Join Marion's co-founders (Evelyn, John, and Andrew) in discussing investing and money.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this video, Marion, its officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this podcast or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you lie awake at night wondering how traders and investors do what they do?
On Taylor Made Macro, we uncover how our guests navigate the complex contours of the markets and dig deep into their inspiration, processes, tools, and failures. If you are a curious, truth-seeking person, join us for the investing discussion, and stay for the humor and humility we approach these topics with.
We’ll let others “stay on top of markets” while we “get to the bottom of markets”. Together we’ll learn how great investors have developed their investing style and what they’ve learned about themselves on their journey. -
Rozhovory s top ľuďmi slovenského biznisu a marketingu napratané do 20 minút. Do agentúry Hype si voláme profesionálov a influencerov z business a marketingového prostredia, aby nám odovzdali cenné know-how. Dozviete sa insighty z ich práce, pikošky zo života, ale aj tipy a triky, ktoré môžete použiť pre svoj biznis.
Podcast advokátskej kancelárie Taylor Wessing Bratislava vám prináša právny, ale zrozumiteľný pohľad na aktuálne spoločenské témy, diskusie s odborníkmi a novinky z oblasti práva a legislatívy. Nielen pre právnikov a študentov práva, ale najmä pre všetkých, ktorých zaujíma aktuálne dianie a jeho právne pozadie, podané ľudskou rečou. Zostaňte sPrávne naladení a sledujte nás aj na Instagrame @taylorwessing_bratislava.
Pravidelná dávka informací ze světa profesionálního koučování. Podcastem provází Václav Szakál a jeho hosty jsou profesionální koučové, manažeři využívající koučovací dovednosti, klienti koučování z různých oblastí (management, profesionální sport atd.) a lidé využívající sebekoučovací dovednosti.
Hosted by Dr. Ivan Zak and Ryan Leech, Consolidate That! focuses on critical corporate topics in the veterinary business. The episodes center on improving clinical care, customer and employee experience, combining proven processes with modern technology, and ways to expand shareholder value using clear performance metrics.
Find beneficial knowledge that you can apply in the rapidly growing veterinary consolidation market. -
Was macht künstliche Intelligenz mit uns Menschen im unternehmerischen Umfeld?
Wie gut sind österreichische Unternehmen im bereich KI in der Praxis aufgestellt?
Und wohin entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft im Einfluss dieser technologischen Entwicklung?
Darüber haben wir wieder mit 24 Menschen gesprochen, und erfahren, wie KI in der Landwirtschaft Einzug erhält, warum Regulierung nicht Verbot bedeutet und sogar, wie die Kirche dazu steht.
Man muss nicht jede dieser Einsichten teilen, aber man sollte sie jedenfalls anhören! -
Talent-mindfulness is a practice; an invitation to listen on purpose to your own greatest potential -- the natural patterns of thought, feeling and behavior that lead you to success, to thrive, to experience your own best life. CliftonStrengths® measures the presence of talent across 34 areas called “Themes.” And these talent-mindfulness moments help you activate your Strengths. Don't try to force an answer or write down everything you think of. Just experience the practice; you can always come back again. Strengths don't improve themselves; greatness takes a bit of effort, building upon who you already are. So lean in, get comfortable and listen to the insights your talents have to offer.
Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else. Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths® 34. Visit today! -
Welcome to Steel Stories by U. S. Steel. From market insights to industry trends, we will delve into the wealth of knowledge with world-renowned experts and industry thought leaders who will share their unique perspectives on global events shaping the future of steel. References to “greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)” throughout podcasts, in the context of U. S. Steel’s GHG reduction goals, refer to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.