Many seekers can recall that point in time when they started to question the so called reality they were taught, that turning point of conditioned beliefs. What was the thought or feeling when your childhood programming no longer worked for you? Join Sean and Corrine as they discuss this thought provoking topic with world renowned teachers, authors and others who decided to find their own truth.
We dig into the spiritual philosophy popularly known as "The Law of One" as recounted in the channeled works of L/L Research, the Other Selves Working Group, Circle R, and other sources. We attempt to provide a somewhat more human slant on these channeled messages so that regular people can apply this philosophy to their lives and participate in their own spiritual development more consciously.
Portals of Perception endeavors to create conversations at the frontier of discovery, and to bring to life the natural processes of human development. Each of us, by design, can become a living agency for the evolutionary process, as it arises, through our living expression, and can become an intentional participant in the emergence of a wiser future.
Join our hosts Aviv Shahar and Peter Barry every week for conversations on a wide variety of topics including human purpose, personal development, evolution and the future, community of conversation and discovery, and more. -
The Discerning Truth podcast is an introduction to the Philosophy of the Divine Law. A philosophy based on the primal understanding, inherent within each of us, that we are all an integral aspect of one profound and collective truth, connected by the Divine Essence of God. Each week we will present one or more of the Divine Law's core concepts, to promote the understanding of how humanity can apply its principles and guidance, to prevent the social destruction of humankind.
Underfladiske samtaler er ærlige, autentiske og relaterbare.
I et mix af solo-snakke og samtaler, lukker jeg dig ind i min underfladiske verden.
Du får skiftevis lange interviews med gæster, solo-episoder med mig. Engang i mellem også reportager fra det virkelige liv.
Gæstelisten er dem jeg fascineres og inspireres af på min vej.
Hvis mit indhold sætter noget igang hos dig, så lad os endelig fortsætte samtalen på min Instagram som du finder her
Obs: Det kræver min tilladelse at videredistribuere mit indhold.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Astrology for beginners. How to make a chart using FREE on-line resources. The Series starts with Chart Shape and what that means for you.
Please start at Episode One and work your way forward through each Episode to find out all about your chart and what it means.
Each week we will be discussing various parts of your Astrological birth chart, using real case examples helping you get to grips with this ancient Art. By Episode 21 you will have grasped the basics.
If you'd like to contact me please go to either or xx Enjoy Learning! -
Are you tired of the airy fairy Spiritual podcasts? Join the pack and subscribe to the Colby Rebel Show-the BEST podcast featuring today's Spiritual legends & trailblazers! On this podcast Colby interviews the latest in the world of trendsetters including psychics, mediums, intuitives and spirituality. The show also includes ON AIR readings! No editing, no fluff, just straight up raw readings.
Colby is an international psychic medium, Master Spiritual Teacher & 2x best-selling author located in Los Angeles, CA. Colby Rebel's down-to-earth style is infectious as she discusses a variety of topics including psychic development, mediumship, the paranormal, intuition, grief, reiki, energy and so much more!
Join Colby LIVE on air every Thursday night at 5pm (pst) LIVE on FB
Never miss an episode. Subscribe right here: -
A podcast to support your spiritual (r)evolution.
This is the best podcast for people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening.
Whether you are a beginning meditator or advanced on your path, the content of the Meditation Conversation podcast will speak to you.
Kara Goodwin hosts guests with expertise in a wide variety of subjects which explore consciousness to assist you with your spiritual transformation. Topics include mysticism, energy healing, miracles, angels, psychic abilities, mental health, aliens, quantum physics, multidimensionality, psychedelics, frequency, spirituality, mindful living, kundalini, guided meditation, music, yoga, qi gong, ETs, and so much more.
The energy of this podcast guides you to mindfully awaken you to higher levels of your consciousness awareness.
Through this content and its high vibration, you will not only deepen your understanding of the true nature of reality, but you will open yourself to energy shifts beyond your intellectual mind.
To learn more about Kara, please visit -
Nana Mille besøger hver dag et nyt ungt menneske, der genlever de største og mindste øjeblikke i deres liv. Det gør de for at svare på, hvad der mon ville stå i deres nekrolog, hvis manden med leen skulle kigge forbi allerede i morgen.
Hvad har gjort ondt? Og har man overhovedet opnået noget man kan være stolt af, når man er så ung?
Nanas Nekrologer er en ærlig reportageserie, der skildrer den danske ungdom anno 2022. -
The paranormal and spiritual world are exciting! Angel Communicator and Psychic Medium Rachel Corpus will uncover the truth about Angels, Ghosts, Past Lives, Soul Contracts, your Soul Purpose and more! Angel Talk will help you learn how to tap into your own intuitive gifts, how to communicate back and forth with Spirit, and how to live your best life, one step at a time. Our helpers in this journey will be your personal Angels, people who have died who are ready to share their stories, Spirit Guides, and experts in the Spiritual Field such as healers, animal communicators, Tarot card readers, authors, and YOU. You will have the chance to have an on-air reading, so tune in to hear how! Learn about who you are through the lens of wonder and love, guided by the Angels and Rachel Corpus, Angel Communicator and Psychic Medium.
Sponsoreret af Lancôme. Hvad er glæden ved at give? Er det at give noget til andre?
Er det glæden ved at give sig selv en pause. Et pusterum?
Det kan være en lille pause i hverdagen eller en pause til de store tanker. At give noget til andre kan være en lille gave. Et kram. Et kys. At være der for andre.Noget de ikke vidste de ønskede sig. Eller måske lige præcis det de ønskede sig.
Sammen med mine gæster finder jeg ind til glæden ved at give. -
Do you believe in miracles? Whether the answer is no, yes or maybe... Miracle Renegade will completely change how you think about miracles and your life. Drop in on candid conversations as aspiring Miracle Renegade Christian Camarena is invited to see though the eyes of mystic and spiritual teacher Maureen Whitehouse. Together they reveal the miraculous in the marginal, the mundane and the everyday messes of life. This is a podcast for the disenchanted yet intrepid spiritual adventurer who is done with living an ordinary life in a mediocre world and wants to feel exceptional - like literally anything is possible.
For dig som er nysgerrig på det, der ikke nødvendigvis kan måles og vejes. I hvert afsnit taler jeg med en ekspert inden for et spirituelt område og bliver klogere på, hvad det drejer sig om.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Denne podcast er til for dig, der gerne vil inspireres til et liv med indre ro, højt selvværd, styrke, balance, glæde og nærvær.
Værtinde, Kisser Paludan, interviewer gæster. Hun er selv spirituel psykolog og forfatter og kender har beskæftiget sig med personlig og spirituel udvikling i over 30 år. -
Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.
Velkommen til et livsfilosofisk samtalemagasin der går lige til den dybere sandhed, bag den øjensynlige verden. Jeg, Mannah, taler med forfattere og tankeledere om: Hvordan finder vi vej til mere tilfredsstillelse, harmoni og meningsfuldhed?
Fx. taler vi om, hvordan du kan aflære forældede ubevidste programmeringer i dig, hvordan du kan forholde dig til den tid du har tilbage, hvordan traumer påvirker dig og hvordan du kan finde healing, forløsning, glæde, kærlighed, bedste venner.
Det er et program om LIV. Jeg håber du i hvert afsnit kan fornemme en kærlighed og massivt med plads til at være dit unikke selv - det er min overbevisning at du har en helt særlig vej at gå i livet, et særligt formål med at være her.
Jeg håber du finder noget, der ræsonnerer med dig blandt de mange stemmer her i podcasten.
Hvis du ønsker min guidance ift din livsvej er du meget velkommen til at række ud.
Kh Mannah,
Evolutionær Astrolog, Traume Terapeut, Qigong lærer (og af mere almindelige uddannelser er jeg også Socialrådgiver og Kandidat i Pædagogisk Filosofi)
Kontakt mig her: [email protected]
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Hvis du foretrækker engelsk, så tjek min podcast Therapeutic Astrology Podcast by Mannah