
  • "I want to be vibrant in every season of life. I want to continue to serve you. I want to show them a way, a framework of saying this is how you continue to allow your life to be used by God in every season, even the second half." – Dawn Damon.
    Dawn Damon is a best-selling, award-winning author, national speaker, podcast host, life coach, and CEO of BraveHearted Woman. There, she offers coaching, online training, and other resources to help awaken and cultivate the vision of women dreamers. Her latest book, The Making of a BraveHearted Woman, hit number one on the best-seller list.
    During this episode, Dawn, mother of five, grandmother of 12, and great-grandmother of two, shares valuable insights on how women can pursue their dreams and grow in faith while navigating the journey of motherhood. From finding purpose in midlife to empowering young moms to prepare for the future, Dawn's wisdom is a beacon of encouragement and empowerment for all women.

    Key Takeaways:

    Dawn's observations of women transitioning into midlife and the common desire to remain vibrant and purposeful in the second half of life.
    Becoming a role model for the younger generation and to continue serving God in every season of life.
    Embracing the significance of every season of life and not allowing it to be wasted.
    Leveraging wisdom and experience to influence and impact the world.
    Encouragement for young mothers to recognize and cultivate their individual passions and talents.
    Emphasizing the importance of self-care, rest, and time for personal development while raising children.
    Tips for maintaining health, socialization, and engagement in activities to keep moving forward.
    The BRAVE acronym: Bold vision, Real identity, Able mindset, Virtuous speech, and Execute action habits are the five fortitudes, or inner strengths, required for success in the second half of life.

     “Keep being faithful with the little things and the little people, and eventually you will be ushered into the next season of your life that's just filled with so many other great opportunities." – Dawn Damon

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  • “If you look at how our behaviors are built, it starts with our relationships, experiences, and genetics. From those three, you get these beliefs that influence your thoughts and your emotions that are automatic throughout the day, which influence your behaviors. So, if you want to truly change your behaviors, you begin with gratitude because it changes your perception, changes your belief about something, and changes your thoughts and emotions.” – Dr. Danny Huerta.
    Dr. Danny Huerta oversees Focus on the Family’s initiatives that equip mothers and fathers with biblical principles and counsel for raising healthy, resilient children rooted in a thriving faith. He is a bilingual psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, and author of 7 Traits of Effective Parenting. Dr. Huerta has maintained a private practice in Colorado Springs since 2003 and has served families through Focus on the Family since 2004.
    During this episode, Danny shares his insight and practical advice for raising healthy, resilient children rooted in a thriving faith. Dr. Huerta discusses the reasons for writing 7 Traits of Effective Parenting, including the need for practical steps for parents and the lack of a roadmap incorporating important principles for effective parenting. Danny also outlines the assessment, What Are Your Parenting Strengths? and how it provides a means for parents to determine their top strengths, possible strengths, and areas of growth as parents.
    The 7 traits of effective parenting:

    Adaptability: Be open to adjusting to your child's changing needs and behaviors. Show them flexibility while establishing consistency in routines and rules.
    2. Respect: See your child clearly with love and care. Recognize their unique personalities and affirm their value and worth consistently.
    Intentionality: Be purposeful in your interactions with your child. Take deliberate steps to spend quality time together, engage in meaningful conversations, and foster a strong bond.
    Steadfast Love: Demonstrate unconditional love, support, and presence for your child, especially during challenging moments. Your consistent love provides a secure foundation for their growth.
    Boundaries and Limits: Establish and communicate clear boundaries guided by love and respect. Provide the necessary guidance and correction to shape your child's behavior and character.
    Grace and Forgiveness: Embrace a culture of forgiveness and grace within your family. Teach your child the importance of acknowledging mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and extending grace to others.
    Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your family. Encourage expressions of thankfulness, foster a spirit of appreciation, and model gratitude in daily interactions.

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  • “We've been so exposed the last few years to cancel culture. It's, "If I don't agree with you, I'm going to get louder and more dominant, and I'm going to tear you apart." And how do we model to our kids that we are called to love through that process?” – Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield.
    Three women of Christ on a mission, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield, Rhonda Stoppe, and Lee Ann Mancini, have joined together to share empowering Godly advice, information, and encouragement for everyone who is raising the next generation of warriors for Christ. Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield is a national speaker, author, podcaster, and a licensed professional counselor of 27 years. Rhonda Stoppe is a best-selling author, speaker, and podcaster who has helped countless women build “no regrets lives”!
    During this episode, all three ladies tackle the question of how parents can help kids stand up and stand strong in their convictions in a world filled with peer pressure and differing ideologies. They discuss practical strategies for navigating disagreements within the family, facing pushback in public schools, and dealing with friends and family members who may challenge their faith.
    Key Takeaways:

    Encouraging kids to live out their convictions in the face of disagreement from family members.
    Acknowledging the challenges of having family members who reject faith and teaching kids not to be judgmental but to instead live out their faith in front of them.
    Emphasizing the importance of modeling peaceful and accepting behavior within the family.
    Praying over kids and encouraging them to walk in a manner worthy of their calling while at school.
    Teaching critical thinking and the ability to engage in intelligent conversation about faith.
    Encouraging kids not to worry about negative opinions from peers, as it's only for a short period of time.
    Encouraging an unoffendable attitude and gracious response to differing beliefs.
    Modeling curiosity and showing genuine interest in understanding others' viewpoints.

    “What we always taught our kids is don't be angry with a blind person for being blind. If they don't have the mind of Christ, then they don't see life with a biblical worldview. So rather than being self-righteous, pharisee, and judgmental, live your faith in front of them.” – Rhonda Stoppe.
    Resources: Rhonda Stoppe’s books & Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield’s books.

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  • “Honestly, if there's one thing that I pray for daily, I pray for the Lord to give America solid Christian families where husbands love their wives and children are raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” – Alex McFarland.
    Alex McFarland is the leader of Alex McFarland Ministries and a religion, youth, and culture expert. He is also the creator of Viral Truth Clubs, and has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including The Assault on America: How to Defend our Nation Before It’s Too Late!, 10 Issues that Divide Christians, The God You Thought You Knew, and more. He is the Director of Worldview and teaches in the School of Practical Government for Charis Bible College. Alex currently co-hosts Exploring the Word on the American Family Radio Network and the Truth and Liberty TV broadcast and is the host of The Alex McFarland Show.
    During this episode, Alex shares his expert knowledge about the vital role of Christian families, the impact of his latest book 100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families, and the importance of equipping and empowering young people.
    Key Takeaways:

    Content from his newest book, focusing on parenting and addressing difficult topics with children.
    The book's influence on families, particularly children's interest in biblical discussions.
    Emphasis on the importance of godly men in families and a call for men to be committed to their role as the priest of the home.
    Acknowledgment of the need for both Christian husbands and fathers to raise counterculture Christians.
    The vital need for more strong Christian churches.
    Anticipation of revival and a call to action to protect children from negative influences.
    Background and growth of the Equip Retreat Camps:

    The approach concerning discipleship and apologetics at the camps.
    Children's capacity to understand deep truths and their appreciation for substantial teachings.
    Aim to provide a meaningful and impactful learning experience for youth.

    Encouragement for multi-church events to rally Christians and spread the message of Christ.

    Alex McFarland’s Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube.

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  • “But to make our home a reflection of heaven on earth, we also need to be thinking about God's characteristics, who he is, and how we can demonstrate that in our homes. How can we ultimately have a sense of security, a sense of peace and protection, a sense of order?” – Lori Wildenberg.
    Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining. Lori Wildenberg is a national speaker, a licensed parent-family educator of over 25 years, and an award-winning author of six Christian parenting books. Lori also leads the popular Moms Together Facebook Community Page and Group.
    During this episode of MOMents with Lori and LeeAnn, both ladies discuss how you can make your home a reflection of heaven on earth. They explore spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects, emphasizing the importance of prayer, meditation, and modeling virtuous behavior for our children.
    Key Takeaways:

    Demonstrating God's characteristics and encouraging the Fruits of the Spirit.
    Modeling a close relationship with God and including children in spiritual practices like singing praise and praying.
    Being able to manage fear, anger, and sadness.
    Reflecting God's holiness in emotional responses.
    Building trust in God during challenging situations.
    Physically, room by room, anointing oil and praying over each room.
    Incorporating scripture and crosses in the home.
    Placing plaques and Bible verses throughout the home to create visual reminders of Jesus.
    Emphasizing the importance of forgiveness in the home environment.

    “I do believe the reason that God has given us the emotion of anger is so that we can understand what perhaps injustice looks like for someone else, see that we can stand up to that bully. Things like that, those are good things. That's a good way to express anger. That's a holy way.” – Lori Wildenberg.
    Lori’s Website, Facebook, Moms Together Facebook, Moms Together Facebook Group, and Instagram.

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  • Mary DeMuth is an international speaker, podcaster, and author of nearly 50 books, fiction and nonfiction. As an avid Bible reader, she has guided many people into the Scriptures to supercharge their faith. Through God’s healing, Mary has overcome a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand-new story. She loves to help others “re-story” their lives through the books she writes. Mary lives in Texas with her husband of 33 years and is mom to three adult children.
    During this episode, Mary talks about the vital role of impactful communication and how to empower adult children while maintaining a strong, supportive relationship. Mary shares insights from her book, Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Kids with Joy, offering practical advice, biblical perspectives, and even a free resource of personalized prayers. She addresses the complexities of modern parenting, covering topics such as differing political views, approaching concerns about adult children, and leveraging scriptures like 1 Corinthians 13 to guide parenting at any age.
    Key Takeaways:

    Discussion about the challenges of establishing healthy boundaries and managing expectations with adult children.
    The shift in the parental role from control to support and advisory.
    Misconceptions about perfect parenting and the need for adapting to changing dynamics.
    Importance of impactful communication at different stages of parenting.
    Advice for setting up healthy communication patterns with young children to carry into adulthood.
    Emphasizing the shift from control to relationship-based parenting as children grow older.
    Navigating differing political views within the family.
    Dealing with adult children heading down the wrong path and how to approach the situation. How Scripture can help navigate parenting adult children.
    The application of love as the most important virtue in parenting.

    Mary’s website, free resources, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Podcast.

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  • “Can we just be challenged enough to say, "It's going be dirty and messy and hard, but at the same time, would we want to go to heaven any other way?" And if we want to raise kids, I pray for my kids every day that they chase after the God-sized dreams. But if we want that, then we have to do that ourselves - we have to model it. And so, my challenge for myself and my family and for all of us is to envision that.” – Cynthia Yanof.
    Cynthia is a wife, mother, podcaster, blogger, and everyday girl who is committed to not taking herself too seriously. She hosts the popular MESSmerized podcast and spends her days laughing, parenting, and praying for her family to chase after their God-sized dreams. Her first book, Life is Messy, God is Good, is available now on Amazon.
    During this episode, Cynthia discusses the impact of adoption on family dynamics, the importance of living with the end in mind, and the transformative power of faith. Cynthia shares personal stories of parenting struggles and triumphs, highlighting the need to challenge oneself and live life unafraid of getting messy.
    Key Takeaways:

    The lies parents believe, such as being defined by their kids' successes and failures, feeling inadequate, or seeking universal acceptance.
    Navigating the messy moments of parenting with faith and humor.
    Empowering parents to align their beliefs with God's truth.
    Encouragement for parents to help their children envision their future through exposure and support.
    An anecdote about Cynthia's son's struggles with reading in first grade and how it led to unexpected positive qualities in him as a teenager.
    Emphasizing the importance of believing in God's plan for children, even in difficult times.
    Cynthia's experience with foster care and the transformation it brought to her and her family.
    The impact of adoption on the family's dynamics and the spiritual growth resulting from stepping out in faith.
    The inspirational story of a secret service agent during the 9/11 attacks, emphasizing the idea of not going to heaven in a clean suit.
    Encouragement for parents to live each day with the end in mind, embracing the call to do the hard things and model godly perseverance for our children.

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  • “Inconvenient parenting is a willingness to lay down our comforts and our conveniences for the sake of our children to help them become who God created them to be.” – Melissa Hannigan.
    Melissa Hannigan holds a Master of Arts degree in counseling from Midwestern Theological Seminary. She is married to John Hannigan, and they have three daughters and a son who recently went to be with the Lord. Before becoming a full-time homeschool mom, Melissa worked with teen girls to overcome abuse, addictions, and trauma. She is passionate about helping people discover God’s best for their lives and families. Together, John and Melissa co-founded Ignite the Family, and she released her first book, Inconvenient Parenting, in August of 2023.
    During this episode, Melissa discusses the profound impact of parenting and how to approach it with faith and grace. She shares her personal journey of grief and resilience, diving into the concept of "inconvenient parenting" and the 12 God-given traits that can shape a positive parenting journey. She explores the challenges of modern parenting, the significance of nurturing children's unique gifts, and the delicate balance between meeting a child's needs and instilling a sense of wonder and humility.
    Melissa discusses her book, Inconvenient Parenting, and elaborates on the following 12 God-given parenting traits: wisdom, wonder, vitality, sensitivity, flexibility, curiosity, creativity, imagination, inventiveness, playfulness, humor, and joy. She mentions that these aren’t used as a checklist to see if your family has all these qualities; instead, they serve as traits to incorporate organically into everyday life and relationships. She is passionate about helping families unlock the potential that lies within every child and offers practical strategies to nurture and activate God-given traits.

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  • “We teach our children biblical character, not so that they're better than others, not so that they perform better than others, but because it glorifies God when we put him on display in that way.” – Dr. Kathy Koch.
    Kathy Koch, PhD, is the founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., and a child development specialist. She is also the author of seven bestselling parent-child enrichment books. In her latest book, Parent Differently, Raise Kids with Biblical Character That Changes Culture (Moody Publishers), Dr. Kathy reminds parents that if they want to see their children adopt positive attitudes, act righteously, and develop healthy habits, then they must lead by example in understanding and demonstrating biblical character. Dr. Kathy offers practical, relatable, and spiritual-centered insights and strategies for parents and educators, instructing them on how to guide children to develop biblical character so they flourish in life. She further encourages readers that there is “no shame or blame for yesterday and great hope for tomorrow.”
    During this episode, Dr. Kathy shares insights on her latest book, emphasizes the importance of instilling biblical character in children, and how parents can guide their kids to develop these values early on. She discusses the importance of gratitude and the connection between a child's beliefs and their character choices.
    “I wrote this book because if children don't have character, they will not develop into the people that God intended for them to be.” – Dr. Kathy Koch.
    Key Takeaways:

    Emphasis on leading by example, understanding biblical character, and the significance of character in children's development.
    The impact of negative character traits on children's ability to influence and contribute positively to society.
    It's never too early or too late to teach biblical character traits.
    Utilization of biblical stories and figures to teach children about character and the importance of redemption and second chances in character development.
    The three indicators of maturity in character: completeness, consistency, and automaticity.
    The importance of teaching gratitude as a foundational character virtue.
    The disconnection between chronological age and maturity in character.
    Jesus' belief in the importance of children and their influence, highlighting how Jesus valued and prioritized spending time with children.
    Emphasizing the critical role of children as the future and the importance of investing in them.
    Encouraging parents to prioritize character development over rule-following and obedience.

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  • “We love because he first loved us. And it's the same with kids. Kids need to feel love in order to be able to love others. Love can change the world; that starts with us and our kids.” – Jill Roman Lord.Jill Roman Lord is an award-winning author of over 30 Christian children's books. She and her husband have raised three Jesus-loving kids who have flown the coop, leaving them to navigate the empty nest on their own.During this episode, Jill discusses the impact of children's literature on developing a personal relationship with God. She delves into her latest books that focus on teaching children how to love well and incorporate God's teachings into their lives. She also explores the significance of board books in shaping young minds and shares parental advice on navigating the challenges of raising children in today's world.Jill talks about a few of her children’s books and what children can learn from them: Love Well My Precious One – addressing the theme of love and sharing with others; this book teaches children that little acts of love can make a big impact in the world. Noah’s Joyful Ark – a board book for kids exploring the joyful aspect of being on Noah’s ark; this book encourages readers to roar, bark, and hee-haw along with all of God’s creatures, reminding children that even on gloomy days, they can look for God’s love in a rainbow. If Jesus Lived Inside my Heart – a board book for babies that explores the presence of Jesus in our lives; this story helps toddlers learn how to be kind and generous in different situations, while being introduced to Jesus. The Noisy Night – a new twist to the Christmas story of Jesus’s birth, exploring what the night might have been like if all the creatures and people celebrated the birth of Jesus in their own God-given ways.“There have actually been multiple studies done to show that generosity improves the emotion of the person receiving and the emotion of the person giving. It's actually a 3-fold that helps the receiver, the giver, and then the receiver also wants to pay it forward and love also and be generous.” – Jill Roman Lord.Jill’s Website, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.RCK social media: Facebook Join our Facebook community group! Instagram PinterestLove this episode? Please leave us a rating/review and share this episode with a friend! You can find a list of all our episodes here.

  • “Long story short, if someone's name and phone number are not in that contact list, they literally cannot talk to your child. A text can't come through; a phone call can't come through.” – Bill Brady.
    Bill Brady is the co-founder and CEO of Troomi Wireless, a mobile phone solution that provides kids with all the good they need from technology without pornography, predators, bullies, and social media.
    During this episode, Bill shares his personal journey as a parent of five and how it led him to develop a mobile phone solution that provides children with safe access to technology without exposure to harmful influences like social media, bullies, or inappropriate content. They discuss the importance of introducing technology to kids in stages and the positive impact of Troomi Wireless on children's mental and emotional well-being. He delves into the unique features of Troomi phones and how they can empower parents to protect their kids in the digital age. Bill also offers an exclusive discount code for Raising Christian Kids listeners!
    “It's got to be safe, but it's got to be flexible. So that's what we've done with Troomi. Parents can custom-fit it to the age and maturity of each of their children individually and give them all the stuff they need without the garbage.” – Bill Brady.
    Key Takeaways:

    Troomi Wireless: A mobile phone solution that provides kids with safe technology.
    Troomi’s goal is to create a super safe and flexible phone for kids, allowing access to vetted apps for school and promoting spirituality.
    Ability to customize the phone experience to match the child's needs.
    Safe listing feature for setting up contacts based on the child's age and maturity.
    Preventing access to harmful content and protecting kids from negative influences.
    Acknowledgment of the negative impact of social media on children's mental health and the alarming statistics of kids encountering mental health issues and isolation due to excessive social media use.
    A promotional code RCK listeners for $50 off the purchase of a Troomi device – use RCK at checkout!

    Troomi’s website, Instagram, and Facebook.

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  • “In chaos, God sees perfection. In these moments of utter despair and brokenness, the most historic tragedy of my life, losing my dad and my family being crushed and broken, yet there was perfection, yet there was he saw us whole.” – Jake Freels.
    Jake Freels is a real estate developer, businessman, state champion football coach, avid outdoorsman, missionary, rodeo competitor, movie producer, overseer of men’s ministry, mentor to men & young men, and most importantly, an amazing dad and husband to his wife and four children. The most incredible thing about Jake, though, is not everything he does but the story of how he overcame the tragic loss of his dad when he was a child. This loss sent him spiraling out of control from ages 9 to 19. He then found hope, life, purpose, and healing when he met Jesus in college.
    During this episode, Jake shares his passion for mentoring men through outdoor adventures to connect them with God and bring about transformation in their lives. He emphasizes the importance of authentic encounters with Jesus, initiations into manhood, and the impact of the family table. He also introduces his new movie, "Multiplied," which aims to inspire a movement of worldwide revival.
    Key Takeaways:

    Jake's tragic loss of his father at a young age and transformation and hope through meeting Jesus in college.
    Platforms for reaching men – Irons in the Fire
    Producing men's events and gatherings, including a stadium event focused on uniting men as a force for positive change.
    Emphasizing the importance of men taking ownership for families and in society.
    Detailed account of the car accident that claimed his father’s life as well as his miraculous survival and intervention by divine presence.
    Understanding God’s vision during moments of despair and brokenness.
    The significance of seeking leadership and mentorship from other strong men, understanding God’s role in shaping men, and empowering them to lead and mentor others.
    Significance of the family table in building deep and authentic relationships.
    The release of the movie "Multiplied" about the legacies of influential Christian leaders and the call to support and attend the movie to spread the message of revival.
    Encouragement for men to step up and participate in the revival movement.

    Jake’s Resources: Multiplied Movie, Heart of Many Colors, Irons in the Fire Ministry, and Freels Designs.

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  • “They need routine, they need protection, they need biblical truth, they need things labeled as what's God-honoring and not God-honoring behavior.” -Darby Strickland.
    Darby A. Strickland, MDiv, is a faculty member and counselor at the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation (CCEF). She is a contributor to Becoming a Church That Cares Well for the Abused and author of Is It Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims, the children’s book Something Scary Happened, and the mini book When Children Experience Trauma. She writes regularly for the Journal of Biblical Counseling. Darby and her husband, John, have three children.
    During this episode, Darby discusses the effects of trauma and abuse on children and offers valuable insight into how parents can support their children through difficult times. She shares tips on addressing trauma with children, the importance of open communication, and the role of faith in comforting and guiding children through tough situations. Additionally, she provides information about online counseling resources for families in need.

    Key Takeaways:

    Encouragement for parents to face hard truths with their children and the importance of addressing behavior as a clue to the child's struggles.
    Advice on how parents can communicate with their children about traumatic events.
    The influence of parental reactions on a child's experience of trauma.
    The importance of routine, protection, and biblical truth for traumatized children.
    Something Scary Happened can help children overcome fear by learning how to express and understand their fears.
    The free resources, blogs, and journal articles are available on ccef.org.
    When Children Experience Trauma is a mini book that can help parents help their children navigate their fears, guide them through their distress, and assist their recovery after a traumatic event.

    Darby’s Website, Facebook, and Instagram.

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  • “Being thankful means seeing that God is the source of all the things that we experience in life.” – Champ Thornton.
    Champ Thornton is an acquisitions editor at Crossway and the author of several books for kids and families, including The Really Radical Book for Kids, The Radical Book for Kids, Wonders of His Love, The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles, A Five-Senses Countdown to Calm: You Count!, Why Do We Say Good Night, and Why Do We Say Thank You?
    During this episode, Champ discusses the importance of teaching children gratitude and thankfulness. He delves into the essential role of parents in connecting children to God in their everyday experiences. From fostering politeness to guiding emotional calmness, Champ has a treasure trove of resources for parents looking to cultivate strong Christian values in their children.
    Key Takeaways:

    Importance of teaching children gratitude and politeness.
    The storyline of the book Why Do We Say Thank You? - features a grumpy young boy who learns to be thankful and the transformation of the boy's perspective on gratitude through a dream sequence.
    The connection between boredom and gratitude.
    The role of parents in helping children recognize that everything comes from God.
    Ideas and suggestions for parents to help children recognize the role of God in their lives and the importance of integrating faith into everyday experiences.
    Organic ways to connect children to God in their daily lives.
    A Five-Senses Countdown to Calm: You Count! can help guide children to manage their emotions through sensory experiences.
    Addressing the importance of addressing spiritual topics, such as salvation and the existence of Satan, in children's literature.

    Champ’s Website, Instagram, and Twitter.

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  • Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining. Lori Wildenberg is a national speaker, a licensed parent-family educator of over 25 years, and an award-winning author of six Christian parenting books. Lori also leads the popular Moms Together Facebook Community Page and Group.
    During this episode, Lori and Lee Ann delve into the aspects of parenting prodigal children, offering guidance to parents navigating these challenges with faith and grace. Lori shares her insights on the different types of prodigals, drawing parallels from biblical examples to provide a multi-dimensional understanding of wayward children and give hope to parents grappling with despair and hopelessness while raising prodigal children.
    Key Takeaways:

    Reference to Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the lost son in the Bible.
    The importance of not overreacting to their behavior and choosing when to step in to pursue them or wait for them to return on their own.
    Encouragement to rediscover the "jewel" in your child's heart.
    The five different types of prodigals:

    The heart, soul, mind, body, and the reluctant.

    Biblical examples of each type of prodigal discussed: David, Aaron, Paul, the woman condemned, and Samson.

    Prodigal of the heart – David (Psalm 51:10)
    Prodigal of the soul – Aaron (John 8:12)
    Prodigal of the mind – Paul (Philippians 4:8)
    Prodigal of the body – the woman who was an adulteress (Romans 12:1)
    The reluctant prodigal – Samson (Proverbs 8:13)

    The importance of praying for them and trusting in God's transformative power.
    Emphasizing hope for parents with prodigal children, regardless of the duration of their absence.


    Help! I Have a Prodigal, by Judy Slay.
    Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe, by Sharon James.
    Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home, by Lori Wildenberg.

    Lori’s Website, Facebook, Moms Together Facebook, Moms Together Facebook Group, and Instagram.

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  • “I want them to know just how much God loves them, how that is demonstrated again and again in the stories in the Bible, and how he loves when we come to him with our emotions, with our needs, tell him what's going on, come to him to ask for forgiveness. That he loves to connect with us through prayer anytime and anywhere.” – Laura Sassi.
    Laura Sassi has been a teacher, homeschool mama, children’s ministry director, and more. She is the author of multiple children's books, including Christian Book Award finalist Goodnight Ark, Love is Kind, Bunny Finds Easter, My Tender Heart books, and more. She’s also written poems and stories for various children’s publications, including Spider, Highlights for Children, and Clubhouse Jr. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and an adorable cockapoo named Sophie.
    During this episode, Laura discusses her heartwarming books and the valuable resources that accompany them. She shares her passion for connecting children with God's love through her books and offers insightful tips on helping families incorporate biblical concepts into their children's lives.
    Laura also shares what families can learn from her interactive board book series, which includes My Tender Bible, My Tender Heart Prayer Book, and a devotional book coming out soon. By weaving heart moments into her work, Laura emphasizes the significance of connecting daily experiences with God's love and teachings, empowering families to cultivate a genuine and enduring faith in their children.
    Four tips for teaching biblical concepts to young children:

    Tip 1: Prioritize your own spiritual growth first. It's hard to guide your children if you're not feeding yourself spiritually.
    Tip 2: Pray for teachable moments and be on the lookout for ways to connect everyday experiences to biblical concepts.
    Tip 3: Use great resources like Bible storybooks and picture books to share biblical stories with your kids, especially during bedtime.
    Tip 4: After reading a Bible story, take a moment to connect its message to everyday life, reinforcing the concept of God's love and forgiveness.

    Laura’s Website & Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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  • “If we really start undergirding kids with a biblical worldview and showing them how these other worldviews really don't align with reality, then a lot of those questions will go away because they don't have the bad assumptions to begin with.” –Hillary Morgan Ferrer.
    Founder and Mama-Bear-in-Chief of Mama Bear Apologetics, Hillary Morgan Ferrer, is passionate about providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. She is the co-author and general editor of the bestselling book Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies and the recently released Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality. She holds a master’s degree in biology, and she and her husband, John, have been married for 15 years and minister together as an apologetics team.
    During this episode, Hillary delves into the important topic of helping children discern truth from lies, specifically in the context of sexuality and cultural influences. She shares insights on empowering kids to challenge cultural norms while upholding biblical truth, as well as practical tips for parents to guide their children through these complex issues.
    “Interest, personality, and style are on a spectrum. Gender is not." – Hillary Morgan Ferrer.
    Key Takeaways:

    Social attitudes and beliefs surrounding sexuality.
    Confusion, mental well-being, and helping children discern truth from lies.
    Categorizing questions based on ideologies.
    Undergirding kids with a biblical worldview.
    Addressing naturalism, postmodernism, and Marxism.
    Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies serves to equip parents to teach kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false.
    Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality is a comprehensive tool for discussing false teachings regarding gender, same-sex marriage, and pornography.
    Reasons for children's confusion and refusal of biblical truth and the impacts of societal messages on children's perception and identification.
    Awareness of parental influence on children's perspectives.
    Deconstructing agendas without diminishing individuals while educating children to think critically and biblically.
    Repeating maxims to counteract lies and the importance of familiarizing children with truth.
    Encouragement for nervous parents to engage in the topic of sexuality.

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  • “I think parents today, more than ever, tend to really want their kids not to experience pain or anything negative. And I think that's understandable in the short run, but in the long run, it really hurts them because all of a sudden, they're out in the real world and have a job and, and something bad happens, they don't know how to handle it.” – Steve Hines.
    Steve Hines is the author of the recently released book Salt, Light, and Kids: Parenting Well in Today's Culture, as well as a lifelong entrepreneur and musician. Church of the Highlands founding pastor Chris Hodges wrote the book's foreword. In the book, Steve talks about how to raise up good kids who are salt and light to our ever-darkening world. Steve lives with his wife, Leigh Ann, in Nashville, where their children, spouses, and grandchildren live.
    During this episode, Steve discusses the many parenting challenges in raising children in today's culture. He sheds light on the impact of technology, social media, and social influences on kids and shares valuable insights from his book Salt, Light, and Kids: Parenting Well in Today's Culture. He emphasizes the importance of awareness, wise parenting, and the need for parents to guide their children in a rapidly changing world.

    Key Takeaways:

    Confusion and desensitization caused by the media and social media.
    Increased hate, school shootings, and availability of negative influences due to technology.
    Importance of awareness and the need for parents to be aware of the content their children are exposed to.
    Balancing the role of parents as protectors and allowing children to experience hardships and learn from mistakes.
    Importance of parents being parents and teachers being teachers and the dangers of teachers crossing into parenting roles by influencing children with non-academic subjects.
    The potential impact of early exposure to certain ideologies and beliefs on children.

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  • Let’s help our children become influencers for Christ!
    Tessa Emily Hall is an award-winning author who wrote her debut novel when she was sixteen. She is now a multi-published author of Christian books for teenage girls, including her latest release, INFLUENCER. Her unwavering passion lies in inspiring young women to embrace their unique potential within God’s kingdom. Driven by her dedication to providing clean teen fiction, she launched Illuminate YA Fiction in 2017—a teen fiction imprint formerly associated with LPC Books. Learn more about Tessa here!
    During this episode, Tessa talks about her book, INFLUENCER, and how it inspires teens to embrace their unique potential within God's kingdom. Tessa shares her journey as a writer and an actress in the faith-based film industry and discusses the importance of helping teenagers discover their purpose in life.
    Key Takeaways:

    The importance of teenagers embracing their unique potential within God's kingdom.
    Tessa's desire to show teenagers how they can make a significant impact within their sphere of influence.
    The influence of peer pressure on teenagers and the importance of being influencers for Christ.
    Importance of parents demonstrating the fulfilling nature of a relationship with Christ and showing Christianity as more than just a religion.
    Suggestions for parents to help teens envision their future with and without Christ.
    The significance of pursuing a relationship with God before entering a romantic relationship.
    Connecting the concept of romance to the type of relationship God wants to have with his children.
    Encouraging teens to create habits that foster a relationship with Jesus through daily prayer, worship, and reading the word.
    Emphasizing the importance of intentional time with God and being part of a supportive community.
    Highlighting the influence of the people one surrounds themselves with and the importance of a solid foundation in their faith.

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  • “Some of these hidden behaviors that we talk about are gossip and forgiveness, criticizing others, judging others. And these are all things that God talks about in His word and how to handle these things. And His word is the greatest authority.” – Dr. Magdalena Battles.
    Dr. Magdalena Battles has a Ph.D. in psychology, a master’s degree in professional counseling from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. After the completion of her doctorate in 2005, she went on to post-graduate studies at Harvard. She is a licensed professional counselor and specializes in the treatment of grief, parenting issues, mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, OCD, and relationship issues. Dr. Battles is also a writer and conference speaker. She has three books published- Let Them Play: The Importance of Play and 100 Child Development Activities, 6 Hidden Behaviors that Destroy Families: Strategies for Healthier and More Loving Relationships, and 10 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Parents.
    During this episode, Dr. Battles shares wisdom and practical tips on equipping parents with the necessary tools they need to nurture faith, foster healthy family dynamics, and address sensitive issues with love and understanding. She emphasizes the importance of relying on the word of God for guidance in addressing behaviors that can harm family dynamics. She discusses six hidden behaviors that can detrimentally impact families, such as failure to forgive, criticism, and gossip, and offers strategies backed by biblical principles for addressing these issues.
    Dr. Battles provides time-saving tips for busy parents, emphasizing the significance of establishing a family mission statement, letting go of perfection, and utilizing organizational tools like calendars and to-do lists, which can help manage the demands of a busy family life.
    She also addresses a common critical issue of a child's fear of not entering heaven. She sheds light on the concept of intrusive thoughts and scrupulosity. She offers guidance on how parents can support children dealing with such fears and intrusive thoughts, stressing the importance of acknowledging but not engaging with unwanted thoughts and seeking professional help if necessary.
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