Jewish Ancestral Healing teacher and practitioner Taya Mâ Shere engages spiritual leaders, artists, activists and visionaries on their journeys of ancestral healing, embracing resilience, and ancestor reverence practices rooted in Jewish traditions and counter-oppressive devotion. May this offering be a portal of connection, that we may root in positive resource, remember ancient ways, reclaim and innovate new possibilities, and be deeply nourished by the well of our loving and wise ancestors.
An Orthodox Jewish women's podcast, where we shmooze, discuss the news and conduct interviews. Support this podcast:
Join Rav Leuchter, one of the primary baalei Mussar of our times, as he explores a step-by-step approach to the Teshuva process in light of current events.
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An immersive journey into the profound teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Each episode delves into one of the Rebbe's personal or public correspondences, unpacking each letter's historical context, tracing its roots in Shas and Poskim, and comparing its thesis with the Rebbe's broader work to reveal a comprehensive philosophy on contemporary issues.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur are available here: -
I'm a tatty who has a phone that can record voice notes, and recently I began recording the stories I tell my children. Hope you enjoy them too! Support this podcast: