shall not 1) use the content for commercial text and data mining as under § 44b German Copyright Act, i.e. use robots, spiders, scripts, service, software or any manual or automatic device, tool, or process designed to data mine or scrape the content, data or information from the service, product or content, or otherwise use, access, or collect the content, data or information using automated means; 2) use the content or any part thereof for the development of any software program, algorithm or other automated system, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence - AI - system, including generative AI.
Die Thieme Gruppe behält sich eine Nutzung ihrer Inhalte für kommerzielles Text- und Data-Mining im Sinne von § 44b UrhG, ausdrücklich vor, ausgeschlossen ist der Einsatz, z.B. von Robots, Spiders, Scripts, Services, Software oder anderen manuellen oder automatischen Geräten, Werkzeugen oder Prozessen, die dafür bestimmt sind, Data-Mining zu ermöglichen oder Inhalte, Daten oder Informationen aus dem Service, Produkt oder Inhalt zu Scrapen oder in anderer Weise zu nutzen, darauf zuzugreifen oder Inhalte, Daten oder Informationen zu mittels automatisierter Mittel zu sammeln; die Inhalte dürfen auch nicht zur Entwicklung, zum Training und/oder zur Anreicherung und oder Vergleichbarem von KI-Systemen, Software Programmen, Algorithmen oder anderen automatisierten Systemen, insbesondere von generativen KI-Systemen verwendet werden.
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Successful product management isn’t just about training the product managers who work side by side with developers everyday to build better products. It’s about taking a step back, approaching the systems within organizations as a whole, and leveling up product leadership to improve these systems. This is the Product Thinking Podcast, where Melissa Perri will connect with industry leading experts in the product management space, AND answer your most pressing questions about everything product. Join us each week to level up your skillset and invest in yourself as a product leader.
Charlie Jabaley aka Charlie Rocket with his inspirational podcast series "Charlie Rocket Show". Each episode features Charlie's unique perspective on current events and his personal life. Charlie provides insight on business from his past life as CEO Charlie, managing mega-stars 2 Chainz, Travis Porter, Young Dolph, and Bankroll Fresh, and starting Atlanta based artist management company "Street Execs". He also inspires through his journey of becoming physically fit, having weighed over 305 pounds with a brain tumor to losing over 130 pounds (and counting) to becoming an Ironman and Nike endorsed athlete. Charlie's mission used to be to become a millionaire, now his mission is to transform a million people's lives. Contact: [email protected]
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, two of the most well-known experts in the content marketing space, talk about the latest content marketing trends and discuss how businesses can use content to attract and retain customers. Each podcast show features a discussion of content marketing headlines, rants from Joe and Robert on what's going on in the industry, and a "This Old Marketing" example from the past (that we can learn from). Always useful, entertaining and never more than 60 minutes.
The reason we're focusing on fitness is I believe that building strength through fitness helps with the acquisition of mental strength and mental endurance. Because when you're building your body, it's kinda like a 24 hour job. You have to sleep right. You have to eat right. You have to train right. You have to take the right supplements. Every day you have to reach these little goals. Accomplish these little tasks. Once you start doing that you start to build a certain kind of integrity. A certain kind of confidence knowing that you did it for yourself. You accomplished the goals. You are keeping the promises you are making to yourself. Once you start doing what you say you are going to do, you start depending on yourself. You start gaining confidence. And then your fitness improves. Your business improves. Your relationships improve. This podcast is about the acquisition of mental strength
Join our twice-weekly show as host Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project, shares proven business strategies, expert interviews, and no-fluff advice for growing an online business—your way.
With millions of downloads and recognition from INC & Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, this podcast is a must-listen for small business owners, service providers, course creators, and digital product sellers ready to take their business to the next level.
Discover how to:
✔ Launch digital products & online courses that convert
✔ Build a profitable email list that drives daily sales
✔ Create simple, effective sales funnels & automations that sell for you
✔ Design sustainable marketing systems that actually work—without burnout
No gimmicks. No outdated tactics. Just real strategies that help you create more income and impact.
📌 Grab free resources & show notes at -
Welkom bij de TRUECOLOR TALKS. Een podcast reeks bedoeld om jou te inspireren en helderheid te brengen op het gebied van business, relaties, moederschap of juist de combinatie daarvan. Hoe kun je, in een wereld die vaak van je vraagt je aan te passen, toch je eigen pad blijven bewandelen? Mijn naam is Claire van den Heuvel: Truecolor writer, Heartfelt speaker & Clairity coach. Ik geloof dat de wereld een mooiere plek wordt wanneer we onze echte kleuren durven te laten zien. Dat juist in kwetsbaarheid onze grootste kracht schuilt. In deze podcast serie deel ik mijn eigen inzichten en spreek ik met gasten die in mijn ogen op hun manier vanuit échte kleuren de wereld een stukje mooier maken en hopelijk jouw inspireren dit ook te gaan durven en doen.
🥕#1 inspiratieshow voor ondernemers
👑Bekroond door BNR Nieuwsradio
💡Boordevol echte verhalen en praktische inzichten
🙏🏼Volg op Youtube, Spotify, LinkedIn
ℹ️Meer info? Ga naar voor alle informatie
🔥Adverteren? Contact via [email protected] of +31641412225 -
A podcast by 37signals about the better way to work and run your business. The REWORK podcast features the co-founders of 37signals (the makers of Basecamp and HEY), Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson sharing their unique perspective on business and entrepreneurship along with host Kimberly Rhodes.
"TALKING BRAINS - dein Podcast für mehr Wohlbefinden und mentale Gesundheit. Gerade die Pandemie hat uns gezeigt, wie wichtig unsere Gesundheit ist. Wir wollen das Thema ganzheitlich angehen und haben uns auf die folgenden Themen spezialisiert: Wohlbefinden, Schlaf, Konzentration, Regeneration und Anti-Stress.
Bei uns lernst du von den Besten und kannst die gelernten Tipps und Hacks einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren. Schalte ein und stille deinen unermüdlichen Wissensdurst. In TALKING BRAINS sprechen wir mit Experten, Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten, Sportlern und unseren Freunden, die sich seit Jahren intensiv mit den oben genannten Themen beschäftigen. Bleib dran und erfahre mehr, denn Wohlbefinden beginnt im Kopf!" -
Yoga Business, Teaching & Entrepreneurship. Join yoga teacher, trainer and serial entrepreneur, Lucas Rockwood, as he delivers both tactical and strategic plans for building a teaching business, retaining clients, and earning a great living doing what you love. If you’re a yoga teacher, trainer, or studio owner, this insider information straight from the horse’s mouth is invaluable. Each show compresses months worth of real-world experience into a 15-minute, actionable episode.