
  • Do you see your coach as someone who just prescribes training sessions?

    Are you able to be honest with them about how you’re feeling, both on good and bad days?

    Are they helping you to become the best athlete you can be, but also considering your long term health and the impact that training is having on you over the longterm.

    There are a number of conversations that you should be having with your coach on a regular basis. Listen in as Kriss explains more...

    (01:13) Welcome to the Strength for Endurance Podcast
    (01:53) Five Key Things Your Coach Should Tell You
    (03:27) Are You Coping with Your Training Load?
    (06:39) The Importance of Recovery
    (09:27) Focus on Strength and Conditioning
    (11:22) Evaluating Your Current Treatments
    (13:22) Monitoring Your Physiological Health
    (15:44) Conclusion and Invitation to Join SFE

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • If ignored, our ability to produce power will naturally decrease.

    Today Kriss discusses why this matters so much and what we can do about it.

    Many people believe that their ‘power efforts’ on the bike, up the hills or in the water are sufficient, but unfortunately they're not, we have to target this specifically for best results.

    In todays episode we look at:

    - How we can test our power?
    - Pre requisites needed before we go ahead with power training
    - Exercises and drills that we can do to improve our power Is power a priority to you?

    (01:55) The Importance of Power in Training
    (04:41) Challenges of Zone Two Training
    (06:10) Integrating Power into Your Routine
    (09:05) Practical Power Training Tips
    (16:11) Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

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  • As you may know Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common injuries that plagues a large proportion of the endurance community (not to mention the general population).

    But what you may not know is that most treatments and 'helpful suggestions' made within our social media communities are incredibly superficial, with very few actually getting to the route cause of the issue.

    Listen in as Kriss breaks down how and why the team at SFE have had so much success in working to solve this problem, essentially by looking at the bigger picture and not just the smaller more obvious symptoms.

    (01:56) Understanding Plantar Fasciitis
    (03:14) Common Misconceptions and Misdirections
    (07:40) The Importance of Strength and Conditioning
    (11:55) Training Load Management
    (15:53) Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Whichever coach or program you’re following, one thing is for certain - what works for someone else might not work for you.

    Even if you are seemingly similar athletes in terms of ability and fitness, your personal thresholds and life demands will likely be different and therefore you will respond differently to the overall training load.

    Listen in as Kriss discusses the things to look out for when asking yourself ‘am I following the best training program for me?'

    01:55 Identifying the Right Program for You
    03:09 Understanding Training Load Management
    08:14 Establishing Your Baseline
    09:32 Customizing Your Training Plan
    12:21 The Importance of Individualized Programming
    16:03 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • For those of us who like to compete and race, there are an equal number of us who just love to live the endurance lifestyle. Either way, whether you’re competing against others or against yourself, ultimately your passion for adventure is your biggest driver.

    So when your lifetstyle is threatened by injury, poor health or any kind of setback it can be pretty devastating. Today Kriss talks about protecting yourself against your biggest (and most of the time, avoidable) risk.

    01:21 Welcome to the Strength for Endurance Podcast
    02:04 The Journey of Overcoming Injury and Rediscovering Strength
    08:15 Embracing the Lifestyle Beyond Competition
    10:43 Sustaining an Active Lifestyle with Proper Training and Recovery
    13:39 The Importance of Accountability and Comprehensive Coaching
    16:12 Closing Thoughts and Invitation to Connect

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • The term 'hybrid athlete' can get thrown around alot, but when it comes to endurance events SFE client Ben is a great example of the complexity of navigating both maximal strength and maximal endurance goals. Ben came to us at Strength For Endurance earlier in the year with the goal of achieving a deadlift PB of 200kg, but had also booked in Ride London 100 and Epona 100 Ultra (100mile trail race across 14,000 ft elevation) within just a few months of one another. The complexity of combining these types of goals takes a great deal of skill and experience as well as constant feedback and accountability between athlete and coach. Listen in as Kriss & Ben discuss how he not only PB’d his deadlift but is on track to completing Epona in record time.

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    (00:00) Unlock Your Endurance Potential with SFE Athlete Pathway
    (02:00) A Deep Dive into a Real Athlete's Journey
    (05:55) Achieving Strength and Endurance Goals: A Success Story
    (07:05) The Importance of Testing and Adjusting Training Programs
    (10:31) Navigating the Complexities of Endurance Training
    (12:29) The Critical Role of Health and Recovery in Training
    (17:01) Planning for the Future: Deloads and Event Preparation
    (27:58) Reflections and Advice for Endurance Athletes

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • AI is now more widely available than ever, (whether you’re aware of it or not!)

    There are more apps and wearables than ever before, giving us more data and providing us with affordable and accessible training options.

    However the complexity of working with humans is still dramatically being underserved.

    Join Kriss as he discusses whether AI has a future within endurance coaching.

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    (01:56) The Debate: AI and Training Apps vs. Individualized Coaching
    (03:52) Deep Dive into the Limitations of AI in Endurance Training
    (07:06) The Importance of a Humanistic Approach in Coaching
    (15:41) Concluding Thoughts on Sustainable Endurance Training

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Whether it’s getting over an injury or seeing the benefits of strength training in your swim, bike or run performance, it can be frustrating when you’re not seeing improvements.

    From experience, there are a few key reasons why this is happening and you’re understandably losing faith in the process.

    Listen in as Kriss pinpoints the key things you need to be considering and what you can do to start seeing some progress.

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    01:57 The Problem with Traditional Injury Rehab and Training
    04:58 A Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Injury and Enhancing Performance
    07:32 Understanding the Systemic Nature of Injuries and the Importance of a Holistic Approach
    08:58 The Role of Lifestyle, Nutrition, and Mindset in Injury Prevention and Recovery
    10:47 Empowering Athletes with Knowledge and a Comprehensive Training Strategy
    16:09 Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Feedback

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • When we reflect, there are milestone moments for all of us that have potentially affected the course of our lives.

    From a coaching perspective, it was some of Kriss’s earlier job roles and experiences that had a big impact on the work he does today.

    Whether you’re a budding coach or curious athlete listen in to hear where he was at the tender age of 19 and the 5 key things that would shape his minset, career and the coaching philosophy behind Strength For Endurance.

    Join our SFE Inner Circle to receive weekly 5 minute masterclasses and top coaching tips 👉 https://www.strengthforendurance.com/sfe-inner-circle

    00:00 Introducing the SFE Athlete Pathway
    01:57 Five Key Lessons from a Young Coach's Journey
    06:10 The Power of a Multidisciplinary Approach
    08:59 Asking for Help and Team Learning
    12:12 Appreciating the Journey and Your Body
    15:59 Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Feedback

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Chances are we all know someone who has had a bone stress injury. Whether it be a bone stress reaction or a full on stress fracture, these issues are becoming more and more prevelant within endurance sport as individuals push their bodies to the brink of physical endurance.

    The science behind bone stress injuries is all well and good, but this knowledge doean’t seems to be reducing the prevelance of the injuries occurring.

    This is due to the confrunting conversations that aren’t being had and that often these types of injuries are based upon lack of education and a poor relationship with high performance training. In todays episode Kriss shares the key considerations that are rarely spoken about when it comes to preventing, managing and recovering from bone stress injuries

    00:08 Introducing the SFE Athlete Pathway
    01:56 The Risks of Bone Stress Injuries in Endurance Athletes
    02:16 Understanding and Preventing Bone Stress Injuries
    07:49 The Importance of Nutrition and Recovery
    13:41 A Comprehensive Approach to Endurance Training
    22:09 Building Your Support Team and Accountability
    28:21 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Made famous by James Clear (if you haven't read his book Atomic Habits yet then it's a must), habit forming and stacking habits is a sure fire way of improving performance. The very best performers and athlete, even if they are reamaining injury free all have great habits, routines and practices in places.

    However these behaviours weren’t all formed over night, they may have started with one or two good behaviours and this is where you can potentially start too, tune in to identify where you could start to make some little changes that could have big benefits down the line.

    00:02 The Power of Habit Stacking for Training and Lifestyle
    01:34 Integrating Strength and Conditioning into Your Routine
    03:19 Optimizing Your Training with Strategic Habit Formation
    08:51 Nutrition and Hydration: Building Healthy Eating Habits
    11:59 The Importance of Consistency and Accountability in Habit Formation
    13:20 Conclusion: Applying Habit Stacking Beyond Training

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Your coach athlete relationship is one of great importance and many of you will be lucky to have coaches who you trust, enjoy working with and who you build a strong friendship with. The emotional highs and lows of endurance sport and the shared pursuit of adventure, it’s no surprise that we put our training in the hands of people we like and who understand us.

    However it might be time to stop and have a think…Does your coach program what you want or what you need? Does your coach have the physiological understanding and experience around what you are asking of your body? Does you coach ask you the necessary questions around your health, nutrition or injuries? Or do they just program your training sessions and give you a high five for great work?

    Listen in as Kriss discusses what your coach athlete relationship should be bringing you. Looking for a more thorough level of coaching support for your endurance sport? Get in contact today and we'll walk you through the process.

    00:39 The Fine Line Between Nice Coaching and Negligence
    01:58 The Harsh Realities of Inadequate Coaching
    03:10 A Cautionary Tale: The Consequences of Overtraining
    06:56 The Importance of a Comprehensive Coaching Approach
    13:10 The Critical Role of Open Dialogue in Coaching
    14:44 Closing Thoughts: The Duty of Care in Coaching

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Any training program will have it's highs and lows, there will be sessions where you feel great and others where you feel terrible.

    But the skill comes in not dwelling upon these sessions but rather having the ability to identify external factors that may have contributed to you feeling a particular way.

    Work, sleep, food and lifestyle stress can all have a huge impact on our ability to train optimally. Kriss shares his own personal experience in todays episode, and highlights how a week of inconsistent behaviour and abnormal activity impacted his own training progress.

    00:44 The Importance of Quantifying Training Load
    01:25 A Personal Story of Overlooking Training Load
    06:28 The Consequences of Not Managing Training Load
    11:03 Practical Advice for Managing Training Load
    12:35 Closing Thoughts and Actions for the Week
    14:28 Final Remarks and Invitation for Feedback

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Kriss is joined by friend and well respected professional Wei, who is the Director and Lead Bike Fitter at London's 'Foundation Bike Fit’.

    Having collaborated on several occasions over the past few years, Kriss & Wei have a mutual understanding and respect for the important link between bike fitting and S&C.

    In todays chat they discuss some great topics including 'How often do you need to get a bike fit?', 'Why cycling is still behind the time when it comes to embracing the benefits of S&C' and ‘Finding the best bike for you and your body'.

    (00:46) Introducing Wei and Foundation Fit
    (01:48) Wei's Journey into Bike Fitting
    (04:17) The Art and Science of Bike Fitting
    (12:19) The Importance of Biomechanics in Cycling
    (21:02) Exploring the Mindset of Different Types of Cyclists
    (26:16) The Balancing Act: Professional vs. Age Group Athletes
    (30:08) Exploring the Misconceptions of Strength Training in Cycling
    (31:51) Understanding Pain: Choice vs. Forced Discomfort
    (33:40) The Importance of Differentiating Pain and Implementing Pre- and Post-Ride Routines
    (34:06) The Challenge of Personalizing Fitness and the Role of Education
    (36:33) Navigating the Complexities of Bike Fitting and Body Mechanics
    (39:14) The Journey of Adaptation and the Importance of Patience
    (45:06) The Unique Approach of Foundation Fit: Combining Studio and Outdoor Assessments
    (49:34) The Holistic Approach to Cycling Performance: Beyond Just the Bike
    (54:08) Closing Thoughts and Where to Find More Information

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • In our third episode of the Overtraining Series, we look at the importance of periodisation and having a structure to your programming.

    By ensuring this framework is in place it’ll allow for optimal recovery, adaptation to all the training stimulus and essentially giving the body time for physiologoical processes to occur in order to see the results of your hard work.

    Whilst getting stronger and more conditioned is our main aim we want to ensure that we don’t become energy deficient as a result. Kriss talks through how we can get the most out of appropriate periodisation within your training and the importance of having supporting education to go alongside.

    (00:42) Diving Deep into Overtraining in Endurance Athletes
    (01:47) The Importance of Periodization in Training
    (06:48) Understanding Micro and Mesocycles for Optimal Performance
    (14:10) Strategizing Your Training with A, B, and C Races
    (18:40) The Long-Term Play: Integrating Training with Lifestyle
    (24:21) Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Feedback

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Kriss looks into the importance of having a comprehensive approach to your traininig and what the obvious qualities of a good run, bike or multisport program might look like. Why you will always struggle to follow a stand alone run program and how to go about integrating better stratgies towards your nutrition, recovery, periodisation and strength and conditioning.

    (00:44) The Comprehensive Approach to Training
    (02:43) A Real-Life Case Study: The Importance of a Balanced Training Regimen
    (03:46) Unpacking the Comprehensive Training Approach
    (05:56) The Essential Components of a Successful Training Program
    (11:32) Strength and Conditioning: The Non-Negotiables
    (15:30) The Importance of Accountability and Feedback
    (19:17) Mindset and Psychology: Navigating Life's Challenges
    (25:20) A Comprehensive Review: The Path to Consistent Progress
    (27:37) Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Engagement

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Training experience essentially refers to the depth of conditioning we have.

    A trait that many of our top performing athletes have in abundance. Think of it like work experience. You ask anyone who’s at the top of their respective field and they’ll tell you it took years of experience, a gradual progression through the ranks and most definitely learning from their mistakes and the challenges they’ve faced.

    So how can we fast track this when it comes to our endurance performance? We can’t cheat years of training experience, but by manipulating the conditioning we put our bodies through we can not only fast track our performance but also prevent valuable time being wasted with unnecessary injuries.

    We’ve got 4 coaching spots left for March so if you’re curious about how we can help you then here’s the direct link to our calendar where you can book your FREE consultation call https://calendly.com/strengthforendurance/sfeconsultationcall

    (00:59) The Importance of Training Experience
    (01:26) Understanding the Depth of Experience
    (01:53) The Role of Conditioning in Endurance
    (03:17) The Impact of Lack of Experience
    (06:04) Building Experience through Strength and Conditioning
    (09:54) The Importance of Interval and Intensity Training
    (17:06) The Role of Strategy in Building Experience
    (21:17) Conclusion and Contact Information

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Are you just going through the motions with your training?

    Superficially moving from one sessions to the other?

    Ticking off sessions in your training peaks account or coaching app?

    This is where athletes often go wrong.

    They become stale, there is a lack of focus, no visible progress, training is ineffective and many often get injured because they don’t see the imbalances starting to creep in.

    If you want to get more out of your performance you need to approach your training with more depth. How? Kriss shares more in todays episode.

    00:45 The Importance of Reflecting on Your Performance
    02:51 Understanding the Biomechanical Side of Your Training
    04:36 The Role of Strength and Conditioning in Overcoming Weaknesses
    06:06 The Impact of Biomechanical Flaws on Performance
    07:03 The Importance of Consistent Strength and Conditioning
    13:05 The Role of Feedback in Improving Performance
    16:21 Conclusion: The Power of Reflective Training
    17:24 Outro: Engaging with the Strength for Endurance Community

    Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - here

    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Kriss kicks off our 'Overtraining Series' with the topic of Energy Availability, specifically poor energy availability and the impact it can have upon athletes.

    A topic close to his heart, Kriss opens up about the impact that it’s had on his personal life and that of clients he’s worked with throughout his many years of coaching experience. We need to respect the fact that there is a wide spectrum to this topic, from those who perhaps naively don’t know how much fuel their body needs to train and perform, to other more serious cases which can see full blown clinical eating disorders, where professional help needs to be sought.

    A topic that once address and the correct support is given can resolve a lot of untold pain, health issues and poor performance. As athletes we need a better understanding of our physiology and the complete training approach such as:

    - The physiologcal importance of recovery
    - Daily energy demands vs what the athlete is currently doing
    - Detailed approach of how to integrate correct nutrition alongside work/study/training life
    - Challenging beliefs or misconceptions (i.e. lighter is faster, I 'need' to train everyday)

    Listen in as Kriss discusses more and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you resonate strongly with this topic or need help with where or who to look to for further help.

    (00:43) Understanding Energy Availability in Endurance Training
    (01:04) The Dangers of Overtraining
    (03:29) Personal Experience with Energy Deficiency
    (08:01) The Consequences of Poor Energy Availability
    (08:38) The Journey to Recovery
    (13:26) The Importance of Understanding Your Body
    (18:24) Tips for Managing Energy Availability
    (25:52) Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    Arm yourself with a level of knowledge you can call on at anytime. From choosing the best exercises, identifying the warning signs to prevent bigger issues developing or understanding what other factors you could be addressing to unlock your potential, we’ll give you the essential tools and resources. Join our SFE Program Pathway - here

    The proof is in our results and we’ve taken hundreds of individuals from a place of confusion & despair to a place of confidence and full recovery. Get the highest level of accountability, support, strategy and training starting with our 12 week program. Book a Consultation Call - here

    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting

  • Today Kriss and Sophie discuss the all important question of 'How many times can you peak in a year?' 'How many times across the year can you truly expect to get the most out of your body and push it to it's physical limits?

    Be it in a competitive environment or adventure type scenario, we can all get sucked into filling our calendars with the next most exciting races, however there needs to be planning, logic and most importantly a clear goal when it comes to each event if we want to execute things well and time after time.

    (00:53) Understanding the Concept of Peaking
    (01:36) The Importance of Setting A, B, and C Race Goals
    (02:42) The Role of Mental Preparation in Peaking
    (02:55) Defining and Understanding the Concept of Peaking
    (04:16) The Impact of Multiple Events on Peaking
    (05:14) The Importance of Recovery in Peaking
    (07:07) The Role of Training Experience in Peaking
    (13:51) The Importance of Strategy in Peaking
    (17:23) Understanding the Role of Event Type in Peaking
    (31:52) The Role of Psychology in Peaking
    (36:27) Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    Podcast post-production by EZPZ Podcasting