In this episode of the "Secret to Success" podcast, CJ hosts an engaging conversation featuring co-host Karl Wesley Phillips, Dr. King, ET and special guest Gersh King. The episode kicks off with the hosts catching up, sharing a light-hearted and humorous dialogue that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion.
Gersh King, a physical therapist known for his exceptional skills and dedication, shares his journey of personal and professional growth. He discusses his experiences with challenges such as homelessness, ADHD, and anxiety, and how he overcame them through intense dedication to his craft and personal development. Gersh emphasizes the importance of impact over monetary gain, explaining how he discovered fulfillment through service and honing his skills. He also delves into his rigorous routine, including his practice of lunges and a disciplined workout regimen inspired by figures like Bruce Lee.
The hosts touch on topics like the power of breathing techniques to manage anxiety and enhance focus. Gersh leads a brief breathing exercise to demonstrate how proper breathing can ground you and activate the parasympathetic system for relaxation. The conversation further explores philosophies from Bruce Lee, the significance of being authentic, and how to harness one's energy and skills to become a master in their field.
This episode is a deep dive into the mindset and practices required to achieve personal and professional mastery, offering listeners practical tips and inspiration to pursue their own paths to success. -
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Anxiety Slayer is an Award-Winning anxiety relief podcast with supportive tips, tools, and practices to help you calm anxiety, stress, PTSD, and panic attacks. Celebrating 700 episodes and over 13 million downloads! Visit to listen in and get our free Anxiety Slayer Starter Course.
Programmer der handler om at befri dig selv for stress og de evige bekymringer, så du kommer videre i livet.
Vi stiller skarpt på hvad stress er for en størrelse, hvordan du som lytter kan styrke din mentale sundhed og få redskaber til at befri dig selv fra stress og bekymringer.
Således at du får inspiration til at træde nye skridt og gøre noget anderledes fremover.
Du har mulighed for at skrive til os med dine spørgsmål.
Vi vil svare så mange lytterspørgsmål som det er muligt for os i programserien.
Lyt med og bliv en bedre udgave af dig selv. -
Samtaler om hvad vi er dannet af som mennesker, og hvordan vi lever fra vores Livskompas 🎙️ Dit livskompas er det indre guideværktøj, der hjælper dig med at mærke livet, træffe beslutninger og leve et liv i overensstemmelse med, hvem du virkelig er, og hvad du ønsker at opnå i livet. Det betyder at have modet til at følge den retning, som dit hjerte og intuition peger på, selv når det kan føles udfordrende eller går imod forventninger fra dine omgivelser 🌀 Livskompasset bringer dig viden, inspiration, perspektiver og personlige historier, der vil hjælpe DIG med at følge dit eget livskompas.
I denne podcast inviterer vi dig ind i vores verden, hvor vi deler vores personlige oplevelser med at have både autisme og adhd. Vi ønsker at belyse de unikke udfordringer og styrker, vi oplever som individer med begge diagnoser.
Fast vært er Kim Lund Nielsen, alias Springudautist, og gennemgående medvært er Helle Boysen Madsen, @autistadhdstriber
Vores tilgang til emnet involverer både vores egen erfaringsbaserede viden og den teoretiske viden, vi har tilegnet os. Vi ønsker at give en forståelse for, hvordan autisme og adhd kan påvirke både vores hverdag og vores sociale interaktioner.
Denne podcast er relevant for en bred vifte af lyttere - både dem med autisme eller adhd, og selvfølgelig dem med begge diagnoser, men også for pårørende og fagfolk. Vi ønsker at skabe et rum, hvor lyttere kan føle sig forstået, uanset hvilke udfordringer de står overfor, og hvor pårørende og fagfolk kan få et indefraperspektiv på livet med diagnoserne.
Hvert afsnit vil have sit eget fokus. Nogle afsnit vil dykke ned i en specifik diagnose, mens andre afsnit vil udforske samspillet mellem autisme og adhd. Vores samtaler vil foregå i en afslappet og humoristisk stemning, hvor vi deler vores erfaringer, bedste tip og vigtigste indsigter.
Vi ønsker at bane vejen for en ærlig samtale om, hvad det egentlig vil sige at navigere i en verden, der ikke altid er tilpasset vores unikke behov. Gennem vores podcast håber vi at opnå og skabe større forståelse og empati for både os selv og andre, der står i samme situation.
Tag de meningsfulde valg, mens du stadig opnår dine mål i livet
Det er en af pointerne i denne podcast, med den succesfulde Serieiværksætter & innovatør Lasse Wiwe.
Han dykker dybt sammen med nogen af de mennesker han selv er fascineret af, for at uddanne, inspirere & styrke dig til at frigøre dit bedste, mest autentiske jeg.
En podcast om personlig & professionel udvikling.
Livet og forretning handler ikke om at have mest,det handler om at have nok, både økonomisk & personligt.
Du skal høre med hvis du føler du har mere i dig, end det du i øjeblikket præsterer.
Mere på:
By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Holistic Nutrition Specialist | Creator of The Last 10™ Method
On this podcast, I teach brilliant, driven, inspiring, high-achieving women how to STOP STRUGGLING with food and with their weight - so they can ENJOY results that they love.
On The Last 10 Podcast I give you the tools and strategies you need every. single. week. [New Episodes on Mondays!] to lose the weight you want to lose.
I have the tools and expertise to teach you how to lose the weight you want to lose (and be DONE with the exhausting weight struggle!) using my proven method and mindset strategies.
I am ON A MISSION to equip women from all walks of life be COMPLETELY DONE struggling with their weight & FEEL EMPOWERED in ALL areas of their lives- INCLUDING THIS ONE.
LISTEN EVERY WEEK for tools that will allow you to Understand Your Mind & Emotions as it relates to your weight goals and your relationship to food. We both know you're not lazy, far from it! You're a highly motivated woman who's never lacked ambition in any other area. You already know that simply printing out a new 'diet' won't be the solution because you've basically tried them all at this point ... and you end up returning to the same behaviors (caused by the same limiting mindsets) that keep you stuck.
This is why it's important to shift gears and actually understand your brain & emotions in order to experience new breakthroughs in a meaningful (SUPER-CONFIDENT!) and sustainable way.
It's simply a matter of understanding your mind.
...Let's get started!
GOING MENTAL was born out of host Eileen Kelly’s desire to reckon with the shame she felt around her mental health journey. Despite early career success, internal struggles and a crippling personality disorder drove Eileen to leave her exciting New York City life behind and seek treatment at McLean — one of the oldest mental hospitals in the country. After five months and some serious self-discovery, she returned to the outside world looking for a way to disseminate what she'd learned in treatment and connect to others with similar experiences.
Each week, along with personal stories from Eileen, she interviews some of today’s most compelling media figures, artists, authors, and celebrities about their own mental health journeys, along with a range of experts who provide information and support around various mental conditions.
New episodes releasing every Thursday. -
Ready to UNLEASH your wildly successful life?? Join best selling author, impact entrepreneur, vlogger and humanitarian Alexi Panos as she shares top tools and strategies on how to live from a place of radical alignment to create the life, love and business of your dreams. In this inspiring mix of interviews, round table discussions, highlights from her best trainings, interviews and speeches, Q+A, and audio rants, Alexi will light a fire under your ass to stop making excuses and get in the game of your life! She'll dive into all things happiness, leadership, personal development, purpose, spirituality, relationships, success, money, motivation, marketing and inspiration for entrepreneurs, coaches, freelancers, moms, dads, and everyone in between!
MAN up! Boys don't cry! Stop being a p***y! What, are you gay?
Have you ever heard these phrases hurled at you?
Have you ever felt like you didn't quite fit into society's masculine expectations and what it means to "be a man"?
These masculinity norms do more harm than you realize and hold you back from being your TRUE self and living YOUR best life.
Being manly isn't about fitting in with your culture's expectations, it's about standing out with your authenticity.
Being emotional, kind and empathetic isn't feminine, it's human.
It takes a ton more courage to stand up and say "this is me" than it does to just fall in line and be the man they said you SHOULD be.
Join us as we discuss these outdated and damaging expectations by expressing ourselves with honesty, courage and vulnerability.
We'll go behind the masks we all wear and show the world what being a man truly is.
If you're a man that's been holding yourself back from your truth and your greatness because they say it's not "manly", this podcast is for you.
Christian Lopez is a former professional athlete turned confidence coach and motivational speaker who has battled his own fears, failures and insecurities and is on a mission to help you do the same and realize that you're good enough just as you are. -
Radiopsykologerne en brevkassepodcast om psykologi, der hjælper med at reflektere over forskellige problemer, man kan opleve, når man er ung i dag. Det kan fx være problemer relateret til depression, angst, stress, ensomhed eller selvværd. Podcasten er mest til unge, der har et dilemma eller spørgsmål om noget, de gerne vil have svar på. Det kan være alt lige fra "hvordan håndterer jeg mine angstanfald?", "skal jeg sige fra over for en veninde?", til "hvordan kan jeg få hjælp til min depression?" Der er intet der er hverken for stort eller småt til Radiopsykologerne, så fyr løs og send os et brev. Hvem er vi? Charlotte Kjærgaard og Maja Vain Gilbert er ungdomspsykologer, der arbejder i UngTerapi, hvor de har samtaler med unge i alderen 15-30 år om alt inden for psykologi. Maja og Charlotte har gjort det til deres største mission, at nå ud til så mange unge som muligt, som har brug for hjælp - enten gennem psykologsamtaler eller denne psykologi podcast. Hjælp os med at komme ud til andre! Vi vil MEGET GERNE have anmeldelser og stjerner, så vi kan blive lyttet til af endnu flere!
The Alcohol Minimalist podcast is dedicated to helping habit drinkers and adult children of alcoholics to change their drinking habits and create a peaceful relationship with alcohol: past, present and future.
We are proof positive that you can break unbreakable habits and create a peaceful relationship with alcohol.
Becoming an alcohol minimalist means:
Choosing how to include alcohol in our lives following low-risk guidelines.
Freedom from anxiety around alcohol use.
Less alcohol without feeling deprived.
Using the power of our own brains to overcome our past patterns and choose peace.
The Alcohol Minimalist Podcast explores the science behind alcohol and analyzes physical and mental wellness to empower choice. You have the power to change your relationship with alcohol, you are not sick, broken and it's not your genes!
This show is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute medical advice. If you are physically dependent on alcohol, please seek medical help to reduce your drinking. -
Grønne tanker er en podcast om tidens menneskeliv. Om livet, vi lever og om de menneskelige og sociale kampe, lidelser, savn og længsler, som rigtig mange mennesker oplever i dag, i kraft af modernitetens sociale tænkning. Og så handler den om Menneskelivet på grøn energi®, som sundhedsantropolog Maja Harton Pedersen kalder den sundere, friere, lettere og mere levende fremtid for mennesker, som hun tilbyder 'grønne' perspektiver, værktøjer og ritualer til at iværksætte gennem forandringsprocessen DE5RUM®
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, many were overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and depression. While this epidemic of stress has been growing over the past decade, it has been exacerbated by the pandemic and the divisive nature of political discourse. As a result, many people feel disconnected, inauthentic, and unhappy, while questioning the source of their unhappiness when they presumably have “everything”—an absence of compassion, for oneself and others, is often the source of the problem. Many of us don’t understand the nature of self-compassion nor the power of compassion to improve our lives and alleviate our suffering. By entering the “Magic Shop”, Jim will share his wisdom and introduce a variety of techniques to change the course of one’s life and share his own lessons learned through the exchange of untold stories of his guests. He will interview authors and experts in the fields of philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, spirituality and religion, as well as individuals with unique points of view. He will also engage his listeners by answering their questions and also at times interview listeners who are willing to share their own stories of challenge and hardship.
SAMMEN - Din Guide til at blive stressfri er en podcast af Marie Brown, forfatter og underviser. Sammen er et drys visdom og værktøjer, der guider dig imod målet: at blive stressfri.
Titlen på denne podcast er "Sammen", fordi folk med stress ikke skal stå alene. Fordi sammen er vi stærkere.
Hver episode tager hul på et tema til personlig udvikling, der støtter dig i at gå frihed og glæde imøde med ro og overbevisning.
Glæd dig også til dagens korte øvelse i slutningen af hver episode. Betragt mig som en ven i dit øre, og skriv gerne til mig og del din oplevelse her! -