The Mum and Mummer Podcast was born out of Amy's desire to provide a positive insight into the world of single parenting.
Season 1 saw Amy presenting with co-host Harry, chatting about their experiences being single/co parents, navigating the world of dating, home security and kids that don’t shut up. It features an array of guests including Kele Le Roc, Sarah Jane Mee, Scroobius Pip and Roska.
Season 2 sees Amy going it alone and has evolved into a weekly chat with an array of inspirational & entertaining guests. The conversations are no longer limited to parenting but more about life experiences, challenges and successes. Guests include Gail Porter, Rich Wilson, B. Dolan, Grammy Award winning artist Angela Hunte, domestic abuse survivor Jody Keegan with many more to come!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Von CANIS-Zentrum für Kynologie
Es geht um Hunde, Hunde, Hunde! Die CANIS-Absolventin Iona stellt Fragen rund um die Mensch-Hund-Beziehung und deren bunten Facetten. Iona spricht neugierig mit ihren Dozent:innen über deren jeweiligen Schwerpunkte, Überzeugungen oder über gerade angesagte Themen. Dieser Podcast widmet sich den Expert:innen in der Hundewelt und bietet Wissen über Erziehung, Gesundheit, Beschäftigung und vieles mehr! Umfangreiche Informationen über CANIS findest du unter -
Approfondimenti psico-pedagogici per genitori, nonn*, insegnanti, educat* e per chiunque accompagna la crescita di bambin*, ragazz* e adolescenti. I contenuti coprono il ciclo di vita della famiglia: dalla prima infanzia alle sfide evolutive dell'adolescenza. Aspetti teorici, esempi pratici, idee e spunti di riflessione dai professionisti del Centro per le Famiglie.
Seconda edizione del percorso per studenti ed adulti sul bullismo e cyberbullismo organizzato dal MASCI – Comunità di Folignano.
Sabato 11 febbraio 2023 gli alunni delle classi prime dell’ISC Folignano Maltignano incontrano il formatore e presidente dell’AIART Marche Lorenzo Lattanzi, accompagnato dal Garante Regionale per i diritti della persona, Giancarlo Giulianelli, la presidente del Corecom Marche Cinzia Grucci
Sabato 4 Marzo 2023: gli studenti delle classi terze della scuola secondaria dell’ISC Folignano Maltignano incontrano l’avvocato Eleonora Nocito, socia della Società italiana di Criminologia, docente universitaria, esperta di social crimes e bullismo.
Sabato 18 Marzo 2023: Consigli tecnici per stare sicuri sul Web. I ragazzi dell’ISC Folignano Maltignano incontrano il Dott. Andrea Lazzari, esponente di (ISC)2 Italy Chapter. Perché difendersi da Bullismo e Cyberbullismo è anche una questione tecnica. -
PMConfidential, il podcast di chi vuole diventare un essere umano di professione.
Questo podcast nasce dall’esigenza di porre, ad alta voce, delle domande alle quali la società non dà risposte.
È il mio tentativo di disobbedienza pacifica per capire chi siamo veramente al di là di quello che questa cultura, basata solo sull’apparenza, la produttività e la performance, vuole farci credere. -
Are you ready to take your green earth solar consciousness to the next level? This inspirational, motivational podcast includes spiritual insights, musical interludes, spoken word, and penetrating analysis of pivotal historic moments as delivered by High Priest Kwatamani, sacred ancestral soothsayer, soul seer and spiritual healer. We are talking about infusing a high-intensity higher-peace conscious communal nature of energy into your awareness so as to empower you brain, body and spirit. High Priest Kwatamani draws upon ancient Kemetic wisdom to reveal the hidden source of current modern day crisis while offering the time-tested and proven holistic living solution of divine social economic family community order as rooted in Maat.
What’s the secret to a happy life? The research says it’s your relationships! But how do you create the connection, joy and ease you crave? You’ve got to think about your relationships in a whole new way. Armed with humor, a ton of research and over 30 years of hands-on experience Dr. Abby Medcalf will teach you simple, actionable tools and strategies that you can use today to make all your relationships the best they’ve ever been (including the one with yourself)! Abby’s a Relationship Maven, best-selling author and psychologist, who loves telling you what to do each week on her Relationships Made Easy Podcast. In her free time (what’s that?) Abby’s invested in loving up the people in her life whether that means cooking for them, spending quality time, or trying to control them (hey, she never said she was perfect). Learn more about Abby, sign up for the newsletter, read the blog, listen, take a course, or connect directly at Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Whitney Crispell and Drew Ludwig host Just a Phase, a podcast about modern parenting. Whitney is the mom to a toddler (and one on the way), and Drew has three kids ranging from ages 4 to 9. Together and with their guests, they explore contemporary issues related to raising kids and being parents.
Il sesso non è uguale per tutti, specie per chi inizia a farlo molto più in là rispetto alla media. Sono i Late Bloomers, "coloro che sbocciano tardi". Voglio raccontarti, attraverso le loro storie, com'è l'intimità quando la scopri da grande. O quando ancora non l'hai scoperta. E offrirti una prospettiva tutta nuova su ciò che probabilmente dai per scontato.
Raccontami la tua storia: [email protected]
Unisciti alla community:
Seguimi su Instagram: @podcast.late.bloomers
Segui il canale Telegram: -
Aligned Attraction is the go-to podcast on intimacy for powerful women.
On the podcast, we teach you how to take a stance of 'fierce love' with yourself (and in your relationships) -- the kind of love that cuts through the illusion of unworthiness, and allows you to feel deeply safe to be yourself in dating and love.
Each week, you'll hear from us: Lee Noto & Ani Manian, Master Intimacy Coaches and Founders of Aligned Attraction (A modern relationship school for self-aware women who are ready to revolutionize their relationship with themselves and create sexy secure love.)
If you're ready to play FULL OUT and have the heart-throbbing love you’ve been craving, this is the podcast for you!
Ready for thriving love? Visit us:
🧲 FREE Training: Learn how to attract your committed masculine man in 90 days or less:
❣️Want Our Support? Apply to join Aligned Attraction: A modern relationship school for successful single women who are ready to attract and keep their committed masculine man. (Enrollment is now open)
Apply Here (spots are limited): -
Oversharing from Betches Media is all about the challenges we face in all kinds of relationships; from friendships to family, long term partnerships or even dealing with the customer service rep that makes you want to scream into a pillow. Betches co-founder and relationship enthusiast Jordana Abraham has teamed up with her big sister, licensed clinical therapist Dr. Naomi Bernstein, to answer your questions and try to get to the bottom of the things that bother us most. Think of Jordana and Dr. Naomi as your BFF and your therapist, sitting side-by-side at the brunch table trying to help you get through your problems. Each week they’re responding to listener emails, tackling difficult ethical questions, playing games, and so much more. Because sometimes we really need advice from people with no skin in the game. And let’s face it, your friends can’t stand to hear that story one more time.
Беспокоитесь о том, что не идеальны? Мы здесь, чтобы снять с вас стыд и напряжение. Лень, ненависть, количество половых партнёров и другие контроверсивные темы — рассказываем, как пользоваться смертными грехами безопасно для себя и своих отношений с людьми.
Мы — это психотерапевт Катя Кузина и креативный директор Владимир Никандров.
Отпускаем грехи ваши во имя психики и соматики.
"Runningsofia" è il bollettino settimanale di un podista innamorato della corsa.
"Runningsofia" è il podcast per, anzi di, tutti i podisti amatori.
"Runningsofia" ha un sottotitolo, "E la corsa e la vita", che significa... beh, su: scopritelo ascoltandomi. Ogni martedì.
Buone cose, buone corse! -
Eltern und Pädagog:innen stehen heute großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Mein Herzensthema ist es, dass du ein glückliches, entspanntes und friedvolles Familienleben führst. In diesem Podcast erwarten dich Interviews mit vielen Expert:innen, sowie Impulse rund um deinen Familienalltag.
Mein Name ist Nora Merkle, ich bin bindungs- und beziehungsorientierte Familienberaterin, Atem- und Traumacoach (i.A.), Erzieherin und Mama von zwei Kindern. -