️ Bridging the gap between the stethoscope and the heart, “All One Nurse” is a podcast dedicated to nurses, healthcare professionals, patients, and anyone passionate about making a difference.
Each guest speaker will discuss:
1. Nursing Journey: Unique journeys as a nurse, including challenges, triumphs, and personal growth.
2. Patient-Centered Care: How to approach patient care beyond medical procedures, emphasizing empathy, compassion, and understanding regarding expertise.
3. Personal Experiences: Shared stories showcasing the impact of nursing on their own lives and patients. -
Welcome to The Nest Podcast: a place where we have down-to-earth, uplifting conversations about women’s health, healing, our inherent feminine wisdom and the magic that happens when we decide to be the hero of our life and not the victim of it. Because you, my friend, have more power over your health and well-being than you’ve been led to believe and I’m passionate about helping you and others reclaim your sovereignty.
I’m your host Dr. Maryska Taylor and I believe that healing isn’t a matter of conquering an illness but a journey of personal discovery and transformation.
Here we’ll explore a wide range of topics from holistic nutrition, metabolic health and balancing your hormones to mind-body medicine, and how intuition, spirituality and consciousness are revolutionizing health and healing.
I interview my favorite people from fellow doctors and wellness practitioners, entrepreneurs, researchers, moms, my best girlfriends and family. Through a combo of solo episodes and interviews, the goal remains the same: giving you the goods so you’re empowered to nourish and care for yourself in a way that’s right for you, allowing your own intuitive wisdom to lead the way to a more authentically, fulfilling life.
So sit back, open your heart and mind, and get ready for a dose of inspiration to motivate you along your healing journey.
The Nest Podcast is a safe place to land, while being nourished and empowered along the way.
Connect with Dr. Maryska:
Learn more about The Nest Community:
Sign-up for my newsletter, The Sunday Scoop, and get weekly inspiration to nourish your mind, body & soul: -
Healing is the hustle, the ultimate hustle to journey inward. Join Self-Care and Healing Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner, and Meditation Teacher Jay Chanthalangsy weekly as he explores the realms of the healing journey, holistic health, self-care, and motivation. Each episode will be jam-packed with information and inspiration to help navigate your beautiful path of healing. Healing takes courage, commitment, and perseverance. It is the hustle that nourishes every aspect of our lives. Let’s begin, beloved.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you have trouble drifting off to sleep? My mission is simple. To help you relax, put the stressful day behind you and drift off to sleep. In every episode, I will read an old story in the public domain. So lie down, settle into your pillow, close your eyes, and let me read you a story to help you sleep.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We developed Osteopathy Unplugged out of our passion for Osteopathy and the recognition that our profession needs a more intimate conversation about who we are and what we do. We interweave the philosophy of Osteopathy with clinical relevance and reveal our inner vision into the real-world workings of how we practice and live Osteopathy as a way of being. We are creating a comprehensive "textbook" of Osteopathic Clinical Philosophy based upon the 21st century oral tradition of podcasting. The foundational episodes will be free of charge, wherever you get your podcasts. The complete collection will only be offered at:
Herzlich willkommen zu meinem Podcast - Gesundheit auf allen Ebenen mit Dr. Alina Lessenich
Weitere Informationen zu meiner Arbeit findet Ihr hier:
🌸 Telegram-Kanal:
🌸 Website:
Hinweis: Meine Empfehlungen und Ratschläge geben meine persönliche Meinung wieder. Es handelt sich nicht um einen ärztlichen Rat (ich bin Tierärztin) oder medizinische Therapieempfehlungen. Wenn Ihr über Euren Gesundheitszustand im Unklaren seid oder Zweifel habt, holt bitte ärztlichen Rat ein. -
Welcome to the Fertility Stories podcast! This is your host, Dr Mary Sawdon ND, naturopathic doctor on my own fertility journey. Each week I have a deep, real and empowering conversation with everyday women and men struggling with fertility to bring you hope, comfort and support. This is our story.
A lumen is the basic unit for measuring brightness. It is a measure of the total quantity of visible light emitted by a source. In biology, a lumen (plural lumina) is the inside space of a tubular structure, such as an artery or intestine. It comes from Latin lumen, meaning ‘an opening.’
Kendra is dedicated to each individual’s personal process of living a life in service to their greatest Lumen. Her work is an experiential inquiry into limitation and freedom in our bodies and our lives. She believes that we can access and discover truth, insight, clarity, and inner guidance through the body. She blends shiatsu, bodywork, and movement practices with philosophy. She uses these practices as tools to investigate challenges, emotions, limiting beliefs and thought patterns, our relationship to pain, and suffering so that we can transform that into the strength and freedom of opening and aligning with what is most in service to our hearts.
Kendra is dedicated to each individual’s personal process of living a life in service to their greatest Lumen. Her work is an experiential inquiry into limitation and freedom in our bodies and our lives. She believes that we can access and discover truth, insight, clarity, and inner guidance through the body. She blends shiatsu, bodywork, and movement practices with philosophy. She uses these practices as tools to investigate challenges, emotions, limiting beliefs and thought patterns, our relationship to pain, and suffering so that we can transform that into the strength and freedom of opening and aligning with what is most in service to our hearts. -
Dein Podcast für Selbstliebe, Erwachen und Transformation.
Als Visionärin, Selbstliebe-Coach und Herz-Energie-Heilerin der neuen Zeit unterstütze ich Menschen, ein erfülltes, selbstbestimmtes und glückliches Leben zu führen. Stück für Stück werden dabei Missverständnisse transformiert, kollektive als auch individuelle Hindernisse und Hürden bewältigt.
Du und ich sind verbunden – lass uns Hand in Hand in eine freudvolle Zukunft schreiten!
In diesem Podcast findest du kraftvolle Meditationen, Übungen, Inspirationen und Interviews mit anderen Heilern. -
The truth is hard to find and so are people who actually speak it. On The Dr. Tyna show my goal is to bring you the truth as I know it and always have you leave with a new pearl of health wisdom to expand your knowledge base. They can try to take away our medical liberties, but they can’t take away our knowledge. When you are empowered, you can do better for yourself, your family and your community. Resilience is the name of the game as we embark on human wellness 2.0. New episodes every Thursday!
Le Lave Linge parle de développement personnel, de famille, d'amour... de la vie.
Une soeur et un frère, coachs et explorateurs en développement personnel, reçoivent des experts qui viennent "mettre de la lumière" sur les systèmes relationnels familiaux.
Présenté par Carole Thomé et Mathieu Thomé, Le Lave-Linge est un podcast à retrouver tous les 15 jours sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute.
Le Lave-Linge est un podcast original Engle, co-produit avec les Thomé -
Delve into the heart of academia, engaging in profound conversations with diverse minds to unearth truths across various fields. Tune in for insightful discussions that illuminate, challenge, and inspire
🎓 About the Podcast:
Each episode of this is a journey through the minds of educators, researchers, and entrepreneurs. From the enigmatic depths of philosophy to the intricate networks of science, the discussions are aimed to challenge, inform, and emphasize on practicality.
🔍 Why Subscribe to This Podcast?
- In-depth Analysis: Get more than just surface-level discussions as we delve into academic subjects with the rigor and passion they deserve.
- Diverse Topics: Enjoy a rich tapestry of content, featuring everything from history to technology, culture to politics, and beyond.
- Inspiring Minds: Hear from guests who are at the forefront of their fields, offering unique insights and breakthrough ideas.
🌟 The Vision:
I believe in the power of dialogue to enlighten and inspire. The mission is to create a 'zone' where barriers are broken down and knowledge is accessible to all.
Crediamo fortemente che Yoga sia Condivisione. Yoga 21100 è un podcast dedicato a insegnanti e praticanti, un punto di partenza per tracciare la mappa delle voci che guidano le persone sul tappetino. Insieme a voi ascolteremo le loro storie, ci faremo spiegare i loro principi, i loro progetti e ci lasceremo ispirare da tutto quello che condivideranno al nostro microfono.
We believe Yoga has a strong sharing connotation. Yoga 21100 is a new podcast, a starting point to track a map of the voices who guide people on the mat, to share their stories, beliefs, new projects and inspiration -
Mit meinem Podcast „Hochsensibel leben“ möchte ich dieses Thema so vielen Menschen wie möglich näher bringen, egal ob hochsensibel oder nicht. Mir ist es wichtig, dass dadurch mehr Verständnis sowie Akzeptanz füreinander wachsen kann und hochsensible Mut erhalten, ihre sensible Seite zu zeigen. Mit entspannenden Klängen, Meditationen, Fantasiereisen oder anderem liefert Dir der Podcast eine wundervolle Auszeit von Deinem Alltag. Dank der Spiritualität lerne ich mehr bei mir zu bleiben und erhalte Antworten auf meine Fragen. Hochsensibel leben rundet alle drei Themen miteinander ab! Möchtest Du mehr darüber erfahren, dann schau gerne auf meiner Internetseite vorbei! Danke, fürs Zuhören und Teilen!
MOINgiorno - wie schön, dass du da bist, beim Spirit is Life - Podcast!
Dein Podcast für lebendige Spiritualität, persönliche Entwicklung und innere Heilung
Das bin ich und mein Podcast:
Mein Name ist Katja. Ich bin 40 Jahre alt, Medium seit Geburt, Expertin für angewandte Psychologie, Life Coach und Trauerbegleiterin. Außerdem bin ich Mutti von drei Jungs, Popcorn-und Abenteuerliebhaberin, Bücherwurm und Herzensmensch.
Mit diesem Podcast und zwanzig Jahren erfolgreicher Coachingpraxis, biete ich dir ein absolutes Wohlfühl- und Carepaket für Seele, Herz und Kopf.
Außerdem teile ich wundervolle, wahre Geschichten aus dem Leben mit dir, um dich mit Tipps & Tools zum Handling von Herausforderungen im persönlichen Leben zu unterstützen.
Ich unterstütze dich in deinem persönlichen & spirituellen Wachstum, in der Verbindung zu deinem höheren Selbst, deiner inneren Stimme und der geistigen Welt, aber auch in der Heilung und Transformation von belastenden Lebenserfahrungen und Trauerreisen.
Mach dich bereit!
Ich freue mich uns auf unsere gemeinsame Hörzeit! :-)
Fühl dich geknuddelt - deine Katja -
SetSet Show is a podcast all about supporting safe exploration with psychedelic medicine. This narrative-based show is intended to support those who seek transformation with the assistance of psychedelics both in a clinical environment and "in the wild." If you're looking to "trip" with friends or "journey" with a trained facilitator, this show offers practical, seasoned suggestions to help you optimize the potential of your next psychedelic experience. SetSet shares expert knowledge, anecdotal stories, and data-backed resources to support our listeners at every step in their journey, including, and most importantly, as they integrate the insights and discoveries gained from expanded consciousness.
Learn more about our medicine guides, 6-week integration course, and engage with like-minded humans at ✨
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In diesem Podcast geht es um das chronische Fatigue Syndrom ME CFS, Long Covid, Fatigue und PostVac. Der Podcast gibt dem Schmerz eine Stimme, zeigt konkrete Hilfen auf und versprüht Hoffnungsfunken.
Du hörst Interviews mit Betroffenen, Erfahrungsberichte von Genesenen, Expertengespräche mit Ärzten und Naturheilpraktikern und ganz viele Impulse, wie wir mit dieser chronischen Krankheit besser leben können und welche Therapieansätze es gibt.
Auf findest du mehr Ressourcen und Blogartikel zum Thema ME/CFS und Long Covid.
Wichtig: Dieser Podcast ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch, keine therapeutische Beratung oder eigene Diagnose-Erstellung. Die Informationen dienen ausschließlich der Selbsthilfe, zusätzlich zu deiner ärztlichen Behandlung.