Whenever you’re going after your specific goals, you have two paths or approaches that you can take.
One is low-stress, leads to progress, and will be so much more rewarding and fun. The other seems right, but it’s actually a stressful, all-or-nothing, race to some imaginary finish line that you’ve created in your head.
The question is - which approach are you unknowingly taking?
If you’re taking the wrong approach, then achieving your goals becomes unnecessarily hard. If you’re taking the better approach, you’ll not only achieve your goals, but change your life in the process.
In this episode, I explain these two “paths” and help you figure out which one you’ve been doing. Plus, I give specific next steps to help you identify and overcome the roadblock between you and your goals.
ANTI-DIET CLASS: https://bit.ly/AntiDietClass
HELP ME FIND MY BEST NEXT STEP: https://bit.ly/Best-Next-Step
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: https://bit.ly/Transformation-Trinity-Class
Have you ever wondered - what do I really hope to gain from losing?
Do I just want to lose weight?? Or is there more to it than that?
There are 6 distinctly different categories of physical improvement. There definitely can be crossover with these, but make no mistake, they are different.
In today’s episode, I will explain these 6 categories, so that you can better understand exactly what it is you hope to gain from losing weight. Because . . .
The real secret to true weight loss success that will make you amazingly happy is … knowing what you really want. A lot of people THINK they know, but they end up burnt out or disappointed - EVEN IF they achieved great results.
This is also a big reason that some people repeatedly struggle to lose weight or just gain it right back. It’s because, even though they don’t realize it, just losing weight is not what they really want. They want something more. Or maybe they want something quite different, beyond just losing weight.
It’s time to find clarity.
It’s time for you to determine what you REALLY want to gain from losing weight.
HELP ME FIND MY BEST NEXT STEP: https://bit.ly/Best-Next-Step
ANTI-DIET CLASS: https://bit.ly/AntiDietClass
Saknas det avsnitt?
What is the REAL secret to weight loss success? How do you lose weight and keep it off?
Is it writing your goals down? Is it eating more protein and doing strength training? Is it high intensity cardio? Is it intermittent fasting?
Or is it just figuring out a way to actually stay motivated?
Well, different experts might tell you different things. But if you ask me, the answer is - it’s none of the things I listed. It’s actually something totally different that you might not expect.
There is a secret to TRUE weight loss success … that can leave you feeling like a rock star, world champion with a million bucks! And that’s exactly what I’m going to explain in this episode.
If you want “this time to be different,” then this episode is 100% for you. Understanding this secret to true weight loss success could totally redefine how you think about and go about losing weight.
APPLY TO WORK W/ COREY: https://bit.ly/Work-With-Corey
ANTI-DIET CLASS: https://bit.ly/AntiDietClass
Want to achieve your weight loss goals this new year?
I believe there’s one big thing that can make this year different for you. In this episode I’ll explain this one thing that can literally make you unbreakable and quit-proof!
But it’s not necessarily easy to do, so I’ll go a step further and give you the four needed “ingredients” for becoming quit-proof.
Research tells us that 80% of people are confident they will stick to their resolutions throughout the year. Unfortunately a positive attitude and getting all hyped up on “new year new me” motivation will only get you so far. Research agrees . . .
Only 9% of Americans actually keep their resolutions throughout the year.
If you want to be the 9%, this is the episode for you!
COREY, HELP ME FIND MY BEST NEXT STEP: https://bit.ly/Best-Next-Step
If you want to lose weight and actually KEEP IT OFF this new year, then start with this episode.
It’s time for new year’s resolutions and most people probably expect me to be all about weight loss inspiration and Mr. Weight Loss Motivation. Lose 5 pounds in 5 days! Achieve your goal weight in only 6 weeks!
But I’m not doing that. Instead I’m going to give you one of the most encouraging discouraging, honest messages you’ve ever heard.
We’ll cover …
The “clean slate” mentality Starting fresh MondayWhy older people don’t set New Year’s resolutions3 reasons the new year FEELS different, but really isn’tThe secret to truly making changes in your lifePlus, I’ll offer my top tip for anyone who wants to lose weight this new year!
FIND YOUR BEST NEXT STEP: https://bit.ly/Best-Next-Step
Did you know there are actually three different versions of you?
And how you relate to and view each version is super important for your overall success and enjoyment of life.
In today’s episode, I’ll help you . . .
See all 3 versions of yourselfLearn how to get the most from each versionAvoid living in a “Once I” worldDiscover the power of gifts to your future selfPlus, you’ll get to hear about my chickens and what frustrates me like crazy. It’ll be fun and you just might learn something helpful. Let’s do it!
COREY, HELP ME FIND MY BEST NEXT STEP: https://bit.ly/Best-Next-Step
If you get super motivated and do really great with your diet (or workout program) for a few days or few weeks and then you totally lose steam or burnout and fall off the wagon . . .
Then this episode is for YOU.
And if you repeat that cycle over and over and over again, then this episode is really for you!
Motivation is good, right? It sure feels good. We all like to feel motivated and focused on our goals. But it’s a double-edged sword. There are pros and cons.
Motivation makes us feel excited and it can lead to us seeking excitement. But what if weight loss is meant to be kind of boring? What if true, lasting, “lose it and don’t gain it back” weight loss success is much more likely to happen when you take a somewhat boring approach?
Does this even make sense? I believe so . . .
But you’ll need to listen to this episode to find out if it's impacting you and you’re falling victim to your own motivation.
FREE LIVE COACHING CALL w/ COREY: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
Is my program "just another diet?" Is it just like Atkins, Keto, Whole30, or Weight Watchers? Do you have to diet to lose weight? We'll cover all of that and more.
I’m not supposed to do this episode. Anyone would tell me I’m stupid for putting this out there. But here’s the thing . . .
I always want to bring the truth. And I believe there are some things we can learn from looking at what two people said about my weight loss program.
In this episode, we’ll cover . . .
Can you lose weight without doing "a diet"The foundational principle (truth) behind all weight lossWhy losing weight is not guaranteed to improve your lifeThe true definition of “diet”What I mean when I say “anti-diet”It’s my sincere hope that this episode provides some tremendous clarity and leaves you feeling empowered!
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
Want some tips on how to not gain weight during the holidays?
Well, it all starts by eating whatever you want.
I know, I know. It sounds crazy. It sounds totally wrong. But I believe doing the opposite and trying to restrict yourself or diet through the holidays is screwing you up more than you realize.
There are 4 big ways you can really mess up your weight loss goals on Thanksgiving or during the holiday season overall. I want to help you avoid those pitfalls and enjoy the delicious food more than ever.
In this episode, you’ll learn …
What REALLY messes you up on holidays (it’s not what you think!)The self-defeating approach so many people accidentally takeAn “on-off” trap that you need to avoidThe thoughts that you *think* are helping, but really are sabotaging youA secret weapon to enjoy more and eat less with zero guilt!And by the way, all of this works for ANY holiday. It’s applicable for Thanksgiving or any event that centers around food.
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
My mom avoided being in pictures. She didn’t like seeing herself in 99% of photos. For years I didn’t think much about it. But I think a lot more about it now.
I have an evolving perspective on this subject. It might challenge you. It might make you think. It might make you sad. It might make you mad. Regardless, I hope you’ll just hear me out.
If you hate seeing yourself in pictures …
If you totally avoid being in photos …
Then this episode is for you.
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
James was constantly on and off the diet wagon. He tried Atkins, South Beach, Calorie tracking, and intermittent fasting. He lost weight with all of those. They all worked … for a little while. But they felt restrictive and burdensome. And he would always quit and gain all the weight back. He lost and regained the same 20 pounds for years and years. Sound familiar?
He started to think - I’m different. There’s something wrong with me.
Then he thought - Maybe I just need to find the “right diet”.
But then he found a totally different model … a totally different approach to losing weight and being healthy.
Listen to James tell his story from years of struggle, mental turmoil, and a toxic relationship with the scales … to … low-stress success with his body.
Here are some snippets from his story . . .
I could stick with it for a few weeks, but I could never do it for long.
I was going through this cycle where I would get on the scale after I ate bad and then I would feel terrible about myself.
If the scale went down, I was happy. If it went up, I was mean to myself and to others.
I felt terrible, weak, and undisciplined.
Should you eat carbs? Should you not eat carbs?
Should you eat eggs? Should you not eat eggs?
I thought I just needed to find the right diet.
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
What is BMI?
Is BMI accurate?
Is BMI outdated?
Is BMI a good indicator of health?
How do I get BMI down?
The good ol’ BMI. It’s been terrorizing people for many many years. We all know how it goes, right?
Go to your doctor. They weigh you. Then they show you the BMI chart and tell you that you need to lose weight. And you go home and cry because what the BMI says is such a low number and you feel like there’s no way you’ll ever get there.
You’ve been trying to lose weight for so long! And it’s just so dang hard!
If you connect with any of this, then this episode is for you.
It’s time to ask some questions, demystify, and debunk the Body Mass Index. Plus, I’ll provide some very specific steps on how to find your “best weight range”. Grab a pen, you’re going to want to take notes!
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
Sometimes I have an interaction on a coaching call and I’m like “this is pure gold”. And I KNOW it would be so helpful for all of you amazing podcast listeners, but I totally respect that those conversations are private and I usually just let it pass. But every now and then I might reach out to the person and ask for their permission to share it on the podcast. That’s exactly what recently happened and exactly what this episode is all about.
It’s not perfect or scripted. It’s real, raw, honest, and off the cuff.
Interestingly, I believe it’s a great follow-up to the last episode, because we talk a bit about goals and what’s next for Audrey. As she was talking, I don’t think she realized it at all, but there’s just so much truth and so much insight. And I wanted you to get a glimpse of what REAL life-changing results sound like.
This podcast is all about being real - REAL people … REAL goals … REAL results … REAL insights … REAL life change. Also . . .
If you want to know how to achieve your pre-baby weight, then you might want to listen to what Audrey has to say ;)
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: http://www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com
Do you have a weight loss goal?
Should you write your goals down?
Should you read your goals everyday?
When it comes to goals, there are so many questions, suggestions, and “experts” telling you what to do. And if you ever meet with a trainer or nutritionist, there’s a good chance their first words might even be - Okay, what are your goals?
Goals are everywhere! And they’re so important, right? I mean … goals are good, right? Ehh, they can be. But it’s not always that simple.
There’s a fundamental truth in life that definitely applies to your goals. It can possibly even cause your goal to work against you and maybe even cause you to quit to your diet or weight loss program!
Today, I’m going to explain this “basic truth”, two problems that it can cause when it comes to your body and losing weight, and then I’ll give my specific recommendation on how to avoid these pitfalls. Plus, I’ll offer my two cents on the best way to pursue your weight loss goals.
COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
Didn't have time to write show notes.
Listen to the episode and it will all make sense ;)
Maybe I’m just a weirdo or I just think too much, but I often see parallels and lessons from so many life events that I believe we can learn from to help us in other areas of life.
This happened recently when Hurricane Helene passed over where I live in the state of Georgia and then went on to have a devastating impact on parts of Tennessee, western North Carolina, as well as parts of south Georgia.
There are probably hundreds of things we can learn from this hurricane, but today, I want to share 5 things this storm taught me about our brain, body, and your pursuit of weight loss (and really, just life in general).
We’ll cover . . .
How our brain is wired to react to scary stuffSomething that’s true with storms and just about everything else in lifeThe wise thing to do when we’re worried or overwhelmedThe good part about really bad thingsHow a “nervous system fire” might be making you miserableCOREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
One of the most common mistakes I see is something called the “Junk Drawer Syndrome.” It can negatively impact your weight loss efforts, but that’s not all. It can also cause issues in just about any area of life. As if that’s not bad enough . . .
This “junk drawer mentality” often keeps you from getting the help or guidance you need, which will tremendously slow down or stall out your progress. Then, if we’re not careful, it might lead to shame, embarrassment, confusion, and maybe even an unhealthy mindset where our pride and ego takes centerstage.
In this episode, I explain what “Junk Drawer Syndrome” is, the problems it causes, and why we do it. Then I offer some questions and suggestions to help you avoid falling into this common mental trap.
COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
Are you really tough on yourself?
Do you struggle with procrastination?
Have a hard time making decisions?
Do you just feel mentally exhausted?
When it comes to losing weight, do you feel the need to “start fresh Monday” after you mess up?
If you answered “yes” to some of these questions, then this episode is for you. It’s an episode especially for us perfectionists. We might mistakenly see it as a badge of honor, but it just might be crippling you, causing more harm than help. You’re about to learn why and how perfectionism impacts your life and weight loss efforts.
We’ll cover the 3 things that come as a package deal with perfectionism. And, if you’re ready, I’ve got 5 tips to help you overcome perfectionist tendencies and live a life with more freedom and less stress!
COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
If you try to lose weight, but wind up the same or even gaining a little extra weight year after year …
If you have multiple “false starts” with losing weight throughout the year …
If you have really high motivation at certain times and really low motivation at other times of the year …
Then this episode is for YOU.
It was inspired by my disagreement with another podcaster. They were discussing the best times of year to make changes and make progress in life. After hearing what they had to say, I just had to record this episode.
There’s something that happens around this time of year every year. Before you know it, it sucks you in and leaves you frustrated, stuck, and discouraged.
We are all a product of our patterns. You're about to discover what might be one of your patterns, see what might’ve been holding you back, and learn how to break free!
COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com
TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
Is your relationship with food messing you up?
Do you even know if you have a healthy relationship with food?
This episode will help you answer both of those questions.
Being overweight really comes down to being out of balance. And what often lies beneath our imbalance is a distorted relationship with food. This can manifest differently for different people, but today I’ll explain 4 specific ways someone can have a poor relationship with food.
I’ll provide specific questions to help you determine which of these four might be impacting you. Plus, we’ll cover . . .
The “instruction manual” for our bodySpecific imbalances that lead to gaining weightHormone imbalances and gut issues The two relationships that are guaranteed to lead to weight loss and a better life!TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
Website: https://challenge2rise.com/
Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG
Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak
Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD
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