The Business of Biotech is the pod dedicated to leaders of emerging biopharma firms. SUBSCRIBE to our new newsletter at We bring you insight into organizational, finance and funding, HR, clinical, manufacturing, and regulatory challenges you’ll face as you navigate your company from an idea to success in the clinic. Each episode features guest commentary and best practices from accomplished founders and biopharma industry luminaries. The Business of Biotech is produced by Bioprocess Online and Life Science Connect and brought to you by Cytiva.
Despite being the world’s most potent economic area, Asia can be one of the most challenging regions to navigate and manage well for foreign brands. However, plenty of positive stories exist and more are emerging every day as brands start to see success in engaging and deploying appropriate market growth strategies – with the help of specialists.
The Negotiation is an interview show that showcases those hard-to-find success stories and chats with the incredible leaders behind them, teasing out the nuances and digging into the details that can make market growth in APAC a winning proposition. -
Sind die Automatisierung und die Elektrifizierung die Gewinner der Krisen- und Umbruchjahre der frühen 20er Jahre unseres Jahrhunderts? Wertschöpfungsketten verschieben sich, die Produktion verändert sich, die Digitalisierung verändert Märkte, Recycling gewinnt an Bedeutung, Fachkräfte fehlen, neue Materialien, neue Technologien und die Anforderungen der Kunden und Mitarbeitenden unterliegen einem stetigen Wandel. Und die nächste große Herausforderung steht schon vor der Tür: Der Klimawandel. Die 20er Jahre sind die Jahre des Wandels in der Industrie. Was passiert und wie reagieren wir darauf? Im Podcast geben wir Orientierung und laden zur Diskussion ein.
Are automation and electrification the winners of the years of crisis and upheaval in the early 1920s? Value chains are shifting, production is changing, digitalization is changing markets, recycling is becoming more important, there is a shortage of skilled workers, new materials, new technologies and the requirements of customers and employees are subject to constant change. And the next big challenge is already just around the corner: climate change. The 20s are the years of change in the industry. What is happening and how do we respond? In the podcast, we provide orientation and invite discussion. -
Join Advanced Manufacturing and Mobility EY leaders in exploring the critical business issues impacting our industry today. From the emergence of AI to the electric vehicle transition, supply chain issues and adapting to new business models, we dissect complex topics and offer practical insights to thrive today, tomorrow and beyond.
The Contract Heroes Podcast covers all aspects of buy and sell-side contracting. Each episode features expert guests sharing insights on topics like evaluating technology vendors, avoiding implementation pitfalls, redlining best practices, and managing procurement contracts. It's the perfect resource for organizations looking to kickstart their digital transformation journey.
Prepare yourself, your team, and your business for the future of automotive.
We are all evolving the products we make, have you thought about the leadership model to get us there?
In-depth interviews with leaders, authors, and thought leaders, provide the insights you need.
This podcast is brought to you by Gravitas Detroit. -
What the Fundraising is the podcast for impact leaders and change-makers who are tired of doing things the old school way and are looking for best practices to raise money, run their organization, and think about the nonprofit sector in a whole new way.
Every Tuesday for 40-60 min, your host, Mallory Erickson, will be having real and raw conversations with some of the best personal and professional development experts, many of whom are outside the nonprofit sector. These are bestselling authors, world-renowned researchers, and TEDx experts, most of whom have never spoken to a non-profit audience before. They have come ready to share expertise, lessons, and stories that will fundamentally change the way you show up as a leader and fundraiser.
There are so many valuable lessons nonprofit leaders are missing because they are outside of their typical orbit, but no more. Mallory is bringing them in and helping to apply her guest's expertise to disrupt the nonprofit sector once and for all.
So if you are ready to learn how to upgrade your fundraising strategy, leadership skills, energy, habits, and mindset to bring in more funding and actually have some fun doing it, then this is the right podcast for you.
If you’re wanting to implement ideas you heard, visit for the top tips and tools, full transcripts, quotes, videos, and additional resources from each episode. -
این روزها این اصطلاحات خیلی زیاد شنیده میشن.
Women empowerment
Gender equality
Gender gap
از طرفی همیشه دیدیم و تجربهی شخصی خودم هم بوده، که زنها در یک ماراتُن همیشگی در حال دویدن برای رسیدن به اهداف و آرزوهاشون هستند. وقتی زن هستی برای رسیدن به هر هدفی باید بیشتر تلاش کنی، بیشتر بدوی، بیشتر مداومت به خرج بدی، بیشتر بخواهی واین کلمه «بیشتر» همیشه و همیشه همراه زنهاست.
برای همین تصمیم گرفتم یه قدم در راستای
Women empowerment
بردارم. .
شاید شنیدن داستان زنهای دیگه و اینکه چطور با مشکلات سر راهشون دست و پنجه نرم کردن و جلو اومدن، چراغ راه و انگیزهای باشه برای بقیه زنها که بیشتر پی ببرن به تواناییهاشون. به اینکه میشه گوش و چشممون رو ببندیم به روی تبعیضهای خواسته و ناخواسته و انجام بدیم نشدنیها رو.
پادکست ماراتن پادکستیه در مورد زنها و تلاششون.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Each episode we chat with experts and industry leaders on the research, strategies and tools they're using to drive change and create high performing inclusive organisations. We also share our own learnings and perspectives from our work with thousands of leaders across some of the world's most impactful organisations.
Culture Stew is a show dedicated to exploring diversity, inclusion, and cultural identity in its many dimensions. We explore how our identities and values influence our personal and professional lives. Through interviews with scholars, journalists, scientists, and leadership development practitioners, we’ll delve into different concepts around cultural identity, explore how to lead diverse teams and organizations, and seek ways to build bridges across cultural chasms.
Calling all online coaches, consultants and service providers: are you burnt out from running your business online?
Maybe your group program alone is burning you out.
The calls.
The deliverables.
The exhausting and constant marketing.
The expensive and stressful launching.
The “managing” of your clients.
The private calls you’re offering inside the group program.
The feeling of a program dragging on slowly towards the finish line.
So you move to 1-1 coaching/DFY offers, because there’s less of all the above (or none at all) and doing less so that you can do what you love more feels appealing to you.
But you also know that there’s a limit on how many hours a week you can do 1-1 projects, therefore you’ve given yourself a ceiling on how much impact you can make, and how much money you can bring in.
Having $27 offers AND 5-figure investments, with nothing in between, does not make a sustainable business.
So groups are the solution - we just need to get them to be more effective for your clients and for yourself. You both deserve that.
Clients are looking for results, period.
And there's way too much beautiful marketing out there, and not enough results happening.
I'm your host and online business mentor, Allison. As a group coaching expert, international speaker, and successful group coach, I know what you need to make sure you are scaling your business using your group program.
I share my best mindset and strategy tips here with a lot of real and raw conversation (no "interviews" here) and quick episodes that are jam-packed with shifts you can make, and strategies you can implement in your business today.
I hope you’ll come away from these conversations with excitement and renewed focus to take on whatever comes your way in your business.
Here we go!
Book a FREE Group Coaching Success Roadmap Strategy Call:
Join my FREE Masterclass, Why Most Group Coaching Programs Don’t Get Results (And How To Fix It This Year):
Follow me on IG: -
This podcast is designed for veteran, new and aspiring executives and executive teams. We don't teach leadership. We help executives uncover how your brain works (neuroscience), master synthetic thinking, and assemble methods to improve your career and create value for your organization.
You can get our Effective Executive Starter Kit at -
Welcome to Aryng’s Analytics Café podcast. I am your host, Piyanka Jain. Every time, we talk with industry luminaries, from around the world. We talk about leveraging analytics to bring about significant $ changes, why analytics is not just a technical skill, structuring the whole Analytics agenda for a company, Finding out what problems are important for the company and solving them and much more.
Drawing on a proud and rich heritage in Australia, Accolade Wines has evolved into a leading, global wine company. Our portfolio is made up of distinguished Australian brands including such as Houghtons, Hardys, St Hallett and Grant Burge, and modern brands shaking up the global landscape including House of Arras, Jam Shed and Madam Sass.
With over 1,600 employees in 40 locations, Accolade is committed to the development of our people as we build a high-performance organisation and meet our global growth ambitions.
Get in touch on LinkedIn or email -